749 research outputs found

    On optimal recovering high order partial derivatives of bivariate functions

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    The problem of recovering partial derivatives of high orders of bivariate functions with finite smoothness is studied. Based on the truncation method, a numerical differentiation algorithm was constructed, which is optimal by the order, both in the sense of accuracy and in the sense of the amount of Galerkin information involved. Numerical demonstrations are provided to illustrate that the proposed method can be implemented successfully


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    This review paper is devoted to myopathy of slaughter animals and poultry, and examines a relationship between fast growth of muscle tissue in hybrid pigs, broiler chickens and turkey, and high frequency of detection of spontaneous or idiopathic myopathies. The development of myopathy reduces consumer and technological properties of meat, and leads to emergence of different pathological conditions (PSE or RSE meat, «destructured meat», «white» or «green» meat, punctate hemorrhage, «wooden breast» and others). Two types of myopathic conditions are examined: myopathies caused by stress in animals and nutritional myopathies, which contribution to meat quality deterioration seems to be determinative. It is shown that the basis of the mechanism of the myopathy development is the mechanism of the successive changes in muscle tissue: damage of cell membranes and release of mitochondrial calcium, which causes hypercontraction, dystrophic changes, atrophy and necrosis of muscle fibers. To alleviate the damaging effect of two types of myopathies, different substances-adaptogens (selenium, vitamin E, flavonoids and others) can be used. It is stated that the requirements of animals in adaptogens change with an increase in the indicators of their productivity.This review paper is devoted to myopathy of slaughter animals and poultry, and examines a relationship between fast growth of muscle tissue in hybrid pigs, broiler chickens and turkey, and high frequency of detection of spontaneous or idiopathic myopathies. The development of myopathy reduces consumer and technological properties of meat, and leads to emergence of different pathological conditions (PSE or RSE meat, «destructured meat», «white» or «green» meat, punctate hemorrhage, «wooden breast» and others). Two types of myopathic conditions are examined: myopathies caused by stress in animals and nutritional myopathies, which contribution to meat quality deterioration seems to be determinative. It is shown that the basis of the mechanism of the myopathy development is the mechanism of the successive changes in muscle tissue: damage of cell membranes and release of mitochondrial calcium, which causes hypercontraction, dystrophic changes, atrophy and necrosis of muscle fibers. To alleviate the damaging effect of two types of myopathies, different substances-adaptogens (selenium, vitamin E, flavonoids and others) can be used. It is stated that the requirements of animals in adaptogens change with an increase in the indicators of their productivity

    Investigation of interaction femtosecond laser pulses with skin and eyes mathematical model

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    We present a mathematical model of linear and nonlinear processes that takes place under the action of femtosecond laser radiation on the cutaneous covering. The study is carried out and the analytical solution of the set of equations describing the dynamics of the electron and atomic subsystems and investigated the processes of linear and nonlinear interaction of femtosecond laser pulses in the vitreous of the human eye, revealed the dependence of the pulse duration on the retina of the duration of the input pulse and found the value of the radiation power density, in which there is a self-focusing is obtained. The results of the work can be used to determine the maximum acceptable energy, generated by femtosecond laser systems, and to develop Russian laser safety standards for femtosecond laser systems


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    Purpose: The scientific approach to the organization of labor and the workplace of the institution head involves the search for the most optimal model or technique acceptable to the Russian conditions within the current management culture, traditional views on the nature of managerial work, the scale and effectiveness of management activities. Methodology: Methodological guidelines for the study of workplaces’ organization of credit and financial institutions’ heads are based on the provisions of modern ergonomics and the principles of a system-based approach, allowing justifying as a significant one the environment-oriented approach. Result: The obtained results served as the basis for the development of appropriate recommendations to optimize the current situation in the context of eliminating existing gaps and problems in the credit and financial sector of the Russian economy from the standpoint of optimizing the process of organizing working places for managers of institutions in this profile. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Management Activities Effectiveness in Modern Russian Institution in the context of Head Workplace Modeling is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    In this article aspects of use of a functional training, and also his in-fluence on the state of health of the people who are doing fitness are af-fected. The research has shown that when using a functional training at engaged physical abilities increase and the health improves.В данной статье затронуты аспекты использования функционального тренинга, а так же его влияние на состояние здоровья людей занимающихся фитнесом. Исследование показало, что при использовании функионального тренинга у занимающихся повышаются физические способности и улучшается самочувствие


