1,253 research outputs found

    Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Signals Observed before Strong Earthquakes

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    We consider two kinds of signals preceding earthquake (EQ): intensification of internal electromagnetic (EM) field – lithosphere emission (LE) and change of the Earth interior response function (RF). Several cases of LE before strong EQs were reviewed and analyzed, and preliminary portrait of LE precursor was compiled. LE can appear several times with lead time month(s), weeks, days, and hours and can attain amplitude of several hundreds of nT which not uniformly decreases with increasing distance from the source. Typical LE frequency content/maximum is 0.01–0.5 Hz. Data of 19 Japanese geomagnetic observatories for 20 years preceding the Tohoku EQ on March 11, 2011 were analyzed, and RFs (mainly induction vector) were calculated. At six observatories in 2008–2010, anomalous variations of RF were separated which can be identified as middle-term precursors. Applying the original method developed in Ukraine, a short-term two-month-long precursor of bay-like form was separated by phase data of observatory KNZ in the Boso peninsula where electrical conductivity anomaly was also discovered. Hypothetical explanation based on tectonic data is advanced: Boso anomaly connects two large-scale conductors—Pacific seawater and deep magma reservoir beneath a volcanic belt. Between two so different conductors, an unstable transition zone sensitive to changes of stress before strong EQs can be expected

    Finite-Range Gravity and Its Role in Gravitational Waves, Black Holes and Cosmology

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    Theoretical considerations of fundamental physics, as well as certain cosmological observations, persistently point out to permissibility, and maybe necessity, of macroscopic modifications of the Einstein general relativity. The field-theoretical formulation of general relativity helped us to identify the phenomenological seeds of such modifications. They take place in the form of very specific mass-terms, which appear in addition to the field-theoretical analog of the usual Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian. We interpret the added terms as masses of the spin-2 and spin-0 gravitons. The arising finite-range gravity is a fully consistent theory, which smoothly approaches general relativity in the massless limit, that is, when both masses tend to zero and the range of gravity tends to infinity. We show that all local weak-field predictions of the theory are in perfect agreement with the available experimental data. However, some other conclusions of the non-linear massive theory are in a striking contrast with those of general relativity. We show in detail how the arbitrarily small mass-terms eliminate the black hole event horizon and replace a permanent power-law expansion of a homogeneous isotropic universe with an oscillatory behaviour. One variant of the theory allows the cosmological scale factor to exhibit an `accelerated expansion'instead of slowing down to a regular maximum of expansion. We show in detail why the traditional, Fierz-Pauli, massive gravity is in conflict not only with the static-field experiments but also with the available indirect gravitational-wave observations. At the same time, we demonstrate the incorrectness of the widely held belief that the non-Fierz-Pauli theories possess `negative energies' and `instabilities'.Comment: 56 pages including 11 figures; significant modifications; in particular, we demonstrate the incorrectness of the widely held belief that the non-Fierz-Pauli theories should suffer from negative energies and instabilities; to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Поздняя отсроченная нейтропения, индуцированная анти-В-клеточной терапией ритуксимабом, у пациентов с АНЦА-ассоциированными системными васкулитами

