257 research outputs found

    BootBandit: A macOS bootloader attack

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    Historically, the boot phase on personal computers left systems in a relatively vulnerable state. Because traditional antivirus software runs within the operating system, the boot environment is difficult to protect from malware. Examples of attacks against bootloaders include so‐called “evil maid” attacks, in which an intruder physically obtains a boot disk to install malicious software for obtaining the password used to encrypt a disk. The password then must be stored and retrieved again through physical access. In this paper, we discuss an attack that borrows concepts from the evil maid. We assume exploitation can be used to infect a bootloader on a system running macOS remotely to install code to steal the user\u27s password. We explore the ability to create a communication channel between the bootloader and the operating system to remotely steal the password for a disk protected by FileVault 2. On a macOS system, this attack has additional implications due to “password forwarding” technology, in which a user\u27s account password also serves as the FileVault password, enabling an additional attack surface through privilege escalation

    My Dreams by Georg Heym as a Literary Source

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    Diary records by German expressionist poet Georg Heym (1887–1912) where he describes his dreams and night fantasies demonstrate his deep interest in borderline psychic conditions and give us a unique opportunity to get inside poet’s creative workshop. In My Dreams Georg Heym records various manifestations of his imagination: his passion for antiquity and revolutionary France history, macabre scenes of violence, and disturbances of his personal life. The Russian translation is done by Konstantin Matrosov. Introduction by Anton Chorny is an attempt to track the history of the manuscript and its traces in memoirs and scholarly papers. Commentaries give brief information on personal names and circumstances mentioned by the author

    Peacebuilding in the Immediate Aftermath of Conflict

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    The author investigates the aspects of restoring peace after the end of the armed conflict, analyses the history of creating, the mandate and the main activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (using the last report of the Peacebuilding Commission for the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations in 2018). It is touched upon the special organs of the United Nations, such as the Peacebuilding Fund and the Peacebuilding Support Office. It is shown the main sources in this sphere (resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations). There is overview of Russian scientific fiction devoted to the topic of the article in the end of it.В настоящей статье рассмотрены вопросы восстановления мира после завершения вооруженного конфликта, проанализированы история создания, мандат и основные направления деятельности Комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций по миростроительству (на примере последнего ежегодного доклада комиссии, представленного Генеральной Ассамблее и Совету Безопасности в 2018 году). Статья затрагивает также другие специально созданные органы Организации Объединенных Наций, такие как Фонд миростроительства и Управление по поддержке миростроительства. Проанализировано и освещено содержание основных международно-правовых источников, регулирующих деятельность Организации Объединенных Наций и ее специально созданных органов (а именно резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи и Совета Безопасности Организации Объединенных Наций). В завершении сделан обзор существующей российской научной литературы, посвященной рассмотренной проблеме

    To 110th Anniversary of the Federal Public Health Institution Astrakhan Plague Control Station

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    Presented is a historical essay on the work of one of the oldest Russian anti-plague institutions - Astrakhan Plague Control Station. Noted is the fact that specialists of this institution made a substantial contribution to the development of the theory of plague natural focality and other contagious infections, as well as to the provision for and implementation of measures for epidemiological surveillance and prophylaxis of plague and other particularly dangerous infectious diseases in the territory of the North-West Caspian sea region

    Volga-Ural Sandy Plague Focus Differentiation against Epizootic Manifestations by Means of Circular Extrapolation

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    Displayed are the results of study of the Volga-Ural sandy plague focus spatial structure. Constructed has been the map of the area with long-lasting persistent epizootic manifestations, monitored throughout the whole period from 1926 to 2012, using method of circular extrapolation of plague microbe detection points. Epizootic area mapping and map adjustment have been carried out automatically with the help of ArcGIS-10 software. The map displays the dislocation of plague focus activity nuclei and zones of short-term epizootic process registration; identified have been their quantitative parameters. Cartographic model of plague-focal territory differentiation against epizootic manifestation index is designed for validated planning of epidemiological surveillance activities and further studies of plague enzootics issues. The data obtained can be used for epidemiological zoning of territories as regards plague

    Blood-Sucking Fly <I>Icosta ardeae</I> – Its Distribution and Probable Role in Circulation of West-Nile FeverVirus

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    Communication comprises materials on distribution of blood-sucking fly, Icosta ardeae, in the territory of the Russian Federation and bordering states. Based on the analysis of literature data, collection assets, and personal investigations assumed has been the fact that this species is more widely spread in the local fauna than it was anticipated earlier. The fly parasitizes on the birds of 11 species, orders - ciconiiformes (storks), shore (wading) birds, Gruiformes, and fowl-like birds (Galliformes). More often I. ardeae is seen among bitterns – 43 % of the findings, abundance index –5,9. Therewith, put forward is the suggestion concerning the role of the species and other Hippoboscidae in the process of persistence and distribution of West-Nile fever virus. Studies of this group of insects can be of use for identification of mechanisms that benefit natural foci extension and development as regards various infectious diseases

    Boundary Changes of Natural Plague Foci in the North-Western Pre-Caspian

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    Objective of the study is to specify present-day locations and sizes of natural plague foci in the North-Western Pre-Caspian.Materials and methods. Based on the results of field and office mapping of Pre-Caspian sandy and North-Western steppe plague foci, conducted in 2013–2014, designed have been electronic maps of the sectors, situated in the periphery of the foci.Results and conclusions. Detected has been marked reduction in sizes of natural foci owing to plowing of arid pastures. Over a significant distance, new natural focal boundaries are represented by linear elements of hydrography. Wherein such elements are absent, sector frames, in which evidence of enzooty remains, are accepted as formalized external boundaries. The process of deep and irreversible anthropogenic transformation of landscapes has resulted in the reduction of enzootic as regards plague territories: the steppe focus area has decreased by 22 %, being 51152 sq. km, the sandy one – by 13 %, amounting to 62510 sq. km. Farming on the extensive territories as a means of radical alterations of the landscapes has made the lands unsuitable for habitation of the little souslik, midday and tamarisk gerbils, which is an evidence of a complete loss of plague enzooty factors in the territory. The survey of actual position and sizes of natural plague foci within the rigid bonds, plotted on topographic maps and easily identifiable afield, provides for substantiated planning and complex prophylactic plague-control measures. Novel spatial parameters of the natural foci are suggested for the inclusion into official regulatory-methodological documents, guiding performance of epidemiological surveillance over plague