128 research outputs found

    S\mathcal{S}-Matrix of Nonlocal Scalar Quantum Field Theory in the Representation of Basis Functions

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    Nonlocal quantum theory of one-component scalar field in DD-dimensional Euclidean spacetime is studied in representations of S\mathcal{S}-matrix theory for both polynomial and nonpolynomial interaction Lagrangians. The theory is formulated on coupling constant gg in the form of an infrared smooth function of argument xx for space without boundary. Nonlocality is given by evolution of Gaussian propagator for the local free theory with ultraviolet form factors depending on ultraviolet length parameter ll. By representation of the S\mathcal{S}-matrix in terms of abstract functional integral over primary scalar field, the S\mathcal{S} form of a grand canonical partition function is found. And, by expression of S\mathcal{S}-matrix in terms of the partition function, the representation for S\mathcal{S} in terms of basis functions is obtained. Derivations are given for discrete case where basis functions are Hermite functions, and for continuous case where basis functions are trigonometric functions. The obtained expressions for the S\mathcal{S}-matrix are investigated within the framework of variational principle based on Jensen inequality. Equations with separable kernels satisfied by variational function qq are found and solved, yielding results for both the polynomial theory φ4\varphi^{4} and the nonpolynomial sine-Gordon theory. A new definition of the S\mathcal{S}-matrix is proposed to solve additional divergences which arise in application of Jensen inequality for the continuous case. Analytical results are illustrated numerically. For simplicity of numerical calculation: the D=1D=1 case is considered, and propagator for the free theory GG is in the form of Gaussian function typically in the Virton-Quark model. The formulation for nonlocal QFT in momentum kk space of extra dimensions with subsequent compactification into physical spacetime is discussed.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures; v2: significant text editing; v3: text and plots edited, references and acknowledgments added; prepared for the special issue of the journal Particles in memory of G.V. Efimo

    Analysis of Collectivism and Egoism Phenomena within the Context of Social Welfare

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    Comparative benefits provided by the basic social strategies including collectivism and egoism are investigated within the framework of democratic decision-making. In particular, we study the mechanism of growing "snowball" of cooperation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Translated from Russian. Original Russian Text published in Problemy Upravleniya, 2008, No. 4, pp. 30-3


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    The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label.The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label

    Surface modification of Nd-Fe-B based materials with pulsed helium plasma streams

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    X-ray amorphous Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ phase have been synthesized under the interaction of accelerated helium plasma with Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ and Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅ alloys. Microstructure and composition of modified layer have been examined.Рентгеноаморфна фаза Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ синтезована при взаємодії імпульсних потоків гелієвої плазми зі сплавами Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ і Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅. Досліджено мікроструктуру і склад модифікованого шару.Рентгеноаморфная фаза Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ синтезирована при взаимодействии импульсных потоков гелиевой плазмы со сплавами Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ и Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅,5. Исследованы микроструктура и состав модифицированного слоя

    Kernels on Graphs as Proximity Measures

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    International audienceKernels and, broadly speaking, similarity measures on graphs are extensively used in graph-based unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms as well as in the link prediction problem. We analytically study proximity and distance properties of various kernels and similarity measures on graphs. This can potentially be useful for recommending the adoption of one or another similarity measure in a machine learning method. Also, we numerically compare various similarity measures in the context of spectral clustering and observe that normalized heat-type similarity measures with log modification generally perform the best


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    Belarusian Tatars are an ethnic group with an interesting population history: being descendants of the Golden Horde inhabitants, Belarusian Tatars have been living in the territory of present-day Belarus, Lithuania and Poland for 6 centuries. To figure out their phylogenetic relationships with other peoples, as well as the intensity of gene flow with the host population we have studied the mitochondrial DNA gene pool of Belarusian Tatars. Our data suggest an admixed nature of their matrilineal gene pool with some lineages being phylogenetically close to lineages from Siberia and Central Asia, while others having a Western-Eurasian origin. There is also evidence of women-driven gene flow from the Belarusians to the Belarusian Tatars.Белорусские татары – потомки переселенцев из Золотой Орды, проживающие на территории современной Беларуси уже более шести столетий, представляют собой народ с интересной популяционной историей. Для выявления их филогенетической близости с другими этносами, а также интенсивности генетического обмена с хозяйской популяцией нами было предпринято изучение генофонда белорусских татар по маркерам митохондриальной ДНК. Полученные результаты позволяют говорить о смешанном происхождении пула мтДНК белорусских татар: часть гаплотипов филогенетически близки к мтДНК из популяций Сибири и Центральной Азии, в то время как другая часть имеет западно-евразийское происхождение. Также найдены свидетельства потока генов по женской линии от белорусов к белорусским татарам

    Роль микроРНК в развитии радиорезистентности клеток рака предстательной железы (экспериментальное исследование)

