9 research outputs found

    Tetrabenzylcyclen as a receptor for fluoride

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    A tetraazacyclic ligand, tetrabenzylcyclen (L), was synthesized using an improved method with a higher yield by treatment of cyclen with benzylchloride in the presence of potassium carbonate. The reaction of L with an aqueous solution of fluorosilicic acid yielded a mixed-anionic salt with the composition [H3L][F][SiF6]$4H2O (1). The single crystal X-ray study revealed that the macrocyclic trication essentially changes the conformation compared to the free ligand in order to tightly accommodate the fluoride inside and to keep the hexafluorosilicate anions and water molecules outside in the solid state complex

    Управленческий учет в информационной поддержке реформирования рынка образовательных услуг высшего профессионального образования

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    Automated information system of movables' monitoring is suggested for the information support of modernization of budget institutions of higher professional education. The monitoring information system is a software application in an integrated database of inventory sheets extracted from materials accounting systems.Для обеспечения информационной поддержки ряда мероприятий по реформированию бюджетных образовательных учреждений предлагается использовать автоматизированную информационную систему мониторинга движимого имущества учреждений ВПО, представляющую собой программное приложение к интегрированной базе данных инвентарных карточек учета основных средств, извлеченных из оперативных систем материального бухгалтерского учета

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Rationale of the topic. There is a certain stable dependence between the state of periodontal tissues and general somatic diseases. In modern concepts of pathogenesis of the inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases much attention is paid to the vegetative-vascular disorders. It is known that affection of cervical intervertebral discs is accompanied by affection of the vegetative nervous system. At present the evaluation of vegetative dysfunction manifestations according to A. Vein and determination of its regulatory mechanisms according to Kerdo and Hildebrant has become widespread. However, the use of these simple, safe and informative methods in the patients with periodontal diseases is not sufficiently covered in the special literature. Objective of this research: to study the state of the vegetative nervous system in case of periodontal diseases in the patients with affected cervical intervertebral discs. Materials and methods. To achieve the stated objective the dental examination of 74 patients with periodontal diseases and affected cervical intervertebral discs (ACID) and 40 apparently healthy persons of the control group aged from 36 up to 72 years was performed. 48 patients of the main group and 26 persons of the control group made up a group of the 2nd period of the maturity age, 26 patients and 14 persons, respectively, of the elderly age. Disorders of the vegetative nervous system were determined using the Vein Questionnaire for detection of vegetative changes. To evaluate the outcoming vegetative tone the Kerdo vegetation index (VI) was calculated. To analyze the intersystem cardiorespiratory correlation the Hildebrant ratio (correlation between the heart rate and the respiratory rate, per 1 minute) was calculated. Results of the study. In the patients with affected periodontal tissues and CID the significant increase of vegetative manifestations and high frequency of vegetative dysfunctions could be observed with the confidence level of 99-99,9%, as compared to apparently healthy people. That gave evidence of the vegetative regulation disorder of homeostasis and homeokinesis of the examined patients. In the vegetative innervation of the cardiovascular system of the persons of the 2nd period of the mature and elderly age the sympathetic tone prevailed over the parasympathetic one (in the patients' groups – 4,2 and 4,3 times as much, in the control groups – 1,6 and 1,5 times as much) that proved the diffuse and generalized effect of the influence and stressed the role of the so-called premorbid background (pathology of the cervical intervertebral discs) in the development of periodontal diseases. The revealed significant deviations in the intersystem correlations according to the Hildebrant ratio in case of periodontal diseases in the patients with ACID proved a high level of inconsistency in the activity of the visceral systems: the heart and respiratory ones. The revealed sympathicotonia in the groups of patients (in 60,4 and 65,4% of observations, respectively) proved prevailing of the sympathetic influences on the heart over such influences on the respiratory tract

