713 research outputs found

    Measurement of the η\eta -η\eta' mixing angle in π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams with GAMS-4π4\pi Setup

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    The results of mixing angle measurement for η\eta', η\eta mesons generated in charge exchange reactions with π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams are preseneted. When the η\eta', η\eta mesons are described in nonstrange(NS)--strange(S) quark basis the π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams allow to study ηq>|\eta_{q}> and ηs>|\eta_{s}> parts of the meson wave function. The cross section ratio at t=0t'=0 (GeV/c)2^{2} in the π\pi^{-} beam is Rπ(η/η)=0.56±0.04R_{\pi}(\eta'/\eta)= 0.56 \pm 0.04, results in mixing angle ϕP=(36.8±1.)o\phi_{P} = (36.8 \pm 1.)^{o} . For KK^{-} beam the ratio is RK(η/η)=1.30±0.16R_{K}(\eta'/\eta)= 1.30 \pm 0.16. It was found that gluonium content in η\eta' is sin2ψG=0.15±0.06\sin^{2}\psi_{G}= 0.15 \pm 0.06. The experiment was carried out with GAMS-4π\pi Setup.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be submitted in European physical journal C. Minor changes, the Bibliography extende

    A description of a system of programs for mathematically processing on unified series (YeS) computers photographic images of the Earth taken from spacecraft

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    A description of a batch of programs for the YeS-1040 computer combined into an automated system for processing photo (and video) images of the Earth's surface, taken from spacecraft, is presented. Individual programs with the detailed discussion of the algorithmic and programmatic facilities needed by the user are presented. The basic principles for assembling the system, and the control programs are included. The exchange format within whose framework the cataloging of any programs recommended for the system of processing will be activated in the future is displayed

    Modification of Oligomers and Reinforced Polymeric Composites by Carbon Nanotubes and Ultrasonic

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    An abridged version of the book chapter is presented in the archive. Full version on the publisher's site: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-26672-1_3Розглядається широке коло питань щодо розроблених напрямів модифікації епоксидних олігомерів і армованих полімерних композитів на їх основі вуглецевими нанотрубками і ультразвуком. Аналізується перспективність створення гібридних полімерних композитів функціонального призначення.This chapter analyzes the physical (in the form of ultrasound) and chemical modification of liquid polymer media and reinforced polymeric composites. The main emphasis is made on the analysis of ultrasonic cavitation processing as the most effective one for solving one of the main technological problems in the production of nanomodified polymer composites

    Fluctuations of Xmax and Primary Particle Mass Composition in the Range of Energy 5 10^{17} - 3 10^{19} ev by Yakutsk Data

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    The experimental distributions of \Xmax obtained with the Yakutsk EAS array at fixed energies of 5×10175 \times10^{17}, 1×10181\times10^{18} and 5×10185\times10^{18} eV are analysed. A recent version of the QGSJET model is used as a tool of our analysis. In the framework of this model, the most adequate mass composition of primary particles satisfying the experimental data on \Xmax is selected.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Fluctuations of development maximum depth and nuclear composition of primary cosmic radiation

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    The extensive air showers (EAS) cascade curves from the Cerenkov light lateral distribution measurements are recovered and the maximum depth fluctuations of the shower development theta x sub m both on the Cerenkov and charged EAS components are defined. At E sub 0 approximates 10 to the 18th power eV the mean content of protons is greater than 85%, and p-air cross section theta sub 0 p-air 750mb

    All particle energy spectrum of cosmic rays in 10 to the 15th power - 10 to the 20th power eV region

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    Average estimations of the shower energy components are presented and their sum gives E sub 0 (Rho sub 600) - an average function of the relation of E sub 0 with the shower size parameter Rho sub 600 measured at the Yakutsk extensive air showers (EAS) array. Using this relation to the EAS spectrum obtained at the Akeno and Yakutsk arrays the energy spectrum of the cosmic ray total flux within 15 lg (E sub 0,eV) 20 by the EAS methods is recovered

    Azimuthal modulation of the event rate of cosmic ray extensive air showers by the geomagnetic field

