30 research outputs found

    Oxygen-dependent metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the peripheral blood of patients with intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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    We investigated the oxygen-dependent metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PML) in peripheral blood of patients with intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with different clinical manifestations with methods stimulated barium sulfate luminol- and lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence. Revealed the violations of oxidative metabolism PML the blood in patients with asthmatic triad, resulting in a decrease in the total production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and production of superoxide anion radical PML compared with healthy donors. In patients with chronic urticaria, worsening after administration of NSAIDs, significant changes in ROS production relative to such a healthy donors were not identified

    Редкие виды перфораций желудочно-кишечного тракта — диагностика, тактика, лечение

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    RATIONALE Hollow organ perforation is an urgent problem in abdominal surgery. According to the literature, the incidence of perforation is from 0.37% to 2.3% of cases among various acute surgical pathologies of the abdominal organs. The greatest attention in the literature is paid to the problem of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. At the same time, a much smaller number of publications, both Russia and foreign, are devoted to other, more rare types of perforations. This situation is most likely explained by the low prevalence of other types of perforations, which, in turn, does not make them a less urgent problem in emergency surgery, which requires a modern approach to the treatment of this group of patients.PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the diagnosis and treatment of rare types of benign intestinal perforations.MATERIAL AND METHODS A literature review was performed for the period from 1994 to 2020 in Russian and in English, available on Pubmed, Medline, Springer, Scopus, E-library, on topics such as perforated diverticula of the small intestine, perforation of Meckel’s diverticulum, perforated ulcers of the small intestine, perforation of the intestine by a foreign body. RESUltS With all the variety of surgical techniques for various types of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, currently in the literature there are no specific criteria for choosing a particular method of intervention with regard to the cause, level, and duration of perforation.CONCLUSION The lack of unified approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare GIT perforations dictates the need for a more in-depth study of this issue in order to apply and optimize the technique of videolaparoscopic approach, develop a treatment and diagnostic algorithm for patients with suspected perforations of the gastrointestinal tract using the video laparoscopic method.Перфорация полого органа — актуальная проблема в абдоминальной хирургии. По данным литературы частота развития перфораций составляет от 0,37 до 2,3% случаев среди различной острой хирургической патологии органов брюшной полости.Наибольшее внимание в литературе уделено проблеме перфоративных гастродуоденальных язв. В то же время другим, более редким, видам перфораций посвящено гораздо меньшее количество публикаций, как отечественных, так и зарубежных. Такая ситуация, вероятнее всего, объясняется небольшой распространенностью других видов перфораций, что в свою очередь не делает их менее актуальной проблемой в экстренной хирургии, требующей современного подхода к лечению данной группы пациентов.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Анализ отечественной и зарубежной литературы, посвященной диагностике и лечению редких видов доброкачественных перфораций кишечника.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Выполнен обзор литературы за период с 1994 по 2020 г. на русском и английском языках, доступной на базах Pubmed, Medline, Springer, Scopus, E-library, по таким темам, как перфоративные дивертикулы тонкой кишки, перфорация дивертикула Меккеля, перфоративные язвы тонкой кишки, перфорация кишки инородным телом.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ При всем разнообразии оперативных методик при различных видах перфораций желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ), в настоящее время в литературе не определены конкретные критерии выбора того или иного способа вмешательства операции в зависимости от причины, уровня, срока перфорации.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Отсутствие единых подходов в диагностике и лечении пациентов с редкими перфорациями ЖКТ диктует необходимость более углубленного изучения данного вопроса с целью применения и оптимизации техники видеолапароскопического пособия, разработки лечебно-диагностического алгоритма у больных с подозрением на перфорацию органов ЖКТ с использованием видеолапароскопического метода

    Клиническое значение и перспективы применения инъекционных форм биополимерного микрогетерогенного коллагенсодержащего гидрогеля в терапии остеоартрита

