73 research outputs found

    Improving the energy efficiency of wind turbines for charging batteries

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    The article describes the method for determining the optimal angular velocity and the number of turns of the generator winding on permanent magnets powered by a wind turbine operating in specific operating conditions according to the wind speed regime. The optimization criterion is the maximum potential of energy that can be used to charge the battery. The permissible power of the generator and wind turbine, current and battery charging voltage are accepted as limiting factors. The restriction is provided by connecting a ballast resistor to the generator output. The power developed by the turbine is determined taking into account the wind energy utilization factor, which depends on the angular velocity of its shaft and wind speed. Two variants of power limitation are compared: by limiting the angular velocity by aerodynamic means and by stopping the wind turbine. The return of energy to charging in both cases is determined taking into account the distribution of wind speeds, obeying the Weibull probability distribution law. As an example, the calculation of the possible annual power generation for charging a battery with a capacity of 200 A∙h with a voltage of 24 volts from a synchron generator with a number of poles of 48 driven by a wind turbine with a radius of 2 meters, operating in an area with an average wind speed of 5 m/s. The calculation shows that for the parameters and operating conditions of the electrical installation used in the example, the maximum annual energy output (3.3 × 103 kWh) is observed at optimal 11 turns of the winding at each of the poles of the generator. The deviation of the number of turns from the optimal one in both directions by 2 times leads, with the same dimensions of the wind turbine, to a decrease in annual energy output by 3...5 times, which is a clear proof of the need to carry out such a calculation for each specific wind turbine

    Long-range epigenetic silencing at 2q14.2 affects most human colorectal cancers and may have application as a non-invasive biomarker of disease

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    Large chromosomal regions can be suppressed in cancer cells as denoted by hypermethylation of neighbouring CpG islands and downregulation of most genes within the region. We have analysed the extent and prevalence of long-range epigenetic silencing at 2q14.2 (the first and best characterised example of coordinated epigenetic remodelling) and investigated its possible applicability as a non-invasive diagnostic marker of human colorectal cancer using different approaches and biological samples. Hypermethylation of at least one of the CpG islands analysed (EN1, SCTR, INHBB) occurred in most carcinomas (90%), with EN1 methylated in 73 and 40% of carcinomas and adenomas, respectively. Gene suppression was a common phenomenon in all the tumours analysed and affected both methylated and unmethylated genes. Detection of methylated EN1 using bisulfite treatment and melting curve (MC) analysis from stool DNA in patients and controls resulted in a predictive capacity of, 44% sensitivity in positive patients (27% of overall sensitivity) and 97% specificity. We conclude that epigenetic suppression along 2q14.2 is common to most colorectal cancers and the presence of a methylated EN1 CpG island in stool DNA might be used as biomarker of neoplastic disease

    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Hsp104 Disaggregase Is Unable to Propagate the [PSI+] Prion

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    The molecular chaperone Hsp104 is a crucial factor in the acquisition of thermotolerance in yeast. Under stress conditions, the disaggregase activity of Hsp104 facilitates the reactivation of misfolded proteins. Hsp104 is also involved in the propagation of fungal prions. For instance, the well-characterized [PSI+] prion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not propagate in Δhsp104 cells or in cells overexpressing Hsp104. In this study, we characterized the functional homolog of Hsp104 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp_Hsp104). As its S. cerevisiae counterpart, Sp_hsp104+ is heat-inducible and required for thermotolerance in S. pombe. Sp_Hsp104 displays low disaggregase activity and cannot propagate the [PSI+] prion in S. cerevisiae. When overexpressed in S. cerevisiae, Sp_Hsp104 confers thermotolerance to Δhsp104 cells and reactivates heat-aggregated proteins. However, overexpression of Sp_Hsp104 does not propagate nor eliminate [PSI+]. Strikingly, [PSI+] was cured by overexpression of a chimeric chaperone bearing the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the S. cerevisiae Hsp104 protein. Our study demonstrates that the ability to untangle aggregated proteins is conserved between the S. pombe and S. cerevisiae Hsp104 homologs, and points to a role of the CTD in the propagation of the S. cerevisiae [PSI+] prion

    Structural and Functional Deficits in a Neuronal Calcium Sensor-1 Mutant Identified in a Case of Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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    Neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a Ca2+ sensor protein that has been implicated in the regulation of various aspects of neuronal development and neurotransmission. It exerts its effects through interactions with a range of target proteins one of which is interleukin receptor accessory protein like-1 (IL1RAPL1) protein. Mutations in IL1RAPL1 have recently been associated with autism spectrum disorders and a missense mutation (R102Q) on NCS-1 has been found in one individual with autism. We have examined the effect of this mutation on the structure and function of NCS-1. From use of NMR spectroscopy, it appeared that the R102Q affected the structure of the protein particularly with an increase in the extent of conformational exchange in the C-terminus of the protein. Despite this change NCS-1(R102Q) did not show changes in its affinity for Ca2+ or binding to IL1RAPL1 and its intracellular localisation was unaffected. Assessment of NCS-1 dynamics indicated that it could rapidly cycle between cytosolic and membrane pools and that the cycling onto the plasma membrane was specifically changed in NCS-1(R102Q) with the loss of a Ca2+ -dependent component. From these data we speculate that impairment of the normal cycling of NCS-1 by the R102Q mutation could have subtle effects on neuronal signalling and physiology in the developing and adult brain

