121 research outputs found

    Possibility of local pair existence in optimally doped SmFeAsO(1-x) in pseudogap regime

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    We report the analysis of pseudogap Delta* derived from resistivity experiments in FeAs-based superconductor SmFeAsO(0.85), having a critical temperature T_c = 55 K. Rather specific dependence Delta*(T) with two representative temperatures followed by a minimum at about 120 K was observed. Below T_s = 147 K, corresponding to the structural transition in SmFeAsO, Delta*(T) decreases linearly down to the temperature T_AFM = 133 K. This last peculiarity can likely be attributed to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of Fe spins. It is believed that the found behavior can be explained in terms of Machida, Nokura, and Matsubara (MNM) theory developed for the AFM superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Use of iodine and selenium enriched fodder rations for production of fortified young lamb

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    The article is devoted to preventive measures to eliminate the problem of dysmicroelementosis in order to increase the productivity of young sheep. The article presents the results of studies of the influence of feeding rations on the growth and development of young sheep of the Edilbaev breed, on the level of their meat productivity and the qualitative characteristics of biologically fortified lamb. Feed additives based on Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25 were added to the main ration of lambs at the age of four months, once a day, being added into a fodder mixture with concentrates. For the experiment the herd of lambs was divided to four groups of 25 heads each.The changes in live weight at the age of four, five, six and seven months were analyzed, and it was found that at the age of seven months, the absolute average weight gain in the experimental groups varied from 3.45 kg to 4.49 kg, in the control group it was 3.1 kg, while the largest live weight gain was recorded in group III which received both feed additives based on Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25.There were no significant differences in the parameters of body measurements, with the exception of group III, where the chest circumference increased by 7.2%, and the height of a lamb at the withers increased in average by 8.1%. It was found that group III had the highest meat density coefficient, equal to 3.9, and the cross-sectional area of m. Longissimus dorsi was equal to 13.61 cm2. It was noted that the amount of free amino acids of the lamb group III is 18.8% higher than the meat of the control group. The lamb obtained from the animals of the experimental groups showed a higher protein content and less fat. The ratio of water to protein in all samples was slightly higher than 3.7, which corresponds to the Federa number for meat raw materials. Enriching the rations of the Edilbaevskoy sheep with feed additives Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25 promotes the stimulation of growth and development of animals, increases the productivity and nutritional value of lamb

    Аутотрансплантация лоскутов при лечении периимплантной инфекции после накостного остеосинтеза (анализ клинических наблюдений)

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    Unfortunately, suppuration of a postoperative wound remains the most frequent complication of surgical intervention. If suppuration is located superficially, within the subcutaneous fat, it can be successfully managed with minimal functional losses. The clinical course is significantly complicated if the focus of infection is located under the skin, in the thickness of the muscles, in the fracture zone. In the case of suppuration in the area of osteosynthesis, the complication may become critical.Such a complication is a serious condition that requires multi-stage complex and sometimes multidisciplinary treatment.The conditions for a successful outcome in this pathology are the minimum period from the moment of suppuration, active surgical tactics, stability of the implant, and good vascularization of the surrounding soft tissues.Active surgical tactics involves the opening and sanitation of purulent foci, leaks, recesses. Staged necrectomies are inevitable companions of surgical treatment and can cause the formation of defects in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles.The resulting soft tissue defect leads to exposure of the bone and plate. Removal of the metal fixator becomes inevitable.Only the closure of the defect with a complex of tissues based on free vascularized composite grafts can radically solve the problem.The article presents two clinical observations of deep wound infection after bone osteosynthesis, where autotransplantation of a vascularized flap was used. The use of this technique made it possible to achieve suppression of infection, wound healing by primary intention, to create conditions for consolidation of the fracture, restoration of function and preservation of the limb as a whole.Нагноение послеоперационной раны остается, к сожалению, наиболее частым осложнением хирургического вмешательства. Если нагноение локализуется поверхностно, в пределах подкожно-жировой клетчатки, с ним удается достаточно успешно бороться с минимальными функциональными потерями. Клиническое течение значительно осложняется, если очаг инфекции располагается под кожей, в толще мышц, в зоне перелома. В случае нагноения в области накостного остеосинтеза осложнение может стать критическим.Такое осложнение — это тяжелое состояние, требующее многоэтапного комплексного, а порой мультидисциплинарного лечения.Условиями успешного исхода при данной патологии являются минимальный срок с момента нагноения, активная хирургическая тактика, стабильность имплантата, хорошая васкуляризация окружающих мягких тканей.Активная хирургическая тактика подразумевает вскрытие и санацию гнойных очагов, затеков, карманов. Этапные некрэктомии являются неизбежными спутниками хирургического лечения и могут стать причиной формирования дефектов кожи, подкожной клетчатки, мышц.Образовавшийся дефект мягких тканей приводит к обнажению кости и пластины. Удаление металлофиксатора становится неизбежным.Лишь закрытие дефекта комплексом тканей на основе свободных васкуляризированных составных трансплантатов способно кардинальным образом решить возникшую проблему.В статье представлены два клинических наблюдения глубокой раневой инфекции после накостного остеосинтеза, при которых была применена аутотрансплантация васкуляризированного лоскута. Использование данной методики позволило добиться подавления инфекции, заживления раны первичным натяжением, создать условия для консолидации перелома, восстановления функции и сохранения конечности в целом

