112 research outputs found

    Digital Marketing Features of the Company Booking.com as Leading internet Tourist Accommodation Reservation System

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    Due to the rapid development of technology and the availability of the Internet, many companies, including Booking.com, are actively using digital channels to market and sell their services. The aim of the article is to analyze the digital marketing activities of the Booking.com company. To achieve the goal of the study, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, system-based, comparative, experimental and statistical, as well as SWOT analysis. The results of the carried out study show that digital marketing is a powerful instrument for promoting residential properties through an online platform, and Booking.com uses a wide range of special tools, such as targeted advertising, content marketing, social media, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and SEO optimization, to attract customers and increase its competitiveness. A SWOT analysis of the digital marketing tools of the company Booking.com is carried out. The features of the work of the company Booking.com in the Ukrainian market are considered. The traffic to the websites of the Booking.com company and their main competitor – the AirBnb company is analyzed. As a result, it is concluded that the ability of Booking.com to adapt and develop its marketing strategies in accordance with changes in consumer behavior and technological advancements has allowed it to remain competitive in today’s housing booking market

    Lack of Response to Vemurafenib in Melanoma Carrying BRAF K601E Mutation

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    Vemurafenib has been developed to target common BRAF mutation V600E. It also exerts activity towards some but not all rare BRAF substitutions. Proper cataloguing of drug-sensitive and -insensitive rare mutations remains a challenge, due to low occurrence of these events and inability of commercial PCR-based diagnostic kits to detect the full spectrum of BRAF gene lesions. We considered the results of BRAF exon 15 testing in 1872 consecutive melanoma patients. BRAF mutation was identified in 1,090 (58.2%) cases. While drug-sensitive codon 600 substitutions constituted the majority of BRAF gene lesions (V600E: 962 [51.4%]; V600K: 86 [4.6%]; V600R: 17 [0.9%]), the fourth common BRAF allele was K601E accounting for 9 (0.5%) melanoma cases. The data on BRAF inhibitor sensitivity of tumors with K601E substitution are scarce. We administered single-agent vemurafenib to a melanoma patient carrying BRAF K601E mutation as the first-line treatment. Unfortunately, this therapy did not result in a tumor response. Taken together with already published data, this report indicates lack of benefit from conventional BRAF inhibitors in patients with BRAF K601E mutated melanoma

    Ordered Carbon Nanotubes and Globular Opals As a Model of Multiscaling Photonic Crystals

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    Experimental data on carbon nanotube carpet and synthetic opals have been compared by visible, infrared spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. Spectral features of the objects under study in infrared region are registered. Three regions of abnormal behavior of reflectance and absorbance for carbon nanotube carpet and two regions for opals in the 7000-2000 cm⁻¹ are observed in comparison with the separated nanotubes or SiO₂ globules in disordered states and/or condensed state. The spectroscopic features of the photonic crystals caused by their different microstructures at different length scales and basis for development of a proper model for light propagation through the photonic crystals in the IR region are presented for discussion


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    Ukrainian law “On higher education” has implemented a new form of postgraduate education – doctor residency. Specialists’ training must follow the educational program, but according to this law residency must follow the postgraduate educational program. For this reason we have the next problem – there are no requirements to program’s content and form at the moment. There is non-compliance between Ukrainian higher education law and traditional system of medical specialists training. According to the analysis of requirements to educational program, International Federation of medical education offerings and different residency programs in Europe and other countries, the project of typical postgraduate educational program for training doctors in Ukraine is proposed in this article. We offer such elements of this typical program as: aim and results of studying for listeners and heads; electronic portfolio for results monitoring; self check and self estimation; requirements to educational institutions; requirements to heads in resident-doctors trainings; requirements to department’s clinical base; project construction and principles of its estimation; attitude; behavior; personal characteristics of resident-doctor. We have come to a conclusion that it is necessary to construct a two-component standard in higher medical education including competency models for graduates of internship and magistracy.Закон України “Про вищу освіту” ввів нову форму післядипломної освіти – лікарську резидентуру. Підготовка фахівців повинна відбуватися за освітньою програмою, але для резидентури Закон зазначив програму післядипломної освіти. У зв’язку з тим виникла проблема – на даний момент немає вимог до формату та змісту програми навчання в лікарській резидентурі. Показано неузгодженість між вимогами Закону України “Про вищу освіту” та традиційною системою підготовки медичних кадрів. На основі аналізу вимог до освітньої програми, пропозицій Всесвітньої федерації медичної освіти та різних програм підготовки в лікарській резидентурі Європи та інших країн у статті запропоновано проект типової програми післядипломної освіти для підготовки лікарів-резидентів в Україні. Запропоновано такі складові типової програми, як: мета та результати навчання для слухачів і керівників; електронне портфоліо для моніторингу результатів; самоаналіз і самооцінка; вимоги до навчальних закладів; вимоги до керівництва підготовкою лікаря-резидента; вимоги до клінічної бази кафедри; побудова проекту і принципи його оцінювання; ставлення, поведінка, особистісні характеристики лікаря-резидента. Зроблений висновок про необхідність побудови двокомпонентного стандарту вищої медичної освіти з компетентнісними моделями випускника магістратури та інтернатури

