324 research outputs found

    Assessment of operational reliability of quarry excavator-dump truck complexes

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    The method proposed in the article is based on the mathematical apparatus for quantitative assessment of the reliability of majority schemes of structural redundancy of transport processes, which provide the availability and usage of several backup delivery channels in the transport process in case of any malfunction. The principle of multi-channel haulage is commonly used in quarries for transportation of overburden and minerals from benches by dump trucks, when excavators and dump trucks performing cyclic operations function as a single excavator-dump truck complex. This pattern of work significantly increases the likelihood of fulfilling the daily plan for transporting rock mass due to the redistribution of dump trucks between mining and overburden excavators in the event of failure of one or more units of mining and handling equipment. The reliability of excavator-dump truck complexes is assessed in three stages: initial data collection for mathematical modeling of excavator-dump truck complex performance; solving the problem of optimizing the distribution of dump trucks between excavators, ensuring maximum productivity of the excavator-dump truck complex; assessment of the reliability of its work depending on the probability of fulfilling the daily plan for the transportation of rock mass. The proposed method is implemented as part of a computer program and makes it possible to automate the operational management of the process of transporting rock mass in a quarry using a mobile application. The developed guidelines can be used for any quarries with automobile transport, regardless of the type of mineral extracted, the mining method, the loading pattern, the capacity of the excavation and loading equipment fleet, and the capacity of operated dump trucks

    Optimization of live cargo transportation by road transport

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    A significant part of the loss of live cargo (poultry) occurs in the process of its transportation by road to the processing plant. Currently, there are no studies of the factors that determine these losses, a mathematical model for optimizing the density of live cargo placement in a transport container, a method for managing delays at various stages of transportation, taking into account the structure of a modern poultry complex and the level of automation of its communication systems. In this regard, it can be argued that the purpose of this study, which is to increase the efficiency of transportation of live cargo by road by controlling the duration of transportation operations and optimizing the density of placement of live cargo in a transport container, is aimed at solving an urgent scientific and practical problem. Theoretical studies are carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific and regulatory and technical literature, the legal framework, systemic, statistical, factorial and technical and economic analysis, mathematical modeling of the transport process. Experimental studies were carried out in the conditions of an operating enterprise using the methods of mathematical statistics, computer modeling, field observations. The main results that have scientific novelty are: the dependence of the losses of the transported cargo on delays in loading, moving and unloading the poultry carrier, taking into account the effective ambient temperature and the specific properties of the cargo; mathematical model for optimizing the density of placement of live cargo in a transport container; a method for managing delays at various stages of the transportation of live cargo by road. Further research is supposed to be carried out in the direction of the development of intellectual support for the management of transportation, both of live poultry within the boundaries of the enterprise, and of finished products

    Исследование онтологии логистики историко-генетическим методом

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    The objective of the study is to establish the origin and evolution of the term «logistics», understood as management of material flows and stocks. The historical-genetic method and content analysis were used in the study of available sourcesThe inconsistency of assumptions about the origin of the name «logistics» in the modern interpretation from ancient Greece and the Byzantine Empire is shown. There is also no connection between the mathematical logic developed by Leibniz and the content of logistics in economics and military affairs. The illegitimacy of explaining the evolution of the term «logistics» by random coincidences of words that are homonyms and related to different historical eras and countries has been established.The priority of G. V. Jomini in formulation of the principles of logistics in his works on the art of war, written after emigration to the Russian Empire, is confirmed. Due to the spread of Jomini’s works in the countries of the world, logistics began to develop in its modern form, initially in the military sphere, and then in economic activity.The reasons that led to intensive development of logistics during the Second World War and in the post­war period are systematized. Differences in priorities during these periods in the countries of the world are studied. Two main trends were identified, one of which was to use the competitive advantages of logistics in a market environment, and the other to ensure spatial connectivity and transport accessibility of territories.Цель исследования состоит в установлении происхождения и эволюции термина «логистика», понимаемой как управление материальными потоками и запасами. Использован историко-генетический метод и контент-анализ в изучении имеющихся источников.Показана несостоятельность предположений о происхождении наименования «логистика» в современной трактовке из античной Греции и Византийской империи. Также отсутствует связь разрабатываемой Лейбницем математической логики с содержанием логистики в экономике и военном деле. Установлена неправомерность объяснения эволюции термина «логистика» случайными совпадениями слов, являющихся омонимами и относящихся к разным историческим эпохам и странам.Подтверждён приоритет Г. В. Жомини в формулировке принципов логистики в его работах по военному искусству, написанных после эмиграции в Российскую империю. Благодаря распространению трудов Жомини в странах мира логистика стала развиваться в современном виде, первоначально в военной сфере, а затем в экономической деятельности.Систематизированы причины, которые привели к интенсивному развитию логистики во время Второй мировой войны и в послевоенное время. Исследованы различия в приоритетах в эти периоды в странах мира. Выявлены две основные тенденции, одна из которых состояла в использовании конкурентных преимуществ логистики в рыночной среде, а другая – в обеспечении пространственной связности и транспортной доступности территорий