    Laser Scanning Microscopy of HTS Films and Devices

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    The work describes the capabilities of Laser Scanning Microscopy (LSM) as a spatially resolved method of testing high_Tc materials and devices. The earlier results obtained by the authors are briefly reviewed. Some novel applications of the LSM are illustrated, including imaging the HTS responses in rf mode, probing the superconducting properties of HTS single crystals, development of twobeam laser scanning microscopy. The existence of the phase slip lines mechanism of resistivity in HTS materials is proven by LSM imaging.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, Submitted to Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (Low Temperature Physics


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    ABSTRACT. The possibilities of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of intussusception in children and disinvagination by hydroechocolonoscopy have been studied. The study was conducted in 2014–2015 at the Children’s Regional hospital of Tver. The age of children varied from 3 months up to 12 years. The disease duration before admission was 3–63 hours. The X-ray study confirmed the intussusception in all patients. In all cases, mesenteric lymphadenitis was revealed. Of 28 children, disinvagination was sucsessfuly performed with an aid of hydroechocolonoscopy in 26 (92.8%) patients. In 2 cases (7.2%), we failed to eliminate intussusception and children underwent the surgery. Three patients had recurrence; re-elimination of intussusception with hydroechocolonoscopy was performed. No complications were observed after disinvagination. Conclusion: The use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception eliminates radiation exposure, and allows the cause of intussusceptions to be determined as well. Disinvagination with hydroechocolonoscopy is technically simple, highly effective and safe. РЕЗЮМЕ. Изучены возможности УЗИ в диагностике инвагинации кишечника (ИК) у детей и дезинвагинации методом гидроэхоколоноскопии (ГЭС). Исследование проведено с 2014 по 2015 г. на базе Детской областной больницы Твери. Возраст детей от 3 мес до 12 лет. Длительность заболевания до поступления в стационар — 3–63 ч. При УЗИ диагноз инвагинации кишечника подтвержден у всех пациентов. Во всех случаях выявлен мезентериальный лимфаденит. Из 28 детей дезинвагинация методом ГЭС успешно выполнена 26 пациентам (92,8%). У 2 (7,2%) инвагинат расправить не удалось — дети были оперированы. У 3 пациентов возник рецидив заболевания, выполнено повторное расправление ИК методом ГЭС. Осложнений после дезинвагинаций не было. Заключение: использование УЗИ в диагностике и лечении инвагинации кишечника у детей полностью исключает лучевую нагрузку, а также позволяет установить причину инвагинации. Дезинвагинация методом ГЭС технически проста, высокоэффективна и безопасна.

