224 research outputs found

    Linear and planar molecules formed by coupled P donors in silicon

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    Using the effective mass theory and the multi-valley envelope function representation, we have developed a theoretical framework for computing the single-electron electronic structure of several phosphorus donors interacting in an arbitrary geometrical configuration in silicon taking into account the valley-orbit coupling. The methodology is applied to three coupled phosphorus donors, arranged in a linear chain and in a triangle, and to six donors arranged in a regular hexagon. The results of the simulations evidence that the valley composition of the single-electron states strongly depends on the geometry of the dopant molecule and its orientation relative to the crystallographic axes of silicon. The electron binding energy of the triatomic linear molecules is larger than that of the diatomic molecule oriented along the same crystallographic axis, but the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state is not significantly different for internuclear distances from 1.5 to 6.6 nm. Three donor atoms arranged in a triangle geometry have larger binding energies than a triatomic linear chain of dopants with the same internuclear distances. The planar donor molecules are characterized by a strong polarization in favor of the valleys oriented perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. The polarization increases with number of atoms forming the planar molecule

    Influence of hydrochemical factors on morphometric variability of Scardinius erythrophthalmus in a freshwater river system

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    Studying fish growth is a complex task because growth depends on many factors. The process of fish growth is influenced by ecological factors of the water environment. Each species of fish has growth characteristics and characteristic changes in this process as a result of the action of natural and anthropogenic factors. We investigated the morphometric features of Scardinius erythrophthalmus in the hydroecosystem conditions of the Horyn River. Fish were caught by amateur fishing methods during 2018–2021 in the section of the hydrographic system of the Horyn River within the Rivne Plateau, which is the northern part of the Volhynian Upland , namely the Horyn River and its tributaries – the Zamchysko River, the Ustia River, and the Stubelka River. The catches included fish aged from 0+ (one-year-olds) to 5+ (five-year-olds). Growth variability was studied for fish aged 1+ to 4+ because their numbers were sufficient for statistical evaluation. We noticed clear features of the morphometric variability of the fish. According to the coefficient of variation for the general populations of S. erythrophthalmus from different rivers, there was mostly significant variability of such growth characteristics as the largest and smallest fish body height, total length, Smith length and short body length of fish. We also noticed the similarity of the morphometric variability of fish of different ages for the Horyn River and Stubelka River and Zamchisko River and Ustia River. The analysis and evaluation of the surface water quality of these rivers was also similar. Thus, Horyn and Stubla districts had a transitional state from II to III quality class, and the Zamchysko River and Ustya River districts had a transitional state from III to IV quality class. We conducted a multivariate regression and it revealed statistical significance and a close correlation between the coefficients of variation of the growth characteristics of fish with the phosphate content in the water (with an average value of the weighting coefficients of 0.50 ± 0.06), nitrite nitrogen (0.39 ± 0.10) and nitrate nitrogen (0.84 ± 0.34). The calculation of the specific growth of fish by full length revealed that the intensity of growth is the highest between the first and second year of life of fish for small rivers (Zamchysko River, Ustya River, Stubelka River) and between the second and third year for the Horyn River. The results presented in the article are valuable and describe the local variation in the morphometric variability of S. erythrophthalmus. This expanded the understanding of the influence of ecological factors of the aquatic environment on the formation of growth characteristics of this species of fish. In the future, our research will continue and study the linear growth of natural fish populations against the background of changes in the ecological and hydrological conditions of the studied regio

    Human papillomavirus E2 regulates SRSF3 (SRp20) to promote capsid protein expression in infected differentiated keratinocytes

