2,637 research outputs found

    Statistics of eigenfunctions in open chaotic systems: a perturbative approach

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    We investigate the statistical properties of the complexness parameter which characterizes uniquely complexness (biorthogonality) of resonance eigenstates of open chaotic systems. Specifying to the regime of isolated resonances, we apply the random matrix theory to the effective Hamiltonian formalism and derive analytically the probability distribution of the complexness parameter for two statistical ensembles describing the systems invariant under time reversal. For those with rigid spectra, we consider a Hamiltonian characterized by a picket-fence spectrum without spectral fluctuations. Then, in the more realistic case of a Hamiltonian described by the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, we reveal and discuss the r\^ole of spectral fluctuations

    Optical second harmonic generation probe of two-dimensional ferroelectricity

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    Optical second harmonic generation (SHG) is used as a noninvasive probe of two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectricity in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of copolymer vinylidene fluoride with trifluorethylene. The surface 2D ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in the topmost layer of LB films and a thickness independent (almost 2D) transition in the bulk of these films are observed in temperature studies of SHG.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Optics Letters, in prin

    Mine burial in the seabed of high-turbidity area (Belgian coastal zone): findings from a first experiment

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    Suspended particulate matter; particle size distribution; statistical handling; coastal turbidity maximum; wind impact; seabed variations The seabed of the North Sea is covered with ammunition dating back from World Wars I and II. With increasing human interference (e.g. fisheries, aggregate extraction, harbour related activities), it forms a threat to the safety at sea. In this study, test mines were deployed on a sandy seabed for three months to investigate mine burial processes as a function of hydrodynamic and meteorological conditions. The mine experiment was conducted in a shallow (9 m), macrotidal environment characterized by highly turbid waters (yearly and depth-averaged suspended particulate matter concentration of 100 mg l-1). Results showed some variability of the overall mine burial, which corresponded with scouring processes induced by a (sub-) tidal forcing mechanism. The main burial events however were linked to storm-related scouring processes, and subsequent mine roll into the resulting pit. Two storms affecting the mines during the 3-month experiment resulted in enduring increases in burial volume to 60% and 80%, respectively. More cyclic and ephemeral burial and exposure events appear to be linked to the local hydrodynamic regime. During slack tides, suspended sediment settles on the seabed, increasing the burial volume. In between slack tides, sediment is re-suspended, decreasing the burial volume. The temporal pattern of this never reported burial mechanism, as measured optically, mimics the cyclicity of the suspended sediment concentration as recorded by ultrasonic signals at a nearby benthic observatory. Given the similarity in response signals at the two sites, we hypothesize that the formation of high-concentrated mud suspensions (HCMS) is a mechanism causing short-term burial and exposure of mines. This short-term burial and exposure increase the chance that mines are ‘missed’ during tracking surveys. Test mines contribute to our understanding of the settling and erosion of HCMS, and thus shed a light on generic sedimentary processes

    Poly(ADP-ribose) Polyremase-1 (PARP-1) Inhibition: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy for ETS-Expressing Tumours.

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    ETS transcription factors are a highly conserved family of proteins involved in the progression of many cancers, such as breast and prostate carcinomas, Ewing's sarcoma, and leukaemias. This significant involvement can be explained by their roles at all stages of carcinogenesis progression. Generally, their expression in tumours is associated with a poor prognosis and an aggressive phenotype. Until now, no efficient therapeutic strategy had emerged to specifically target ETS-expressing tumours. Nevertheless, there is evidence that pharmacological inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), a key DNA repair enzyme, specifically sensitises ETS-expressing cancer cells to DNA damage and limits tumour progression by leading some of the cancer cells to death. These effects result from a strong interplay between ETS transcription factors and the PARP-1 enzyme. This review summarises the existing knowledge of this molecular interaction and discusses the promising therapeutic applications

    Selective amplification of scars in a chaotic optical fiber

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    In this letter we propose an original mechanism to select scar modes through coherent gain amplification in a multimode D-shaped fiber. More precisely, we numerically demonstrate how scar modes can be amplified by positioning a gain region in the vicinity of specific points of a short periodic orbit known to give rise to scar modes

    An imaging and spectroscopic study of the very metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxy Tol 1214--277

