109 research outputs found


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    The accelerated pace of scientific and technological development of modern Ukrainian society, is steadily striving to unite with the world community, puts the requirement for urgent modernization in front of the traditional higher school. The quality of education to an outstanding extent depends on the effectiveness of communication in the “teacher-student” system. Our proposed form for the study of childhood infectious diseases allows to bypass the imposition of the authoritarian thought of the teacher. This is achieved through the formation of a productive team of teacher – students on mutually beneficial conditions of cooperation on the basis of bilateral (both of the teacher and the student) internal motivation. The basis of innovations in the teaching of medicine today is the introduction of interactive cooperation between those who help to study, and those who study, and problem-oriented learning. Therefore, in the study of children's infectious diseases by graduate students, the practical lesson is based on thematic (according to the topic of the practical lesson) supervision of the patient in the presence of the attending physician and under the supervision of the teacher. This is a real child with a real problem, and therefore, the teacher created an original task, tied to a real life situation. Such a clinical task for its solution requires the student to independently apply a wide range of knowledge and skills in the studied discipline in related subjects. A role-playing game begins: the attending physician (the student who observed the patient) invites other specialists (the rest of the group's students) to the council to help make a diagnosis. Prospects for further improvement of the educational process in the study of pediatric infectious diseases will relate to stimulating interest in the subject by promoting the idea of ​​involving students to actively participate in the development of their practical skills through elements of research work within the scope of the work program.Ґрунтом інновацій у викладанні медицини стало на сьогодні впровадження інтерактивної взаємодiї між тими, хто вчиться, і тими, хто їм допомагає, та проблемно-орієнтоване навчання. Вдосконалення викладання дитячих інфекційних хвороб через впровадження проблемно-орієнтованого підходу до навчання є необхідною вимогою часу. Студентам випускного курсу при вивченні дитячих інфекційних хвороб в основу практичного заняття покладено тематичну (згідно з темою практичного заняття) курацію хворого в присутності лікаря та під контролем викладача. Тобто центральне місце при вивченні курсу займає оригінальна проблема – конкретна хвора дитина з притаманними лише їй особливостями перебігу захворювання. Теоретичні знання в даному випадку мають пройти іспит практикою. Через конкретного пацієнта ініціюється необхідність скласти пазли «теорія і практика». Студент повинен сформулювати правильний діагноз і запропонувати застосування відповідного протоколу діагностики та лікування. Це практично-орієнтоване клінічне завдання дає змогу викладачеві працювати як індивідуально з одним студентом, так і залучати всю академічну групу як учасників консиліуму по даному хворому та мати можливість продемонструвати можливості колективного вирішення проблеми. Викладач у такій уже колективній ролевій грі виконуватиме роль супроводжуючого фасилітатора, а тюнер не обмежується лише роллю джерела знань. Якість навчання значною мірою залежить від ефективності комунікації в системі «викладач – студент». Від уміння викладача подати матеріал, вибудовувати взаємовідносини зі студентами залежить ступінь їх пізнавального інтересу до предмета, формується внутрішня мотивація до навчання. Пропонована нами форма вивчення дитячих інфекційних хвороб дозволяє оминути нав’язування авторитарної думки викладача шляхом формування продуктивної команди викладач – студенти на взаємовигідних умовах співпраці на ґрунті двостороннього (і з боку викладача, і з боку студента) володіння внутрішньою мотивацією. Завдання сучасного викладача – пристосуватися до зростання вимог організації навчального процесу у вищій школі, до засвоєння новітніх технологій у цій галузі, і насамперед, бути висококваліфікованим фахівцем у своїй галузі знань, вміти швидко і якісно сприймати та практично застосовувати всі інновації, кількість яких зростає з року в рік. Перспективи подальшого вдосконалення навчального процесу при вивченні дитячих інфекційних хвороб стосуватимуться стимуляції інтересу до даного предмета шляхом просування ідеї залучення студентів до активної участі в освоєнні ними практичних навичок через елементи науково-дослідницької роботи в рамках тем, що передбачені робочою програмою

