355 research outputs found

    Efficient Hardware Design Of Iterative Stencil Loops

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    A large number of algorithms for multidimensional signals processing and scientific computation come in the form of iterative stencil loops (ISLs), whose data dependencies span across multiple iterations. Because of their complex inner structure, automatic hardware acceleration of such algorithms is traditionally considered as a difficult task. In this paper, we introduce an automatic design flow that identifies, in a wide family of bidimensional data processing algorithms, sub-portions that exhibit a kind of parallelism close to that of ISLs; these are mapped onto a space of highly optimized ad-hoc architectures, which is efficiently explored to identify the best implementations with respect to both area and throughput. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology generates circuits whose performance is comparable to that of manually-optimized solutions, and orders of magnitude higher than those generated by commercial HLS tools

    Il Pooling-score (P-score): Variabilit\ue0 inter- e intra-individuale nella valutazione endoscopica della gravit\ue0 della disfagia

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    This study evaluated the intra- and inter-rater reliability of the Pooling score (P-score) in clinical endoscopic evaluation of severity of swal- lowing disorder, considering excess residue in the pharynx and larynx. The score (minimum 4 - maximum 11) is obtained by the sum of the scores given to the site of the bolus, the amount and ability to control residue/bolus pooling, the latter assessed on the basis of cough, raclage, number of dry voluntary or re ex swallowing acts ( 5). Four judges evaluated 30 short lms of pharyngeal transit of 10 solid (1/4 of a cracker), 11 creamy (1 tablespoon of jam) and 9 liquid (1 tablespoon of 5 cc of water coloured with methlyene blue, 1 ml in 100 ml) boluses in 23 subjects (10 M/13 F, age from 31 to 76 yrs, mean age 58.56\ub111.76 years) with different pathologies. The lms were randomly distributed on two CDs, which differed in terms of the sequence of the lms, and were given to judges (after an explanatory ses- sion) at time 0, 24 hours later (time 1) and after 7 days (time 2). The inter- and intra-rater reliability of the P-score was calculated using the intra-class correlation coef cient (ICC; 3,k). The possibility that consistency of boluses could affect the scoring of the lms was considered. The ICC for site, amount, management and the P-score total was found to be, respectively, 0.999, 0.997, 1.00 and 0.999. Clinical evaluation of a criterion of severity of a swallowing disorder remains a crucial point in the management of patients with pathologies that predispose to complications. The P-score, derived from static and dynamic parameters, yielded a very high correlation among the scores attributed by the four judges during observations carried out at different times. Bolus consistencies did not affect the outcome of the test: the analysis of variance, performed to verify if the scores attributed by the four judges to the parameters selected, might be in uenced by the different consistencies of the boluses, was not signi cant. These initial data validate the clinical use of the P-score in the management of patients with deglutition disorders by a multidisciplinary team

    Valorization of cigarette butts for synthesis of levulinic acid as top value-added chemicals

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    Unprecedented in the literature, levulinic acid (LA), one of the top value-added intermediates of chemical industry, is obtained from cigarette butts as cellulose feedstock by means of a one-pot hydrothermal process carried out at 200 Â°C for 2 h and catalysed by phosphoric acid. The protocol avoids the use of more aggressive and toxic H2SO4 and HCl, that are generally employed on several cellulose sources (e.g. sludge paper), thus minimizing corrosion phenomena of plants. Neither chemical pre-treatment of butts nor specific purification procedure of LA are required. Notably, by simply modifying acid catalyst (e.g. using CH3COOH), another top value-added fine chemical such as 5-hydroxymethylfuraldehyde (HMF) is obtained, thus widening the scope of the method. Being cigarette filters a waste available in quantities of megatonnes per year, they represent an unlimited at no cost source of cellulose, thus enabling the up-scale to an industrial level of LA production

    Modeling Habitat Associations for the Common Loon (\u3cem\u3eGavia immer\u3c/em\u3e) at Multiple Scales in Northeastern North America

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    Common Loon (Gavia immer) is considered an emblematic and ecologically important example of aquatic-dependent wildlife in North America. The northern breeding range of Common Loon has contracted over the last century as a result of habitat degradation from human disturbance and lakeshore development. We focused on the state of New Hampshire, USA, where a long-term monitoring program conducted by the Loon Preservation Committee has been collecting biological data on Common Loon since 1976. The Common Loon population in New Hampshire is distributed throughout the state across a wide range of lake-specific habitats, water quality conditions, and levels of human disturbance. We used a multiscale approach to evaluate the association of Common Loon and breeding habitat within three natural physiographic ecoregions of New Hampshire. These multiple scales reflect Common Loon-specific extents such as territories, home ranges, and lake-landscape influences. We developed ecoregional multiscale models and compared them to single-scale models to evaluate model performance in distinguishing Common Loon breeding habitat. Based on information-theoretic criteria, there is empirical support for both multiscale and single-scale models across all three ecoregions, warranting a model-averaging approach. Our results suggest that the Common Loon responds to both ecological and anthropogenic factors at multiple scales when selecting breeding sites. These multiscale models can be used to identify and prioritize the conservation of preferred nesting habitat for Common Loon populations

    Concerning synthesis of new biobased polycarbonates with curcumin in replacement of bisphenol a and recycled diphenyl carbonate as example of circular economy

