131 research outputs found

    One or many project offices in educational organization of tertiary education: advantages and disadvantages

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    The article is devoted to the creating and management expediency of several project offices in an educational organization of tertiary education (hereinafter – OTE). The topic relevance is due to the growing number and types of ongoing projects that require proper organization and management and, consequently, governance of project management offices. The article presents the features of educational projects and the role of the project management office in the OTE system. The main types of project management offices at universities and their functions and tasks are described. Common elements of successful project management offices from around the world are highlighted based on a global study conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) together with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 2021. The advantages and disadvantages of creating a single system of several project offices of different orientation and a single project management office at the university are discussed. Based on the information from the scientific literature and the conducted research, the authors conclude that in order to use all the advantages of the project office in full, it is necessary to create one project office in OTE. However, the authors also claim the need for further research to assess the feasibility of the practical implementation of their proposed solution

    Comprehensive aerodynamic and dynamic study of independence of ukraine monument

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    Розглянуто результати комплексних досліджень вирішення інженерної проблеми створення висотного монумента колонного типу в Києві, динамічних досліджень моделі в масштабі 1:25 та аеродинамічних досліджень великомасштабної моделі (1:8) в аеродинамічній трубі ТАД-2 Національного авіаційного університету. Наведено процедуру визначення на натурному об’єкті реальних динамічних характеристик та забезпечення ефективності демпфіруванняРассмотрены результаты комплексных исследований решения инженерной задачи создания высотного монумента колонного типа в Киеве, динамических исследований модели в масштабе 1:25 и аэродинамических испытаний крупномасштабной (1:8) модели в аэродинамической трубе ТАД-2 Национального авиационного университета. Приведена процедура определения на натурном объекте реальных динамических характеристик и обеспечения эффективности демпфированияComprehensive approach for solution the engineering problems o f creation the high-rise extended pillartype Monument in Kiyv is described. The results o f dynamic tests o f 1:25 scale model and aerodynamictests o f 1:8 scale model o f the Monument in TAD-2 wind tunnel are given. The procedures fordetermination o f actual dynamic characteristics and assurance the efficiency o f damping on the siteare describe

    Assessment of of phosphorus fertilizer wastes production impact on subterranean water quality (Gomel chemical plant, Republic of Belarus)

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    Relevance. Phosphate raw materials processing at the Gomel chemical plant over a period of more than 50 years has led to accumulation of millions of tons of phosphogypsum dumps. They are a source of subterranean water contamination by sulfates, phosphates and other chemical compounds. Therefore, there is the need in current estimation of the scale and extent of aquifers contamination, taking into account the geological and hydrogeological conditions that influence the migration of contaminants. Aim. Assessment of hydrogeological parameters affecting distribution of contaminants in subterranean water and the degree of aquifers contamination. Objects. Aquifers and impermeable horizons. Methods. Methods for assessment of hydrogeological parameters, methods for determining the chemical composition of subterranean water. Results. The paper assesses a technogenic effect, produced by dumps of Gomel chemical plant. It reviews a subterranean water monitoring local network within the Gomel chemical plant influence area. The hydrogeological parameters of aquifers of the upper hydrodynamic zone are quantitatively assessed, given that this zone undergoes the strongest anthropogenic impact. The study of subterranean water quality ends up with three classes of contamination: high, moderate and insignificant. Sulphates, nitrogen ammonium, phosphorus phosphate are identified as major contaminants. The authors find a spatial pattern of subterranean water contaminants differentiation that tends to develop both horizontally and vertically. As a result of the study, areas and sources of high groundwater contamination are determined and mapped. A conclusion is drawn on the necessity of further control over the subterranean water conditions and contamination development in time and space

    Incidence of pancreatic malignancies in the Russian Federation: a retrospective cohort trial