    Hemodynamic indicators of doppler test within arteria profunda linguae in patients with combined pathology of mucous membrane of oral cavity and rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate hemodynamic in arteria profunda linguae with the help of Doppler ultrasonography in triplex scanning mode in patients with pathology of mucous membrane of oral cavity and combined rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and methods: The study of the state of the tongue`s vascular net with the help of Doppler ultrasonography in triplex scanning mode was conducted. A prospective diagnostic study was performed on 64 patients with glossopathy which was combined with rheumatoid arthritis. 25 generally healthy persons without pathological changes of the mucous membranes of the mouth were included into the control group. Results: In a detailed analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results of Doppler ultrasonography in patients with superficial type of the benign migratory glossitis combined with rheumatoid arthritis the next features were found: on the background of the local changes in blood flow profile there were a significant increase of linear parameters of a blood flow and to a lesser degree volumetric parameters of a blood flow detected on the background of the local changes in blood flow profile compared to control group with statistically significant difference 95-99,9%. Despite increasing of blood flow velocity, vascular resistance and total blood flow resistance were increased. Elastic properties of the vascular wall reduction indicate circulation intensity decrease in arteria profunda linguae system, which is a sighn of chronic inflammatory process. The presence of significant local hemodynamic disorders in arteria profunda linguae system in patients with hyperplastic form of benign migratory glossitis evidenced by a significant decrease in blood flow velocity Vmax (on 24,7%) and its most sensitive parameter ТАМХ (on 18,9%) as well as indicator of blood supply to the organ СО ( on 24,9%). Worse results of doppler test were determined in patients with atrophic glossitis: flattening of peaks of the echographic curve with occurrence of additional phases of systole and diastole, low blood flow speed and the general tendency to an increase of vascular resistance and the resistance of peripheral blood flow as well as reducing of the elastic properties in the vascular wall. However, a significant decrease of the volumetric blood flow speed on 34,4% (р <0,001) is evidence of impaired blood flow in the microvasculature system of the tongue. Conclusion: It was found that character and degree of violations of local hemodynamic in patients with glossopathy which combined with rheumatoid arthritis depends on the type of glossitis and due to functional and structural changes in the vascular system in the benign migratory glossitis and atrophic glossitis and aggravation on the background of rheumatoid arthritis

    Показники доплерографічного дослідження гемодинаміки arteria profunda linguae у хворих із поєднаною патологією слизової оболонки порожнини рота та ревматоїдним артритом