    Complex polyploid and hybrid species in an apomictic and sexual tropical forage grass group: genomic composition and evolution in Urochloa (Brachiaria) species

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    Background and Aims Diploid and polyploid Urochloa (including Brachiaria, Panicum and Megathyrsus species) C-4 tropical forage grasses originating from Africa are important for food security and the environment, often being planted in marginal lands worldwide. We aimed to characterize the nature of their genomes, the repetitive DNA and the genome composition of polyploids, leading to a model of the evolutionary pathways within the group including many apomictic species. Methods Some 362 forage grass accessions from international germplasm collections were studied, and ploidy was determined using an optimized flow cytometry method. Whole-genome survey sequencing and molecular cytogenetic analysis were used to identify chromosomes and genomes in Urochloa accessions belonging to the 'brizantha' and 'humidicola' agamic complexes and U. maxima. Key Results Genome structures are complex and variable, with multiple ploidies and genome compositions within the species, and no clear geographical patterns. Sequence analysis of nine diploid and polyploid accessions enabled identification of abundant genome-specific repetitive DNA motifs. In situ hybridization with a combination of repetitive DNA and genomic DNA probes identified evolutionary divergence and allowed us to discriminate the different genomes present in polyploids. Conclusions We suggest a new coherent nomenclature for the genomes present. We develop a model of evolution at the whole-genome level in diploid and polyploid accessions showing processes of grass evolution. We support the retention of narrow species concepts for Urochloa brizantha, U. decumbens and U. ruziziensis, and do not consider diploids and polyploids of single species as cytotypes. The results and model will be valuable in making rational choices of parents for new hybrids, assist in use of the germplasm for breeding and selection of Urochloa with improved sustainability and agronomic potential, and assist in measuring and conserving biodiversity in grasslands

    Deratization Activities in the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Post-Flooding Period

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    Represented is a quantitative characteristic of the objects and facilities in the Jewish Autonomous Region exposed to the flooding-2013. Justified is the necessity for implementation of preventive measures against increase in the activity of HFRS natural foci; showed are the data on disinfestation organization for the prevention of natural-focal infection during the high water and post-flooding period in 2013. Displayed are the results of deratization efficacy control in various administrative units of the entity, calculated using Abbot formula, as well as results of investigation of small rodent population density at the natural stations and substantiation of the barrier disinfestation carrying out. Specified are the areas of the continuous and barrier disinfestation, indicators of Hanta Virus contamination of the rodents caught while performing control over efficacy of deratization works

    A 250 plastome phylogeny of the grass family (Poaceae): topological support under different data partitions

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    The systematics of grasses has advanced through applications of plastome phylogenomics, although studies have been largely limited to subfamilies or other subgroups of Poaceae. Here we present a plastome phylogenomic analysis of 250 complete plastomes (179 genera) sampled from 44 of the 52 tribes of Poaceae. Plastome sequences were determined from high throughput sequencing libraries and the assemblies represent over 28.7 Mbases of sequence data. Phylogenetic signal was characterized in 14 partitions, including (1) complete plastomes; (2) protein coding regions; (3) noncoding regions; and (4) three loci commonly used in single and multi-gene studies of grasses. Each of the four main partitions was further refined, alternatively including or excluding positively selected codons and also the gaps introduced by the alignment. All 76 protein coding plastome loci were found to be predominantly under purifying selection, but specific codons were found to be under positive selection in 65 loci. The loci that have been widely used in multi-gene phylogenetic studies had among the highest proportions of positively selected codons, suggesting caution in the interpretation of these earlier results. Plastome phylogenomic analyses confirmed the backbone topology for Poaceae with maximum bootstrap support (BP). Among the 14 analyses, 82 clades out of 309 resolved were maximally supported in all trees. Analyses of newly sequenced plastomes were in agreement with current classifications. Five of seven partitions in which alignment gaps were removed retrieved Panicoideae as sister to the remaining PACMAD subfamilies. Alternative topologies were recovered in trees from partitions that included alignment gaps. This suggests that ambiguities in aligning these uncertain regions might introduce a false signal. Resolution of these and other critical branch points in the phylogeny of Poaceae will help to better understand the selective forces that drove the radiation of the BOP and PACMAD clades comprising more than 99.9% of grass diversity

