53 research outputs found

    Oral Rehabilitation of Neglected Cleft Palate: A Clinical Report

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    Rascjepi usne i/ili nepca jedna su od najčešćih tjelesnih oštećenja novorođenčadi.Uzroci rascjepa usne i/ili nepca ostaju nepoznati, premda pojedini dokazi upućuju na nasljedne čimbenike.Češća pojava rascjepa je u novorođene djece starijih parova. Rascjepi usne i nepca obično se javljaju u svakih 700 slučajeva. Rascjepi usne javljaju se u svakih 1000 novorođenčadi, a samog nepca na 2 000 novorođenih. Kirurškim se zahvatom korigira rascjep u dobi od šestog do osamnaestog mjeseca novorođenčeta. Zanemareni rascjepi u novorođene djece danas su vrlo rijetki zbog razine zdravstvene zaštite,ali netretirani rascjepi u odraslih još se mogu susresti.Uspjeh terapije u novorođene djece je slijed suradnje maksilofacijalnog kirurga, specijalista dječje i preventivne stomatologije te ortodonta. Kod terapije odraslih pacijenata prijeko je potrebna suradnja uz maksilofacijalnog kirurga i specijalista protetike, a po potrebi i ortodoncije. Odrasli s rascjepima nepca često imaju gubitak većeg ili manjeg broja zuba, no oni se mogu nadoknaditi nepomičnim ili pomičnim protetskim nadomjescima te im se tako može umanjiti ili ukloniti govorne tegobe i osposobiti žvačni sustav.Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is one of the most common physical abnormalities present at birth. The causes of cleft lip and palate remain unclear. Some evidence indicates genetic factors may be involved. Cleft lip and cleft palate usually occur together, and affect about one in 700 cases. Cleft lip occurs on its own in about one in 1000 cases, and cleft palate occurs on its own in about one in 2000 cases. Also, these abnormalities are more common in the children of older couples. Surgical treatment of cleft palate is performed at six to eighteen months of age. Adults with clefts often have poorly shaped or missing teeth. Missing teeth can be restored or replaced with dental bridges or dental implants. Greater loss of teeth requires a solution such as partial metal alloy dentures. Neglected cleft palate in babies is very rare because of the level of health care, but non-treated or mistreated adults can be found. Success of the therapy in new born babies is the result of close cooperation between the maxillofacial surgeon, paediatric dentist and orthodontist. In adults treatment often requires prosthodontics and/or an orthodontist. This group of patients have difficulty with chewing and speech as well as esthetic


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    The analysis of the literature and statistical data on the incidence of acute intestinal infections. It was found that the incidence of salmonellosis in Ukraine among the urban and rural population in different age groups over the past 10 years is changing slowly. Our research has shown that these trends can be associated with changes in the biological properties of salmonellosis associated with a powerful impact on their environmental conditions (temperature, influence the action of antibiotics and disinfectants, the ability to form the biofilms, etc.).Проведено аналіз джерел літератури та статистичних даних захворюваності на гострі кишкові інфекції. Встановлено, що рівень захворюваності на сальмонельоз в Україні серед міського та сільського населення у різних вікових групах за останні 10 років змінюється повільно. Наші дослідження показали, що подібна тенденція найчастіше обумовлена зміною біологічних властивостей збудників сальмонельозу, пов’язаною з потужним впливом на них умов оточуючого середовища (температури, факторів, які сприяють здатності до утворення біоплівок, широкого використання антибіотиків і дезінфектантів тощо)

    Developmental diet defines metabolic traits in larvae and adult Drosophila

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    The influence of the developmental nutrition on adult metabolism and overall performance becomes a hot topic of modern evolutionary biology. We used fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model and experimental nutrition media composed of different sucrose content (S) and dry yeast content (Y): 0S:2Y, 20S:2Y or 0S:5Y, 20S:5Y to show that the developmental nutrition conditions define metabolism in larvae and adults. The level of glucose, glycogen, triglycerids and total lipids in the larvae and flies body were measured with the diagnostic assay kits. We found that individuals developed on either low-yeast or high-sugar diet showed delayed developmental rate. When kept on the diets with high sucrose content the larvae and adult flies had lower weight and higher amount of lipids as energy reserves. Restriction of dry yeast content in the diet of larvae led to a decrease in glycogen storage and protein levels in larvae and adult flies. The results obtained indicate that the metabolic traits revealed in adult flies are the result of nutrition during development and may be associated with mechanisms of organisms adaptation to the developmental nutritional conditions

    The Geographical Analysis of Adventitious Plants of the National Natural Park «Pripyat – Stokhid» (Volyn Region)

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    Охарактеризовано 64 види рослин адвентивної фракції національного природного парку «Прип’ять – Стохід» за походженням та часом занесення, серед яких переважають види із Середземномор’я та Північної Америки. The characteristics of 64 species of plants from adventive fraction of the National Natural Park «Pripyat – Stokhid» in origin and time of entry is realized. The species from the Mediterranean and North America are dominated

    Family Pyrolaceae Dum. at the flora of the National Nature Park "Pripyat-Stokhid"

