389 research outputs found

    The correction of hadronic nucleus polarizability to hyperfine structure of light muonic atoms

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    The calculation of hadronic polarizability contribution of the nucleus to hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen and helium is carried out within the unitary isobar model and experimental data on the polarized structure functions of deep inelastic lepton-proton and lepton-deuteron scattering. The calculation of virtual absorption cross sections of transversely and longitudinally polarized photons by nucleons in the resonance region is performed in the framework of the program MAID.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Talk presented at 23th International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (QFTHEP 2017

    Spherical averages in the space of marked lattices

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    A marked lattice is a dd-dimensional Euclidean lattice, where each lattice point is assigned a mark via a given random field on Zd{\mathbb Z}^d. We prove that, if the field is strongly mixing with a faster-than-logarithmic rate, then for every given lattice and almost every marking, large spheres become equidistributed in the space of marked lattices. A key aspect of our study is that the space of marked lattices is not a homogeneous space, but rather a non-trivial fiber bundle over such a space. As an application, we prove that the free path length in a crystal with random defects has a limiting distribution in the Boltzmann-Grad limit


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    Optimum approach to an engineering-seismological assessment of mastered territories in regions of the Mongol-Baikal seismic zone is developed. On this basis seismic zoning of the cities of Ulaanbaatar and Erdenet is carried out. As a result schematic maps of the studied cities are made and the short characteristic of the allocated zones is given on the basis of calculated and experimental values of seismic effects parameters for the predicted large earthquakes

    Carbonate formation of the Lower Carboniferous in central part of Volga-Ural basin

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    Carbonate rocks of the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian stage) of the central Volga-Ural basin (the eastern portion of the East European platform) are of practical scientific interest to geologists, particularly because they contain large reserves of oil. Although such layers have been studied, various questions pertaining to development of sedimentation schemes for the rocks have not been answered. We have attempted to resolve these by studying a wealth of drill core materials. The study involved structural and genetic analysis of rocks and facies reconstructions. The rocks are mainly represented by different types of shallowwater limestone. The thickness of coeval layers and their lithological structures changes from well to well within an oilfield, primarily due to the different environments of sedimentation during the Tournaisian stage. Therefore, to identify the characteristics of carbonate sedimentation, we have studied the sequences of different types of limestone and analysed their thickness. As a result, we have developed principle schemes of sedimentation for shallow-water carbonate rocks of the Tournaisian stage. This may help in the predictive search for reservoir rocks in the region of study

    Diagenetic dolomite reservoirs in carboniferous rocks of Melekess depression and South-Tatar arch

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    It was studied secondary dolomite reservoirs in Carboniferous oil saturated carbonate rocks from the Melekess depression and South-Tatar arch. It was revealed three morphological types of non-anticlinal dolomite traps: lenticular, one-layer, multilayer. It was found that the development of lenticular dolomite traps confined to zones of oilwater contacts, one-layer to flanks of anticlinal uplifts which connected with the migration ways of oil-water fluids (tectonic faults, erosion incisions). It was suggested the mechanism of formation dolomite reservoir due to the oxidation of hydrocarbons and upward migration of carbon dioxide deep fluids

    Features of the structure of zones of water-oil contacts in carbonate rocks of the Bashkirian stage (using Akanskoye oilfield in the Volga-Ural petroleum and gas province as an example)

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    The problem of secondary transformation of rocks in the zones of water-oil contacts has been a concern of geologists studying terrigenous and carbonate reservoir rocks. A rather important aspect in studying the zones of water-oil contacts is searching the causes of natural destruction of petroleum reservoirs as formation of zones of ancient and modern water-oil contacts, in particular, in carbonate reservoirs, in fact, is field destruction with the features typical to destruction. These features include specific structural and mineral transformations of rocks as well as changes in properties of fluids contained in the rocks and, first of all, those of oil. The essential structure of the zone of the water-oil contact in deposits of the Bashkirian stage is shown using one of the wells of the Volga-Ural region as an example. Specific structural and mineral characteristics of the zones of water-oil contacts have been established, content of fluids contained in the rocks has been characterized. Common factors of alteration in hydrocarbon content through the section depending on the degree of secondary transformation of rocks have been shown

    Diagenetic dolomite reservoirs in carboniferous rocks of Melekess depression and South-Tatar arch

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    It was studied secondary dolomite reservoirs in Carboniferous oil saturated carbonate rocks from the Melekess depression and South-Tatar arch. It was revealed three morphological types of non-anticlinal dolomite traps: lenticular, one-layer, multilayer. It was found that the development of lenticular dolomite traps confined to zones of oilwater contacts, one-layer to flanks of anticlinal uplifts which connected with the migration ways of oil-water fluids (tectonic faults, erosion incisions). It was suggested the mechanism of formation dolomite reservoir due to the oxidation of hydrocarbons and upward migration of carbon dioxide deep fluids

    Rare-earth pyrit concrees mineralization in the deposits of Tatarstan middleurish age

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. In the Oxford-Kimmeridgian deposits stages of the territory of western Tatarstan, it was discovered a field of stratiform pyrite mineralization. In this field clays are enriched by pyrite nodules. X-ray fluorescent and electron microscopic analyzes during the study of pyrite nodules revealed an increased content of rare-earth phosphates elements (monazites) in them. Monazites are mainly represented by LaPO 4 , CePO 4 , (La,Ce)PO 4 , (Nd,La)PO 4 and SmPO 4 . They form single xenomorphic grains and short-prism crystals. Three generations of monazites are distinguished: the first are developed along the surface of inclusions of quartz and feldspars grains, the second replace the pyrite grains, the third are developed in the pores between the pyrites grains. We propose mechanisms of the monazites stages formation based on the geochemical phosphates properties of rare earth elements

    Changing of carbonate reservoir rocks on the final phase evolution petroleum geofluid systems

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    The authors studied conditions of changing carbonate reservoir rocks of Tournaisian stage in phase of water-flooding of oil reservoirs. We studied the sequence of changes in the pore volume in the limestone caused by oil oxidation products and identified three stages of change rocks: 1) increase of porosity, caused by activation of dissolution processes in mineral skeleton of rocks; 2) formation at the periphery of cavities thin crusts of calcite, which reduces of pore volume; 3) filling of open pore space large grains of calcite. These stages correspond to bitumen, water-bitumen and water subzones in structure of water-oil contact zones. Involvement in the development oxidized parts of oil reservoirs is important direct in oil exploration industry, today. Regularities identified in the work can help to choose methods of impact on the oil reservoir with heavy oil and bitumen