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate hemodynamic in arteria profunda linguae with the help of Doppler ultrasonography in triplex scanning mode in patients with pathology of mucous membrane of oral cavity and combined rheumatoid arthritis.Materials and methods: The study of the state of the tongue`s vascular net with the help of Doppler ultrasonography in triplex scanning mode was conducted. A prospective diagnostic study was performed on 64 patients with glossopathy which was combined with rheumatoid arthritis. 25 generally healthy persons without pathological changes of the mucous membranes of the mouth were included into the control group.Results: In a detailed analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results of Doppler ultrasonography in patients with superficial type of the benign migratory glossitis combined with rheumatoid arthritis the next features were found: on the background of the local changes in blood flow profile there were a significant increase of linear parameters of a blood flow and to a lesser degree volumetric parameters of a blood flow detected on the background of the local changes in blood flow profile compared to control group with statistically significant difference 95-99,9%. Despite increasing of blood flow velocity, vascular resistance and total blood flow resistance were increased. Elastic properties of the vascular wall reduction indicate circulation intensity decrease in arteria profunda linguae system, which is a sighn of chronic inflammatory process.The presence of significant local hemodynamic disorders in arteria profunda linguae system in patients with hyperplastic form of benign migratory glossitis evidenced by a significant decrease in blood flow velocity Vmax (on 24,7%) and its most sensitive parameter ТАМХ (on 18,9%) as well as indicator of blood supply to the organ СО ( on 24,9%).Worse results of doppler test were determined in patients with atrophic glossitis: flattening of peaks of the echographic curve with occurrence of additional phases of systole and diastole, low blood flow speed and the general tendency to an increase of vascular resistance and the resistance of peripheral blood flow as well as reducing of the elastic properties in the vascular wall. However, a significant decrease of the volumetric blood flow speed on 34,4% (р &lt;0,001) is evidence of impaired blood flow in the microvasculature system of the tongue.Conclusion: It was found that character and degree of violations of local hemodynamic in patients with glossopathy which combined with rheumatoid arthritis depends on the type of glossitis and due to functional and structural changes in the vascular system in the benign migratory glossitis and atrophic glossitis and aggravation on the background of rheumatoid arthritis.Цель работы – изучение состояния гемодинамики a. profunda linguae с помощью допплерографических методов в режиме триплексного сканирования у пациентов с заболеваниями слизистой оболочки полости рта в сочетании с ревматоидным артритом.Материалы и методы. Изучили состояние сосудистого русла языка с помощью ультразвукового исследования в режиме триплексного сканирования 64 пациентов с заболеваниями языка, сочетанными с ревматоидным артритом, и 25 практически здоровых лиц без патологических изменений слизистой оболочки полости рта.Результаты. При детальном анализе качественных и количественных результатов допплерографии у больных с поверхностной формой десквамативного глоссита, сочетанной с ревматоидным артритом, установлено, что на фоне локальных изменений профиля тока крови наблюдали существенное повышение линейных и в меньшей степени – объёмных параметров кровотока относительно группы контроля со степенью достоверности 95–99,9 %. Несмотря на увеличение скоростных показателей кровотока, повышение резистентности сосудов и общего сопротивления тока крови и снижение эластических свойств сосудистой стенки указывают на ухудшение интенсивности кровообращения в системе глубокой артерии языка, характерного для хронического воспалительного процесса.О наличии существенных локальных гемодинамических нарушений в бассейне a. profunda lingua у пациентов с гиперпластической формой десквамативного глоссита свидетельствовало достоверное снижение скорости кровотока Vmax (на 24,7 %) и её наиболее чувствительного параметра ТАМХ (на 18,9 %), а также показатель истинного кровоснабжения органа СО (на 24,9 %).Худшие результаты допплеровского исследования получены у больных с атрофическим глосситом: сглаженность пиков эхографической кривой и появление дополнительных пиков в фазах систолы и диастолы, низкая скорость кровотока и общая тенденция к повышению резистентности сосудов и сопротивление периферического кровотока со снижением эластических свойств сосудистой стенки. В то же время существенное снижение объёмной скорости кровотока на 34,4 % (р &lt; 0,001) является свидетельством нарушенного кровообращения в системе микроциркуляторного русла языка.Выводы. Установлено, что у пациентов с заболеваниями языка, сочетанными с ревматоидным артритом, характер и степень нарушений локальной гемодинамики зависят от формы глоссита и обусловлены функциональными и структурными изменениями сосудистой системы при десквамативном и атрофическом глоссите и их углублением на фоне ревматоидного артрита.Мета роботи – вивчення стану гемодинаміки a. profunda linguae за допомогою доплерографічних методів у режимі триплексного сканування в пацієнтів із захворюваннями слизової оболонки порожнини рота, що поєднанні з ревматоїдним артритом.Матеріали та методи. Вивчили стан судинного русла язика за допомогою ультразвукового дослідження в режимі триплексного сканування 64 пацієнтів із захворюваннями язика, що поєднані з ревматоїдним артритом, і 25 практично здорових осіб без патологічних змін слизової оболонки порожнини рота.Результати. Під час детального аналізу якісних і кількісних результатів доплерографії у хворих із поверхневою формою десквамативного глоситу, що поєднана з ревматоїдним артритом, встановлено, що на тлі локальних змін профілю току крові спостерігали значне підвищення лінійних і меншою мірою об’ємних параметрів кровотоку щодо групи контролю зі ступенем вірогідності 95–99,9 %. Незважаючи на збільшення швидкісних показників кровотоку, підвищення резистентності судин і загального опору току крові та зниження еластичних властивостей судинної стінки вказують на погіршення інтенсивності кровообігу в системі глибокої артерії язика, що характерно для хронічного запального процесу.Про наявність суттєвих локальних гемодинамічних порушень у басейні a. profunda lingua в пацієнтів із гіперпластичною формою десквамативного глоситу свідчило вірогідне зниження швидкості кровотоку Vmax(на 24,7 %) та її най- чутливішого параметра ТАМХ (на 18,9 %), а також показника істинного кровопостачання органу СО (на 24,9 %).Найгірші результати доплерівського дослідження отримані у хворих з атрофічним глоситом: згладженість піків ехографічної кривої та поява додаткових піків у фазах систоли та діастоли, низька швидкість кровотоку, а також загальна тенденція до підвищення резистентності судин та опору периферичного кровотоку й зниження еластичних властивостей судинної стінки. Водночас суттєве зниження об’ємної швидкості кровотоку на 34,4 % (р &lt; 0,001) є свідченням порушеного кровообігу в системі мікроциркуляторного русла язика.Висновки. Встановлено, що в пацієнтів із захворюваннями язика, які поєднані з ревматоїдним артритом, характер і ступінь порушень локальної гемодинаміки залежать від форми глоситу та зумовлені функціональними й структурними змінами судинної системи при десквамативному та атрофічному глоситах та їх поглибленням на тлі ревматоїдного артриту

