4,369 research outputs found

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    Quality assurance in stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy according to DIN 6875-1

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    The new DIN (' Deutsche Industrie- Norm') 6875- 1, which is currently being finalised, deals with quality assurance ( QA) criteria and tests methods for linear accelerator and Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery/ radiotherapy including treatment planning, stereotactic frame and stereotactic imaging and a system test to check the whole chain of uncertainties. Our existing QA program, based on dedicated phantoms and test procedures, has been refined to fulfill the demands of this new DIN. The radiological and mechanical isocentre corresponded within 0.2 mm and the measured 50% isodose lines were in agreement with the calculated ones within less than 0.5 mm. The measured absorbed dose was within 3%. The resultant output factors measured for the 14-, 8- and 4- mm collimator helmet were 0.9870 +/- 0.0086, 0.9578 +/- 0.0057 and 0.8741 +/- 0.0202, respectively. For 170 consecutive tests, the mean geometrical accuracy was 0.48 +/- 0.23 mm. Besides QA phantoms and analysis software developed in- house, the use of commercially available tools facilitated the QA according to the DIN 6875- 1 with which our results complied. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Scaling in the Positive Plaquette Model and Universality in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We investigate universality, scaling, the beta-function and the topological charge in the positive plaquette model for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Comparing physical quantities, like the critical temperature, the string tension, glueball masses, and their ratios, we explore the effect of a complete suppression of a certain lattice artifact, namely the negative plaquettes, for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Our result is that this modification does not change the continuum limit, i.e., the universality class. The positive plaquette model and the standard Wilson formulation describe the same physical situation. The approach to the continuum limit given by the beta-function in terms of the bare lattice coupling, however, is rather different: the beta-function of the positive plaquette model does not show a dip like the model with standard Wilson action.Comment: 35 pages, preprint numbers FSU-SCRI-94-71 and HU Berlin-IEP-94/1

    Four Dimensional CFT Models with Rational Correlation Functions

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    Recently established rationality of correlation functions in a globally conformal invariant quantum field theory satisfying Wightman axioms is used to construct a family of soluble models in 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time. We consider in detail a model of a neutral scalar field ϕ\phi of dimension 2. It depends on a positive real parameter c, an analogue of the Virasoro central charge, and admits for all (finite) c an infinite number of conserved symmetric tensor currents. The operator product algebra of ϕ\phi is shown to coincide with a simpler one, generated by a bilocal scalar field V(x1,x2)V(x_1,x_2) of dimension (1,1). The modes of V together with the unit operator span an infinite dimensional Lie algebra LVL_V whose vacuum (i.e. zero energy lowest weight) representations only depend on the central charge c. Wightman positivity (i.e. unitarity of the representations of LVL_V) is proven to be equivalent to cNc \in N.Comment: 28 pages, LATEX, amsfonts, latexsym. Proposition 2.3, and Conjecture in Sec. 6 are revised. Minor errors are correcte

    Real-Time Maps of Fluid Flow Fields in Porous Biomaterials

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    Mechanical forces such as fluid shear have been shown to enhance cell growth and differentiation, but knowledge of their mechanistic effect on cells is limited because the local flow patterns and associated metrics are not precisely known. Here we present real-time, noninvasive measures of local hydrodynamics in 3D biomaterials based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Microflow maps were further used to derive pressure, shear and fluid permeability fields. Finally, remodeling of collagen gels in response to precise fluid flow parameters was correlated with structural changes. It is anticipated that accurate flow maps within 3D matrices will be a critical step towards understanding cell behavior in response to controlled flow dynamics.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Construction of Field Algebras with Quantum Symmetry from Local Observables

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    It has been discussed earlier that ( weak quasi-) quantum groups allow for conventional interpretation as internal symmetries in local quantum theory. From general arguments and explicit examples their consistency with (braid-) statistics and locality was established. This work addresses to the reconstruction of quantum symmetries and algebras of field operators. For every algebra \A of observables satisfying certain standard assumptions, an appropriate quantum symmetry is found. Field operators are obtained which act on a positive definite Hilbert space of states and transform covariantly under the quantum symmetry. As a substitute for Bose/Fermi (anti-) commutation relations, these fields are demonstrated to obey local braid relation.Comment: 50 pages, HUTMP 93-B33

    Effective Field Theories

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    Effective field theories encode the predictions of a quantum field theory at low energy. The effective theory has a fairly low ultraviolet cutoff. As a result, loop corrections are small, at least if the effective action contains a term which is quadratic in the fields, and physical predictions can be read straight from the effective Lagrangean. Methods will be discussed how to compute an effective low energy action from a given fundamental action, either analytically or numerically, or by a combination of both methods. Basically,the idea is to integrate out the high frequency components of fields. This requires the choice of a "blockspin",i.e. the specification of a low frequency field as a function of the fundamental fields. These blockspins will be the fields of the effective field theory. The blockspin need not be a field of the same type as one of the fundamental fields, and it may be composite. Special features of blockspins in nonabelian gauge theories will be discussed in some detail. In analytical work and in multigrid updating schemes one needs interpolation kernels \A from coarse to fine grid in addition to the averaging kernels CC which determines the blockspin. A neural net strategy for finding optimal kernels is presented. Numerical methods are applicable to obtain actions of effective theories on lattices of finite volume. The constraint effective potential) is of particular interest. In a Higgs model it yields the free energy, considered as a function of a gauge covariant magnetization. Its shape determines the phase structure of the theory. Its loop expansion with and without gauge fields can be used to determine finite size corrections to numerical data.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figs., preprint DESY 92-070 (figs. 3-9 added in ps format