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    We present a spectrophotometric study based on VLT/FORS I observations of one of the most metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies known, Tol 1214-277 (Z ~ Zsun/25). The data show that roughly half of the total luminosity of the BCD originates from a bright and compact starburst region located at the northeastern tip of a faint dwarf galaxy with cometary appearance. The starburst has ignited less than 4 Myr ago and its emission is powered by several thousands O7V stars and ~ 170 late-type nitrogen Wolf-Rayet stars located within a compact region with < 500 pc in diameter. For the first time in a BCD, a relatively strong [Fe V] 4227 emission line is seen which together with intense He II 4686 emission indicates the presence of a very hard radiation field in Tol 1214-277. We argue that this extraordinarily hard radiation originates from both Wolf--Rayet stars and radiative shocks in the starburst region. The structural properties of the low-surface-brightness (LSB) component underlying the starburst have been investigated by means of surface photometry down to 28 B mag/sq.arcsec. We find that, for a surface brightness level fainter than ~ 24.5 B mag/sq.arcsec, an exponential fitting law provides an adequate approximation to its radial intensity distribution. The broad-band colors in the outskirts of the LSB component of Tol 1214-277 are nearly constant and are consistent with an age below one Gyr. This conclusion is supported by the comparison of the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the LSB host with theoretical SEDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, to appear in Astronomical Journa

    The effect of collisional enhancement of Balmer lines on the determination of the primordial helium abundance

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    This paper describes a new determination of the primordial helium abundance (Y_P), based on the abundance analysis of five metal-poor extragalactic HII regions. For three regions of the sample (SBS 0335-052, I Zw 18, and H29) we present tailored photoionization models based on improved calculations with respect to previous models. In particular, we use the photoionization models to study quantitatively the effect of collisional excitation of Balmer lines on the determination of the helium abundance (Y) in the individual regions. This effect is twofold: first, the intensities of the Balmer lines are enhanced with respect to the pure recombination value, mimicking a higher hydrogen abundance; second, the observed reddening is larger than the true extinction, due to the differential effect of collisions on different Balmer lines. In addition to these effects, our analysis takes into account the following features of HII regions: (i) the temperature structure, (ii) the density structure, (iii) the presence of neutral helium, (iv) the collisional excitation of the HeI lines, (v) the underlying absorption of the HeI lines, and (vi) the optical thickness of the HeI lines. The object that shows the highest increase in Y after the inclusion of collisional effects in the analysis is SBS 0335-052, whose helium abundance has been revised by Delta Y = +0.0107. The revised Y values for the five objects in our sample yield an increase of +0.0035 in Y_P, giving Y_P = 0.2391 +/- 0.0020.Comment: 59 pages, 8 figures. AAS Latex. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics of soap bubble bursting and its implications to volcano acoustics

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    In order to assess the physical mechanisms at stake when giant gas bubbles burst at the top of a magma conduit, laboratory experiments have been performed. An overpressurized gas cavity is initially closed by a thin liquid film, which suddenly bursts. The acoustic signal produced by the bursting is investigated. The key result is that the amplitude and energy of the acoustic signal strongly depend on the film rupture time. As the rupture time is uncontrolled in the experiments and in the field, the measurement of the acoustic excess pressure in the atmosphere, alone, cannot provide any information on the overpressure inside the bubble before explosion. This could explain the low energy partitioning between infrasound, seismic and explosive dynamics often observed on volcanoes

    Impact evaluation of marine aggregate extraction through adaptive monitoring of bottom shear stress in bedform areas

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    Dedicated monitoring programmes are needed for the evaluation of the effects of the exploitation of non-living resources on the territorial sea and the continental shelf. Related to physical impacts, hydrodynamics and sediment transport, together with sedimentological and morphological evolution, need investigation. Overall aim is to increase process and system knowledge of both natural and exploited areas, with a particular focus on thecompliancy of extraction activities with respect to European Directives (e.g., European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Habitat Directive). More specifically assessments are needed of changes in seafloor integrity and hydrographic conditions, two descriptors to define Good Environmental Status within Europe’sMarine Strategy Framework Directive.An important parameter is the bottom shear stress, with knowledge needed on both natural and anthropogenically induced variability. Bottom shear stress measurements are used for the validation of numerical models, necessary for impact quantification in the far field. Extensive data-model integration is critical for adequate assessments of the status of the marine environment, a prerequisite for sustainable use of living, and non-living resources