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    The current trend in the development of effective economic systems is an active commercialization of intellectual results and the provision of technology transfer. The aim of the study is to analyze the formation and use of human capital as the most important component of enterprise intellectual capital, to identify the main sources and directions of financing the processes of intellectual capital formation and technology transfer in domestic industries.The analysis made allows us make the following conclusions: there is a tendency towards a decrease in the total number of employees involved in the implementation of research and development at an enterprises; the number of specialists having a scientific degree and taking part in scientific researches and developments has also significantly decreased; there is a decline in the number of inventions and utility models in the domestic industry; there is a decline in innovative activity of local enterprises, which prevents the processes of commercialization of innovations and technology transfer.It is determined that one of the most influential factors is the limited sources of financing innovative activity and significant costs for the creation of intellectual property objects as a result of innovative processes and the problem of commercialization of intellectual development. The research of the structure of sources of funding for innovative activities of industrial enterprises shows that for a long period of time, the own funds of industrial enterprises are in fact the only source of funding for innovation and the formation of intellectual property.In order to increase the effectiveness of financial support for the formation and development of intellectual capital and to ensure the commercialization of intellectual results and technology transfer at enterprise level, it is necessary to: investigate all possible sources of funding and amounts of funding; to identify priority directions of innovation activity with the prospect of creation of objects of intellectual property and their further commercialization; to calculate the amount of finance necessary for the priority innovative projects taking into account all kinds of necessary resources.Исследованы основные источники и направления обеспечения финансирования процессов формирования интеллектуального капитала и трансфера технологий на отечественных предприятиях. Проведен анализ использования человеческого капитала на промышленных предприятиях в Украине в динамике последних лет. Определено, что существует тенденция к уменьшению общей численности работников, привлеченных к выполнению научных исследований и разработок. Выявлено, что важное значение приобретает ограниченность источников финансирования и значительные затраты на реализацию процессов создания объектов интеллектуальной собственности и обеспечение трансфера технологий. Исследована структура источников финансирования инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий. Разработаны рекомендации по организации финансирования процессов формирования интеллектуальных результатов и обеспечения трансфера технологий на предприятиях.Сучасним трендом розвитку ефективних економічних систем є активна комерціалізація інтелектуальних результатів і забезпечення трансферу технологій. Метою дослідження є аналіз формування і використання людського капіталу як найважливішої складової інтелектуального капіталу підприємств, визначення основних джерел і напрямів забезпечення фінансування процесів формування інтелектуального капіталу та трансферу технологій на вітчизняних промислових підприємствах.Проведений аналіз дозволяє зробити такі висновки: спостерігається тенденція до зменшення загальної кількості працівників, задіяних у виконанні наукових досліджень і розробок; суттєво знизилась кількість фахівців, що мають науковий ступінь і брали участь у наукових дослідженнях та розробках; спостерігається скорочення кількості винаходів і корисних моделей у вітчизняній промисловості; відбувається зниження інноваційної активності вітчизняних підприємств, що перешкоджає процесам комерціалізації інноваційних розробок і трансферу технологій.Визначено, що одним із найвпливовіших чинників є обмеженість джерел фінансування інноваційної діяльності та значні витрати на створення об’єктів інтелектуальної власності як результату інноваційних процесів і проблеми комерціалізації інтелектуальних розробок. Дослідження структури джерел фінансування інноваційної діяльності промислових підприємств свідчить про те, що протягом тривалого періоду власні кошти промислових підприємств є фактично єдиним джерелом фінансування інноваційної діяльності та формування інтелектуального капіталу.Для посилення ефективності фінансового забезпечення процесів формування і розвитку інтелектуального капіталу та забезпечення комерціалізації інтелектуальних результатів і трансферу технологій на рівні підприємства потрібно: дослідити усі можливі джерела надходження фінансових коштів та обсяги фінансування; визначити пріоритетні напрями інноваційної діяльності з перспективою створення об’єктів інтелектуальної власності і подальшої їх комерціалізації; розрахувати обсяги фінансування пріоритетних інноваційних проектів з урахуванням усіх видів потрібних ресурсів

    Optimization of Nanostructuring Burnishing Technological Parameters by Taguchi Method

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    On the basis of application of Taguchi optimization method, an approach for researching influence of nanostructuring burnishing technological parameters, considering the surface layer microhardness criterion, is developed. Optimal values of burnishing force, feed and number of tool passes for hardened steel AISI 420 hardening treatment are defined

    Postslaughter state of muscle tissue of pigs depending on the duration of pre-slaughter fasting

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    Changes in the muscle tissue microstructure lead to changes in meat quality. One of the causes of the myopathy development is animal stress. Pigs experience the strongest stress during pre-slaughter holding. The study of the postmortem meat structure depending on fasting time is a topical task. The objects of the research were samples of m. L. dorsi obtained after slaughter from pigs that differed in fasting time: 4 (group 1), 8 (group 2), 10 (group 3), 16 (group 4) and 18 (group 5) hours (N = 20, n = 4). Investigation of the microstructure and morphometric measurements were carried out on preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Myopathic changes in muscle tissue were assessed using a semi-quantitative method developed earlier. All studied samples were characterized by the uniform condition of muscle tissue. Statistically significant differences between individual groups were observed regarding the number and area of giant fibers, sarcomere length, diameter of muscle fibers and proportion of muscle fibers, which diameter was lower or higher by 1/3 than the mean fiber diameter. An increase in the pre-slaughter holding time reduced the number and area of giant fibers (r = –0.8437 and –0.5796, respectively), as well as the diameter of “normal” fibers (r = –0.5337), which positively influenced pork quality. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were characterized by the presence of signs of moderate and pronounced myopathy. Only one carcass with pronounced myopathic signs was revealed in each of groups 4 and 5. In group 4, one carcass did not have signs of myopathy. Pre-slaughter holding during 4, 8 and 10 hours led to deterioration of pork quality. The recommended fasting time is 16 hours