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    In the last decade, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated systemic vasculitis (SV) has been treated with the anti-B-cell drug, rituximab (RTM) both for induction and maintenance therapy. One of the problems of the treatment with RTM in patients with ANCA-SV is the risk of late-onset neutropenia (LON), mechanisms of development of which have not been studied enough yet.Objective: to evaluate the incidence and outcomes of LON in patients with ANCA-SV treated with RTM. Patients and methods. A retrospective analysis of the register of 140 patients with ANCA-SV who received RTM treatment at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology from 2009 to 2021 years. The median duration of RTM treatment was 49 (6–121) months, the median of the total RTM dose was 3.5 (0.5–9.5) grams. The duration of follow-up exceeded 6 months after the first administration of RTM.Results and discussion. LON was detected in 16 (11.4%) patients, of which 6 suffered from Wegener's granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), 4 – microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), 4 – Churg-Strauss eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) and 2 – undifferentiated ANCA-SV. In 8 (50%) out of 16 patients, LON developed within 2 months after the 1st course of RTM, in the remaining 8 patients, on average, after 10 (4– 15.5) months. A lethal outcome was documented in 5 (31.2%) of 16 cases of LON (1 with MPA, 3 with GPA, and 1 with EGPA) on average 2 (1.5–9) months after the 1st course of RTM, at the same time, in 4 patients LON was complicated by pneumonia, including 2 with septic shock, in another 1 case LON was combined with the development of acute myocardial infarction and progression of chronic renal failure. Overall mortality among 140 patients with ANCA-SV treated with RTM was 11.4%, while in cases with a fatal outcome, the frequency of LON reached 31.2%.Conclusion. Thus, LON induced by RTM is a common (11%) and clinically significant consequence of B-cell depletion in patients with ANCA-SV, in every 5th case it is complicated by serious infections (including sepsis in 13%) and accounts for a significant proportion in the structure of lethal outcomes (31.2%).Patients treated with RTM require careful monitoring of absolute neutrophil count both during the first months after initiation of anti-B-cell therapy and thereafter. In the combined administration of RTM with cytotoxic drugs (primarily cyclophosphamide) in patients with ANCA-SV, it is necessary to consider the risk of LON developing, secondary immunodeficiency, and infectious complications. During the coronavirus pandemic, one should remember that treatment with interleukin 6 inhibitors used in severe COVID-19 can also be accompanied by neutropenia and requires careful dynamic monitoring of the absolute number of neutrophils in patients with ANCA-SV treated with RTM. It is necessary to inform both patients and physicians of the risk of LON development during the treatment of RTM in ANCA-SV and other rheumatic diseases.В последнее десятилетие при системных васкулитах (СВ), ассоциированных с антинейтрофильными цитоплазматическими антителами (АНЦА), в качестве индукционной и поддерживающей терапии применяют анти-В-клеточный препарат ритуксимаб (РТМ). Одной из проблем лечения РТМ пациентов с АНЦА-СВ является риск поздней отсроченной нейтропении (ПОН), механизмы развития которой до настоящего времени изучены недостаточно.Цель исследования – оценить частоту и исходы ПОН у пациентов с АНЦА-СВ, получающих лечение РТМ. Пациенты и методы. Был поведен ретроспективный анализ регистра 140 пациентов с АНЦА-СВ, получавших терапию РТМ в ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой» с 2009 по 2021 г. Медиана продолжительности лечения РТМ составила 49 (6–121) мес, медиана суммарной дозы РТМ – 3,5 (0,5–9,5) г. Длительность наблюдения превышала 6 мес после 1-го введения РТМ.Результаты и обсуждение. ПОН выявлена у 16 (11,4%) больных, из них 6 страдали гранулематозом с полиангиитом Вегенера (ГПА), 4 – микроскопическим полиангиитом (МПА), 4 – эозинофильным гранулематозом с полиангиитом Черджа–Стросс (ЭГПА) и 2 – недифференцированным АНЦА-СВ. У 8 (50%) из 16 пациентов ПОН развилась в течение 2 мес после 1-го курса РТМ, у остальных 8 – в среднем через 10 (4–15,5) мес. Летальный исход отмечен в 5 (31,2%) из 16 случаев ПОН (1 – с МПА, 3 – с ГПА и 1 – с ЭГПА) в среднем через 2 (1,5–9) мес после 1-го курса РТМ, при этом у 4 пациентов ПОН осложнилась пневмонией, в том числе у 2 с септическим шоком, еще в 1 наблюдении ПОН сочеталась с развитием острого инфаркта миокарда и прогрессированием хронической почечной недостаточности. Общая летальность среди 140 пациентов с АНЦА-СВ, получавших терапию РТМ, составила 11,4%, при этом среди случаев с летальным исходом частота ПОН достигала 31,2%.Заключение. Таким образом, ПОН, индуцированная РТМ, является распространенным (11%) и клинически значимым следствием В-клеточной деплеции у пациентов с АНЦА-СВ, в каждом 5-м случае осложняется серьезными инфекциями (включая сепсис у 13%) и составляет значительную долю в структуре летальных исходов (31,2%).Пациенты, получающие лечение РТМ, требуют тщательного мониторинга абсолютного числа нейтрофилов как в первые месяцы после начала анти-В-клеточной терапии, так и в дальнейшем. При сочетанном назначении РТМ с цитостатиками (в первую очередь с циклофосфаном) у больных АНЦА-СВ необходимо учитывать риск развития ПОН, вторичного иммунодефицитного состояния, инфекционных осложнений. В период пандемии коронавирусной инфекции следует помнить, что лечение ингибиторами интерлейкина 6, применяемыми при COVID-19 тяжелого течения, также может сопровождаться нейтропенией и требует тщательного динамического контроля абсолютного числа нейтрофилов у пациентов с АНЦА-СВ, получавших РТМ. Необходимо информировать как пациентов, так и врачей о риске развития ПОН на фоне лечения РТМ при АНЦА-СВ и других ревматических заболеваниях