    Methodology for rationing material resources for buses

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    The industry standards for the consumption of material resources currently in force in road transport are advisory in nature and are used by carriers in their current work for production planning. Industry standards, regulated, for example, by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 158 dated May 30, 2019, establish resource consumption on an average for all road carriers of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the individual operating conditions of the rolling stock and the organization of the transport process is possible only by a correction factor to the fuel consumption rate, the calculation method of which is not regulated. The result is low convergence of planned and actual traffic figures. An effective solution to this problem is the use of resource consumption rates calculated on the basis of statistical data on the consumption of material resources obtained using the means of objective control and data storage of ERP systems. This will make it possible to fully take into account the complex of significant factors that determine the volume of consumption of material resources, reduce the amount of inventory, increase the turnover of funds, and increase the accuracy of rationing and pricing processes for any trucking company. However, the substantiation of such resource consumption norms requires an assessment of the influence of significant factors, the establishment of a relationship between them and the development of a mathematical apparatus for normalization. Therefore, the purpose of this study, which is to increase the efficiency of passenger transportation by buses based on ensuring the reliability of material resource consumption rates, taking into account individual operating conditions, is aimed at solving an urgent scientific and practical problem. Theoretical studies are carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific and regulatory and technical literature, the legal framework, systemic, statistical, factorial and technical and economic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling of the transport process, and expert evaluation. Experimental studies were carried out in the conditions of operating passenger transport enterprises using the methods of mathematical statistics, computer modeling, field observations. The main results of scientific novelty are: a set of qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators of factors that determine the consumption of material resources in the operation of the bus fleet; mathematical models for calculating the consumption rates of fuels and lubricants, spare parts and car tires, as well as the corresponding standard operating costs; dependence of indicators of operating consumption of diesel fuel, resource mileage of automobile tires on the magnitude of significant factors established for domestically produced buses of various capacities. Further research is supposed to be carried out in the direction of the development of resource saving methods in the motor transport complex


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    The authors examine reliability of technical systems as a scientific category and an object of application of methodological and mathematical tools that help to assess the required performance, to find task relevant criteria and ways to switch on reserves. Priorities are structural redundancy, classification of its kinds, projection of calculated options on the features of automobile transportation. Demonstrated approaches are based on reliability theory, systems theory, laws of logic, Boolean functions.Авторы рассматривают надежность технических систем как научную категорию и объект приложения методологических средств, математического аппарата, помогающих оценить искомые показатели, найти подобающие задаче критерии и способы включения резервов. Приоритетное направление – структурное резервирование, классификация его видов, проекции расчетных вариантов на специфику автомобильных перевозок. Демонстрируемые подходы опираются на теорию надежности, теорию систем, законы логики, булевские функции

    Баланс интересов в договоре на сервисное обслуживание автопарка

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The way of achievement of balance of interests of a customer and of a contractor during service of cars which became possible on the basis of differentiation of a contractual value of technical availability rate is grounded. It is suggested within techniques of calculating technical availability rate to take into account the increase in the total number and total labor intensity of repair actions for a calendar period as the car fleet ages. Advantages of the proposed recommendations are shown at the example of service maintenance of open-pit dump trucks of a large metallurgical enterprise. Keywords: car fleet, service maintenance, technical availability rate, contractual value, balance of interests. REFERENCES 1.Gryaznov, M.V., Antropova, E.M., Balikova, E. 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Approach to evaluation of efficiency of material resources during the operation of KamAZ-55111 dump trucks in CJSC Yuzhuralavtoban [Podhod k ocenke effektivnosti material’nyh resursov pri ekspluatacii avtosamosvalov KamAZ-55111 v ZAO «Juzhuralavtoban»].Vestnik Krasnojarskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, Iss.39.Transport.Krasnoyarsk, KGTU publ., 2005, pp.644-648. 3.Gryaznov, M.V., Kolobanov, S.V.et al.Improvement of the calculation technique for the areas of current repair of dump trucks with carrying capacity up to 30 tons [Sovershenstvovanie metodiki rascheta ploshhadej zon tekushhego remonta avtosamosvalov gruzopod’emnost’ju do 30 t].Problems of development of mining industries and safety of controlled use of chrysotile fiber and chrysotile-containing materials: Proceedings of the 3rd international scientific-practical conference.Gen.ed.by S. Zh.Galiev.Zhitikara, 2005, pp.304-309. 4.Gryaznov, M.V., Menshchikov, G.V., Krasavin, A. 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E.Organization of service maintenance of dump trucks in the conditions of ODE of OJSC MMK [Organizacija servisnogo obsluzhivanija avtosamosvalov v uslovijah GOP OAO «MMK»].Mining, processing and application of natural stone: collection of scientific works on the proceedings of international scientific-technical conference.Iss.10, Magnitogorsk, MSTU publ., 2010, pp.172-180. 31.Kurganov, V.M., Gryaznov, M. V. Management of reliability of transport systems and processes of road transportation: Monograph [Upravlenie nadezhnost’ju transportnyh sistem i processov avtomobil’nyh perevozok: Monografija].Magnitogorsk, Dom pechati publ., 2013, 318 p.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Обоснован способ достижения баланса интересов заказчика и исполнителя работ по сервисному обслуживанию автомобилей, который стал возможен на основе дифференциации договорной величины коэффициента технической готовности. Предложено в методике расчёта коэффициента технической готовности учитывать увеличение общего количества и суммарной трудоёмкости ремонтных воздействий за календарный период по мере старения автопарка. Преимущества предлагаемых рекомендаций показаны на примере сервисного обслуживания карьерных автосамосвалов крупного металлургического предприятия