    Microwave Current Imaging in Passive HTS Components by Low-Temperature Laser Scanning Microscopy (LTLSM)

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    We have used the LTLSM technique for a spatially resolved investigation of the microwave transport properties, nonlinearities and material inhomogeneities in an operating coplanar waveguide YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} (YBCO) microwave resonator on an LaAlO_3 (LAO) substrate. The influence of twin-domain blocks, in-plane rotated grains, and micro-cracks in the YBCO film on the nonuniform rf current distribution were measured with a micrometer-scale spatial resolution. The impact of the peaked edge currents and rf field penetration into weak links on the linear device performance were studied as well. The LTLSM capabilities and its future potential for non-destructive characterization of the microwave properties of superconducting circuits are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 2-column format, presented at High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields 2004, Journal of Superconductivity (in press

    Современный взгляд на проблему лечения травматической отслойки тканей

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    The treatment of traumatic soft tissue detachments is an urgent problem for a first-level trauma hospital. This paper provides an analysis of the literature sources of the PubMed database, which are devoted to the classification, diagnosis and treatment of traumatic skin detachments. It was revealed that most of the works are publications of 1–2 clinical cases, only a few works are retrospective studies of patient groups. Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of traumatic detachment of soft tissues, due to the complexity and mosaic nature of pathoanatomical signs. According to the tactics of treatment, there is a difference in approaches for low-energy trauma (sports injury) and high-energy impact (traffic accidents, falls from a height). In the first case, the treatment methods are compression therapy, physiotherapy, and in rare cases, puncture. In the second case, puncture and drainage are the main method of treatment, and in persistent recurrent cases, chemical ablation or open surgery to excise the capsule in combination with vacuum drainage are the methods of treatment. Methods of endoscopic treatment of the walls of the detachment, ligation of the lymphatic vessels around the detachment, and the use of blockable sutures for obliteration of the detachment cavity are currently new methods of treatment, which effectiveness requires further study.Лечение  травматических  отслоек  мягких тканей  является  актуальной проблемой  для травматологического стационара  первого  уровня. В данной  работе  приводится  анализ  литературных источников базы PubMed, которые посвящены классификации, диагностике и лечению травматических отслоек покровов. Выявлено, что большинство работ — это публикации 1–2  клинических наблюдений, лишь несколько работ — это ретроспективные исследования  групп пациентов. В настоящее время отсутствует общепринятая классификация травматических отслоек мягких тканей ввиду сложности и мозаичности патоанатомических  признаков. По тактике лечения отмечается разница в подходах при травме низкой энергии (спортивная травма) и при высокой энергии воздействия (дорожно-транспортные  происшествия, падения с высоты). В первом случае методами лечения являются компрессионная  терапия, физиотерапия, в редких случаях — пункция. Во втором случае — пункция и дренирование являются основным способом лечения, а в упорных рецидивирующих случаях способами лечения выступают химическая абляция либо открытая операция по иссечению капсулы в сочетании с вакуумным дренированием. Методы эндоскопической обработки  стенок отслойки, перевязки  лимфатических сосудов вокруг отслойки и применение блокируемых  нитей для облитерации  полости отслойки в настоящее  время  являются новыми методами лечения, эффективность которых требует дальнейшего изучения

    Water vapour in the atmosphere of a transiting extrasolar planet

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    Water is predicted to be among, if not the most abundant molecular species after hydrogen in the atmospheres of close-in extrasolar giant planets (hot-Jupiters) Several attempts have been made to detect water on an exoplanet, but have failed to find compelling evidence for it or led to claims that should be taken with caution. Here we report an analysis of recent observations of the hot-Jupiter HD189733b taken during the transit, where the planet passed in front of its parent star. We find that absorption by water vapour is the most likely cause of the wavelength-dependent variations in the effective radius of the planet at the infrared wavelengths 3.6, 5.8 and 8 microns. The larger effective radius observed at visible wavelengths may be due to either star variability or the presence of clouds/hazes. We explain the most recent thermal infrared observations of the planet during secondary transit behind the star, reporting a non-detection of water on HD189733b, as being a consequence of the nearly isothermal vertical profile of the planet.s atmosphere. Our results show that water is detectable on extrasolar planets using the primary transit technique and that the infrared should be a better wavelength region than the visible, for such searches