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) life cycle is tightly linked to differentiation of the infected epithelial cell suggesting a sophisticated interplay between host cell metabolism and virus replication. Previously we demonstrated in differentiated keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo that HPV16 infection caused increased levels of the cellular SR splicing factors (SRSFs) SRSF1 (ASF/SF2), SRSF2 (SC35) and SRSF3 (SRp20). Moreover, the viral E2 transcription and replication factor that is expressed at high levels in differentiating keratinocytes could bind and control activity of the SRSF1 gene promoter. Here we reveal that E2 proteins of HPV16 and HPV31 control expression of SRSFs 1, 2 and 3 in a differentiation-dependent manner. E2 has the greatest trans-activation effect on expression of SRSF3. siRNA depletion experiments in two different models of the HPV16 life cycle (W12E and NIKS16) and one model of the HPV31 life cycle (CIN612-9E) revealed that only SRSF3 contributed significantly to regulation of late events in the virus life cycle. Increased levels of SRSF3 are required for L1 mRNA and capsid protein expression. Capsid protein expression was regulated specifically by SRSF3 and appeared independent of other SRSFs. Taken together these data suggest a significant role of the HPV E2 protein in regulating late events in the HPV life cycle through transcriptional regulation of SRSF3 expression. IMPORTANCE Human papillomavirus replication is accomplished in concert with differentiation of the infected epithelium. Virus capsid protein expression is confined to the upper epithelial layers so as to avoid immune detection. In this study we demonstrate that the viral E2 transcription factor activates the promoter of the cellular SRSF3 RNA processing factor. SRSF3 is required for expression of the E4̂L1 mRNA and so controls expression of the HPV L1 capsid protein. Thus we reveal a new dimension of virus-host interaction crucial for production of infectious virus. SRSF proteins are known drug targets. Therefore, this study provides an excellent basis for developing strategies to regulate capsid protein production in the infected epithelium and production of new virions

    Assessing significance of peripheral blood indicators for differential diagnosis and prognosis of thrombotic complications in polycythemia vera and secondary erythrocytosis.

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    The aim of the study – determining of changes in peripheral blood (PB) in patients with secondary erythrocytosis (SE) and polycythemia vera (PV), detection of discriminatory parameters levels of PB indicators and analyzing of their operating characteristics for differentiation of erythrocytosis and predicting of thrombotic events in patients with PV. Materials and methods. The material for the study was the results of clinical trials of 210 patients with erythrocytosis who underwent differential diagnosis between PV and SE. Results and discussion. The optimal threshold for differential diagnosis of red blood cells content between PV and SE is >6.08•1012/ L, the diagnostic value of the marker equals to the level of a good diagnostic marker (AUC=0.82; 95% CI=0.77-0.87, p <0.0001). Hematocrit threshold is >57.5% with its capacity – 0.72 (0.66-0.78, p <0.0001), that corresponds to the level of a middle diagnostic marker. The most pathognomonic section of white blood cells (WBC) to differentiate erythrocytosis is >8.9•109/L, and the boundary of marker is consistent with a good level of efficiency (AUC=0.79, 95% CI=0.72-0.84, p<0.0001). The efficiency criterion "platelets >287•109 /L" to differentiate erythrocytosis is 0.90 (0.86-0.94, p <0.0001).The predicting effectiveness of cardiovascular events with help of criterion "hematocrit >55%" and "WBC >12.3•109 /L", according to the AUC (AUC=0.65; 95% CI=0.52-0.79, p=0.021 and AUC=0.66; 95% CI=0.55-0.77, p=0.003, respectively), corresponds to the average power level. Conclusion. Hemoglobin has not confirmed its value for the differential diagnosis between PV and SE. Using other parameters of PB with the aim of differentiating PV and SE is rational, but their discriminatory power levels greatly depend on the group erythrocytosis. In our cohort were obtained the following most appropriate criteria for inclusion of patients in the group of patients with PV: "WBC >8.9•109/L", "red blood cells >6.08•1012/L" and "hematocrit >57.5%". The most significant marker of general clinical blood test to differentiate between PV and SE is "platelets >287•109/L". Hematocrit over 55% and WBC over 12.3·109/L are valuable prognostic markers of thrombosis in PV patients, but their use is appropriate only in a cohort of patients with PV without classical factors of cardiovascular events


