34 research outputs found

    Simulation of the solidification of the melt in the Vanyukov furnace in the case of emergency stoppage

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    A mathematical model of the Vanyukov furnace, which makes it possible to predict the behavior of an object in the emergency operational mode (upon the disconnection of the oxygen supply) and develop an effective system of additional heating which damps the consequences of the emergency mode and lowers the costs for the renovation of the furnace operation, is created. It is shown how solidification upon cooling the furnace with time is simulated using the enthalpy and porosity method. The mathematical model is adopted for existing production conditions, which are weakly defined. The energy characteristics of the mode for the solidifying furnace bath, which ensures its holding for a long time in the ready state to rapid firing, are found. Thus, the problem of excessively expensive furnace firing after prolonged production stoppage is solved in the conjugated statement with a calculation of the heating system of the overbath space. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Improving the thermal characteristics of furnaces and the operating conditions of the lining by improving direct-flame-impingement methods for intensifying the heating of metal

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    This article discusses Russian research and development of the direct-flame-impingement method of heating and modifications made to this technology abroad in the form of the DFI and Oxy-fuel heating systems. It examines the advantages of these heating methods, especially the sharp reduction in refractories use and the substantial improvement in the service conditions of the furnace lining. Various designs of direct-flame-impingement heating furnaces are presented and aspects of their thermal performance are discussed. It is shown that the thermal efficiency of modern furnaces which employ direct flame heating can reach 65% and that emissions of nitrogen oxides from these units do not exceed 30 ppm even when the combustion air is preheated. The efficiency of using oxygen in natural-gas-fired heating furnaces is evaluated for different natural-gas prices. Relations are obtained to describe the effect of the degree of oxygen enrichment of the combustion air on the consumption of natural gas and oxygen individually and the consumption of natural gas + oxygen. The cost-effectiveness of using gas-oxygen burners in melting furnaces is also examined. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    BAT According to Climatic Neutrality of Production of Steel Products

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    The purpose of this article is to estimate the best available technologies for values of the following technological numbers: fuel, ecological, depreciation, greenhouse and their sums. All these numbers have power dimension: t of conditional fuel/unit of production that allows to put them. The fuel technological number characterizes power consumption of production. The technological ecological number transfers a payment of the enterprise for environmental pollution to power units. The technological depreciation number transfers depreciation charges from rubles to power units. The technological greenhouse number translates a payment of the enterprise for emissions of greenhouse gases in power units. Technological numbers have through character – from extraction of raw materials before receiving finished goods. The best available technologies are characterized by the smallest sum of all technological numbers. Keywords: through power-ecological analysis, power ecological capacity of production of steel products, technological fuel ecological greenhouse number, best available technologies, climatic neutralit

    The role of professor A. T. Lidsky in the formation and development of surgery in the Urals

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    The article is devoted to the activities of the head of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the SGMI – UGMU (1934-1965) Arkady Timofeevich Lidsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, founder of the scientific school of surgeons in the UralsСтатья посвящена деятельности заведующего кафедрой госпитальной хирургии СГМИ-УГМУ (1934-1965 гг.) Ар кадию Тимофеевичу Лидскому, доктору медицинских наук, профессору, заслуженному деятелю науки РСФСР, члену-корреспонденту АМН СССР, основателю научной школы хирургов на Урал

    Energy Analysis as a Mirror for the Economics

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    Показана целесообразность использования метода энергетического анализа при оценке эффективности экономических систем и мероприятий.The expediency of using the method of energy analysis in assessing the effectiveness of economic systems and measures is shown


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    This paper considers the solution to the problem of assessing the energy intensity of processes in ferrous metallurgy using technological fuel numbers. It has been shown that the use in quarrying of more powerful equipment reduces the energy intensity of ore extraction.В работе рассмотрено решение задачи оценки энергоемкости процессов в черной металлургии с использованием технологических топливных чисел. Показано, что применение в карьерных работах более мощного оборудования уменьшает энергоемкость добычи руды


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    Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа энергетики СССР и России по некоторым показателям энергоэффективности, воздействию на экономику, устойчивое развитие. Приведены данные об Энергетических правилах (ЭП), законодательстве стран ЕС, ориентированных на конечного потребителя энергии и повышение энергоэффективности. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию российского энергетического законодательства.The results of a comparative analysis of the energy industry of the USSR and Russia on some indicators of energy efficiency, impact on the economy, sustainable development are presented. The data on the Energy Rules (EP), the legislation of the EU countries, focused on the final consumer of energy and improving energy efficiency. The proposals on improving the Russian energy legislation are formulated

    Comprehensive Energy Conservation Assessment

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    Изложена методика анализа энергозатрат по сумме сквозных технологических топливных, экологических и парниковых чисел. Эта сумма характеризует энергоемкость, экологический и климатический ущерб производства технологического продукта. Экологический ущерб и эмиссия парниковых газов выражены в энергетических единицах. Это дает возможность сопоставлять ранее определенную энергоемкость продукции рассматриваемых производств с ущербом от выбросов вредных и парниковых газов.It describes the methodology for analyzing energy costs by the sum of through-process fuel, environmental and greenhouse numbers. This amount characterizes the energy intensity, ecological and climatic damage to the production of a technological product. Environmental damage and greenhouse gas emissions are expressed in energy units. This makes it possible to compare the previously defined energy intensity of the products of the considered industries with damage from emissions of harmful and greenhouse gases


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    The mathematical 3D-model of Vanjukov melting furnace is presented. It allows us to predict the behavior of the furnace in emergency operation mode (when oxygen flow is disabled) and to construct the effective additional heating system, which dampens the consequences of emergency mode and reduces the costs of the furnace reactivation. It is shown how the enthalpy and porosity method is used to model the molten media solidification in Vanjukov furnace in course of time. The model was adjusted to be adequate with the real operating conditions, which are fuzzy. For the solidifying bath the heating control parameters were found to keep it ready for a fast start. The solidification was solved in a conjugated set with an upper-bath heating system. So the problem of expensive start of furnace after the long emergency stop has been solved.Разработана математическая модель печи Ванюкова, позволяющая прогнозировать поведение объекта в аварийном режиме работы (при отключении кислорода) и создать эффективную систему дополнительного отопления, которая демпфирует последствия аварийного режима и снижает затраты на возобновление работы печи. Показано, как при помощи метода энтальпии и пористости моделируется затвердевание при остывании расплава в печи со временем. Проведена адаптация математической модели для существующих технологических условий, которые отличаются слабой определенностью. Получены энергетические характеристики режима для застывающей ванны печи, обеспечивающего ее поддержание длительное время в состоянии готовности к быстрому пуску. Таким образом, в сопряженной постановке с расчетом системы отопления названного пространства решена задача чрезмерно затратного процесса пуска печи после длительного технологического останова