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    The paper gives the current definition of osteoarthritis (OA), which reflects the pathogenetic and clinical characteristics of this disease, as well as general principles for choosing an OA treatment. It describes the effect of glucosamine and chondroitin on the key pathogenetic mechanisms of OA. It is noted that one of the promising areas of therapy for OA is the intra-articular administration of biopolymer-based hydrogels that provide not only an anti-inflammatory, but also regenerative effect that has been experimentally confirmed during their injection into the tendon sheaths. There are data on the efficacy and safety of the Russian drug Sphero®gel, a biopolymer-based microheterogeneous collagen-containing hydrogel that belongs to a class of multicomponent biopolymer-based extracellular matrix mimetics. It consists of the cross-linked farm animal tissue-derived collagen microparticles placed in the gel base. The gel is not only a structural base for collagen microparticles; it also has its own therapeutic potential, since it is structurally similar to the natural extracellular matrix. The drug contains collagen, biologically active components of the extracellular matrix, such as proteoglycans, glycoproteins, uronic acids, growth factors, monosaccharides, and chondroitin sulfate. Extended-release symptomatic agents, Sphero®gel among them, are currently recommended for the treatment of OA. Application of Sphero®gel contributes to increased joint mobility and reduced pain, which allows the limited use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that cause adverse reactions, especially in the presence of comorbid diseases.В статье представлены современная дефиниция остеоартрита (ОА), отражающая его патогенетические и клинические характеристики, и основные принципы выбора лечения при ОА. Описано воздействие глюкозамина и хондроитина на ведущие патогенетические механизмы ОА. Отмечено, что одним из перспективных направлений терапии ОА является внутрисуставное введение гидрогелевых форм биополимерных материалов, обеспечивающих не только противовоспалительный, но и регенеративный эффект, экспериментально подтвержденный при их введении в сухожильные влагалища. Приведены данные об эффективности и безопасности отечественного препарата Сферо®ГЕЛЬ – биополимерного микрогетерогенного коллагенсодержащего гидрогеля, который относится к классу многокомпонентных биополимерных миметиков внеклеточного матрикса. Он состоит из помещенных в гелевую основу микрочастиц «сшитого» коллагена, полученного из тканей сельскохозяйственных животных. Гель – не только структурная база для микрочастиц коллагена, он обладает также собственным терапевтическим потенциалом, поскольку по составу идентичен природному внеклеточному матриксу. Препарат содержит коллаген, биологически активные компоненты внеклеточного матрикса – протеогликаны, гликопротеины, уроновые кислоты, факторы роста, моносахариды, хондроитина сульфат. В настоящее время симптоматические препараты замедленного действия, в число которых входит Сферо®ГЕЛЬ, рекомендуется назначать при лечении ОА. Применение Сферо®геля способствует увеличению подвижности суставов и уменьшению боли, что позволяет ограничить использование нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов, вызывающих неблагоприятные реакции, особенно при наличии коморбидных заболеваний


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    The development of mesenteric lymphadenitis is typical for patients with HIV infection at the stage of secondary diseases. The purpose of our study is to decipher the etiology of lymphadenitis in patients with HIV infection at the stage of secondary diseases. The analysis of disease histories of 113 HIV infection patients at the stage of secondary diseases with the use of statistical processing was carried out. The article presents examples that characterize the polymorphism of clinical variants of the development of mesadenitis in HIVinfected patients with stage 4B, which has developed as a result of the influence of various etiological factors.Развитие мезентериального лимфаденита характерно для больных ВИЧ-инфекцией на стадии вторичных заболеваний. Целью нашего исследования явилась расшифровка этиологии лимфаденита у больных ВИЧинфекцией на стадии вторичных заболеваний. Проведен анализ историй болезней 113 больных ВИЧ-инфекцией на стадии вторичных заболеваний с применением статистической обработки. В статье представлены примеры, характеризующие полиморфизм клинических вариантов развития мезаденита у ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов на стадии 4В, развившегося в результате воздействия различных этиологических факторов

    Проект протокола ведения больных нозокомиальной пневмонией у взрослых в условиях стационара

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    The nosocomial pneumonia is one of the most (or just “is a”) common hospital infections complicating the disease course and resulting in a fatal outcome. In 2016 the revised version of “Russian national recommendations for Nosocomial pneumonia in adults” was published. The new methods of diagnostics, preventative measures and hospital pneumonia treatment were systematized there. The international association of clinical pharmacologists and pharmacists introduced the new information on the epidemiology of hospital infections as well as their sensitivity to antibacterial therapy, dosage and introduction regime.  The current management guidelines of the patients with nosocomial pneumonia is based on these actual internationally recognized recommendations. It consists of an action algorithm to be used when the nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis is suspected and as tables which provide the tactics of treatment. It also helps to systematize the details of the anamneses, the data of functional and microbiological diagnostics and to develop an optimal scheme of empirical introduction of therapy and its further correction when necessary after receiving the results of microbiological diagnostics. The project is intended for physicians of internal medicine departments, emergency rooms in hospitals, as well as for resident medical practitioners. The quick introduction of management guideline algorithm of the patients with nosocomial pneumonia and the precise indication of the dose regime into clinical practice will allow doctors to decrease the death rate and improve the quality of medical service. Нозокомиальная (госпитальная) пневмония является одной из наиболее распространенных внутрибольничных инфекций, утяжеляющих течение основного заболевания и приводящих к летальному исходу. В 2016 г. издана переработанная и дополненная версия Российских национальных рекомендаций «Нозокомиальная пневмония у взрослых», в которой систематизированы новые методы диагностики, профилактики и лечения госпитальной пневмонии. Международная ассоциация клинических фармакологов и фармацевтов представила новые сведения по эпидемиологии госпитальных инфекций, их чувствительности к антибактериальной терапии, дозам и режимам введения. Настоящий протокол ведения больных с нозокомиальной пневмонией основан на этих современных рекомендациях, признанных на международном уровне. Он представлен в виде алгоритмов действия врача при подозрении на нозокомиальную пневмонию и таблиц по тактике лечения, позволяющих систематизировать данные анамнеза, клинико-функционального обследования, микробиологических исследований, разработать оптимальную схему эмпирической стартовой терапии, а при необходимости провести ее коррекцию после получения результатов микробиологического исследования. Проект предназначен для врачей терапевтических отделений, отделений реанимации и терапии, ординаторов и интернов. Скорейшее внедрение в практику алгоритма ведения больных нозокомиальной пневмонией с указанием доз вводимых препаратов позволит врачам снизить смертность и повысить качество медицинской помощи.

