255 research outputs found

    A q-deformed Aufbau Prinzip

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    A building principle working for both atoms and monoatomic ions is proposed in this Letter. This principle relies on the q-deformed chain SO(4) > G where G = SO(3)_q

    On the modulation instability development in optical fiber systems

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    Extensive numerical simulations were performed to investigate all stages of modulation instability development from the initial pulse of pico-second duration in photonic crystal fiber: quasi-solitons and dispersive waves formation, their interaction stage and the further propagation. Comparison between 4 different NLS-like systems was made: the classical NLS equation, NLS system plus higher dispersion terms, NLS plus higher dispersion and self-steepening and also fully generalized NLS equation with Raman scattering taken into account. For the latter case a mechanism of energy transfer from smaller quasi-solitons to the bigger ones is proposed to explain the dramatical increase of rogue waves appearance frequency in comparison to the systems when the Raman scattering is not taken into account.Comment: 9 pages, 54 figure

    Deformed oscillator algebras for two dimensional quantum superintegrable systems

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    Quantum superintegrable systems in two dimensions are obtained from their classical counterparts, the quantum integrals of motion being obtained from the corresponding classical integrals by a symmetrization procedure. For each quantum superintegrable systema deformed oscillator algebra, characterized by a structure function specific for each system, is constructed, the generators of the algebra being functions of the quantum integrals of motion. The energy eigenvalues corresponding to a state with finite dimensional degeneracy can then be obtained in an economical way from solving a system of two equations satisfied by the structure function, the results being in agreement to the ones obtained from the solution of the relevant Schrodinger equation. The method shows how quantum algebraic techniques can simplify the study of quantum superintegrable systems, especially in two dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, THES-TP 10/93, hep-the/yymmnn

    The laminar-turbulent transition in a fibre laser

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    Studying the transition from a linearly stable coherent laminar state to a highly disordered state of turbulence is conceptually and technically challenging, and of great interest because all pipe and channel flows are of that type. In optics, understanding how a system loses coherence, as spatial size or the strength of excitation increases, is a fundamental problem of practical importance. Here, we report our studies of a fibre laser that operates in both laminar and turbulent regimes. We show that the laminar phase is analogous to a one-dimensional coherent condensate and the onset of turbulence is due to the loss of spatial coherence. Our investigations suggest that the laminar-turbulent transition in the laser is due to condensate destruction by clustering dark and grey solitons. This finding could prove valuable for the design of coherent optical devices as well as systems operating far from thermodynamic equilibrium

    Quantum-mechanical model for particles carrying electric charge and magnetic flux in two dimensions

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    We propose a simple quantum mechanical equation for nn particles in two dimensions, each particle carrying electric charge and magnetic flux. Such particles appear in (2+1)-dimensional Chern-Simons field theories as charged vortex soliton solutions, where the ratio of charge to flux is a constant independent of the specific solution. As an approximation, the charge-flux interaction is described here by the Aharonov-Bohm potential, and the charge-charge interaction by the Coulomb one. The equation for two particles, one with charge and flux (q,Φ/Zq, \Phi/Z) and the other with (Zq,Φ-Zq, -\Phi) where ZZ is a pure number is studied in detail. The bound state problem is solved exactly for arbitrary qq and Φ\Phi when Z>0Z>0. The scattering problem is exactly solved in parabolic coordinates in special cases when qΦ/2πcq\Phi/2\pi\hbar c takes integers or half integers. In both cases the cross sections obtained are rather different from that for pure Coulomb scattering.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, no figur

