258 research outputs found

    The role of adaptive physical culture in the system of higher professional education

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    New stages of modern society, affected all of our lives, cultural, social, economic, political. And in the education system introduced more and more new branches of information concerning not only its level but also the qualityНовые этапы современного общества, затрагивают все группы нашей жизни, культурные, социальные, экономические, политические. Так и в системе образования вводят все более новые информационные ветви, касающиеся не только его уровня, но и качеств

    Emotive-expressive potential of phraseology of linguistic identity: Vladimir Putin

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    Deals with the linguistic identity of the politician on the material of statements of V.V. Putin. The politician's discourse is studied based on the interpretative analysis of phraseolog

    Politician's linguistic personality as key figure of institutional discourse

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    The article deals with the approaches to studying a politician's linguistic personality. The communicative potential of the manifestation means of a politician's personality is analyzed. The authors present the algorithm of studying the characteristics of an institutional linguistic personalit


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    Lake Onego, as one of the largest water bodies in a humid zone, is the recipient of terrestrial carbon and plays an important role in the global balance of this element. Due to heterotrophic metabolism in the Lake Onego ecosystem, substantial emissions of carbon dioxide from this lake into the atmosphere can be assumed. However, the extent of this phenomenon is still poorly known. As a climate change has led to an increase in water and organic matter flow into the northern water bodies, the carbon balance study of aquatic ecosystems is of particular relevance. The elements of the water balance for the Lake Onego catchment area in the current climate conditions are assessed. Based on satellite images the model of Lake Onego watershed terrestrial ecosystems is used to simulate the flow of organic matter into the lake with different types of vegetation and topography consideration. The assessment of the benthic communities habitat is carried out taking into account the accumulation of organic matter in various parts of Lake Onego

    Features of French, American and Russian intercultural interaction

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    The article deals with the functioning of cultural stereotypes in French, American and Russian linguistic consciousness. Cross-cultural interaction is interpreted within the framework of mastering linguocultural communication codes and the worldview of allophones. The analysis of factual data is based on the linguosemiotic approach to its interpretation within a discursive utterance

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Tickborne rickettsiosis in children of the Irkutsk region over five epidemic seasons

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    The article discusses the clinical and laboratory characteristics of tick-borne rickettsiosis in children in the Irkutsk region on the results of the retrospective study of 65 patients admitted to the Regional Infectious Hospital over the period of five consecutive epidemic seasons. It has been found that among hospitalized children with tick-borne rickettsiosis dominating proportion (64.6 %) is of rural residents (mean age - 5years old). The main clinical symptoms in children borne rickettsiosis were rash (96.9 %) and fever (96.9 %), which in one third of observations associated with lymphadenopathy (38.5%). About one third of patients (30.8 %) had pronounced symptoms of intoxication. It has been noted that the laboratory diagnosis of tick-borne rickettsiosis needs to be improved: DGC reaction should replace ELISA detection of specific immunoglobulin M in the blood in combination with PCR for genetic identification of rickettsiae. The development of emergency preventive treatment of tick-borne rickettsiosis is required, taking into account the sensitivity of rickettsiae to antibiotics. All children with tick-borne rickettsial diseases were provided with timely and effective treatment, with favorable prognosis

    Study of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in two cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] cultivars inoculated with different strains of Bradyrhizobium sp.

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is a vegetable legume with promise for agricultural production in Russia. The impact of inoculation with three strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. from the All Russian Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (St. Petersburg) on nodulation and nitrogen fixation on two cowpea cultivars, Sibirskiy razmer and Yunnanskaya, has been explored All the strains used made both cultivars produce nitrogen fixing nodules. Differences between the varieties in the ability to form nodules and fix nitrogen following exposure to the different strains have been identified. High variation of the nodulation ability of both cultivars has been observed: at the beginning of flowering, the number of nodules per plant was 4–47 in Sibirskiy razmer and 17–117 in Yunnanskaya. Uninoculated vigna roots used as the control did not form nodules. At the beginning of flowering (48 days after inoculation) Sibirskiy razmer plants inoculated with strain 164 0503 (03) had the highest nodule weight per plant (0.79 g) and N2 fixation rates (5155.3 nmol С2H4/plant/h). The corresponding measures in Yunnanskaya were 1.41 g and 5255.5 nmol С2H4/plant/h following exposure to strain 162 0501 (01) and 4673.0 nmol С2H4/plant/h following exposure to strain (03). Analysis showed a correlation between nitrogen fixation rate and nodule weight (pcs./plant), r = 0.78 (p > 0.95). Data obtained suggest that effective symbioses are achieved between Sibirskiy razmer and strain 03 as well as between Yunnanskaya and strain 01

    Effects of 1,3,4-thiadiazine compound with antidepressant properties in ligation model of acute pancreatitis

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    Based on hypotheses concerning the role of stress in acute pancreatitis development, the experimental approach for the decrease stress damage via the use the compound with proven antistress/neuroleptic action was conducted. The study was aimed to discover 2-morpholino-5-phenyl-6H-1,3,4-thiadiazine hydrobromide (compound L-17) therapeutic action in experimental acute pancreatitis. The experimental model used was the ligation model. The trial was carried out on 50 male Wistar rats with average body weight 180-240g. Histological picture of the pancreas was studied and biochemical and enzyme-immunoassays were carried out on the first and seventh days. The significant reduction in mortality on the background of L-17 compound administration was observed. While levels of all cytokines increased in induced experimental acute pancreatitis groups, the cytokine level rise was decreased when compound L-17 was administered. On the cellular level, the study revealed L-17’s ability to prevent granulocytosis and decrease granulocytes infiltration to inflammatory foci. The decrease in inflammatory reaction magnitude and prevention of abscess formation in experimental acute pancreatitis accompanied by sistemic inflamamtion was due to L-17’s ability to reduce neutrophilia and neutrophil entry into the injury zone. © 2018, Slovak Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 17.7255.2017/8.9AAAA-A18-118020690020-1Funding information. Partly the study was supported by the Act 211 of the Government of Russian Federation, contract No 02.A03.21.0006; Government contract of Russian Federation with Institute of Immunology and Physiology (AAAA-A18-118020690020-1) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (# 17.7255.2017/8.9)