216 research outputs found

    Application of system approach to the analysis of socially caused psychological peculiarities of a person during his occupational activity

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    It is shown that the loss of social work human homeostatic mechanisms operate less efficiently, which prompts him to change the type of activity. Job vocation allows higher quality, less tired. If the necessary knowledge, skills are an employee, the «emotional intellect» helps to achieve a unique highquality productsПоказано, что при потере работы социальные гомеостатические механизмы человека функционируют менее эффективно, что подталкивает его менять вид деятельности. Работа по призванию позволяет производить больше, с более высоким качеством, меньше уставать. Если необходимые знания, навыки имеются у работника, то эмоциональный ителлект помогает добиться уникально высокого качества продукци

    Interaction between continuous education and the state-formed system of long-term care for elderly people

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    Created a state system of long-term care for the elderly will allow them to implement passive adaptation. Active adaptation through continuous education occurs when the representatives of the older independently or with a special organization, volunteer free find suitable jobs for them, are retrained carry out feasible public meaningful, paid work. For economic reasons, it is advisable to use distance education methodsСоздаваемая государством система долговременного ухода за пожилыми людьми позволит им осуществить пассивную адаптацию. Активная адаптация путем непрерывного образования происходит, если представители старшего возраста самостоятельно или с помощью специальной организации, добровольно находят сво-бодные, подходящие для них рабочие места, проходят профессиональную переподго-товку, выполняют посильный общественно значимый, оплачиваемый труд. По эконо-мическим соображениям целесообразно использовать дистанционные методы образо-вани

    Application of professional standards for the organization of training of pensioners at the level of secondary vocational education

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    Применение профессиональных стандартов позволит повысить эффективность трудоустройства и работы пенсионеров, которые часто занимают должности, соответствующие уровню подготовки СПО. Этот процесс имеет характерные черты аттракторовThe professional standards allows to increase the effectiveness of employment and working pensioners, who often occupy positions corresponding to the level of training of secondary vocational education. This process has the characteristic features of attractor

    A retrocopy of a gene can functionally displace the source gene in evolution

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    The e(y)2 gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes the ubiquitous evolutionarily conserved co-activator of RNA polymerase II that is involved in transcription regulation of a high number of genes. The Drosophila e(y)2b gene, paralogue of the e(y)2 has been found. The analysis of structure of the e(y)2, e(y)2b and its orthologues from other species reveals that the e(y)2 gene derived as a result of retroposition of the e(y)2b during Drosophila evolution. The mRNA-derived retrogenes lack introns or regulatory regions; most of them become pseudogenes whereas some acquire tissue-specific functions. Here we describe the different situation: the e(y)2 retrogene performs the general function and is ubiquitously expressed, while the source gene is functional only in a small group of male germ cells. This must have resulted from retroposition into a transcriptionally favorable region of the genome

    Questions of reliability and validity of professional standards in the event of the solution problem of professional education

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    Решаются вопросы оценки надежности и валидности профессиональных стандартов, применяемых для выбора ответственными лицами наиболее перспективных кандидатур из числа желающих занять вакантное рабочее местоThe issues of assessing the reliability and validity of professional standards applicable to the selection of responsible persons the most promising candidates from among those wishing to occupy the vacant job

    Current issues of information support of functioning of the enterprise

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    Ensuring continuity of production important personal and corporate information is of great importance for the functioning of the enterprises in a rapidly changing, turbulent environment, adverse changes in the macro economy, population aging and deterioration of social and individual health of Russians. A necessary condition for knowledge management is the creation of electronic and efficient use of databases and banks of ideas. Ideas are useful as they are remembered. A person of retirement age is easier to state developed during the life of the know-how, proposals at the level of ideas. Traditionally, an important advantage is the simplicity of the idea of pleasure, who receives the author when it was created. The generalized nature of ideas corresponds to the recommendations of the inventor: “I do not detail the argument more than it is now necessary" Ideas can become relevant in a few years after their registration has been further developed (the effect of "ripening of ideas"), changes to the application. An important role can be played with the idea of promoting association that is a trigger techniques go beyond brainstorming. To implement the above approach is promising to carry out special training of future engineers, managers, programmers during their university studiesОбеспечение преемственности производственно важной индивидуальной и корпоративной информации имеет большое значение для функционирования предприятий в условиях быстро меняющейся, турбулентной окружающей среды, негативных изменений макроэкономики, старения населения, ухудшения социального и индивидуального здоровья россиян. Необходимым условием управления знаниями является создание в электронном виде и эффективное использование баз данных и банков идей. Идеи приносят пользу, пока о них помнят. Людям пенсионного возраста легче излагать выработанные в течение жизни ноу хау, предложения на уровне идей. Традиционно важным достоинством идеи является простота оформления, удовольствие, которое получает автор при ее создании. Обобщенный характер идей соответствует рекомендации изобретателю: «Не детализировать рассуждения больше, чем это сейчас необходимо». Идеи могут стать актуальными через несколько лет после их оформления, получив дальнейшее развитие (эффект «дозревания идеи»), изменений условий применения. Важную роль могут играть идеи при стимулировании ассоциаций, что является одной из триггерных техник выхода за пределы брейнсторминга. Для реализации изложенного подхода перспективно осуществлять специальную подготовку будущих инженеров, менеджеров, программистов во время их обучения в вуз