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    According to modern world trends and the demand of domestic medicine, training in simulation centers is an appropriate way for students to learn practical skills from the first year, as well as medical practitioners. The aim – to determine the level of competence of graduates of higher medical educational institutions in possession of a list of practical skills. Material and Methods. A survey was conducted on the Royal College of General Practitioners knowledge assessment scale in two groups of interns of the first year of study, majoring in General Practice – Family Medicine, before and after the practical training in the simulation center. Group 1 included interns who, upon receiving education, did not have practical medical experience outside the institution of higher education (n = 86); group 2 (n = 16) – interns who worked during their studies in healthcare institutions as paramedical workers. Results. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that interns of the group 1 rated their level of possession of practical skills as requiring improvement. Interns who, when receiving education in medical higher educational institutions, worked in healthcare institutions, had a significantly higher level of proficiency in practical skills related to the competence of paramedical personnel. Conclusions. Trainings on the level of mastering of practical skills and abilities when applying simulation training methods are highly effective, which is proved by the results of our research.Согласно современным мировым тенденциям и запросу отечественной медицины, целесообразным способом овладения практическими навыками как студентами, начиная с первого курса, так и врачами-практиками, являются тренинги в симуляционных центрах. Цель – определение уровня компетентности выпускников высших медицинских учебных заведений по владению перечнем практических навыков и умений. Материал и методы. Проведено анкетирование по шкале оценки знаний Королевского колледжа врачей общей практики в двух группах врачей-интернов первого года обучения по специальности «Общая практика – семейная медицина» до и после практического занятия в симуляционном центре. В 1 группу вошли врачи-интерны, которые при получении образования не имели практического медицинского опыта за пределами высшего учебного заведения (n=86); во 2 группу (n=16) – врачи-интерны, которые во время учебы работали в учреждениях здравоохранения на должностях средних медицинских работников. Результаты. В результате анализа полученных данных было установлено, что врачи-интерны 1 группы оценили свой уровень владения практическими навыками как требующий повышения. Врачи-интерны, которые при получении образования в медицинских высших учебных заведениях работали в учреждениях здравоохранения, имели достоверно более высокий уровень показателей владения практическими навыками, относящимися к компетенции среднего медицинского персонала. Выводы. Тренинги по уровню овладения практическими навыками и умениями при применении симуляционных методов обучения являются высокоэффективными, что доказывают результаты наших исследований.Згідно із сучасними світовими тенденціями та запитом вітчизняної медицини, найдоцільнішим способом оволодіння практичними навичками як студентами, починаючи з першого курсу, так і лікарями-практиками, є тренінги у симуляційних центрах. Мета – визначення рівня компетентності випускників вищих медичних навчальних закладів щодо володіння переліком практичних навичок та умінь. Матеріал і методи. Проведено анкетування за шкалою оцінки знань Королівського коледжу лікарів загальної практики у двох групах лікарів-інтернів першого року навчання зі спеціальності «Загальна практика – сімейна медицина» до та після практичного заняття у симуляційному центрі. До 1 групи увійшли лікарі-інтерни, які під час отримання освіти не мали практичного медичного досвіду за межами вищого навчального закладу (n=86); до 2 групи (n=16) – лікарі-інтерни, які під час навчання працювали у закладах охорони здоров’я на посадах середніх медичних працівників. Результати. У результаті аналізу отриманих даних було встановлено, що лікарі-інтерни 1 групи оцінили свій рівень володіння практичними навичками, як такий, що потребує підвищення. Лікарі-інтерни, які під час отримання освіти у медичних вищих навчальних закладах працювали у закладах охорони здоров’я, мали достовірно вищий рівень показників володіння практичними навичками, що належать до компетенції середнього медичного персоналу. Висновки. Тренінги щодо рівня оволодіння практичними навичками та уміннями при застосуванні симуляційних методів навчання є високоефективними, що доводять результати наших досліджень

    Nuclear classical dynamics of H2_2 in intense laser field

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    In the first part of this paper, the different distinguishable pathways and regions of the single and sequential double ionization are determined and discussed. It is shown that there are two distinguishable pathways for the single ionization and four distinct pathways for the sequential double ionization. It is also shown that there are two and three different regions of space which are related to the single and double ionization respectively. In the second part of the paper, the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger and Newton equations are solved simultaneously for the electrons and the nuclei of H2_2 respectively. The electrons and nuclei dynamics are separated on the base of the adiabatic approximation. The soft-core potential is used to model the electrostatic interaction between the electrons and the nuclei. A variety of wavelengths (390 nm, 532 nm and 780 nm) and intensities (5×10145\times10^{14} Wcm2Wcm^{-2} and 5×1015 5\times10^{15} Wcm2Wcm^{-2}) of the ultrashort intense laser pulses with a sinus second order envelope function are used. The behaviour of the time dependent classical nuclear dynamics in the absence and present of the laser field are investigated and compared. In the absence of the laser field, there are three distinct sections for the nuclear dynamics on the electronic ground state energy curve. The bond hardening phenomenon does not appear in this classical nuclear dynamics simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Innovation activity of scientists as a factor in the development of academic entrepreneurship in Russia