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    Background. Radiation therapy is one of the leading treatments for early and late stage prostate cancer. Radiation therapy is one of the leading treatments for early and late stage prostate cancer. The significant frequency of prostate cancer progression after radiation therapy makes it relevant to study the molecular mechanisms of the development of radioresistance, to identify prognostic markers of its development.Objective: identification and analysis of the mechanism of action of microRNAs regulating radioresistance of prostate cancer cells on the model of the androgen-independent DU145 cell line.Materials and methods. We used human prostate adenocarcinoma cell lines: DU145-hormone-independent prostate cancer cell line and DU145-RR - its radioresistant variant. Differential microRNA expression was measured in cultured DU145 and DU145-RR cells 1, 8 days after a single gamma irradiation at a dose of 4 Gy. To analyze the differential expression of microRNAs in the initial and radioresistant variants of DU145 cells, the HiSeq 2000 platform (Illumina Inc., USA) was used. The miRBase v.21 database was used to identify microRNAs. The miRTarbase 7.0 and KEGG PATHWAY databases were used for bioinformatic analysisResults. The results of the study showed that the aberrant expression of miR-101-3p, -148a-3p, -21-3p, -532-5p, -92a-3p in DU145-RR cells upregulated compared to that in DU145 cells, and miR-125b-5p, -23a-3p, -424-3p - downregulated. It has been shown that the role of these microRNAs is associated with the provision of functional interaction between DNA methyltransferases, the transcriptional regulator of the proto-oncogenic protein Myc, and PTEN phosphatase in the regulation of the activity of MAPK and PI3K protein kinase signaling cascades. Constitutive activation of these cascades leads to an increase in cell survival, migration, proliferation, and growth.Conclusion. A wide range of target genes and a significant change in the expression profiles of microRNAs in various conditions, including the transition of malignant cells to a radioresistant status, makes microRNAs promising prognostic markers of radioresistance in prostate cancer.Введение. Лучевая терапия - один из ведущих методов лечения рака предстательной железы на ранней и поздней стадиях развития. Значительная частота прогрессирования рака предстательной железы после лучевой терапии делает актуальными изучение молекулярных механизмов развития радиорезистентности и выявление прогностических маркеров ее развития.Цель исследования - идентификация и анализ механизма действия микроРНК, регулирующих радиорезистентность клеток рака предстательной железы на модели андрогеннезависимой клеточной линии DU145.Материалы и методы. В работе использовали клеточные линии аденокарциномы предстательной железы человека: DU145 - гормононезависимую клеточную линию рака предстательной железы и DU145-RR - ее радиорезистент-ный вариант. Дифференциальную экспрессию микроРНК измеряли в культивируемых клетках DU145 и DU145-RR через 1 и 8 сут после однократного Y-облучения в дозе 4 Гр. Для анализа дифференциальной экспрессии микроРНК в исходном и радиорезистентном вариантах клеток DU145 использовали платформу HiSeq 2000 (Illumina Inc., США). Для идентификации микроРНК применяли базу данных miRBase v.21. Для биоинформатического анализа - базы данных miRTarbase 7.0 и KEGG PATHWAY.Результаты. Результаты исследования показали, что аберрантная экспрессия miR-101-3p, -148a-3p, -21-3p, -532-5p, -92a-3p в клетках DU145-RR повышается по сравнению с таковой в клетках DU145, а miR-125b-5p, -23a-3p, -424-3p -снижается. Показано, что роль этих микроРНК связана с обеспечением функционального взаимодействия между ДНК-метилтрансферазами, транскрипционным регулятором протоонкогенного белка Myc, а также фосфатазой PTEN в регуляции активности протеинкиназных сигнальных каскадов MAPK и PI3K. Конститутивная активация данных каскадов приводит к повышению выживаемости, миграции, пролиферации и росту клеток.Заключение. Широкий спектр генов-мишеней и существенное изменение профилей экспрессии микроРНК при различных состояниях, включая переход злокачественных клеток в радиорезистентный статус, делают микроРНК перспективными прогностическими маркерами радиорезистентности при раке предстательной железы

    A systematic review showing the lack of diagnostic criteria and tools developed for lower-limb cellulitis

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    BACKGROUND: Cellulitis can be a difficult diagnosis to make. Furthermore, 31% of patients admitted from the emergency department with suspected lower-limb cellulitis have been misdiagnosed, with incorrect treatment potentially resulting in avoidable hospital admission and the prescription of unnecessary antibiotics. OBJECTIVES: We sought to identify diagnostic criteria or tools that have been developed for lower-limb cellulitis. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review using Ovid MEDLINE and Embase databases in May 2018, with the aim of describing diagnostic criteria and tools developed for lower-limb cellulitis, and we assessed the quality of the studies identified using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 tool. We included all types of study that described diagnostic criteria or tools. RESULTS: Eight observational studies were included. Five studies examined biochemical markers, two studies assessed imaging and one study developed a diagnostic decision model. All eight studies were considered to have a high risk for bias in at least one domain. The quantity and quality of available data was low and results could not be pooled owing to the heterogeneity of the findings. CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of high-quality publications describing criteria or tools for diagnosing lower-limb cellulitis. Future studies using prospective designs, validated in both primary and secondary care settings, are needed. What's already known about this topic? Diagnosing lower-limb cellulitis on first presentation is challenging. Approximately one in three patients admitted from the emergency department with suspected lower-limb cellulitis do not have cellulitis and are given another diagnosis on discharge. Consequently, this results in potentially avoidable hospital admissions and the prescription of unnecessary antibiotics. There are no diagnostic criteria available for lower-limb cellulitis in the U.K. What does this study add? This systematic review has identified a key research gap in the diagnosis of lower-limb cellulitis. There is a current lack of robustly developed and validated diagnostic criteria or tools for use in clinical practice