    Management accounting-based information support of reforms at the market of educational services of higher professional education

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    Automated information system of movables' monitoring is suggested for the information support of modernization of budget institutions of higher professional education. The monitoring information system is a software application in an integrated database of inventory sheets extracted from materials accounting systems

    A global field study of the international classification of diseases (ICD-11) mood disorders clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines

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    Background: We report results of an internet-based field study evaluating the diagnostic guidelines for ICD-11 mood disorders. Accuracy of clinicians’ diagnostic judgments applying draft ICD-11 as compared to the ICD-10 guidelines to standardized case vignettes was assessed as well as perceived clinical utility. Methods: 1357 clinician members of the World Health Organization's Global Clinical Practice Network completed the study in English, Spanish, Japanese or Russian. Participants were randomly assigned to apply ICD-11 or ICD-10 guidelines to one of eleven pairs of case vignettes. Results: Clinicians using the ICD-11 and ICD-10 guidelines achieved similar levels of accuracy in diagnosing mood disorders depicted in vignettes. Those using the ICD-11 were more accurate in identifying depressive episode in recurrent depressive disorder. There were no statistically significant differences detected across classifications in the accuracy of identifying dysthymic or cyclothymic disorder. Circumscribed problems with the proposed ICD-11 guidelines were identified including difficulties differentiating bipolar type I from bipolar type II disorder and applying revised severity ratings to depressive episodes. Clinical utility of ICD-11 bipolar disorders was found to be significantly lower than for ICD-10 equivalent categories. Limitations: Standardized case vignettes were manipulated to evaluate specific changes. The degree of accuracy of clinicians’ diagnostic judgments may not reflect clinical decision-making with patients. Conclusions: Alignment of the ICD-11 with current research appears to have been achieved without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy or clinical utility though specific training may be necessary as ICD-11 is implemented worldwide. Areas in which the ICD-11 guidelines did not perform as intended resulted in further revisions

    Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Following approval of the ICD-11 by the World Health Assembly in May 2019, World Health Organization (WHO) member states will transition from the ICD-10 to the ICD-11, with reporting of health statistics based on the new system to begin on January 1, 2022. The WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse will publish Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines (CDDG) for ICD-11 Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders following ICD-11's approval. The development of the ICD-11 CDDG over the past decade, based on the principles of clinical utility and global applicability, has been the most broadly international, multilingual, multidisciplinary and participative revision process ever implemented for a classification of mental disorders. Innovations in the ICD-11 include the provision of consistent and systematically characterized information, the adoption of a lifespan approach, and culture-related guidance for each disorder. Dimensional approaches have been incorporated into the classification, particularly for personality disorders and primary psychotic disorders, in ways that are consistent with current evidence, are more compatible with recovery-based approaches, eliminate artificial comorbidity, and more effectively capture changes over time. Here we describe major changes to the structure of the ICD-11 classification of mental disorders as compared to the ICD-10, and the development of two new ICD-11 chapters relevant to mental health practice. We illustrate a set of new categories that have been added to the ICD-11 and present the rationale for their inclusion. Finally, we provide a description of the important changes that have been made in each ICD-11 disorder grouping. This information is intended to be useful for both clinicians and researchers in orienting themselves to the ICD-11 and in preparing for implementation in their own professional contexts