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    Background. Pancreatic malignancies pose a challenging medical and social problem. The assessment of oncology care requires an in-depth analysis of morbidity and lethality. At a relatively improved prevalence and lethality in other-locale malignancies, pancreatic cancer remains a disappointing situation. Medical statistics in pancreatic malignancy can be used for the specialty care prediction and implementation of measures to advance diagnostic algorithms and population screening.Objectives. An assessment of the pancreatic malignancy incidence and mortality in the adult population of Russian Federation over a six-year period.Methods. A retrospective descriptive cohort trial included statistical data on morbidity and mortality in pancreatic cancer patients (C 25.0-C 25.9) according to the ICD of 10th edition. A comparison cohort sampled patients with all-locale neoplasms (C00-C96) according to the ICD of 10th edition, excluding nosologies C25.0-C25.9. Information was sourced in the Federal Statistical Abstracts for the period of 2014-2019. Inclusion criteria: the study cohort included pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed at the age of 18 years on, and comparison cohort — malignancy patients diagnosed with at 18 years on. The main study indicator were the pancreatic cancer morbidity and mortality figures in Russia.Results. Pancreatic cancer was shown to co-increase main morbidity figures in 2014-2019 compared to malignant neoplasms of other localities. Other-locale malignancies decreased mortality over the study period, which was not the case with pancreatic cancer. The period exhibits more frequent morphologically verified diagnoses and higher population numbers registered with specialty dispensaries. Registered pancreatic cancer figures are significantly higher in the female population. The proportion of advanced pancreatic malignancies at primary diagnosis exceeds that of early stages.Conclusion. The findings expose a demand for improving the system of early pancreatic cancer detection via intensifying preventive measures to capture the patient’s predisposition and screening techniques for early disease diagnosis. An active outpatient surveillance is prerequisite to an effective population involvement in dispensary screening

    Нахождение областей сходимости и вычисление сумм степенных рядов от h-комплексного переменного

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    Herein, taking power series from a real variable that converge on a certain interval to known sums, the authors consider the power series with the same coefficients from an h-complex variable. For such series, the interiors of the regions of convergence are found, and their sums are explicitly expressed in terms of the sums of the original series. Along the way, the problem of isolation conditions for the zeros of the sums of such series is solved.Взяв степенные ряды от вещественного переменного, сходящиеся на некотором интервале к известным суммам, авторы рассматривают степенные ряды с теми же коэффициентами от h-комплексного переменного. Для таких рядов найдены внутренности областей сходимости, а их суммы явно выражены через суммы исходных рядов. Попутно решен вопрос об условиях изолированности нулей сумм таких рядов

    Температурная зависимость ширины запрещенной зоны монокристаллов AgIn7S11

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    AgIn7S11 single crystals are herein grown by the vertical Bridgman method. The composition of the obtained single crystals is determined by X-ray microprobe analysis as well as the crystal structure – by X-ray diffraction analysis. It is shown that the obtained single crystals are crystallized in the cubic spinel structure. Using transmission spectra in the tem- perature range 10–320 K we determined the band gap of these single crystals and plotted its temperature dependence. This dependence is similar to that of the majority of semiconductor materials, namely, Eg increases with decreasing the tempera- ture. We showed the agreement of the calculated and experimental values.Вертикальным методом Бриджмена выращены монокристаллы AgIn7S11. Методом рентгеноспектрального анализа определен их состав, рентгеновским методом – кристаллическая структура. Показано, что полученные монокристаллы кристаллизуются в кубической структуре шпинели. По спектрам пропускания в интервале температур 10–320 К определена ширина запрещенной зоны указанных монокристаллов и построена ее температурная зависимость. Данная зависимость имеет вид, характерный для большинства полупроводниковых материалов: с понижением температуры Eg возрастает. Показано, что расчетные и экспериментальные величины согласуются между собой

    The Massive Star Content of NGC 3603

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    We investigate the massive star content of NGC 3603, the closest known giant H II region. We have obtained spectra of 26 stars in the central cluster using the Baade 6.5-m telescope (Magellan I). Of these 26 stars, 16 had no previous spectroscopy. We also obtained photometry of all of the stars with previous or new spectroscopy, primarily using archival HST ACS/HRC images. We use these data to derive an improved distance to the cluster, and to construct an H-R diagram for discussing the masses and ages of the massive star content of this cluster.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. This revision updates the coordinates in Table 1 by (-0.18sec, +0.2") to place them on the UCAC2 syste

