27 research outputs found

    The Exact Electron Propagator in a Magnetic Field as the Sum over Landau Levels on a Basis of the Dirac Equation Exact Solutions

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    The exact propagator for an electron in a constant uniform magnetic field as the sum over Landau levels is obtained by the direct derivation by standard methods of quantum field theory from exact solutions of the Dirac equation in the magnetic field. The result can be useful for further development of the calculation technique of quantum processes in an external active medium, particularly in the conditions of moderately large field strengths when it is insufficient to take into account only the ground Landau level contribution.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX; v2: 3 misprints corrected, a note and 1 reference added; to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Fe-Si biominerals in the Vilyuchinskie hot springs, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

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    The micromorphological structure of microbial mats (biomats) from the hot springs of the Vilyuchinskaya hydrothermal system, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, were investigated. The Vilyuchinskie hot springs had a discharge temperature of 55–56°C and Na-Ca-HCO3-type waters rich in silicic and boric acids. Water and biomats had high concentrations of Fe, Mn, Sr, and As. Enumeration of total bacterial abundance (TBA) demonstrated a low density of bacterial populations. However, the fractions of metabolically active bacteria and respiring iron-oxidizing bacteria in the hot-spring water were high, comprising 68 and 21% of TBA, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX) showed that unicellular rod-shaped bacteria about 5-μm long predominated in the brown biomats. The mineral capsules of these bacteria contained large amounts of Fe and Si. Extracellular and intracellular particles were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Fe-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from the biomats on agar plates with selective medium. Therefore, it can be concluded that microorganisms inhabiting the biomats of the Vilyuchinskie hot springs are essential for the deposition of Fe-minerals at neutral pH. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(3):193–198

    Dirac-Neutrino Magnetic Moment and the Dynamics of a Supernova Explosion

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    The double conversion of the neutrino helicity νLνRνL\nu_L \to \nu_R \to \nu_L has been analyzed for supernova conditions, where the first stage is due to the interaction of the neutrino magnetic moment with plasma electrons and protons in the supernova core, and the second stage, due to the resonance spin flip of the neutrino in the magnetic field of the supernova envelope. It is shown that, in the presence of the neutrino magnetic moment in the range 1013μB<μν<1012μB10^{-13} \mu_{\rm B} < \mu_\nu < 10^{-12} \mu_{\rm B} and a magnetic field of 1013\sim 10^{13} G between the neutrinosphere and the shock-stagnation region, an additional energy of about 105110^{51} erg, which is sufficient for a supernova explosion, can be injected into this region during a typical shock-stagnation time.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 4 EPS figures, accepted to JETP Letter


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    Within the Anabar shield in the northern part of the Siberia, Late Precambrian mafic igneous units are widespread, which form dyke swarms of different ages of different trends. This paper presents new data on the composition, structure and U-Pb dating of the E-W trending Kengede dyke swarm. Three new U-Pb ID-TIMS baddeleyite ages (1496±7, 1494±3 and 1494±5 Ma) were obtained from three dykes, indicating that the Kengede swarm is part of the 1500 Ma Kuonamka large igneous province (LIP). The previously recognized Kuonamka Large Igneous Province (LIP) extends for 700 km from the Anabar shield to the Olenek uplift in the northern part of the Siberia and is potentially linked to coeval dykes and sills of the São Francisco craton and the Congo craton. The newly dated Kengede swarm is parallel to but offset by 50 km from the previously dated 1501±3 Ma Kuonamka swarm, and the identification of these two subparallel dyke subswarms of the Kuonamka LIP supports the earlier interpretation that mantle plume centre was located along the extrapolated trend of the dykes near the eastern or western margin of the Siberia. The paper examines features of sulfide Cu-Ni mineralization in dolerites of the Kengede and East Anabar dyke swarms and discusses potential Cu-Ni-sulfide mineralization linked to the Precambrian mafic dyke swarms of different ages in the north-east of the Siberia.В пределах Анабарского щита в северной части Сибирского кратона широко распространены позднедокембрийские базиты, которые формируют разновозрастные дайковые рои различного направления. В статье приводятся новые данные по составу, строению и U-Pb датировкам даек Кенгединского роя. Три новых возраста по бадделеиту (1496±7, 1494±3 и 1494±5 млн лет) из трех даек указывают на то, что Кенгединский рой даек является частью Куонамской крупной магматической провинции (КМП). Ранее выделенная Куонамская КМП простирается на 700 км от Анабарского щита до Оленекского поднятия в северной части Сибирской платформы и потенциально связана с синхронными дайками и силлами кратонов Сан-Франциско и Конго. Вновь датированный Кенгединский рой расположен параллельно в 50 км южнее от Куонамского роя даек (1501±3 млн лет), и идентификация этих двух самостоятельных субпараллельных дайковых роев Куонамской КМП подтверждает более раннюю интерпретацию того, что центр мантийного плюма располагался вдоль экстраполированного тренда даек вблизи восточной или западной окраины Сибирского кратона. В связи с этим в статье также рассматриваются особенности сульфидной Cu-Ni-минерализации в долеритах Кенгединского и Восточно- Анабарского дайковых роев и обсуждается потенциальное Cu-Ni-сульфидное оруденение, связанное с разновозрастными докембрийскими роями мафических даек на северо-востоке Сибирской платформы