    Rogue waters

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    In this essay we give an overview on the problem of rogue or freak wave formation in the ocean. The matter of the phenomenon is a sporadic occurrence of unexpectedly high waves on the sea surface. These waves cause serious danger for sailing and sea use. A number of huge wave accidents resulted in damages, ship losses and people injuries and deaths are known. Now marine researchers do believe that these waves belong to a specific kind of sea waves, not taken into account by conventional models for sea wind waves. This paper addresses to the nature of the rogue wave problem from the general viewpoint based on the wave process ideas. We start introducing some primitive elements of sea wave physics with the purpose to pave the way for the further discussion. We discuss linear physical mechanisms which are responsible for high wave formation, at first. Then, we proceed with description of different sea conditions, starting from the open deep sea, and approaching the sea cost. Nonlinear effects which are able to cause rogue waves are emphasised. In conclusion we briefly discuss the generality of the physical mechanisms suggested for the rogue wave explanation; they are valid for rogue wave phenomena in other media such as solid matters, superconductors, plasmas and nonlinear opticsComment: will be published in Contemporary Physic

    Being a Self-Employed Older Woman: From Discrimination to Activism

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    This article presents an autobiographical account of an older woman’s lived experience of self-employment. Little is known about women who experience ongoing self-employment into their 50s and beyond. Shoshanna’s personal narrative describes her experiences and the challenges she has faced as she reflects upon her attempts to grow and sustain her business and the implications of ageism and gender inequality in laying a claim to entrepreneurship. The narrative proceeds to reflect on her activist work, as it is constructed through the creation of a social enterprise to support older people. Shoshanna’s narrative provides valuable insights into the intersection of age and gender in self-employment moving from discrimination to active support

    Topological Color Codes and Two-Body Quantum Lattice Hamiltonians

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    Topological color codes are among the stabilizer codes with remarkable properties from quantum information perspective. In this paper we construct a four-valent lattice, the so called ruby lattice, governed by a 2-body Hamiltonian. In a particular regime of coupling constants, degenerate perturbation theory implies that the low energy spectrum of the model can be described by a many-body effective Hamiltonian, which encodes the color code as its ground state subspace. The gauge symmetry Z2×Z2\mathbf{Z}_{2}\times\mathbf{Z}_{2} of color code could already be realized by identifying three distinct plaquette operators on the lattice. Plaquettes are extended to closed strings or string-net structures. Non-contractible closed strings winding the space commute with Hamiltonian but not always with each other giving rise to exact topological degeneracy of the model. Connection to 2-colexes can be established at the non-perturbative level. The particular structure of the 2-body Hamiltonian provides a fruitful interpretation in terms of mapping to bosons coupled to effective spins. We show that high energy excitations of the model have fermionic statistics. They form three families of high energy excitations each of one color. Furthermore, we show that they belong to a particular family of topological charges. Also, we use Jordan-Wigner transformation in order to test the integrability of the model via introducing of Majorana fermions. The four-valent structure of the lattice prevents to reduce the fermionized Hamiltonian into a quadratic form due to interacting gauge fields. We also propose another construction for 2-body Hamiltonian based on the connection between color codes and cluster states. We discuss this latter approach along the construction based on the ruby lattice.Comment: 56 pages, 16 figures, published version

    Real-time observation of dissipative soliton formation in nonlinear polarization rotation mode-locked fibre lasers

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    Formation of coherent structures and patterns from unstable uniform state or noise is a fundamental physical phenomenon that occurs in various areas of science ranging from biology to astrophysics. Understanding of the underlying mechanisms of such processes can both improve our general interdisciplinary knowledge about complex nonlinear systems and lead to new practical engineering techniques. Modern optics with its high precision measurements offers excellent test-beds for studying complex nonlinear dynamics, though capturing transient rapid formation of optical solitons is technically challenging. Here we unveil the build-up of dissipative soliton in mode-locked fibre lasers using dispersive Fourier transform to measure spectral dynamics and employing autocorrelation analysis to investigate temporal evolution. Numerical simulations corroborate experimental observations, and indicate an underlying universality in the pulse formation. Statistical analysis identifies correlations and dependencies during the build-up phase. Our study may open up possibilities for real-time observation of various nonlinear structures in photonic systems