    Testis-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: origin and evolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) catalyses one of the glycolytic reactions and is also involved in a number of non-glycolytic processes, such as endocytosis, DNA excision repair, and induction of apoptosis. Mammals are known to possess two homologous GAPD isoenzymes: GAPD-1, a well-studied protein found in all somatic cells, and GAPD-2, which is expressed solely in testis. GAPD-2 supplies energy required for the movement of spermatozoa and is tightly bound to the sperm tail cytoskeleton by the additional N-terminal proline-rich domain absent in GAPD-1. In this study we investigate the evolutionary history of GAPD and gain some insights into specialization of GAPD-2 as a testis-specific protein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A dataset of GAPD sequences was assembled from public databases and used for phylogeny reconstruction by means of the Bayesian method. Since resolution in some clades of the obtained tree was too low, syntenic analysis was carried out to define the evolutionary history of GAPD more precisely. The performed selection tests showed that selective pressure varies across lineages and isoenzymes, as well as across different regions of the same sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The obtained results suggest that GAPD-1 and GAPD-2 emerged after duplication during the early evolution of chordates. GAPD-2 was subsequently lost by most lineages except lizards, mammals, as well as cartilaginous and bony fishes. In reptilians and mammals, GAPD-2 specialized to a testis-specific protein and acquired the novel N-terminal proline-rich domain anchoring the protein in the sperm tail cytoskeleton. This domain is likely to have originated by exonization of a microsatellite genomic region. Recognition of the proline-rich domain by cytoskeletal proteins seems to be unspecific. Besides testis, GAPD-2 of lizards was also found in some regenerating tissues, but it lacks the proline-rich domain due to tissue-specific alternative splicing.</p

    The effect of yeast race on the composition of a high-molecular fraction and physical and chemical properties of sparkling wines

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    The aim of the research is the technological assessment and selection of highly effective preparations of active dry yeast for the production of white sparkling wines, based on a study of their influence on the physical and chemical indicators that form typical properties of this group of wines. Active dry yeast (ADY) preparations recommended for the production of sparkling wines, produced in France have been selected as the objects of the research. The effect of new ADY races on the content of the substances of a high-molecular complex: lipids, proteins and phenolic compounds that act as surface-active substances responsible for the formation of sparkling and foamy properties have been studied. The amount of SAA and such physical and chemical indicators of typical properties of sparkling wines, such as the coefficient of resistance to carbon dioxide (K), foaming ability (F), and pressure of CO2 have been determined. Higher technological properties of one of the studied yeast races have been established, providing the best formation of sparkling and foaming properties of this group of wines

    The clinical significance of and prospects for the use of biopolymer-based microheterogeneous collagen-containing injectable hydrogel in the therapy of osteoarthritis

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    The paper gives the current definition of osteoarthritis (OA), which reflects the pathogenetic and clinical characteristics of this disease, as well as general principles for choosing an OA treatment. It describes the effect of glucosamine and chondroitin on the key pathogenetic mechanisms of OA. It is noted that one of the promising areas of therapy for OA is the intra-articular administration of biopolymer-based hydrogels that provide not only an anti-inflammatory, but also regenerative effect that has been experimentally confirmed during their injection into the tendon sheaths. There are data on the efficacy and safety of the Russian drug Sphero®gel, a biopolymer-based microheterogeneous collagen-containing hydrogel that belongs to a class of multicomponent biopolymer-based extracellular matrix mimetics. It consists of the cross-linked farm animal tissue-derived collagen microparticles placed in the gel base. The gel is not only a structural base for collagen microparticles; it also has its own therapeutic potential, since it is structurally similar to the natural extracellular matrix. The drug contains collagen, biologically active components of the extracellular matrix, such as proteoglycans, glycoproteins, uronic acids, growth factors, monosaccharides, and chondroitin sulfate. Extended-release symptomatic agents, Sphero®gel among them, are currently recommended for the treatment of OA. Application of Sphero®gel contributes to increased joint mobility and reduced pain, which allows the limited use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that cause adverse reactions, especially in the presence of comorbid diseases


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    The menopausal hormonal therapy is represented today by ultra low doses in the form of drug Angeliq® Micro, which allows continuing MHT for patients older than 60-65  and choosing an individual MHT type


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    We investigated the intensity of barium sulfate stimulated luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (SLCHL) blood after pre-incubation of blood samples with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), food dye tartrazine in healthy donors and patients with intolerance to NSAIDS, tarirezine with different clinical manifestations. In patients with bronchial manifestations of intolerance to NSAIDS, tarirezine degree of suppression of SLCHL blood increases with the age of the intolerance. Only patients with skin manifestations of intolerance to NSAIDS (urticaria/angioedema) the degree of suppression of SLCHL blood degrades with the age of the intolerance of these agents