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    Curcumin (CM) is a natural polyphenol well-known for its antioxidant and pharmaceutical properties, that can represent a renewable alternative to bisphenol A (BPA) for the synthesis of biobased polycarbonates (PC). In the presented strategy, preparation of the CM-based PC was coupled with chemical recycling of the fossil-based BPA polycarbonate (BPA-PC) conducting a two-steps trans-polymerization that replaces BPA monomer with CM or its tetrahydrogenated colorless product (THCM). In the first step of synthetic strategy, depolymerization of commercial BPA-PC was carried out with phenol as nucleophile, according to our previous procedure based on zinc derivatives and ionic liquids as catalysts, thus producing quantitatively diphenyl carbonate (DPC) e BPA. In the second step, DPC underwent a melt transesterification with CM or THCM monomers affording the corresponding bio-based polycarbonates, CM-PC and THCM-PC, respectively. THCM was prepared by reducing natural bis-phenol with cyclohexene as a hydrogen donor and characterized by 1H-NMR and MS techniques. Polymerization reactions were monitored by infrared spectroscopy and average molecular weights and dispersity of the two biobased polymers THCM-PC and CM-PC were determined by means of gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Optical properties of the prepared polymers were also measured

    Resistance to Cyp3a induction by polychlorinated biphenyls, including non-dioxin-like PCB153, in gills of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from New Bedford Harbor

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Celander, M. C., Goldstone, J. V., Brun, N. R., Clark, B., Jayaraman, S., Nacci, D., & Stegeman, J. J. Resistance to Cyp3a induction by polychlorinated biphenyls, including non-dioxin-like PCB153, in gills of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from New Bedford Harbor. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 83, (2021): 103580. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103580.Previous reports suggested that non-dioxin-like (NDL) PCB153 effects on cytochrome P450 3A (Cyp3a) expression in Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) gills differed between F0 generation fish from a PCB site (New Bedford Harbor; NBH) and a reference site (Scorton Creek; SC). Here, we examined effects of PCB153, dioxin-like (DL) PCB126, or a mixture of both, on Cyp3a56 mRNA in killifish generations removed from the wild, without environmental PCB exposures. PCB126 effects in liver and gills differed between populations, as expected. Gill Cyp3a56 was not affected by either congener in NBH F2 generation fish, but was induced by PCB153 in SC F1 fish, with females showing a greater response. PCB153 did not affect Cyp3a56 in liver of either population. Results suggest a heritable resistance to NDL-PCBs in killifish from NBH, in addition to that reported for DL PCBs. Induction of Cyp3a56 in gills may be a biomarker of exposure to NDL PCBs in fish populations that are not resistant to PCBs.This study was supported by the sabbatical program from the Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenburg (MC), and by the Swiss National Science Foundation P2EZP2-165200 (NRB). The study was supported in part by the Superfund Hazardous Substances Research Program at Boston University NIH P42ES007381 (JVG, JJS). This research was also funded partly by the US Environmental Protection Agency (SJ, DN), including an appointment (BC) with the Postdoctoral Research Program at the US Environmental Protection (US-EPA) Office of Research and Development administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), through Interagency Agreement No. DW92429801 between the US Department of Energy and the US-EPA. The contents do not reflect the views of the US-EPA, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the US-EPA. We thank Rene Francolini at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutions for excellent technical assistance and Dr. Sibel Karchner and Dr. Mark Hahn at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutions for valuable discussions and comments on the manuscript

    Expression and function of ryanodine receptor related pathways in PCB tolerant Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from New Bedford Harbor, MA, USA

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Aquatic Toxicology 159 (2015): 156-166, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.12.017.Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) thrive in New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Resident killifish have evolved tolerance to dioxin-like (DL) PCBs, whose toxic effects through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) are well studied. In NBH, non-dioxin like PCBs (NDL PCBs), which lack activity toward the AhR, vastly exceed levels of DL congeners yet how killifish counter NDL toxic effects has not been explored. In mammals and fish, NDL PCBs are potent activators of ryanodine receptors (RyR), Ca2+ release channels necessary for a vast array of physiological processes. In the current study we compared the expression and function of RyR related pathways in NBH killifish with killifish from the reference site at Scorton Creek (SC, MA). Relative to the SC fish, adults from NBH displayed increased levels of skeletal muscle RyR1 protein, and increased levels of FK506-binding protein 12 kDa (FKBP12), an accessory protein essential for NDL PCB-triggered changes in RyR channel function. In accordance with increased RyR1 levels, NBH killifish displayed increased maximal ligand binding, increased maximal response to Ca2+ activation and increased maximal response to activation by the NDL PCB congener PCB 95. Compared to SC, NBH embryos and larvae had increased levels of mtor and ryr2 transcripts at multiple stages of development, and generations, while levels of serca2 were decreased at 9 days post-fertilization in the F1 and F2 generations. These findings suggest that there are compensatory and heritable changes in RyR mediated Ca2+ signaling proteins or potential signaling partners in NBH killifish.Funding was provided through the NIEHS Superfund Research Program UC Davis (INP and EBF; P42-ES004699) and Boston University (JJS and JVG; P42-ES007381). Support was supplied via the UC Davis NHLBI Training Grant (T32-HL086350, EBF). Additional support came from NIEHS 1R01-ES014901, 1R01-ES017425, the UC Davis Center for Children’s Environmental Health (1P01-ES011269, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant 8354320), and an unrestricted JB Johnson Foundation gift grant.2015-12-1
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