    Екстер’єрні ознаки та морфометричні показники крила бджіл різних селекційних кросів карпатської породи

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    Honey bees are essential insects due to their ecological and economic value, as they are used not only to obtain valuable products (honey, pollen, Perga, etc.) but also to pollinate plants and increase yields. The Carpathian breed occupies a prominent place in the diversity of bees’ further intensification, which depends on the efficiency of selection and breeding work on improvement of existent and creation of new types and lines between which genetic material can be exchanged. New breeding populations must be comprehensively evaluated for economically valuable traits, including the exterior, and the best ones must be identified. Given the stated, the purpose of our research was to study the external features and morphometric parameters of the wings of bees of different breeding crosses of the Carpathian breed. Studies have been conducted on bees of various genealogical formations of the Carpathian breeds in private apiaries in the Navariya village, Lviv region. 6 groups of 10 bee colonies in each were formed to conduct experimental studies: I – the control group – local bees of the Carpathian population (type “Vuchkivskyi”); ІІ – the experimental group – inbred group ♀ micro population “915” x ♂ micro population “915”; III – the experimental group – selection cross ♀ line “Sto” x ♂ micro population “915”; IV – the experimental group – selection cross ♀ Vuchkivskyix ♂ micro population “915”; V – research group – selection cross ♀ line “Troisek 07” x ♂ micro population “915”; VI – research group – breeding cross ♀ micro population G. Macha x ♂ micro population “915”. It is established that bees of different selection crosses of the Carpathian breed significantly differed in exterior features and morphometric parameters of wings, while the difference between the studied features ranged from insignificantly unreliable to significant reliable data. The fifth group was characterized by the most extended proboscis (6.72 mm) and the highest value of the cubital index (2.75 %), and – the sixth group by the most extensive length of the front wing (9.38 mm). The bees of the third group were characterized by the highest value of front wing width (3.33 mm), wax mirror length (1.43 mm), a sum of lengths of third and fourth tergites (4.54 mm), and dumbbell index (1.11 %), and the fourth group – by the most significant number of hooks on the rear wing (21.80 pcs.), the highest value of the tarsal index (53.51 %) and discoidal displacement (4.79 %). The insects of the first and the third group were characterized by the largest width of the wax mirror (2.26 mm). However, it is worth noting that all the studied features of the exterior of bees and morphometric parameters of the wings were within the standard of the Carpathian bees breed.Медоносні бджоли є дуже важливими комахами завдяки їхній екологічній та економічній цінності, адже їх використовують не лише для отримання цінної продукції (меду, пилку, перги та ін.), а й для запилення рослин і підвищення врожайності. З-поміж різноманіття бджіл чільне місце займає карпатська порода, подальша інтенсифікація якої залежить від ефективності селекційно-племінної роботи з удосконалення існуючих та створення нових типів і ліній, між якими може відбуватись обмін генетичним матеріалом. Нові селекційні популяції необхідно всебічно оцінювати за господарсько корисними ознаками, зокрема й екстер’єром, і виявляти кращі. З огляду на зазначене метою наших досліджень було вивчити екстер’єрні ознаки та морфометричні параметри крила бджіл різних селекційнх кросів карпатської породи. Дослідження проведені на бджолах різних генеалогічних формувань карпатської породи у приватних пасіках в с. Наварія Львівської області. Для проведення експериментальних досліджень було сформовано 6 груп по 10 бджолосімей у кожній: І – контрольна група – місцеві бджоли карпатської популяції (тип “Вучківський”); ІІ – дослідна  група – інбредна група ♀ мікропопуляція “915” х ♂ мікропопуляція “915”; ІІІ – дослідна група – селекційний крос ♀ лінія “Сто” х ♂ мікропопуляція “915”; ІV – дослідна група – селекційний крос ♀ Вучківська х ♂ мікропопуляція “915”; V – дослідна група – селекційний крос ♀ лінія “Тройзек 07” х ♂ мікропопуляція “915”; VІ – дослідна група – селекційний крос ♀ мікропопуляція G. Macha х ♂ мікропопуляція “915”. Встановлено, що бджоли різних селекційних кросів карпатської породи досить суттєво відрізнялися за екстер’єрними ознаками та морфометричними параметрами крила, при цьому різниця між досліджуваними ознаками коливалася від незначних невірогідних до суттєвих достовірних значень. Найдовшим хоботком (6,72 мм) та найбільшим значенням кубітального індексу (2,75 %) характеризувалися комахи п’ятої групи, а найбільшою довжиною переднього крила (9,38 мм) – шостої групи. Найвищі значення ширини переднього крила (3,33 мм), довжини воскового дзеркальця (1,43 мм), суми довжин 3-го і 4-го тергітів (4,54 мм) та гантельного індексу (1,11 %) виявлені у бджіл третьої групи, а найбільша кількість зачепів на задньому крилі (21,80 шт.), найвище значення тарзального індексу (53,51 %) та дискоїдального зміщення (4,79 %) – у особин четвертої групи. Найбільшою шириною воскового дзеркальця характеризувалися комахи першої та третьої груп (2,26 мм). Втім, варто зазначити: всі досліджувані ознаки екстер’єру бджіл та морфометричних параметрів крила перебували в межах стандарту бджіл карпатської породи