    Увеличение скорости сообщения на регулярных автобусных маршрутах

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    The article outlines the currently relevant directions for increasing the efficiency of passenger transportation by urban transport, achievable through using modern digital technologies for monitoring and controlling congestion of the road network, traffic management, and assessing reliability of thetransportation process.The objective of the study was to develop theoretical base and practical recommendations for increasing speed of traffic on regular urban bus routes during periods of high load of the urban road network using alternate roads. Theoretical studies were based on the analysis of scientific and regulatory sources, and on the system analysis of transportation processes. Experimental studies were carried out in laboratory and road conditions using mathematical modelling, methods of mathematical statistics, technical, economic and system analysis of transportation processes, analysis of passenger flows, field observations.The dependences of the flow rate of vehicles on traffic intensity, technical speed of buses on alternate roads on the flow rate of fixed-route vehicles are obtained. The economic effect resulting from implementation of recommendations was calculated for the conditions of the city of Magnitogorsk, since redirecting the buses to alternate roads during peak load periods for road network allows to increase their route speed by 7 km/h and hence to reduce the need in bus fleet by 2 units, obtaining the target economic effect.В статье обозначены актуальные направления повышения эффективности перевозок пассажиров городским транспортом за счёт использования современных цифровых технологий контроля и управления загруженностью дорожной сети, организации уличного движения, оценки надёжности перевозочного процесса.Цель работы – развитие теоретической базы и разработка практических рекомендаций  по повышению скорости сообщения на регулярных автобусных маршрутах городского  транспорта в периоды загрузки городской дорожной сети за счёт использования дополнительных дорог. Теоретические исследования выполнены на основе анализа научной и нормативно-технической литературы, системного анализа транспортных процессов. Экспериментальные исследования выполнялись в лабораторных и дорожных условиях с использованием математического моделирования, методов математической статистики, технико-экономического и системного анализа транспортных процессов, анализа пассажиропотоков, натурных наблюдений.Получены зависимости скорости потока транспортных средств от интенсивности движения, технической скорости движения автобуса по дополнительным дорогам от интенсивности потока маршрутных транспортных средств. Для условий г.  Магнитогорска рассчитан экономический эффект от практической реализации предлагаемых рекомендаций. Так, посредством перенаправления автобусов на дороги-дублёры в период пиковой загрузки дорожной сети обоснована возможность увеличения скорости сообщения на 7 км/ч, что позволит сократить потребности в автобусах на 2 единицы и получить расчётный экономический эффект

    Identity of electrons and ionization equilibrium

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    It is perhaps appropriate that, in a year marking the 90th anniversary of Meghnad Saha seminal paper (1920), new developments should call fresh attention to the problem of ionization equilibrium in gases. Ionization equilibrium is considered in the simplest "physical" model for an electronic subsystem of matter in a rarefied state, consisting of one localized electronic state in each nucleus and delocalized electronic states considered as free ones. It is shown that, despite the qualitative agreement, there is a significant quantitative difference from the results of applying the Saha formula to the degree of ionization. This is caused by the fact that the Saha formula corresponds to the "chemical" model of matter.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    A deep learning method based on language models for processing natural language Russian commands in human robot interaction

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    This paper describes the transformation process complex Russian-speaking natural language commands into a formalized graph RDF format for interaction with the robotic platfor