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    In the article the calculation of anthropogene loading level for the basin of the river Boyarchyk is done. It is affirmed that its landscape is generaly characterized as an unstable one with distinctly expressed instability. The comprehensive assessment of the Boyarchyk River basin ecololgical status shows that under the natural and anthropogenic factors influence the basin area has undergone significant transformation, which caused the hydrographic network degradation and a critical surface water quality decreasing.It is ascertained that according to its ploughingup,urbanization and the presence of natural landscapes areas the basin of the river should be reasonably devided into three plots. Ecological assessment of the surface water quality of the river as to the index Ie showed that the most polluted ones are the first and second plots, where critical levels of anthropogenic transformation were identified. The water quality on the plots as to biogenic elements is assesad as unsatisfactory (Class V), and as to the level of anthropogene loading it means crisis of the water ecosystem.The water quality of the third plot is improved up to transitory state (Class IV) due to the basin and concerning the level of anthropogene loading there is a violation of trophic bonds.It is recommended to implement nature protection measures within the boundaries of the plots, within the areas that have been identified by the environmental engineering researches, in particular, on plot number one by bioplateau, the type of surface formation current including primary and secondary purification. On the plot number two it is reasonable to precipitate soil paryecles in sand traps and use oxygene saturation of the water in cascade minibioplateaux. On plot number three it is recommended to project cascade bioplateau including distributive grounds, grounds for further purifying on the bioplateau with submerged vegetation. У статті проведено розрахунок рівня антропогенного навантаження на басейн річки Боярчик, який засвідчує, що його ландшафт в цілому характеризується як нестабільний з чітко вираженою нестабільністю. Установлено, що за розораністю, урбанізованістю та наявністю площ природних ландшафтів басейн річки доцільно поділяти на три ділянки. Екологічна оцінка якості поверхневих вод річки за показниками Іе показала, що найбільш забрудненими є перша і друга ділянки. Якість води на цих ділянках за біогенними елементами оцінюється V класом, незадовільним станом, а за рівнем антропогенного навантаження – криза водної екосистеми. На третій ділянці якість води за рахунок водойми покращується до IV класу, стану перехідного, а за рівнем антропогенного навантаження – існує порушення трофічних зв’язків.Природоохоронні заходи рекомендується проводити в межах ділянок, а саме: на ділянці один – за рахунок будівництва біоплато типу поверхневого потоку у складі первинної і вторинної очистки і біоплато; на ділянці два – осадженням ґрунтових часток у пісколовках та насиченням води киснем на каскадних мінібіоплато; на ділянці три рекомендується запроєктувати каскадне біоплато у складі розподільної площадки, площадки доочищення на біоплато із зануреною рослинністю

    Predictors of hyperamylasemia in patients with cholecystolithiasis after laparoscopic cholecystolithotomy with intraoperative dosed endoscopic papillotomy

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    The purpose of the work is to improve the early and long-term results of patients with cholecystolithiasis treatment by supplementing cholecystolithotomy with one-stage intraoperative dosed endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) and predictors of increased risk of transient hyperamylasemia after EPST identification. Material and methods. 33 patients with cholecytholithiasis were involved in the study, the average age was 46.82 ± 13.02 years, women 27 (82 %), body mass index 28.56 ± 5.85 kg/m2. We studied intraoperative, early postoperative complications and long-term results. The follow-up period of patients with cholecystolithiasis after cholecystolithotomy with intraoperative dosed endoscopic papillotomy was 1424 days (3.9 years), median follow-up – 467 days. The odds ratio was calculated using logistic regression analysis. Results. Intraoperative and early postoperative complications were not observed. During the endoscopic papillotomy and in the early postoperative period no serious complications (duodenal perforations, bleeding, pancreatitis (pancreatic necrosis)) were observed. Transient hyperamylasemia occurred in 4 (12.12 %) out of the 33 patients with choledocholithiasis who were performed laparoscopic cholecystolithotomy with intraoperative papillotomy in the first day after surgery. According to the logistic regression, the choledochus ascending diameter increase more than4.2 mm (HS = 2.31; 95% CI 1.02–6.11; P = 0.0483) is associated with transient amylasemia. One case of acute non-calculous cholecystitis requiring the surgical intervention (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) was registered during 3.9 years of follow-up. Recurrence of cholecystocholedocholithiasis and major duodenal papilla stenosis occurred in no case. Conclusions. Laparoscopic cholecystolithotomy supplemented with one-stage intraoperative dosed endoscopic papillotomy performed according to absolute indications, are safe and highly effective surgical intervention, which allows preserving the gall bladder, restoring its motor-evacuator and concentration functions, and preventing recurrence of cholecystocholedocholithiasis by restoring bile outflow to the duodenum. Transient hyperamylasemia occurred in the first day after operation in 12.12 % (4/33) patients with cholecystolithiasis, who were performed laparoscopic cholecystolithotomy with intraoperative endoscopic papillotomy. The predictor of transient hyperamylasemia after cholecystolithotomy with intraoperative dosed endoscopic papillotomy in patients with cholecystolithiasis is the ascending choledochus diameter increase more than4.2 mm (VS = 2.31; 95 % CI 1.02–6.11; P = 0.0483)