    Лечение повреждения ахиллова сухожилия. История и современное состояние проблемы

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    RELEVANCE The overall incidence of Achilles tendon rupture has been increasing in recent decades due to population aging, the growing prevalence of obesity and increased participation in sports. Achilles tendon ruptures are common injuries of the musculoskeletal system, and according to various authors, they account for 47% of all ruptures of human tendons and muscles, about 18 cases per 100 thousand people per year. Despite the abundance of various options of tendon suture in surgery, a wide choice of suture material and the use of precision techniques in tendon reconstruction, the proposed methods of macroscopic reconstruction of the tendon apparatus do not solve the problem of tendon suture failure.CONCLUSION Despite the abundance of proposed accesses to the Achilles tendon, the optimal one for all types of injuries has not yet been developed. Currently, there are no clear recommendations for choosing a specific method of treating an Achilles tendon rupture.АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Общая частота разрыва ахиллова сухожилия растет в последнее десятилетия из-за старения населения, растущей распространенности ожирения и увеличения участия в спорте. Разрывы ахиллова сухожилия относятся к часто встречающимся травмам опорно-двигательного аппарата и, по данным разных авторов, составляют 47% от всех разрывов сухожилий и мышц человека, около 18 случаев на 100 тысяч населения в год. Несмотря на обилие в хирургии различных вариантов сухожильного шва, широкий выбор шовного материала и использование прецизионной техники в реконструкции сухожилий, предложенные способы макроскопической реконструкции сухожильного аппарата не решают проблему несостоятельности сухожильного шва.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Несмотря на обилие предложенных доступов к ахиллову сухожилию, до сих пор не разработан оптимальный для всех видов повреждений. В настоящее время нет четких рекомендаций по выбору определенного метода лечения разрыва ахиллова сухожилия

    Mechanistic Insight into the Reactivation of BCAII Enzyme from Denatured and Molten Globule States by Eukaryotic Ribosomes and Domain V rRNAs

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    In all life forms, decoding of messenger-RNA into polypeptide chain is accomplished by the ribosome. Several protein chaperones are known to bind at the exit of ribosomal tunnel to ensure proper folding of the nascent chain by inhibiting their premature folding in the densely crowded environment of the cell. However, accumulating evidence suggests that ribosome may play a chaperone role in protein folding events in vitro. Ribosome-mediated folding of denatured proteins by prokaryotic ribosomes has been studied extensively. The RNA-assisted chaperone activity of the prokaryotic ribosome has been attributed to the domain V, a span of 23S rRNA at the intersubunit side of the large subunit encompassing the Peptidyl Transferase Centre. Evidently, this functional property of ribosome is unrelated to the nascent chain protein folding at the exit of the ribosomal tunnel. Here, we seek to scrutinize whether this unique function is conserved in a primitive kinetoplastid group of eukaryotic species Leishmania donovani where the ribosome structure possesses distinct additional features and appears markedly different compared to other higher eukaryotic ribosomes. Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase II (BCAII) enzyme was considered as the model protein. Our results manifest that domain V of the large subunit rRNA of Leishmania ribosomes preserves chaperone activity suggesting that ribosome-mediated protein folding is, indeed, a conserved phenomenon. Further, we aimed to investigate the mechanism underpinning the ribosome-assisted protein reactivation process. Interestingly, the surface plasmon resonance binding analyses exhibit that rRNA guides productive folding by directly interacting with molten globule-like states of the protein. In contrast, native protein shows no notable affinity to the rRNA. Thus, our study not only confirms conserved, RNA-mediated chaperoning role of ribosome but also provides crucial insight into the mechanism of the process