    Incidence of Synchronous Multiple Primary Melanoma in Patients with Solitary Melanoma: a Prospective Comparative Study

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    Background. Malignant melanoma is steadily exaggerating over the recent decades. Nonetheless, improved systemic therapies have substantially increased life expectancy in patients with a locally advanced or disseminated disease. Higherincidence recurrent melanocytic skin lesions become essentially problematic and require more attention and control.Aim. Cross-survey on the incidence of synchronous multiple primary melanomas in patients with solitary melanoma and those with other operable solid tumours.Materials and methods. A total of 289 patients with suspected malignant pigmented skin melanoma were included in the survey. Patients were divided in two cohorts by the presence of primary skin melanoma and its tractability for radical excision. Patients with operable melanoma comprised the study cohort, and those with other solid tumours were the control.Results and discussion. The survey covered 289 patients, with 148 in the study and 141 in the control cohort. The study148 patients revealed 112 malignant pigmented melanomas, but none in the control cohort. A chi-square statistical analysis of clinical values in single and multiple melanoma cases showed a slightly higher prevalence of first-visit melanomas in patients with synchronous tumours (30% pT4 — p = 0.007).Conclusion. The observed 10% rate of second melanoma in the study cohort and a zero melanoma incidence in the control support the alternative hypothesis of a higher rate of newly detected melanomas in primarily diagnosed melanoma patients vs. those with solid tumours

    Efficacy of Videoendoscopic Inguinal Femoral Lymphadenectomy for Management of Metastatic Skin Melanoma

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    Aim. Assessment of the utility and advantage of videoendoscopic inguinal femoral lymphadenectomy (VE-LAD) over the standard open technique (OLAD) in patients with malignant skin melanoma and metastatic lesions of regional inguinal and/or femoral lymph nodes.Materials and methods. The Saint-Petersburg Clinical Research Centre for Specialty Medical Aid in Oncology managed 86 inguinal femoral LADs in melanoma patients over 2013–2016. VE-LAD was rendered in 48 (54.7 %) cases, and OLAD otherwise.Results and discussion. A total of 72 patients were included in the study. VE-LAD was performed in 48 (54.7 %) cases, and OLAD otherwise. An average VE-LAD duration was 90 (60 to 160) min. Severe complications were observed in 4/48 (8 %) VE-LAD and 16/24 (66 %) OLAD cases, which reveals a significantly lower complication rate in the study cohort (chi-square p > 0.000). Lymphorrhoea was shorter in the study cohort (> 7 days in 5 patients vs. 3/24 and > 14 days only in 11/24 OLAD cases; chi-square p > 0.000). No significant differences in relapse-free survival were observed between the cohorts, with higher absolute values of 22.6 months in the VE-LAD (95 % CI 14.8–30.4, p = 0.087) vs. 9.4 months (95 % CI 0.0–18.9, p = 0.087) in OLAD cohort. A median OS was 52.3 months (95 % CI 30.5–74.1, p = 0.996) in the VE-LAD vs. 39.9 months (95 % CI 30.6–49.2, p = 0.996) in OLAD cohort.Conclusion. Videoendoscopic inguinal femoral lymphadenectomy allows a radical inguinal femoral lymph node removal alike in conventional surgical dissection. Our results indicate the method performance towards reduced postoperative wound complications. The oncological indicators are comparable to the traditional surgery cohort