10 research outputs found

    Financial Solvency of Russian Regions in 2010-2014: Continued Classification Analysis

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    This article is a continuation of the first work done on the State task of the Financial University of 2013 [1-3], in which the classification of the regions of the Russian Federation according to the state statistics for 2005-2011 was proposed. Over the past period, the relevance of the issues has not decreased, and Russia’s gap in the number of subjects of the federation from the nearest “pursuers” (USA, Brazil, Germany, Canada) with the addition of the Crimea has only increased. Classification analysis of Russian regions remains a time-consuming task, as each region is unique in something and it is difficult to find something in common. We continued the analysis of the period data from 2005 to 2011 (before the crisis, the crisis and the initial stage of recovery), and also supplemented it with data from 2012-2014 about a new crisis. We wanted to advance in obtaining a tool for monitoring the financial viability of the regions and to test it in real and changing conditions. Work is continued also to assess the quality of statistical data contained in the Rosstat database, which precedes the classification analysis itself

    A computational study of the properties and surface interactions of hydroxyapatite

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAP, Ca10(PO4)6(OH) 2) was studied from first principles approaches using the local density approximation (LDA) method in combination with various quantum-chemical (QM) and molecular mechanical (MM) methods from HypemChem 7.5/8.0. The data then were used for studies of HAP structures, and the interactions of HAP clusters with ionic species such as citrates. Computed data show that HAP can co-exist in different phases at room temperature, as both hexagonal and monoclinic. Special interest is connected with the ordered monoclinic structure, which could reveal piezoelectric properties. Obtained data on HAP interactions with citrates show the formation of differing HAP nanostructure forms, depending upon the concentration of citrate present. Copyright © Taylor and Francis Group, LLC


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    The paper presents data on the development of complex means, which increase the power of the adaptive response of the organism under stress and pathological conditions. This complex includes dietary supplements based on natural metabolites with pronounced antihypoxic activity, perfluorocarbon drugs for improving the oxygen regime of tissues, and effective immunomodulators based on sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione and the neurotransmitter oligopeptide with increased stability. Their application is promising in the healthcare and in the military medicine. They provide an increase in efficiency, acceleration of recovery processes, increasing the body’s resistance to extreme loads, intoxications, infections, various types of tissue damage.В работе представлен материал по разработке комплекса средств, увеличивающих силу адаптивного ответа организма при стрессовых и патологических воздействиях. В этот комплекс входят БАД на основе естественных метаболитов, обладающих выраженной противогипоксической активностью, перфторуглеродные лекарственные средства для улучшения кислородного режима тканей и эффективные иммуномодуляторы с повышенной стабильностью на основе аминодигидрофталазиндион натрия и нейромедиаторного олигопептида. Использование представляемых средств перспективно в здравоохранении, и военной медицине для повышения работоспособности, ускорения восстановительных процессов, повышения устойчивости к экстремальным нагрузкам, интоксикациям, инфекциям, различным видам повреждений тканей.</p

    A Computational Study of the Properties and Surface Interactions of Hydroxyapatite

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAP, Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) was studied from first principles approaches using the local density approximation (LDA) method in combination with various quantum-chemical (QM) and molecular mechanical (MM) methods from HypemChem 7.5/8.0. The data then were used for studies of HAP structures, and the interactions of HAP clusters with ionic species such as citrates. Computed data show that HAP can co-exist in different phases at room temperature, as both hexagonal and monoclinic. Special interest is connected with the ordered monoclinic structure, which could reveal piezoelectric properties. Obtained data on HAP interactions with citrates show the formation of differing HAP nanostructure forms, depending upon the concentration of citrate present