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    The results of the investigation of ecological safety and agroecological state assessment of arable lands of the region are exposed in the article. Estimation of ecological safety and agroecological state of arable lands indices was carried out according to average arithmetic points out of three aggregated indices, such as ecological stability, the level of fertility, sanitary – hygienic state. Simultaneously, the conversion of factual indices of arable lands fertility (contents of humus, pH, contents of slightly hydrolyzed nitrogen, movable phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, contents of movable farms of beryllium, manganese, zinc, lead, copper, cadmium) were carried out following the dependencies for stimulator indices of increasing parabolas and for destimulators of lowering parabola indices, which were defined experimentally.The qualitative assessment of arable lands ecological safety was carried out according to the scale: 1.0–0.6835 – safety; 0.6835–0.4851 – risk; 0.4851–0.1902 – threat; 0.1902-0 – danger, and the assessment of agroecological state according to the scale: 1.0–0.8 – standard; 0.8–0.6 – favorable; 0.6–0.4 – satisfactory; 0.4–0.2 – threatening; 0.2–0 – crucial.According to aggregative indices, the ecological stability of arable lands of the region is estimated as the following: in Polissia zone (from 0.65 to 0.745) which response to the eco safety categories: one district – risk, six districts – safety. As for the agroecological state, it is favorable; in Forest-Steppe zone (from 0.69 to 0.875) which response to eco safety categories: 9 districts – safety, as for agroecological state, one district is standard, six districts are in a favorable state.According to the indices of arable lands fertility level of the region in Polissia zone, (from 0.53 to 0.63) they respond to category of risk, and according to the agroecological state four regions have favorable, three – satisfactory states; in the Forest-Steppe zone, (from 0.62 to 0.84) lands respond to the following categories: seven districts – safety, two – risk, and according to agroecological state – one district – standard, eight districts – favorable state.As for aggregative indices of sanitary – hygienic state arable lands of the region in Polissia zone (from 0.85 to 0.91) respond to the categories «eco safety – safety», and according to agroecological state they are estimated by standard state: in Forest-Steppe zone (from 0.72 to 0.91) they are estimated by the category «eco safety – safety», and as for agroecological state – standard and favorable states. According to the index of ecological safety and agroecological state arable lands of the region are estimated by the state of safety, and their agroecological state – by standard and favorable states.У статті викладені результати досліджень оцінки екологічної безпеки і агроекологічного стану орних земель області. Розрахунок індексів екологічної безпеки і агроекологічного стану орних земель здійснювали за середньоарифметичним з трьох агрегованих показників, а саме: екологічної стійкості; рівня родючості; санітарногігієнічного стану. При цьому переведення фактичних показників родючості орних земель (вмісту гумусу, рН, вмісту легкогідролізованого азоту, рухомого фосфору, обмінного калію, вмісту рухомих форм бору, марганцю, цинку, свинцю, міді, кадмію) проводили за залежностями для показників стимуляторів-зростаючих парабол, а для показників дестимуляторів-спадаючих парабол, які були встановлені експериментально.Якісну оцінку екологічної безпеки орних земель здійснювали за шкалою: 1,0–0,6835 – безпека; 0,6835–0,4851 – ризик; 0,4851–0,1902 – загроза; 0,1902–0 – небезпека, а оцінку агроекологічного стану за шкалою: 1,0–0,8 – еталонний; 0,8–0,6 – сприятливий; 0,6–0,4 – задовільний; 0,4–0,2 – загрозливий; 0,2–0 – критичний.За агрегованими показниками екологічна стійкість орних земель області оцінюється: у зоні Полісся – від 0,62 до 0,745, що відповідає категоріям екобезпеки: 1 район – ризик, 6 – безпека, а за агроекологічним станом – сприятливий; у зоні Лісостепу (від 0,69 до 0,875), що відповідає категоріям екобезпеки: 9 районів безпека, а за агроекологічним станом: 1 район – еталонний стан, 6 – сприятливий стан.За агрегованими показниками рівня родючості орних земель області у зоні Полісся від (0,53 до 0,63) вони відповідають категорії ризику, а за агроекологічним станом: 4 райони – сприятливий стан, 3 – задовільний стан; у зоні Лісостепу (від 0,62 до 0,84) землі відповідають категоріям: 7 районів – безпека, 2 – ризик, а за агроекологічним станом: 1 район – еталонний стан, 8 – сприятливий стан.За агрегованим показником санітарно-гігієнічного стану орні землі області у зоні Полісся (від 0,85 до 0,91) відповідають категорії екобезпеки – безпека, а за агроекологічним станом оцінюється – еталонним станом; у зоні Лісостепу (від 0,72 до 0,91) оцінюється категорією екобезпеки – безпека, а за агроекологічним станом – еталонним і сприятливим станами.За індексом екологічної безпеки і агроекологічного стану орні землі області оцінюються станом безпека, а їх агроекологічний стан – еталонним і сприятливим станами

