61 research outputs found
Сучасні проблеми організації професійно–діагностичної та професійно–консультативної діяльності в ОВС України
Лапшина, В. Л. Сучасні проблеми організації професійно–діагностичної та професійно–консультативної діяльності в ОВС України / В. Л. Лапшина // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2003. – Вип. 24. - С. 274-277Наголошено, що перехід до нових економічних умов змінює цілі і задачі профорієнтації. Соціальні прогнози розвитку України дозволяють стверджувати, що профорієнтація в нашій державі ще тривалий час буде необхідною умовою раціоналізації входження молодих людей у професійну діяльність. Щодо органів внутрішніх справ відомо, що формами професійної орієнтації тут є професійне інформування, консультування і відбір.
Отмечено, что переход к новым экономическим условиям меняет цели и задачи профориентации. Социальные прогнозы развития Украины позволяют утверждать, что профориентация в нашем государстве еще долго будет необходимым условием рационализации вхождения молодых людей в профессиональной деятельности. В отношении органов внутренних дел известно, что формами профессиональной ориентации здесь является профессиональное информирование, консультирование и отбор.
It is noted that the transition to new economic conditions changes the goals and objectives of career guidance. Social forecasts of the development of Ukraine allow us to argue that career guidance in our country will long be a necessary condition for rationalizing the entry of young people into professional activities. As regards the internal affairs bodies, it is known that the forms of professional orientation here are professional information, counseling and selection
Принципи оцінювання ефективності діяльності органів внутрішніх справ
Лапшина, В. Л. Принципи оцінювання ефективності діяльності органів внутрішніх справ / В. Л. Лапшина // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2004. – Вип. 28. – С. 422-426.Проаналізовано принципи оцінювання ефективності діяльності органів внутрішніх справ. Запропоновано низку рекомендацій щодо вирішення зазначених питань.
Проанализированы принципы оценки эффективности деятельности органов внутренних дел. Предложен ряд рекомендаций по решению указанных вопросов.
The principles of evaluating the effectiveness of the activity of law enforcement agencies are analyzed. A number of recommendations are offered to address these issues
Certain features of using modified collagen-containing raw materials with prolonged shelf life in food technology
In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen).In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen)
Професійна ідентифікація як чинник професіоналізації правоохоронця
Лапшина, В. Л. Професійна ідентифікація як чинник професіоналізації правоохоронця / В. Л. Лапшина // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2002. – Вип. 19. - С. 287-290Наголошено, що професіоналізм є ціннісною характеристикою, основним індикатором якої є ідентифікація особистості. Розкриваючи сутність поняття «професіонал» через поняття «професійний тип особистості», основна увага зосереджена на способі ідентифікації реального об’єкта з тією ідеальною моделлю, яка може бути отримана шляхом ідеального конструювання.
Отмечено , что профессионализм является ценностной характеристикой, основным индикатором которой является идентификация личности. Раскрывая сущность понятия «профессионал» через понятие «профессиональный тип личности», основное внимание сосредоточено на образе идентификации реального объекта с той идеальной моделью, которая может быть получена путем идеального конструирования.
It is noted that professionalism is a value characteristic, the main indicator of which is personal identification. Revealing the essence of the concept of “professional” through the concept of “professional personality type”, the main attention is focused on the image of identification of a real object with that ideal model, which can be obtained by ideal construction
Ferutinin Induces Membrane Depolarization, Permeability Transition Pore Formation, and Respiration Uncoupling in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria by Stimulation of Ca 2+ -Permeability
It is well known that the terpenoid ferutinin (4-oxy-6-(4-oxybenzoyloxy) dauc-8,9-en), isolated from the plant Ferula tenuisecta, considerably increases the permeability of artificial and cellular membranes to Ca2+-ions and produces apoptotic cell death in different cell lines in a mitochondria-dependent manner. The present study was designed for further evaluation of the mechanism(s) of mitochondrial effects of ferutinin using isolated rat liver mitochondria. Our findings provide evidence for ferutinin at concentrations of 5–27 µM to decrease state 3 respiration and the acceptor control ratio in the case of glutamate/malate as substrates. Ferutinin alone (10–60 µM) also dose-dependently dissipated membrane potential. In the presence of Ca2+-ions, ferutinin (10–60 µM) induced considerable depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane, which was partially inhibited by EGTA, and permeability transition pore formation, which was diminished partly by cyclosporin A, and did not influence markedly the effect of Ca2+ on mitochondrial respiration. Ruthenium Red, a specific inhibitor of mitochondrial calcium uniporter, completely inhibited Ca2+ -induced mitochondria swelling and membrane depolarization, but did not affect markedly the stimulation of these Ca2+-dependent processes by ferutinin. We concluded that the mitochondrial effects of ferutinin might be primarily induced by stimulation of mitochondrial membrane Ca2+-permeability, but other mechanisms, such as driving of univalent cations, might be involved
Упровадження положень статті 10 Конституції України в навчальний процес ХНУВС
Греченко, В. А. Упровадження положень статті 10 Конституції України в навчальний прцес ХНУВС / В. А. Греченко, В. Л. Лапшина, Є. Т. Голубенко // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ.- 2006.- Вип. 35.- С. 342 - 346Висвітлюється положення Конституції України, що зобов’язує застосовувати державну – українську мову як мову офіційного спілкування посадових і службових осіб при виконанні ними службових обов’язків, у роботі і в діловодстві тощо органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, а також у навчальному процесі, зокрема Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ, в державних і комунальних навчальних закладах України.
