16,362 research outputs found

    Theory and simulation of two-dimensional nematic and tetratic phases

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    Recent experiments and simulations have shown that two-dimensional systems can form tetratic phases with four-fold rotational symmetry, even if they are composed of particles with only two-fold symmetry. To understand this effect, we propose a model for the statistical mechanics of particles with almost four-fold symmetry, which is weakly broken down to two-fold. We introduce a coefficient κ\kappa to characterize the symmetry breaking, and find that the tetratic phase can still exist even up to a substantial value of κ\kappa. Through a Landau expansion of the free energy, we calculate the mean-field phase diagram, which is similar to the result of a previous hard-particle excluded-volume model. To verify our mean-field calculation, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation of spins on a triangular lattice. The results of the simulation agree very well with the Landau theory.Comment: 7 pages, including 12 postscript figures, uses REVTeX

    Noise-Activated Escape from a Sloshing Potential Well

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    We treat the noise-activated escape from a one-dimensional potential well of an overdamped particle, to which a periodic force of fixed frequency is applied. We determine the boundary layer behavior, and the physically relevant length scales, near the oscillating well top. We show how stochastic behavior near the well top generalizes the behavior first determined by Kramers, in the case without forcing. Both the case when the forcing dies away in the weak noise limit, and the case when it does not, are examined. We also discuss the relevance of various scaling regimes to recent optical trap experiments.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, REVTeX, expanded versio

    Quantum Plasmonics

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    Quantum plasmonics is an exciting subbranch of nanoplasmonics where the laws of quantum theory are used to describe light–matter interactions on the nanoscale. Plasmonic materials allow extreme subdiffraction confinement of (quantum or classical) light to regions so small that the quantization of both light and matter may be necessary for an accurate description. State-of-the-art experiments now allow us to probe these regimes and push existing theories to the limits which opens up the possibilities of exploring the nature of many-body collective oscillations as well as developing new plasmonic devices, which use the particle quality of light and the wave quality of matter, and have a wealth of potential applications in sensing, lasing, and quantum computing. This merging of fundamental condensed matter theory with application-rich electromagnetism (and a splash of quantum optics thrown in) gives rise to a fascinating area of modern physics that is still very much in its infancy. In this review, we discuss and compare the key models and experiments used to explore how the quantum nature of electrons impacts plasmonics in the context of quantum size corrections of localized plasmons and quantum tunneling between nanoparticle dimers. We also look at some of the remarkable experiments that are revealing the quantum nature of surface plasmon polaritons

    Asymptotics of surface-plasmon redshift saturation at sub-nanometric separations

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    Many promising nanophotonics endeavours hinge upon the unique plasmonic properties of nanometallic structures with narrow non-metallic gaps, which support super-concentrated bonding modes that singularly redshift with decreasing separations. In this letter, we present a descriptive physical picture, complemented by elementary asymptotic formulae, of a nonlocal mechanism for plasmon-redshift saturation at subnanometric gap widths. Thus, by considering the electron-charge and field distributions in the close vicinity of the metal-vacuum interface, we show that nonlocality is asymptotically manifested as an effective potential discontinuity. For bonding modes in the near-contact limit, the latter discontinuity is shown to be effectively equivalent to a widening of the gap. As a consequence, the resonance-frequency near-contact asymptotics are a renormalisation of the corresponding local ones. Specifically, the renormalisation furnishes an asymptotic plasmon-frequency lower bound that scales with the 1/41/4-power of the Fermi wavelength. We demonstrate these remarkable features in the prototypical cases of nanowire and nanosphere dimers, showing agreement between our elementary expressions and previously reported numerical computations

    Surface-plasmon resonances of arbitrarily shaped nanometallic structures in the small-screening-length limit

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    According to the hydrodynamic Drude model, surface-plasmon resonances of metallic nanostructures blueshift owing to the nonlocal response of the metal's electron gas. The screening length characterising the nonlocal effect is often small relative to the overall dimensions of the metallic structure, which enables us to derive a coarse-grained nonlocal description using matched asymptotic expansions; a perturbation theory for the blueshifts of arbitrary shaped nanometallic structures is then developed. The effect of nonlocality is not always a perturbation and we present a detailed analysis of the "bonding" modes of a dimer of nearly touching nanowires where the leading-order eigenfrequencies and eigenmode distributions are shown to be a renormalisation of those predicted assuming a local metal permittivity

