2,079 research outputs found

    Fraisse Limits, Ramsey Theory, and Topological Dynamics of Automorphism Groups

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    We study in this paper some connections between the Fraisse theory of amalgamation classes and ultrahomogeneous structures, Ramsey theory, and topological dynamics of automorphism groups of countable structures.Comment: 73 pages, LaTeX 2e, to appear in Geom. Funct. Ana

    Synthesis in a gel and sorption properties of N-2-sulfoethyl chitosan

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    A new procedure was developed for preparation of chelate amino-containing polymer N-2-sulfoethyl chitosan by synthesis in a gel through the reaction between chitosan and sodium 2-bromoethanesulfonate, yielding a polymer with the degree of substitution of up to 0.5. The structure of the resulting polymers was confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The sorption characteristics with respect to transition and alkaline-earth metal ions were determined for the cross-linked polymers. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Generic representations of abelian groups and extreme amenability

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    If GG is a Polish group and Γ\Gamma is a countable group, denote by \Hom(\Gamma, G) the space of all homomorphisms ΓG\Gamma \to G. We study properties of the group \cl{\pi(\Gamma)} for the generic \pi \in \Hom(\Gamma, G), when Γ\Gamma is abelian and GG is one of the following three groups: the unitary group of an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, the automorphism group of a standard probability space, and the isometry group of the Urysohn metric space. Under mild assumptions on Γ\Gamma, we prove that in the first case, there is (up to isomorphism of topological groups) a unique generic \cl{\pi(\Gamma)}; in the other two, we show that the generic \cl{\pi(\Gamma)} is extremely amenable. We also show that if Γ\Gamma is torsion-free, the centralizer of the generic π\pi is as small as possible, extending a result of King from ergodic theory.Comment: Version

    Grafting of (3-chloropropyl)-trimethoxy silane on halloysite nanotubes surface

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    Modified halloysite nanotubes (HNTs-Cl) were synthesized by a coupling reaction with (3-chloropropyl) trimethoxysilane (CPTMS). The incorporation of chloro-silane onto HNTs surface creates HNTs-Cl, which has great chemical activity and is considered a good candidate as an active site that reacts with other active molecules in order to create new materials with great applications in chemical engineering and nanotechnology. The value of this work lies in the fact that improving the degree of grafting of chloro-silane onto the HNT’s surface has been accomplished by incorporation of HNTs with CPTMS under different experimental conditions. Many parameters, such as the dispersing media, the molar ratio of HNTs/CPTMS/H2O, refluxing time, and the type of catalyst were studied. The greatest degree of grafting was accomplished by using toluene as a medium for the grafting process, with a molar ratio of HNTs/CPTMS/H2O of 1:1:3, and a refluxing time of 4 h. The addition of 7.169 mmol of triethylamine (Et3N) and 25.97 mmol of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) led to an increase in the degree of grafting of CPTMS onto the HNT’s surface


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    This work was supported by the Program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, RFBR grants 17-03-00641 and 18-29- 12129mk, the State Task from the Ministry of the Education and Science of the Russian Federation