    The 1501 Ma Kuonamka Large Igneous Province of northern Siberia: U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and links with coeval magmatism on other crustal blocks

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    © 2015.A new large igneous province (LIP), the 1501 ± 3 Ma Kuonamka LIP, extends across 700 km of northern Siberia and is linked with coeval dikes and sills in the formerly attached Sao Francisco craton (SFC)-Congo craton to yield a short-duration event 2000 km across. The age of the Kuonamka LIP can be summarized as 1501 ± 3 Ma (95% confidence), based on 7 U-Pb ID-TIMS ages (6 new herein) from dolerite dikes and sills across the Anabar shield and within western Riphean cover rocks for a distance of 270 km. An additional sill yielded a SIMS (CAMECA) age of 1483 ± 17 Ma and sill in the Olenek uplift several hundred kilometers farther east, a previous SIMS (SHRIMP) age of ca. 1473 Ma was obtained on a sill; both SIMS ages are within the age uncertainty of the ID-TIMS ages. Geochemical data indicate a tholeiitic basalt composition with low MgO (4-7 wt%) within-plate character based on trace element classification diagrams and source between E-MORB and OIB with only minor contamination from crust or metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Two subgroups are distinguished: Group 1 has gently sloping LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 1.9) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 1.8) patterns, slightly negative Sr and moderate TiO2 (2.2 wt%), and Group 2 has steeper LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 2.3) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 2.3), strong negative Sr anomaly, is higher in TiO2 (2.7 wt%), and is transitional from tholeiitic to weakly alkaline in composition. The slight differences in REE slopes are consistent with Group 2 on average melting at deeper levels. Proposed reconstructions of the Kuonamka LIP with 1500 Ma magmatism of the SFC-Congo craton are supported by a geochemical comparison. Specifically, the chemistry of the Chapada Diamantina and Curaga dikes of the SFC can be linked to that of Groups 1 and 2, respectively, of the Kuonamka LIP and are consistent with a common mantle source between EMORB and OIB and subsequent differentiation history. However, the coeval Humpata sills and dikes of the Angola block of the Congo craton represent a different magma batch

    Sulfides of the Modern Kamchatka Hydrothermal Systems

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    ABSTRACT Sulfides pyrite, melnikovite-pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, cinnabar, coloradoite, metacinnabar are precipitating at the modern geothermal systems of Kamchatka: Kireunsky, Dvukhyurtochny and Apapel&apos;sky in Central Kamchatka, Vilyuchinsky and Mutnovsky in Southern Kamchatka. Ore deposits are spatially associated with hydrothermal springs. Pyrite is the most common mineral precipitated at the discharge of hydrothermal style. It varies in mode of occurrence, size, inner structure, chemical composition and microstructure. Frequently pyrite occurs as framboids, idiomorphic crystals and their aggregates. By chemical composition, two varieties of pyrite are observed: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Heterogeneity of composition is due to impurities of As, Cu, Sb, Hg and Ag. Au as impurity in pyrite was relieved only in pyrite from Voinovsky hot springs in Southern Kamchatka. Cinnabar is the next most common occurring mineral at the modern hydrothermal systems in Kamchatka. Chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and gold are rare minerals. The modern hydrothermal systems in Kamchatka provide the opportunity to study sulfide typomorphism and physico-chemical conditions of the deposition mechanism. We suppose that some of them are the elements of the long-life ore generating hydrothermal systems

    The 1501 Ma Kuonamka Large Igneous Province of northern Siberia: U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and links with coeval magmatism on other crustal blocks

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    © 2015.A new large igneous province (LIP), the 1501 ± 3 Ma Kuonamka LIP, extends across 700 km of northern Siberia and is linked with coeval dikes and sills in the formerly attached Sao Francisco craton (SFC)-Congo craton to yield a short-duration event 2000 km across. The age of the Kuonamka LIP can be summarized as 1501 ± 3 Ma (95% confidence), based on 7 U-Pb ID-TIMS ages (6 new herein) from dolerite dikes and sills across the Anabar shield and within western Riphean cover rocks for a distance of 270 km. An additional sill yielded a SIMS (CAMECA) age of 1483 ± 17 Ma and sill in the Olenek uplift several hundred kilometers farther east, a previous SIMS (SHRIMP) age of ca. 1473 Ma was obtained on a sill; both SIMS ages are within the age uncertainty of the ID-TIMS ages. Geochemical data indicate a tholeiitic basalt composition with low MgO (4-7 wt%) within-plate character based on trace element classification diagrams and source between E-MORB and OIB with only minor contamination from crust or metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Two subgroups are distinguished: Group 1 has gently sloping LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 1.9) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 1.8) patterns, slightly negative Sr and moderate TiO2 (2.2 wt%), and Group 2 has steeper LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 2.3) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 2.3), strong negative Sr anomaly, is higher in TiO2 (2.7 wt%), and is transitional from tholeiitic to weakly alkaline in composition. The slight differences in REE slopes are consistent with Group 2 on average melting at deeper levels. Proposed reconstructions of the Kuonamka LIP with 1500 Ma magmatism of the SFC-Congo craton are supported by a geochemical comparison. Specifically, the chemistry of the Chapada Diamantina and Curaga dikes of the SFC can be linked to that of Groups 1 and 2, respectively, of the Kuonamka LIP and are consistent with a common mantle source between EMORB and OIB and subsequent differentiation history. However, the coeval Humpata sills and dikes of the Angola block of the Congo craton represent a different magma batch