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    The development of academic entrepreneurship as a way of transfer of innovation is an urgent task. One of the main factors in the development of academic entrepreneurship is innovation-oriented staff of higher education institutions. Insufficient attention of the scientific literature to importance of this factor is thwarting progress of various forms of academic entrepreneurship. In connection with this proposed study is aimed at determining the degree of scientific innovation activity influence on the development of academic entrepreneurship in Russia. Academic entrepreneurship in Russia has been chosen as the object of study. Analysis of the basic research in the field of academic entrepreneurship for the period of 2011-2016 years was used to achieve this goal. Analysis of publications was revealed that the innovative activity of the teaching staff of universities is a critical factor in the development of academic entrepreneurship. However, Russian scientists are characterized by low innovation activity, resulting in academic entrepreneurship in Russia is weak. The researchers suggest the following solutions to eliminate or minimize the effects of this problem: full awareness and moral training of the scientists involved in the innovation process of higher education institutions; profit payment; creating a psychological climate that will affect the scientific process of self-realization; continuous training of employees involved in the innovation process of higher education institutions; the creation of conditions that will contribute to the manifestation of creative activity of scientists; provide greater confidence to young scientists, graduate students and undergraduates; providing moral and material encouragement of initiatives, experimentation and creativity of scientific and pedagogical staff; the allocation of free time for scientists to research and search activities and others. The data obtained can be used by the guidance of Russian universities to enhance innovation activity of the teaching staff of universities

    Universally Coupled Massive Gravity

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    We derive Einstein's equations from a linear theory in flat space-time using free-field gauge invariance and universal coupling. The gravitational potential can be either covariant or contravariant and of almost any density weight. We adapt these results to yield universally coupled massive variants of Einstein's equations, yielding two one-parameter families of distinct theories with spin 2 and spin 0. The Freund-Maheshwari-Schonberg theory is therefore not the unique universally coupled massive generalization of Einstein's theory, although it is privileged in some respects. The theories we derive are a subset of those found by Ogievetsky and Polubarinov by other means. The question of positive energy, which continues to be discussed, might be addressed numerically in spherical symmetry. We briefly comment on the issue of causality with two observable metrics and the need for gauge freedom and address some criticisms by Padmanabhan of field derivations of Einstein-like equations along the way.Comment: Introduction notes resemblance between Einstein's discovery process and later field/spin 2 project; matches journal versio

    Testing Alternative Theories of Gravity using LISA

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    We investigate the possible bounds which could be placed on alternative theories of gravity using gravitational wave detection from inspiralling compact binaries with the proposed LISA space interferometer. Specifically, we estimate lower bounds on the coupling parameter \omega of scalar-tensor theories of the Brans-Dicke type and on the Compton wavelength of the graviton \lambda_g in hypothetical massive graviton theories. In these theories, modifications of the gravitational radiation damping formulae or of the propagation of the waves translate into a change in the phase evolution of the observed gravitational waveform. We obtain the bounds through the technique of matched filtering, employing the LISA Sensitivity Curve Generator (SCG), available online. For a neutron star inspiralling into a 10^3 M_sun black hole in the Virgo Cluster, in a two-year integration, we find a lower bound \omega > 3 * 10^5. For lower-mass black holes, the bound could be as large as 2 * 10^6. The bound is independent of LISA arm length, but is inversely proportional to the LISA position noise error. Lower bounds on the graviton Compton wavelength ranging from 10^15 km to 5 * 10^16 km can be obtained from one-year observations of massive binary black hole inspirals at cosmological distances (3 Gpc), for masses ranging from 10^4 to 10^7 M_sun. For the highest-mass systems (10^7 M_sun), the bound is proportional to (LISA arm length)^{1/2} and to (LISA acceleration noise)^{-1/2}. For the others, the bound is independent of these parameters because of the dominance of white-dwarf confusion noise in the relevant part of the frequency spectrum. These bounds improve and extend earlier work which used analytic formulae for the noise curves.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Solving the Topological String on K3 Fibrations

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    We present solutions of the holomorphic anomaly equations for compact two-parameter Calabi-Yau manifolds which are hypersurfaces in weighted projective space. In particular we focus on K3-fibrations where due to heterotic type II duality the topological invariants in the fibre direction are encoded in certain modular forms. The formalism employed provides holomorphic expansions of topological string amplitudes everywhere in moduli space.Comment: 60 pages, 1 figure, With an appendix by Sheldon Kat