109 research outputs found

    Extinction Rates for Fluctuation-Induced Metastabilities : A Real-Space WKB Approach

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    The extinction of a single species due to demographic stochasticity is analyzed. The discrete nature of the individual agents and the Poissonian noise related to the birth-death processes result in local extinction of a metastable population, as the system hits the absorbing state. The Fokker-Planck formulation of that problem fails to capture the statistics of large deviations from the metastable state, while approximations appropriate close to the absorbing state become, in general, invalid as the population becomes large. To connect these two regimes, a master equation based on a real space WKB method is presented, and is shown to yield an excellent approximation for the decay rate and the extreme events statistics all the way down to the absorbing state. The details of the underlying microscopic process, smeared out in a mean field treatment, are shown to be crucial for an exact determination of the extinction exponent. This general scheme is shown to reproduce the known results in the field, to yield new corollaries and to fit quite precisely the numerical solutions. Moreover it allows for systematic improvement via a series expansion where the small parameter is the inverse of the number of individuals in the metastable state

    Anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method

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    A technically convenient signature of Anderson localization is exponential decay of the fractional moments of the Green function within appropriate energy ranges. We consider a random Hamiltonian on a lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential, which is however sign-definite at the boundary of its support. For this class of Anderson operators we establish a finite-volume criterion which implies that above mentioned the fractional moment decay property holds. This constructive criterion is satisfied at typical perturbative regimes, e. g. at spectral boundaries which satisfy 'Lifshitz tail estimates' on the density of states and for sufficiently strong disorder. We also show how the fractional moment method facilitates the proof of exponential (spectral) localization for such random potentials.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AH

    Time-Energy coherent states and adiabatic scattering

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    Coherent states in the time-energy plane provide a natural basis to study adiabatic scattering. We relate the (diagonal) matrix elements of the scattering matrix in this basis with the frozen on-shell scattering data. We describe an exactly solvable model, and show that the error in the frozen data cannot be estimated by the Wigner time delay alone. We introduce the notion of energy shift, a conjugate of Wigner time delay, and show that for incoming state ρ(H0)\rho(H_0) the energy shift determines the outgoing state.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Rare Events Statistics in Reaction--Diffusion Systems

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    We develop an efficient method to calculate probabilities of large deviations from the typical behavior (rare events) in reaction--diffusion systems. The method is based on a semiclassical treatment of underlying "quantum" Hamiltonian, encoding the system's evolution. To this end we formulate corresponding canonical dynamical system and investigate its phase portrait. The method is presented for a number of pedagogical examples.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Mean-field evolution of fermions with singular interaction

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    We consider a system of N fermions in the mean-field regime interacting though an inverse power law potential V(x)=1/xαV(x)=1/|x|^{\alpha}, for α(0,1]\alpha\in(0,1]. We prove the convergence of a solution of the many-body Schr\"{o}dinger equation to a solution of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation in the sense of reduced density matrices. We stress the dependence on the singularity of the potential in the regularity of the initial data. The proof is an adaptation of [22], where the case α=1\alpha=1 is treated.Comment: 16 page

    Smooth adiabatic evolutions with leaky power tails

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    Adiabatic evolutions with a gap condition have, under a range of circumstances, exponentially small tails that describe the leaking out of the spectral subspace. Adiabatic evolutions without a gap condition do not seem to have this feature in general. This is a known fact for eigenvalue crossing. We show that this is also the case for eigenvalues at the threshold of the continuous spectrum by considering the Friedrichs model.Comment: Final form, to appear in J. Phys. A; 11 pages, no figure

    Nondispersive solutions to the L2-critical half-wave equation

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    We consider the focusing L2L^2-critical half-wave equation in one space dimension itu=Duu2u, i \partial_t u = D u - |u|^2 u, where DD denotes the first-order fractional derivative. Standard arguments show that there is a critical threshold M>0M_* > 0 such that all H1/2H^{1/2} solutions with uL2<M\| u \|_{L^2} < M_* extend globally in time, while solutions with uL2M\| u \|_{L^2} \geq M_* may develop singularities in finite time. In this paper, we first prove the existence of a family of traveling waves with subcritical arbitrarily small mass. We then give a second example of nondispersive dynamics and show the existence of finite-time blowup solutions with minimal mass u0L2=M\| u_0 \|_{L^2} = M_*. More precisely, we construct a family of minimal mass blowup solutions that are parametrized by the energy E0>0E_0 >0 and the linear momentum P0RP_0 \in \R. In particular, our main result (and its proof) can be seen as a model scenario of minimal mass blowup for L2L^2-critical nonlinear PDE with nonlocal dispersion.Comment: 51 page

    Towards Classification of Phase Transitions in Reaction--Diffusion Models

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    Equilibrium phase transitions are associated with rearrangements of minima of a (Lagrangian) potential. Treatment of non-equilibrium systems requires doubling of degrees of freedom, which may be often interpreted as a transition from the ``coordinate'' to the ``phase'' space representation. As a result, one has to deal with the Hamiltonian formulation of the field theory instead of the Lagrangian one. We suggest a classification scheme of phase transitions in reaction-diffusion models based on the topology of the phase portraits of corresponding Hamiltonians. In models with an absorbing state such a topology is fully determined by intersecting curves of zero ``energy''. We identify four families of topologically distinct classes of phase portraits stable upon RG transformations.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Registry of people with diabetes in three Latin American countries : a suitable approach to evaluate the quality of health care provided to people with type 2 diabetes

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    Q2Q2Aims: To implement a patient registry and collect data related to the care providedto people with type 2 diabetes in six specialized centers of three Latin Americancountries, measure the quality of such care using a standardized form (QUALIDIAB)that collects information on different quality of care indicators, and analyze thepotential of collecting this information for improving quality of care and conductingclinical research. Methods: We collected data on clinical, metabolic and therapeu-tic indicators, micro- and macrovascular complications, rate of use of diagnosticand therapeutic elements and hospitalization of patients with type 2 diabetes in sixdiabetes centers, four in Argentina and one each in Colombia and Peru. Results:We analyzed 1157 records from patients with type 2 diabetes (Argentina, 668;Colombia, 220; Peru, 269); 39 records were discarded because of data entry errorsor inconsistencies. The data demonstrated frequency performance deficiencies inseveral procedures, including foot and ocular fundus examination and variouscardiovascular screening tests. In contrast, HbA1cand cardiovascular risk factorassessments were performed with a greater frequency than recommended by inter-national guidelines. Management of insulin therapy was sub-optimal, and deficien-cies were also noted among diabetes education indicators. Conclusions: Patientregistry was successfully implemented in these clinics following an interactiveeducational program. The data obtained provide useful information as to deficien-cies in care and may be used to guide quality of care improvement efforts.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6860-3620N/