    The 1501 Ma Kuonamka Large Igneous Province of northern Siberia: U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and links with coeval magmatism on other crustal blocks

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    © 2015.A new large igneous province (LIP), the 1501 ± 3 Ma Kuonamka LIP, extends across 700 km of northern Siberia and is linked with coeval dikes and sills in the formerly attached Sao Francisco craton (SFC)-Congo craton to yield a short-duration event 2000 km across. The age of the Kuonamka LIP can be summarized as 1501 ± 3 Ma (95% confidence), based on 7 U-Pb ID-TIMS ages (6 new herein) from dolerite dikes and sills across the Anabar shield and within western Riphean cover rocks for a distance of 270 km. An additional sill yielded a SIMS (CAMECA) age of 1483 ± 17 Ma and sill in the Olenek uplift several hundred kilometers farther east, a previous SIMS (SHRIMP) age of ca. 1473 Ma was obtained on a sill; both SIMS ages are within the age uncertainty of the ID-TIMS ages. Geochemical data indicate a tholeiitic basalt composition with low MgO (4-7 wt%) within-plate character based on trace element classification diagrams and source between E-MORB and OIB with only minor contamination from crust or metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Two subgroups are distinguished: Group 1 has gently sloping LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 1.9) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 1.8) patterns, slightly negative Sr and moderate TiO2 (2.2 wt%), and Group 2 has steeper LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 2.3) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 2.3), strong negative Sr anomaly, is higher in TiO2 (2.7 wt%), and is transitional from tholeiitic to weakly alkaline in composition. The slight differences in REE slopes are consistent with Group 2 on average melting at deeper levels. Proposed reconstructions of the Kuonamka LIP with 1500 Ma magmatism of the SFC-Congo craton are supported by a geochemical comparison. Specifically, the chemistry of the Chapada Diamantina and Curaga dikes of the SFC can be linked to that of Groups 1 and 2, respectively, of the Kuonamka LIP and are consistent with a common mantle source between EMORB and OIB and subsequent differentiation history. However, the coeval Humpata sills and dikes of the Angola block of the Congo craton represent a different magma batch

    The 1501 Ma Kuonamka Large Igneous Province of northern Siberia: U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and links with coeval magmatism on other crustal blocks

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    © 2015.A new large igneous province (LIP), the 1501 ± 3 Ma Kuonamka LIP, extends across 700 km of northern Siberia and is linked with coeval dikes and sills in the formerly attached Sao Francisco craton (SFC)-Congo craton to yield a short-duration event 2000 km across. The age of the Kuonamka LIP can be summarized as 1501 ± 3 Ma (95% confidence), based on 7 U-Pb ID-TIMS ages (6 new herein) from dolerite dikes and sills across the Anabar shield and within western Riphean cover rocks for a distance of 270 km. An additional sill yielded a SIMS (CAMECA) age of 1483 ± 17 Ma and sill in the Olenek uplift several hundred kilometers farther east, a previous SIMS (SHRIMP) age of ca. 1473 Ma was obtained on a sill; both SIMS ages are within the age uncertainty of the ID-TIMS ages. Geochemical data indicate a tholeiitic basalt composition with low MgO (4-7 wt%) within-plate character based on trace element classification diagrams and source between E-MORB and OIB with only minor contamination from crust or metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Two subgroups are distinguished: Group 1 has gently sloping LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 1.9) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 1.8) patterns, slightly negative Sr and moderate TiO2 (2.2 wt%), and Group 2 has steeper LREE ((La/Sm)PM = 2.3) and HREE ((Gd/Yb)PM = 2.3), strong negative Sr anomaly, is higher in TiO2 (2.7 wt%), and is transitional from tholeiitic to weakly alkaline in composition. The slight differences in REE slopes are consistent with Group 2 on average melting at deeper levels. Proposed reconstructions of the Kuonamka LIP with 1500 Ma magmatism of the SFC-Congo craton are supported by a geochemical comparison. Specifically, the chemistry of the Chapada Diamantina and Curaga dikes of the SFC can be linked to that of Groups 1 and 2, respectively, of the Kuonamka LIP and are consistent with a common mantle source between EMORB and OIB and subsequent differentiation history. However, the coeval Humpata sills and dikes of the Angola block of the Congo craton represent a different magma batch