    New stopping criteria for segmenting DNA sequences

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    We propose a solution on the stopping criterion in segmenting inhomogeneous DNA sequences with complex statistical patterns. This new stopping criterion is based on Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) in the model selection framework. When this stopping criterion is applied to a left telomere sequence of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the complete genome sequence of bacterium Escherichia coli, borders of biologically meaningful units were identified (e.g. subtelomeric units, replication origin, and replication terminus), and a more reasonable number of domains was obtained. We also introduce a measure called segmentation strength which can be used to control the delineation of large domains. The relationship between the average domain size and the threshold of segmentation strength is determined for several genome sequences.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review Letters, to appea

    In silico analysis of alpha1-antitrypsin variants: The effects of a novel mutation

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    Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) is a highly polymorphic protein with more than 120 variants that are classified as normal (normal protein secretion), deficient (reduced circulating AAT level caused by defective secretion) or null (no protein secretion). Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, one of the most common genetic disorders, predisposes adults to pulmonary emphysema and, to a lesser extent, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. In this report, we provide additional sequence data for alpha1-antitrypsin based on the characterization of a novel variant detected in a 53-year-old heterozygous patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The mutation occurred on a PI*M2 base allele and was characterized by a T → C transition at nt 97 in exon II that led to the replacement of phenylalanine by leucine (F33L). Since the mutation was found in the heterozygous state with the expression of a normally secreted variant (PI*M1) it was not possible to assess the pattern of F33L secretion. However, computational analyses based on evolutionary, structural and functional information indicated a reduction of 23 Å 3 in the side chain volume and the creation of a cavity in the protein hydrophobic core that likely disturbed the tridimensional structure and folding of AAT. The accuracy of the in silico prediction was confirmed by testing known mutations

    ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL gene variants and coronary artery disease risk

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    Aim. To study the contribution of rare and low-frequency variants of ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL genes in assessing the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a cohort of Russian patients with various cardiovascular risks.Material and methods. The study was conducted on a sample of participants in cohort and epidemiological studies (n=2405). Targeted enrichment of coding sequences and exon-intron regions of nine genes (ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL) was performed. Genetic diagnostics was carried out by next generation sequencing.Results. CAD was confirmed in 267 patients (11%). After genetic diagnosis, all patients were divided into three following groups: individuals with previously described genetic variants associated with elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and/or triglycerides (TGs); individuals with genetic variants associated with reduced levels of LDL-C and/or TGs; individuals without genetic variants associated with LDL-C and/or TG levels, or with two or more variants with opposite effects on LDL-C and/or TG levels. Kaplan-Meier method revealed that the groups significantly differ in cumulative risk of CAD (p<0,001 for the log-rank test), the maximum risk was in group 1, and the minimum risk in group 2. When conducting the Cox regression, we found that in persons from group 1, the hazard ratio (HR) for CAD is 2,63 times higher (HR =2,63, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,6-4,34; p><0,001), and in persons from group 2 lower by 1,88 times (HR =0,53, 95% CI, 0,3-0,98; p=0,042) compared with persons from group 3, adjusted for other CAD risk factors: sex, age, smoking, LDL-C and hypertension. Conclusion. Genetic testing in young patients makes it possible to identify individuals with an increased genetic risk of CAD and to focus preventive and therapeutic measures primarily for this category of patients. Keywords: coronary artery disease, cardiovascular diseases, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, genetic testing. Relationships and Activities: none. 1National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow; 2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow; 3E. I. Chazov National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, Moscow; 4Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow; 5Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia.><0,001 for the log-rank test), the maximum risk was in group 1, and the minimum risk in group 2. When conducting the Cox regression, we found that in persons from group 1, the hazard ratio (HR) for CAD is 2,63 times higher (HR =2,63, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,6-4,34; p<0,001), and in persons from group 2 lower by 1,88 times (HR =0,53, 95% CI, 0,3-0,98; p=0,042) compared with persons from group 3, adjusted for other CAD risk factors: sex, age, smoking, LDL-C and hypertension.Conclusion. Genetic testing in young patients makes it possible to identify individuals with an increased genetic risk of CAD and to focus preventive and therapeutic measures primarily for this category of patients

    Improving the prediction of disease-related variants using protein three-dimensional structure

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    Background: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are an important source of human genome variability. Non-synonymous SNPs occurring in coding regions result in single amino acid polymorphisms (SAPs) that may affect protein function and lead to pathology. Several methods attempt to estimate the impact of SAPs using different sources of information. Although sequence-based predictors have shown good performance, the quality of these predictions can be further improved by introducing new features derived from three-dimensional protein structures.Results: In this paper, we present a structure-based machine learning approach for predicting disease-related SAPs. We have trained a Support Vector Machine (SVM) on a set of 3,342 disease-related mutations and 1,644 neutral polymorphisms from 784 protein chains. We use SVM input features derived from the protein's sequence, structure, and function. After dataset balancing, the structure-based method (SVM-3D) reaches an overall accuracy of 85%, a correlation coefficient of 0.70, and an area under the receiving operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.92. When compared with a similar sequence-based predictor, SVM-3D results in an increase of the overall accuracy and AUC by 3%, and correlation coefficient by 0.06. The robustness of this improvement has been tested on different datasets and in all the cases SVM-3D performs better than previously developed methods even when compared with PolyPhen2, which explicitly considers in input protein structure information.Conclusion: This work demonstrates that structural information can increase the accuracy of disease-related SAPs identification. Our results also quantify the magnitude of improvement on a large dataset. This improvement is in agreement with previously observed results, where structure information enhanced the prediction of protein stability changes upon mutation. Although the structural information contained in the Protein Data Bank is limiting the application and the performance of our structure-based method, we expect that SVM-3D will result in higher accuracy when more structural date become available. \ua9 2011 Capriotti; licensee BioMed Central Ltd