    Unfolding and unzipping of single-stranded DNA by stretching

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    We present a theoretical study of single-stranded DNA under stretching. Within the proposed framework, the effects of basepairing on the mechanical response of the molecule can be studied in combination with an arbitrary underlying model of chain elasticity. In a generic case, we show that the stretching curve of ssDNA exhibits two distinct features: the second-order "unfolding" phase transition, and a sharp crossover, reminiscent of the first-order "unzipping" transition in dsDNA. We apply the theory to the particular cases of Worm-like Chain (WLC) and Freely-Joint Chain (FJC) models, and discuss the universal and model--dependent features of the mechanical response of ssDNA. In particular, we show that variation of the width of the unzipping crossover with interaction strength is very sensitive to the energetics of hairpin loops. This opens a new way of testing the elastic properties of ssDNA.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, substantially revised versio

    Asymptotic Exit Location Distributions in the Stochastic Exit Problem

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    Consider a two-dimensional continuous-time dynamical system, with an attracting fixed point SS. If the deterministic dynamics are perturbed by white noise (random perturbations) of strength ϵ\epsilon, the system state will eventually leave the domain of attraction Ω\Omega of SS. We analyse the case when, as ϵ→0\epsilon\to0, the exit location on the boundary ∂Ω\partial\Omega is increasingly concentrated near a saddle point HH of the deterministic dynamics. We show that the asymptotic form of the exit location distribution on ∂Ω\partial\Omega is generically non-Gaussian and asymmetric, and classify the possible limiting distributions. A key role is played by a parameter μ\mu, equal to the ratio ∣λs(H)∣/λu(H)|\lambda_s(H)|/\lambda_u(H) of the stable and unstable eigenvalues of the linearized deterministic flow at HH. If μ<1\mu<1 then the exit location distribution is generically asymptotic as ϵ→0\epsilon\to0 to a Weibull distribution with shape parameter 2/μ2/\mu, on the O(ϵμ/2)O(\epsilon^{\mu/2}) length scale near HH. If μ>1\mu>1 it is generically asymptotic to a distribution on the O(ϵ1/2)O(\epsilon^{1/2}) length scale, whose moments we compute. The asymmetry of the asymptotic exit location distribution is attributable to the generic presence of a `classically forbidden' region: a wedge-shaped subset of Ω\Omega with HH as vertex, which is reached from SS, in the ϵ→0\epsilon\to0 limit, only via `bent' (non-smooth) fluctuational paths that first pass through the vicinity of HH. We deduce from the presence of this forbidden region that the classical Eyring formula for the small-ϵ\epsilon exponential asymptotics of the mean first exit time is generically inapplicable.Comment: This is a 72-page Postscript file, about 600K in length. Hardcopy requests to [email protected] or [email protected]

    Globular Structures of a Helix-Coil Copolymer: Self-Consistent Treatment

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    A self-consistent field theory was developed in the grand-canonical ensemble formulation to study transitions in a helix-coil multiblock globule. Helical and coil parts are treated as stiff rods and self-avoiding walks of variable lengths correspondingly. The resulting field-theory takes, in addition to the conventional Zimm-Bragg (B.H. Zimm, I.K. Bragg, J. Chem. Phys. 31, 526 (1959)) parameters, also three-dimensional interaction terms into account. The appropriate differential equations which determine the self-consistent fields were solved numerically with finite element method. Three different phase states are found: open chain, amorphous globule and nematic liquid-crystalline (LC) globule. The LC-globule formation is driven by the interplay between the hydrophobic helical segments attraction and the anisotropic globule surface energy of an entropic nature. The full phase diagram of the helix-coil copolymer was calculated and thoroughly discussed. The suggested theory shows a clear interplay between secondary and tertiary structures in globular homopolypeptides.Comment: 26 pages, 30 figures, corrected some typo
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