    Анализ клинических характеристик пациентов со злокачественными новообразованиями поджелудочной железы, получивших медицинскую помощь в стационарах Санкт-Петербурга в период с 2015 по 2020 год

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    The objective of the study was the analysis of the main clinical characteristics identified in patients with malignant neoplasms of the pancreas, who received medical care in healthcare institutions of St. Petersburg in the period from 2015 to 2020.Methods and materials. A continuous study of clinical and statistical data of patients with pancreatic cancer receiving medical care in healthcare institutions of St. Petersburg (of federal and city subordination) for the period from 01.2015 to 02.2020 was carried out. In total, the study included depersonalized medical cards of 2141 patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.Results. During the studied period, more than half of the patients diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas received medical care in specialized oncological institutions of city subordination, a third – in federal institutions, 11.3 % – in multidisciplinary city hospitals. The maximum number of cases was in patients of older age groups: 41.7 % – 70 years and over, including 15.4 % – 80 years and over. The majority (39.7 %) of new patients with pancreatic cancer hospitalized in medical institutions of St. Petersburg were diagnosed with stage IV of the disease. The disease, according to examinations, was represented by stage III in 29.7 % of patients at the time of initial hospitalization. The pancreatic cancer was presented with stage III in 20 % of the patients. The disease was registered in 4.4 % of patients at stage I. Stage 0 or carcinoma in situ was diagnosed at initial presentation in 4.7 % of patients. The stage of the disease was not determined in 1.4 % of patients. The tumor was located in the head of the pancreas in 64.4 % of patients. The most common histological type of pancreatic cancer is ductal adenocarcinoma, which was verified in 72.0 % of patients. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was registered in 37 % of patients as concomitant disease.Conclusion. The results of the analysis of clinical and statistical data of patients with pancreatic cancer may become a background for conducting research on the early detection of this neoplasm.Цель – проанализировать основные клинические характеристики, выявленные у пациентов, страдающих злокачественными новообразованиями поджелудочной железы (ЗНО ПЖ), получивших медицинскую помощь в учреждениях здравоохранения Санкт-Петербурга в период с 2015 по 2020 г.Методы и материалы. Проведено сплошное исследование клинических и статистических данных пациентов, страдающих ЗНО ПЖ, получивших медицинскую помощь в учреждениях здравоохранения СПб. (федерального и городского подчинения) за период с января 2015 г. по февраль 2020 г. Всего в исследование включены обезличенные карты 2141 больного с диагнозом «ЗНО ПЖ».Результаты. За изученный период времени более половины пациентов с установленным диагнозом «ЗНО ПЖ» получили медицинскую помощь в специализированных онкологических учреждениях городского подчинения, треть – в федеральных учреждениях, 11,3 % – в многопрофильных городских стационарах. Максимальный удельный вес приходился на пациентов старших возрастных групп. Лица в возрасте 70 лет и старше составили 41,7 %, в том числе 15,4 % – 80 лет и старше. У бóльшей части (39,7 %) первичных пациентов с ЗНО ПЖ, госпитализированных в медицинские учреждения Санкт-Петербурга, была диагностирована IV стадия заболевания. У 29,7 % больных на момент первичной госпитализации заболевание, по данным обследований, было представлено III стадией. У 20 % пациентов ЗНО ПЖ было представлено II стадией. Заболевание на I стадии было зарегистрировано у 4,4 % больных. Стадия 0, или карцинома in situ, была установлена при первичном обращении у 4,7 % пациентов. У 1,4 % пациентов стадия заболевания не была определена.У 64,4 % пациентов опухоль располагалась в головке поджелудочной железы. Наиболее распространенным гистологическим типом ЗНО ПЖ была протоковая аденокарцинома, которая была верифицирована у 72,0 % больных. У 37 % пациентов в анамнезе сопутствующей патологии зарегистрирован сахарный диабет II типа.Заключение. Результаты проведенного анализа клинических и статистических данных пациентов с ЗНО ПЖ могут стать предпосылкой для проведения исследований по раннему выявлению данной неоплазии