4,393 research outputs found

    Poisson's ratio in cryocrystals under pressure

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    We present results of lattice dynamics calculations of Poisson's ratio (PR) for solid hydrogen and rare gas solids (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) under pressure. Using two complementary approaches - the semi-empirical many-body calculations and the first-principle density-functional theory calculations we found three different types of pressure dependencies of PR. While for solid helium PR monotonically decreases with rising pressure, for Ar, Kr, and Xe it monotonically increases with pressure. For solid hydrogen and Ne the pressure dependencies of PR are non-monotonic displaying rather deep minimums. The role of the intermolecular potentials in this diversity of patterns is discussed.Comment: Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 41, 571 (2015

    Spin singlet small bipolarons in Nb-doped BaTiO3

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    The magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity of n-type BaTi{1-x}Nb{x}O3 have been measured over a wide temperature range. It is found that, for 0 < x < 0.2, dopant electrons form immobile spin singlet small bipolarons with binding energy around 110 meV. For x = 0.2, a maximum in the electrical resistivity around 15 K indicates a crossover from band to hopping transport of the charge carriers, a phenomenon expected but rarely observed in real polaronic systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on Light Pseudoscalars Implied by Tests of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law

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    The exchange of light pseudoscalars between fermions leads to a spin-independent potential in order g^4, where g is the Yukawa pseudoscalar-fermion coupling constant. This potential gives rise to detectable violations of both the weak equivalence principle (WEP) and the gravitational inverse-square law (ISL), even if g is quite small. We show that when previously derived WEP constraints are combined with those arisingfrom ISL tests, a direct experimental limit on the Yukawa coupling of light pseudoscalars to neutrons can be inferred for the first time (g_n^2/4pi < 1.6 \times 10^-7), along with a new (and significantly improved) limit on the coupling of light pseudoscalars to protons.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, with 1 Postscript figure (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Scharnhorst effect at oblique incidence

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    We consider the Scharnhorst effect (anomalous photon propagation in the Casimir vacuum) at oblique incidence, calculating both photon speed and polarization states as functions of angle. The analysis is performed in the framework of nonlinear electrodynamics and we show that many features of the situation can be extracted solely on the basis of symmetry considerations. Although birefringence is common in nonlinear electrodynamics it is not universal; in particular we verify that the Casimir vacuum is not birefringent at any incidence angle. On the other hand, group velocity is typically not equal to phase velocity, though the distinction vanishes for special directions or if one is only working to second order in the fine structure constant. We obtain an ``effective metric'' that is subtly different from previous results. The disagreement is due to the way that ``polarization sums'' are implemented in the extant literature, and we demonstrate that a fully consistent polarization sum must be implemented via a bootstrap procedure using the effective metric one is attempting to define. Furthermore, in the case of birefringence, we show that the polarization sum technique is intrinsically an approximation.Comment: 11 pages double-column format, 2 figures, RevTeX 4.0 (beta 2). Final versio

    A quantitative model of trading and price formation in financial markets

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    We use standard physics techniques to model trading and price formation in a market under the assumption that order arrival and cancellations are Poisson random processes. This model makes testable predictions for the most basic properties of a market, such as the diffusion rate of prices, which is the standard measure of financial risk, and the spread and price impact functions, which are the main determinants of transaction cost. Guided by dimensional analysis, simulation, and mean field theory, we find scaling relations in terms of order flow rates. We show that even under completely random order flow the need to store supply and demand to facilitate trading induces anomalous diffusion and temporal structure in prices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Laser-heated capillary discharge plasma waveguides for electron acceleration to 8 GeV

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    A plasma channel created by the combination of a capillary discharge and inverse Bremsstrahlung laser heating enabled the generation of electron bunches with energy up to 7.8 GeV in a laser-driven plasma accelerator. The capillary discharge created an initial plasma channel and was used to tune the plasma temperature, which optimized laser heating. Although optimized colder initial plasma temperatures reduced the ionization degree, subsequent ionization from the heater pulse created a fully ionized plasma on-axis. The heater pulse duration was chosen to be longer than the hydrodynamic timescale of ≈ 1 ns, such that later temporal slices were more efficiently guided by the channel created by the front of the pulse. Simulations are presented which show that this thermal self-guiding of the heater pulse enabled channel formation over 20 cm. The post-heated channel had lower on-axis density and increased focusing strength compared to relying on the discharge alone, which allowed for guiding of relativistically intense laser pulses with a peak power of 0.85 PW and wakefield acceleration over 15 diffraction lengths. Electrons were injected into the wake in multiple buckets and times, leading to several electron bunches with different peak energies. To create single electron bunches with low energy spread, experiments using localized ionization injection inside a capillary discharge waveguide were performed. A single injected bunch with energy 1.6 GeV, charge 38 pC, divergence 1 mrad, and relative energy spread below 2% full-width half-maximum was produced in a 3.3 cm-long capillary discharge waveguide. This development shows promise for mitigation of energy spread and future high efficiency staged acceleration experiments

    Enlarged Dural Sac in Idiopathic Bronchiectasis Implicates Heritable Connective Tissue Gene Variants

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    Rationale: Patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis are predominantly female and have an asthenic body morphotype and frequent nontuberculous mycobacterial respiratory infections. They also demonstrate phenotypic features (scoliosis, pectus deformity, mitral valve prolapse) that are commonly seen in individuals with heritable connective tissue disorders

    Whirling Hexagons and Defect Chaos in Hexagonal Non-Boussinesq Convection

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    We study hexagon patterns in non-Boussinesq convection of a thin rotating layer of water. For realistic parameters and boundary conditions we identify various linear instabilities of the pattern. We focus on the dynamics arising from an oscillatory side-band instability that leads to a spatially disordered chaotic state characterized by oscillating (whirling) hexagons. Using triangulation we obtain the distribution functions for the number of pentagonal and heptagonal convection cells. In contrast to the results found for defect chaos in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation and in inclined-layer convection, the distribution functions can show deviations from a squared Poisson distribution that suggest non-trivial correlations between the defects.Comment: 4 mpg-movies are available at http://www.esam.northwestern.edu/~riecke/lit/lit.html submitted to New J. Physic

    Curvature correction to the mobility of fluid membrane inclusions

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    For the first time, using rigorous low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamic theory on curved surfaces via a Stokeslet-type approach, we provide a general and concise expression for the leading-order curvature correction to the canonical, planar, Saffman-Delbrück value of the diffusion constant for a small inclusion embedded in an arbitrarily (albeit weakly) curved fluid membrane. In order to demonstrate the efficacy and utility of this wholly general result, we apply our theory to the specific case of calculating the diffusion coefficient of a locally curvature inducing membrane inclusion. By including both the effects of inclusion and membrane elasticity, as well as their respective thermal shape fluctuations, excellent agreement is found with recently published experimental data on the surface tension dependent mobility of membrane bound inclusions