    Comparison of risk assessment models of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier in patients with breast cancer.

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    Analysis of efficiency of the algorithm BOADICEA using and Manchester scoring system to predict the carrier of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Ukranian patients with breast cancer was performed. Materials for this study were the results of clinical, imunogistological, pathogistological, genealogical, molecular genetic researches of 146 patients with breast cancer. Calculations of mutations risk were performed using BOADICEA algorithm and Manchester scoring system. In the total group of patients the area under the curve while predicting BRCA1 mutations with algorithm BOADICEA was 0.86, with Manchester scoring system - 0.84, and in calculation of the combined risk of BRCA mutations - 0.83 and 0.84, respectively. However, statistical difference between the areas of algorithms has not been established (p> 0.05), it indicates to the same discriminatory power of the test models. Better sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of results of BOADICEA algorithm was reached in 6% of BRCA1 probability and in 8% threshold of BRCA1/2 mutations. The Manchester scoring system has showed the best operating characteristics with 6 and 13-point probability of BRCA1 and BRCA1/2 mutations respectively. Patients with probability of mutations with such thresholds may be offered molecular study of pathogenic alleles

    Transnational organized corruption as a factor of social instability.

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    The article examines the scale of involvement of Transnational Organized Criminal Groups (TOCG) in committing acts of corruption, and their related criminal cooperation with Transnational Corporations (TNCs) 1 , as well as public relations in this sphere, in particular on the example of Ukraine. It suggests a solution to the problem of transnational corruption crime, in particular, applying the theory of social naturalism. The ultimate goal of the article is to analyze the problem of transnational corruption as a "factor of social instability" and to introduce this term into scientific circulation in this context. The article uses such methods of scientific knowledge as induction and deduction, as well as philosophical and phenomenological methods. According to research, the mafia now operates on the same scale and as effectively as global corporate groups. Corporations can be compared with the governments of states in terms of their influence on the economy of the state and the adoption of appropriate decisions. The authors state that the measures taken by individual states to counter the pressure of powerful TNCs have not yet led to the achievement of these goals. Financial and industrial elites, in turn, with the help of TOCG, try to impose their own order on societies that are not yet ready due to differences in culture, history, laws, social order, mentality, etc. It is emphasized in the article that the level of transnational organized crime and corruption cannot yet be significantly reduced in local societies due to the fact that the goals of elites and certain states simply do not coincide. Nowadays we can note a significant number of symptoms, in particular - the existence of such a phenomenon as transnational corruption, which indicates that we have a crisis of social order in the world. The corruption used by the TNCs is a mandatory feature that allows, among other features, to distinguish transnational organized crime from other types of criminal activity. We can note such a feature of TOCG as a criminal symbiosis with TNCs, which is considered as a violation of public order that leads to a corresponding regression. Progress in minimizing transnational corruption can be achieved, in particular, with the help of social naturalism, through the application of the postulates of which it is possible to counteract the current manifestations of willfulness and illusions that exist today in all spheres of social life, including politics, economics, morality, religion, science, art, law, etc. The study proves that in the modern world, against the background of progressive changes, namely the development of new information technologies, in the economy, etc., there have been formed some trends in transnational crime including corruption that continue to deepen further and the given corruption indicates the phenomenon, which the authors define as a "factor of social instability"