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    The Earth's magnetic field effect on the azimuthal distribution of extensive air showers (EAS) of cosmic rays has been evaluated using a bulk of the Yakutsk array data. The uniform azimuthal distribution of the EAS event rate is rejected at the significance level 10^(-14). Amplitude of the first harmonics of observed distribution depends on zenith angle as A1=0.2*sin^2(theta) and is almost independent of the primary energy; the phase coincides with the magnetic meridian. Basing upon the value of measured effect, the correction factor has been derived for the particle density depending on a geomagnetic parameter of a shower.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures in ps file


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    One limitation of atomic absorption spectrometry is the narrow range of measurable concentration (1–2 orders of magnitude). In simultaneous multi-element analysis, this may require multiple dilutions of the sample to determine several elements with different concentrations in the sample. Possible ways to expand the range are to linearize the calibration curve by correcting the integral of the absorption signal or to use absorption values on the line wing as an analytical signal and plot several graphs along one line at different distances from its center. Both methods have their drawbacks. We propose another method for expanding the measurable concentration range by using less sensitive absorption lines of elements. A number of elements are identified that have a sufficient number of lines with different sensitivities. The proposed method is compared with the method of linearization of the calibration graph and the calculation of the absorption signal on the line wing. Using as an example Co and Ni, which have sufficiently rich absorption spectra, we have shown the possibility of expanding the measurable concentration range by using several absorption lines: for cobalt, the range is expanded to six orders of magnitude, and for nickel, to five orders of magnitude. Calibration curves are plotted in the concentration ranges 0.24–250.000 μg/L for cobalt and 1.9–250.000 μg/L for nickel. The calibration error is lower than that of the linearization method: 5% against 25 % for cobalt and 4% against 24% for nickel. Thus, the proposed method can be used for simultaneous multielement determination in a wide range of concentrations without diluting the sample.Keywords: atomic absorption spectrometry, electrothermal atomizer, continuous spectrum source, simultaneous determination of elements, spectrometer, multichannel spectrum analyzer, linear photodetector arraysDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.4.010S.S. Boldova1, 2, N.A. Kolosov1, 2, and V.A. Labusov1, 2, 3 1Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Koptyuga 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation2VMK-Optoelektronika, pr. Akademika Koptyuga 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation3Novosibirsk State Technical University, pr. K. Marksa 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian FederationОдним из ограничений метода атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии является узкий рабочий диапазон определяемых концентраций: 1-2 порядка. При одновременном многоэлементном анализе это может потребовать многократного разбавления образца для определения нескольких элементов с разной концентрацией в пробе. Возможными способами расширения диапазона определяемых концентраций являются линеаризация градуировочного графика путём коррекции интеграла сигнала поглощения или использование в качестве аналитического сигнала значений поглощения на крыле линии и построения нескольких графиков по одной линии на различном удалении от её центра. Оба способа имеют свои недостатки. Предложен еще один способ расширения диапазона определяемых концентраций путём использования менее чувствительные линии поглощения элементов. Определен ряд элементов, имеющих достаточное количество линий с разной чувствительностью. Проведено сравнение предложенного способа со способами линеаризации градуировочного графика и с вычислением сигнала поглощения на крыле линии. На примере Со и Ni, имеющих достаточно богатый спектр поглощения, показана возможность расширения диапазона определяемых концентраций до шести порядков для кобальта и пяти порядков для никеля с использованием нескольких линий поглощения. Градуировочные графики построены в диапазоне концентраций 0.24 – 250000 мкг/л для кобальта и 1.9 – 250000 мкг/л для никеля. Погрешность градуировки по сравнению с методом линеаризации снижена с 25 % до 5 % для кобальта и с 24 % до 4 % для никеля. Таким образом, предложенный способ позволит определять несколько элементов в большом диапазоне концентраций без разбавления образца.Ключевые слова: атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия, электротермический атомизатор, источник непрерывного спектра, одновременное определение элементов, спектрометр, многоканальный анализатор спектров, линейки фотодетекторовDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.4.01

    Measurement of the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay form factors in the OKA experiment

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    A precise measurement of the vector and axial-vector form factors difference FVFAF_V-F_A in the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay is presented. About 95K events of K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} are selected in the OKA experiment. The result is FVFA=0.134±0.021(stat)±0.027(syst)F_V-F_A=0.134\pm0.021(stat)\pm0.027(syst). Both errors are smaller than in the previous FVFAF_V-F_A measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure