76 research outputs found

    Polar Meaning-Building Strategies: Acmeological Characteristics

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    Background. Personality is not simply an end product, but rather, it is a process. Terefore, empirical work on personal meaning-building should examine the genesis of meaning and provide a content-based description of personality in terms of personality traits. Such a description suggests a systemic view of personality, where the meaning-based approach is supplemented with the defnition of personality traits. Te value and meaning potential of personality encompasses three dimensions: worldview, behavior, and cognition. Objective. Te aim of this study is to identify the properties of personality, refecting the features of polar strategies of meaning formation in acmeological terms by age, gender, and professional characteristics. Design. Te present study considers the infuence of various acmeological factors on meaning-building and concentrates on its two polar strategies: adaptive and developing strategies. We developed nine bipolar scales of personal traits with sublevels by applying the semantic diferential technique. In total, there were 145 participants in the study. Participants were grouped according to three criteria: age, gender, and profession. Results. Te obtained indices of meaning-building strategies did not coincide in all the diferentiated groups, which clearly speaks in favor of acmeological dynamics of the respondents’ personal profles. We stratifed the sample according to the mean score of the basic marker of “life meaningfulness,” which enabled us to establish diferences in characteristics of actual polar strategies of meaning-building. Te respondents who did not fall into either of the two groups are “between the poles.” Tey ofen have an underdeveloped meaning-building strategy as a result of poorly formed ways of organization and actualization of personal meanings or the presence of a transitional form of situational conceptual initiations. Conclusion. Te personal profles that were identifed represent multifactor models of the personal value and meaning dimensions, which can predict actual meaning-building strategies using semantic diferential scales and indicators (“life meaningfulness” from the Purpose-in-Life test) and help researchers to reduce the number of techniques employed in their studies

    On analyzing the results of empirical research into the life-purpose orientations of adults of various ethnic identities and religious affiliati.

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    The research in question investigates life-purpose orientations and values of various groups of a population living in a multicultural area with a variety of ethnic and religious communities. Members may have different attitudes to one and the same set of values due to their specific cultural traditions and religious guidelines. A common set of life-purpose orientations and values as well as distinctly different ones were identified in the research. It employed an ethno-psychological questionnaire designed specifically to that end and psychometric instruments aimed at identifying the values of the adults of various ethnic identities and religious affiliations. Residents of a multi-cultural area in the south of Russia who belong to different denominations were surveyed. It is stated that there is a substantial difference between the sets of values held by Baptists and Buddhists and representatives of other ethnic and religious groups (Muslims and Christians) participating in this investigation. The survey found that all of the Baptist and Buddhist respondents were described by a high-to-medium level of civil identity. Indifference to ethnic standards and a failure to accept the culture of their own people were found among all of the respondents; it was displayed by a small proportion of Orthodox Christians, whereas all of the Buddhists under investigation had a positive ethnic identity, and a certain proportion of Muslims and Catholics as well as a tiny proportion of Orthodox believers reported that they placed a priority for ethnic rights over human rights. Among all of the denominations surveyed, the majority of respondents surveyed have a positive attitude towards both their own nation and other nations

    Systemic and structural analysis of theories of psychological transformations of personality

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    The paper presents a systematic and structural analysis of the theories of psychological transformations of personality revealing the main methodological approaches to studying personality changes. Transformations of the person’s sense-value sphere are of special interest. The study (a) analyses the psychological definitions of the “transformation” concept; (b) provides an overview of various theories and approaches to studying personality and its transformations; (c) reveals dynamic and static theories of personality, as well as theories of development and transformation; (d) describes in detail a psycho-transformational approach; (e) highlights artificial and natural transformations. The paper considers various models and forms of personal transformation and also presents a “field theory”, which is based on the concepts of “analyzing tendencies” or “forces” creating barriers or promoting transformations, and a “theory of dissatisfaction crystallization", which forms associative relations between subjective perception of problems, expenditure, and negative results. The considered approaches are classified according the following parameters: principles of development, influence of a situation and the context of activity, types of cognitive activity, and mechanisms of resistance to any changes. The analysis of the considered approaches and models shows that the level of studying personality determines potentialities of its transformation. Personality changes from the standpoint of functioning levels determine the transformation processes specific to each of them. Fast-paced transformations of personality are characteristic for the sense level. The systemic and structural analysis of the theories of psychological transformations of personality suggests differentiating possible personality changes at the level of personal activity, personal traits, and at the sense level. Future work will involve studying cognitive, affective, and behavioral transformations of a person in the zone of armed conflict