    Diversity and distribution of leaf mining insects on Birches (Betula spp.) in Siberia

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The diversity and distribution of leaf mining insects developing on birches (Betula spp.) in Siberia were reviewed based on published records and our observations. Analysis of the literature revealed 52 species of leaf miners recorded as feeding on different Betula species in Siberia. Among them, three species were listed under different names and six species were erroneously recorded as birch consumers. Thus, the revised list of birch leaf miners contains 44 species. Five moth and four sawfly species are mentioned in the literature as pests of Betula. Four sawflies are known to be invasive in North America. Our collections comprised 25 species, including the micromoth Stigmella continuella (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae), a new species for Siberia found in Novosibirsk. Immature stages of 15 species were identified using DNA barcoding. Twenty species were recorded from several regions of Siberia for the first time. The dominant group is Lepidoptera (31 species), followed by Coleoptera (7), Hymenoptera (5), and Diptera (1). Two-thirds of all the known leaf miners develop exclusively on birches; the remaining species also colonize alders (Alnus, Betulaceae), some Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Ulmaceae. In our observations, the majority of insects (96%) developed on B. pendula. About half of them were also observed on the East Asian birches B. dahurica, B. divaricata, B. costata, B. ermanii, and B. gmelinii; five species were found on the North American birches B. occidentalis and B. papyrifera. All the leaf mining species listed in our paper for Siberia also occur in Europe. The similarity between the miner faunas of these regions is discussed and it is warned about possible errors in diagnostics of the Siberian species using the keys and catalogues for the European fauna. The importance of DNA barcoding in the study of the local insect faunas of poorly explored regions is also emphasized

    Diversity and distribution of leaf mining insects on Birches (Betula spp.) in Siberia

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The diversity and distribution of leaf mining insects developing on birches (Betula spp.) in Siberia were reviewed based on published records and our observations. Analysis of the literature revealed 52 species of leaf miners recorded as feeding on different Betula species in Siberia. Among them, three species were listed under different names and six species were erroneously recorded as birch consumers. Thus, the revised list of birch leaf miners contains 44 species. Five moth and four sawfly species are mentioned in the literature as pests of Betula. Four sawflies are known to be invasive in North America. Our collections comprised 25 species, including the micromoth Stigmella continuella (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae), a new species for Siberia found in Novosibirsk. Immature stages of 15 species were identified using DNA barcoding. Twenty species were recorded from several regions of Siberia for the first time. The dominant group is Lepidoptera (31 species), followed by Coleoptera (7), Hymenoptera (5), and Diptera (1). Two-thirds of all the known leaf miners develop exclusively on birches; the remaining species also colonize alders (Alnus, Betulaceae), some Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Ulmaceae. In our observations, the majority of insects (96%) developed on B. pendula. About half of them were also observed on the East Asian birches B. dahurica, B. divaricata, B. costata, B. ermanii, and B. gmelinii; five species were found on the North American birches B. occidentalis and B. papyrifera. All the leaf mining species listed in our paper for Siberia also occur in Europe. The similarity between the miner faunas of these regions is discussed and it is warned about possible errors in diagnostics of the Siberian species using the keys and catalogues for the European fauna. The importance of DNA barcoding in the study of the local insect faunas of poorly explored regions is also emphasized

    Numerical Solution of Matrix Riccati Equations: A Comparison of Six Solvers

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    We present results from the evaluation of six solvers intended for the numerical solution of continuous-time matrix algebraic Riccati equations. The solvers include four MATLAB functions from different toolboxes and two Fortran 77 solvers developed by the authors. The comparison implements two benchmark problems each comprising of 1600 6-th order Riccati equations with known solutions. For each solver and each equation we compute the relative forward and backward errors and for two of the solvers we investigate the accuracy of condition and error estimates. Some conclusions concerning the numerical behaviour of the solvers are given. 1 Introduction The numerical solution of matrix Riccati equations plays an important role in the design of control systems. While the solutions of these equations are studied well from theoretical point of view, the numerical properties of various computational methods are still not evaluated in depth. This motivates a further study of several available..

    Dynamics of Meandering Spiral Waves with Weak Lattice Perturbations

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