Освещается положение Конституции Украины, обязывающее применять государственный - украинский язык как язык официального общения должностных и служебных лиц при исполнении ими служебных обязанностей, в работе и в делопроизводстве и т.д. органов государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления, а также в учебном процессе, в частности Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел, в государственных и коммунальных учебных заведениях Украины.
The provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, which obliges to use the state - Ukrainian language as the language of official communication of officials and officials in the performance of their official duties, in the work and in the office, etc. of state bodies, local self-government bodies, as well as in the educational process, are highlighted, in particular, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, state and communal educational establishments of Ukraine
Long action somatostatin analogues in patients with TSH-secreted pituitary adenomas: treatment experience
Thyrotoxicosis, which characteristics are increased excitability, emotional lability, tachycardia episodes, increasing of free fractions of tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) is one of the most common endocrinological syndromes. However, during the interpretation of thyroid status it is very important to take into account the possibility that a patient has TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Timely diagnosis of TSH-secreting adenomas plays prominent role in guiding the treatment course since it is associated with an improvement of long-term prognosis and an increase of the patient’s total life expectancy. Needed to underline that in some patients with TSH-secreting adenomas manifestations of the other pituitary hormones hypersecretion (first of all — somatotropin and prolactin) come to the fore, that lead to the development of acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia accordingly. Our work basing on two clinical cases presents main principles of diagnosis and specific clinical manifestations of TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas and demonstrates efficacy of somatostatin analogues in the treatment of this pathology
Резолюция Совета экспертов от 20 мая 2023 г. «Вопросы безопасности лечения ревматологического пациента»
At the meeting of the Expert Council on May 20, the safety of treatment for patients with osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of joint disease, was discussed. The first step in the treatment of OA should be the administration of symptomatic delayed-acting agents (SYSADOA) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, given the current understanding of the pathogenesis of inflammation, as well as the fact that it is an active process involving multiple proinflammatory and pro-resolving mediators, it is reasonable to limit the cyclooxygenase-2 suppressive treatment and to include medications with multipurpose effects that contribute to the resolution of inflammation, in particular Zeel® T and Traumeel® S. Traumeel® S affects all stages of inflammation, mostly on the pro-resolving mediators synthesis, and Zeel® T affects chondrogenesis, inflammation, metabolic processes in cartilage tissue and prevents angiogenesis.It was found that it is advisable to use Traumeel® S when it is not possible to prescribe systemic NSAIDs for pain relief. The combination of the proven therapeutic efficacy of Zeel® T and Traumeel® S with a minimal number of adverse events and the absence of interactions with other drugs allows them to be used as an independent treatment regimen for OA.На заседании Совета экспертов 20 мая 2023 г. были рассмотрены вопросы безопасности лечения пациентов с остеоартритом (ОА) — самой распространенной формой заболеваний суставов. Первым шагом терапии ОА должно быть назначение симптоматических средств замедленного действия (SYSADOA) и нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП). Однако, учитывая современные представления о патогенезе воспаления, а также то, что это активный процесс с участием большого числа провоспалительных и проразрешающих медиаторов, представляется актуальной тактика ограничения терапии с подавлением циклооксигеназы 2 и включения в схемы лечения лекарственных средств с многоцелевым действием, способствующих разрешению воспаления, в частности препаратов Цель® Т и Траумель® С. Траумель® С оказывает воздействие на все этапы воспаления, в большей степени на синтез проразрешающих медиаторов, а Цель® Т влияет на хондрогенез, воспаление, метаболические процессы в хрящевой ткани и предотвращает ангиогенез.Отмечено, что при невозможности назначения системных НПВП для купирования боли целесообразно применение препарата Траумель® С. Сочетание доказанной терапевтической эффективности препаратов Цель® Т и Траумель® С с минимальным числом нежелательных явлений и отсутствием взаимодействий с другими лекарственными средствами позволяет использовать их как самостоятельную схему терапии при ОА
The rationale for the use of response functions in formalizing the tasks of economic management of the region
The paper presents studies of linear models of economic dynamics of the Neumann-Gale type, taking into account their possible stationarity, presents an analysis of existing classification approaches to the concept of optimality, presents their advantages and comparative characteristics, it is noted that the first type model open connects the concept of optimality with discounted maximization total utility. The first considers a closed system, the technological description of which includes the reproduction of all the resources necessary for development, including labor. Such a system has no external goals; its natural end in itself is development at the maximum pace. This is the most abstract and idealized scheme, but on the other hand it was it that made it possible to develop such fundamental concepts as equilibrium, a ray of (Neumann) balanced growth. Later, the apparatus of the closed model was replenished with the concepts of “direct and inverse Bellman operators”, “effective functional” (“potential”) of the model, etc. The second approach involves explicit accounting for consumption. Here the description becomes open, consumption is derived from the "technology" and described using the utility function. A new approach to the concept of “optimal development strategy” is proposed, a detailed analysis of the corresponding model is given. The article consists of three sections. 1 - staging part; 2 - analysis of the model with illustrative examples; 3 - conjugate (dual) model. The last section contains the main result on the connection of the optimal trajectories of the direct and dual problems. The paper provides an overview of literary sources in the subject area, as well as an economic interpretation of the results
Vegetation and soils of tundra landscapes in the Pur-Taz interfluvial region
The landscape diversity of the tundra area in the Pur–Taz interfluvial region are analyzed using field and remote sensing data. For each land unit (microlandscape), botanical, microrelief, and soil descriptions are produced, projective covers of plant species are estimated, and seasonal soil thawing depths are defined. Additionally, the water table levels, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) of peatland waters are measured in waterlogged microlandscapes
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