    Contrasted histories of organelle and nuclear genomes underlying physiological diversification in a grass species: Intraspecific dispersal of C4 physiology

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    C 4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times independently in angiosperms, but most origins are relatively old so that the early events linked to photosynthetic diversification are blurred. The grass Alloteropsis semialata is an exception, as this species encompasses C 4 and non-C 4 populations. Using phylogenomics and population genomics, we infer the history of dispersal and secondary gene flow before, during and after photosynthetic divergence in A. semialata. We further analyse the genome composition of individuals with varied ploidy levels to establish the origins of polyploids in this species. Detailed organelle phylogenies indicate limited seed dispersal within the mountainous region of origin and the emergence of a C 4 lineage after dispersal to warmer areas of lower elevation. Nuclear genome analyses highlight repeated secondary gene flow. In particular, the nuclear genome associated with the C 4 phenotype was swept into a distantly related maternal lineage probably via unidirectional pollen flow. Multiple intraspecific allopolyploidy events mediated additional secondary genetic exchanges between photosynthetic types. Overall, our results show that limited dispersal and isolation allowed lineage divergence, with photosynthetic innovation happening after migration to new environments, and pollen-mediated gene flow led to the rapid spread of the derived C 4 physiology away from its region of origin.This study was funded by the European Research Council (grant no. ERC-2014-STG-638333), the Royal Society (grant no. RGF\EA\181050) and has benefited from ‘Investissements d'Avenir' grants managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (CEBA, ref. ANR-10-LABX-25-01 and TULIP, ref. ANR-10-LABX-41). Edinburgh Genomics, which contributed to the sequencing, is partly supported through core grants from the NERC (grant no. R8/H10/ 56), MRC (grant no. MR/K001744/1) and BBSRC (grant no. BB/ J004243/1). P.A.C. is funded by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (grant no. URF\R\180022).Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods (a) Sampling, sequencing and data filtering (b) Genome sizing and carbon isotope analyses (c) Assembly of organelle genomes and molecular dating (d) Phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear genome (e) Genetic structure (f) Genome composition 3. Results (a) Genome sizes (b) Time-calibrated organelle phylogenies (c) Nuclear phylogeny (d) Population structure and genome composition 4. Discussion (a) Limited seed dispersal in the region of origin (b) Widespread pollen flow and sweep of the C4 nuclear genome (c) Recurrent hybridization and polyploidization 5. Concluding remarks Data accessibility Authors' contributions Competing interests Funding Acknowledgements Footnote

    Practical aspects of therapy for glutaric aciduria type 1

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    Treatment of many of the diseases in the panel of expanded newborn screening includes dietary therapy. Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) is a hereditary disorder caused by mutations in the gene GCDH, encoding glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the amino acid metabolic pathways. The decreased activity of the enzyme leads to accumulation of neuro‑ toxic metabolites. The recommended treatment approaches for GA1 are the prescription of specialized nutrition products, levocarnitine, and symptomatic management. In 2021, clinical guidelines for the treatment of this rear disease were published in Russian Federation. To provide for the timely treatment, it is essential for a practitioner involved in the care patients with such a rare disorder as GA1 to have the knowledge of the principles of management, as well as practical algorithms for diet calculation.The article gives a detailed case‑based description of management during metabolic decompensation and the choice of dietary therapy for GA1 patients of different age groups

    Clinical analysis of options for replacing menopausal hormone therapy in postmenopausal women