    Символ в контексте психоаналитической и смысловой интерпретации

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    The paper considers the modern interpretation of the symbol as a psychological category in the context of the theory of sense and sense-creation. The study ofthe symbol has a long history of various scientific interpretations. Modern psychology makes some substantial additions to the understanding of the mechanisms ofthe formation of symbols at the level of public conscience, aswell as at the level ofpersonal consciousness. The main purpose of the paper is to characterizethe specificity of the interpretation of the symbol as a certain sense value. Theauthors revealed and described the genetic relationship ofthe interpretation ofsymbolization in two different psychological schools: psychoanalysis and the theory of sense-creation.The authors suggested differentiating symbols in accordance with thecharacteristics of their representation in the system of personal values. Thus, the authors introduce the “concept-symbol” category. Concepts-symbols are not similar to traditional concepts owing to their universal functional filling. Concepts-symbols are a sort oftransformers; they bear meanings that not only direct the person’s understanding ofa context but also disclose the sense and its possible variability. The symbol includes two forms of senses: extrapersonal andinterpersonal. Hence, the symbol is able toinspire the procedure of sense-creation in the subject who cognizes its meanings. The “decrystallization” ofpersonal comprehension, where the very concept is its bearer, underlies theinteriorization of concepts-symbols. The formation and improvement of the person’s sense sphere is possible through the use of the conceptual-symbolic system, whichconsiders concepts-symbols of various meanings (symbols: signs, properties, composition, and metaphors).В данной статье представлена современная интерпретация символа как психологической категории в контексте теории смысла и смыслообразования. Хотя исследование символа имеет достаточно длительную историю изучения в различных научных интерпретациях, современная психология дает возможность внести определенные содержательные дополнения в понимание механизмов формирования символов как на уровне общественного, так и личностного сознания. Основная цель данной статьи – охарактеризовать специфику понимания символа как определенной смысловой ценности. Выявлено и описано генетическое родство в интерпретации символизации в таких разных психологических школах, как психоанализ и теория смыслообразования. Авторы предлагают дифференцировать символы по характеру их представленности в системе личностных ценностей и в связи с этим вводят категорию «понятия-символа». Понятия-символы, по мнению авторов, вследствие своего универсального функционального наполнения не похожи на традиционные понятия. Они – своеобразные трансформаторы, т. к. те значения, обладателями которых они являются, направлены не просто на постижение воспринимаемым субъектом данного контекста, а на вычленение смысла и его возможной вариативности. Символ способен инспирировать процедуру смыслообразования у субъекта, познающего его значения, потому как вбирает в себя две формы смысла: внеличностные и межличностные. Под интериоризацией понятий-символов принято рассматривать осуществление «раскристаллизации» личностного осмысления, где само понятие и является его обладателем. Через использование понятийно-символической системы, рассматривающей понятия-символы различной смысловой нагрузки (символы: знаки, свойства, композиции, метафоры) возможно формирование и совершенствование смысловой сферы личности

    Открытие музея С. Н. Шпильрейн в Ростове-на-Дону

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    The article is devoted to the opening of the first museum of psychologist inRussia – the museum of outstanding woman-psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, pedologistSabina Nikolaevna Spielrein in Rostov-on-Don. According to Y. M. Lotman’s theory, themuseum is regarded as the material embodiment of the semiosphere idea – wholesemantic space of the culture. Entering the semiotic space of the city, the museumbecomes its sign and symbol.The authors note the symbolic significance of S. N. Spielrein’s museum, allowingto rethink underappreciated factors of psychological science formation, such as:the role of woman-scientist in the development of scientific knowledge, representedby the images of prominent men – patriarchs of psychoanalysis; the role of theperipheral city of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, along with Moscow and St. Petersburg, inthe psychology’s history of the XX century. In the article the main stages of S. Spielrein’slife are described. The authors discuss her contribution to the development ofpsychoanalysis, in developmental psychology (the study of thought and speech inchildren), clinical psychology (psychological studies of schizophrenia). The articlealso contains the characteristic of the main works in S. Spielrein’s scientific heritage.The authors describe the opening of S. N. Spielrein’s museum as a landmark eventin the modern history of psychology, explain the concept of the museum and clarifythe prospects for its development.Статья посвящена открытию первого в России музея психолога – музея выдающейся женщины-психоаналитика, психиатра, педолога Сабины Николаевны Шпильрейн – в Ростове-на-Дону. Согласно теории Ю. М. Лотмана, музей рассматривается как материальное воплощение идеи семиосферы – единого смыслового пространства культуры. Входя в семиотическое про- странство города, музей становится в нем знаком и символом. Авторы статьи отмечают символическое значение музея С. Н. Шпильрейн, позволяющего по-новому осмыслить недооцененные факторы формирования психологической науки, такие как: роль женщины-ученого в становлении научного знания, представленного образами выдающихся мужчин – патриархов психоанализа; роль периферийного города Ростова-на-Дону, наряду с Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом, в истории психологии XX в. В статье прослеживаются этапы жизни С. Н. Шпильрейн, обсуждается ее вклад в становление психоанализа, в психологию развития (исследования мышления и речи в детском возрасте), клиническую психологию (психологические исследования шизофрении). Приводится характеристика основных работ, составляющих ее научное наследие. Авторы освещают открытие музея С. Н. Шпильрейн как знаковое событие в современной истории психологической науки, излагают концепцию музея и проясняют перспективы его развития

    Konstantin Ushinsky’s world pedagogical heritage in the context of humanitarization in education

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of methodological approaches to Konstantin Ushinsky’s pedagogical heritage in different countries. The authors examine literature, strategic and regulatory documents on organizing the educational process in Russian, Chinese, German and American universities in order to determine the humanitarian component of Ushinsky’s heritage. They describe differences in the interpretation of the concept “humanization in higher education” in the studies of scientists from Germany and the USA. They conclude about the unity of interpretations of the concept in Russian and Chinese practices


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    The dynamics of magnetic solitons in three- and five-layer ferromagnetic structures is studied. Effective equations of motion for the coordinates of the centers of magnetic solitons are found