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    The aim of the study - to carry out a clinical analysis of the state of a woman's body when changing hormonal drugs in the postmenopause.Цель исследования - провести клинический анализ состояния женского организма при смене гормональных препаратов в постменопауз

    Концептуальные основы региональной образовательной политики

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    У монографії висвітлено концептуальні засади регіональної освітньої політики, об’єктивовані в теоретичному описі основних підходів, принципів, умов реалізації концепції навчання впродовж життя як чинника регіональної розвитку. Проаналізовано основні передумови розроблення концепції освіти впродовж життя у світі та соціально-економічні результати її упровадження. Викладено особливості та специфіку освіти впродовж життя, освіти дорослих як її складової в умовах регіонального розвитку (національний і зарубіжний досвід). Охарактеризовано психологічні особливості розвитку особистості в дорослому віці, а також професійного становлення особистості на різних етапах дорослості. Висвітлено роль неформальної освіти дорослих як чинника розвитку регіонів, що навчаються, а також механізми розроблення та реалізації концепції міста, регіону, що навчається. Інтерпретовано результати соціологічного дослідження культурно-освітніх потреб жителів Запорізької обл. та рівня їх задоволеності.The monograph describes the conceptual foundations of regional educational policy, objectified in the theoretical description of the main approaches, principles, conditions to implement the lifelong learning concept as a factor of regional development. The basic prerequisites for the development of lifelong learning concept in the world and the socio-economic results of its implementation are analyzed. The peculiarities and specifics of lifelong learning, education of adults as a part of it in the conditions of regional development (national and foreign experience) are described. The psychological peculiarities of personality development in adulthood as well as professional development of personality at different stages of adolescence are characterized. The role of non-formal adults education as a factor of learning regions development as well as mechanisms of the city development and implementation of the concept is highlighted. The results of sociological research of cultural and educationalneeds of Zaporizhzhya region's residents and their level of satisfaction are interpreted.В монографии освещены концептуальные основы региональной образовательной политики, объективированные в теоретическом описании основных подходов, принципов, условий реализации концепции непрерывного обучения как фактора регионального развития. Проанализированы основные предпосылки для разработки концепции обучения на протяжении всей жизни в мире и социально-экономических результатов ее реализации. Описаны особенности и специфика обучения на протяжении всей жизни, образования взрослых как его составляющей в условиях регионального развития (национальный и зарубежный опыт). Охарактеризованы психологические особенности развития личности во взрослом возрасте, а также профессиональное развитие личности на разных этапах подросткового возраста. Освещена роль неформального образования взрослых как фактора развития обучающихся регионов, а также механизмы разработки и реализации концепции обучающихся городов

    Transferability of the PRS estimates for height and BMI obtained from the European ethnic groups to the Western Russian populations

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    Genetic data plays an increasingly important role in modern medicine. Decrease in the cost of sequencing with subsequent increase in imputation accuracy, and the accumulation of large amounts of high-quality genetic data enable the creation of polygenic risk scores (PRSs) to perform genotype–phenotype associations. The accuracy of phenotype prediction primarily depends on the overall trait heritability, Genome-wide association studies cohort size, and the similarity of genetic background between the base and the target cohort. Here we utilized 8,664 high coverage genomic samples collected across Russia by “Evogen”, a Russian biomedical company, to evaluate the predictive power of PRSs based on summary statistics established on cohorts of European ancestry for basic phenotypic traits, namely height and BMI. We have demonstrated that the PRSs calculated for selected traits in three distinct Russian populations, recapitulate the predictive power from the original studies. This is evidence that GWAS summary statistics calculated on cohorts of European ancestry are transferable onto at least some ethnic groups in Russia

    Interim results of targeted therapy of patients with metastatic kidney cancer in Moscow (for the period from June 2005 to July 2015)

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    The paper provides the first interim analysis of a database including information on 806 metastatic kidney cancer patients receiving targeted therapy in the cancer facilities of the Moscow Healthcare Department. It shows a comparative analysis of the periods of first-line targeted therapy with different drugs until progression is established