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    Вперше наведено узагальнені дані щодо представленості родини Pyrolaceae (Грушанкові) на території Національного природного парку "Прип'ять-Стохід". Згідно флористичного районування НПППС належить до Південнополіського округу Поліської підпровінції Східноєвропейської провінції Європейської області, а геоботанічного – до Ковельсько-Сарненського округу Поліської підпровінції Східноєвропейської провінції Європейської широколісової області. Із семи видів родини, поширених в Україні, на досліджуваній території нами виявлено шість – Pyrola rotundifolia L., P. chlorantha Sw., P.minor L., Orthilia secunda (L.) House, Moneses uniflora (L.) A.Gray, Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W.Barton. Серед досліджених видів судинних рослин два перебувають під регіональною охороною у Волинській області (Ch. umbellata та M. uniflora). У зв’язку з малою кількістю місцезнаходжень на території Волинської області запропоновано взяти під охорону на місцевому рівні P. chlorantha та O. secunda.The summary of Pyrolaceae family's representation on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pripyat-Stokhid" provides for the first time. According to geobotanical zoning of Ukraine the area belongs to the European broadleaved forest region, East European province, Kovel-Sarny district, by floristical zoning of Ukraine – to the European region, East European province, South-Polesie district. At the investigated area we found six species of vascular plants from the seven species of the family common in Ukraine – Pyrola rotundifolia L., P. chlorantha Sw., P. minor L., Orthilia secunda (L.) House, Moneses uniflora (L.) A.Gray, Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W. Barton). Among the studied two species of vascular plants are under the regional protection in Volyn region (Ch. umbellata and M. uniflora). In connection with small number of locations in the Volyn region it is proposed to take under protection P. chlorantha and O. secunda at the local level

    Functional Electrical Stimulation Leads to Increased Volume of the Aged Thyroarytenoid Muscle.

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To reverse sarcopenia and increase the volumes of atrophied laryngeal muscles by functional electrical stimulation (FES) using a minimal invasive surgical procedure in an aged ovine model. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective animal study. METHODS: A stimulation electrode was placed unilaterally near the terminal adduction branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) adjacent to the right cricothyroid joint. The electrode was connected to an implant located subcutaneously at the neck region. Predesigned training patterns were automatically delivered by a bidirectional radio frequency link using a programming device and were repeated automatically by the implant every other day over 11 weeks in the awake animal. Outcome parameters comprised volumetric measurements based on three-dimensional reconstructions of the entire thyroarytenoid muscle (TAM), as well as gene expression analyses. RESULTS: We found significant increases of the volumes of the stimulated TAM of 11% and the TAM diameter at the midmembranous parts of the vocal folds of nearly 40%. Based on gene expression, we did not detect a shift of muscle fiber composition. CONCLUSIONS: FES of the terminal branches of the RLN is a secure and effective way to reverse the effects of age-related TAM atrophy and to increase volumes of atrophied muscles. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: NA Laryngoscope, 2018

    The politics of performance: transnationalism and its limits in former Yugoslav popular music, 1999–2004

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    This paper examines transnational relations between the Yugoslav successor states from the point of view of popular music, and demonstrates how transnational musical figures (such as Djordje Balaševi?, Mom?ilo Bajagi?-Bajaga and Ceca Ražnatovi?) are interpreted as symbolic reference points in national ethnopolitical discourse in the process of identity construction. Another symbolic function is served by Serbian turbofolk artists, who in Croatia serve as a cultural resource to distance oneself from a musical genre associated by many urban Croats with the ruralization (and Herzegovinization) of Croatian city space. In addition, value judgements associated with both Serbian and Croatian newly composed folk music provide an insight into the transnational negotiation of conflicting identities in the ex-Yugoslav context. Ultimately the paper shows how the ethnonational boundaries established by nationalizing ideologies created separate cultural spaces which themselves have been transnationalized after Yugoslavia's disintegration

    The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe*

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    Public awareness and discussion about animal experiments and replacement methods has greatly increased in recent years. The term 'the Three Rs', which stands for the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments, is inseparably linked in this context. A common goal within the Three Rs scientific community is to develop predictive non-animal models and to better integrate all available data from in vitro, in silico and omics technologies into regulatory decision-making processes regarding, for example, the toxicity of chemicals, drugs or food ingredients. In addition, it is a general concern to implement (human) non-animal methods in basic research. Toward these efforts, there has been an ever-increasing number of Three Rs centres and platforms established over recent years - not only to develop novel methods, but also to disseminate knowledge and help to implement the Three Rs principles in policies and education. The adoption of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes gave a strong impetus to the creation of Three Rs initiatives, in the form of centres and platforms. As the first of a series of papers, this article gives an overview of the European Three Rs centres and platforms, and their historical development. The subsequent articles, to be published over the course of ATLA's 50th Anniversary year, will summarise the current focus and tasks as well as the future and the plans of the Three Rs centres and platforms. The Three Rs centres and platforms are very important points of contact and play an immense role in their respective countries as 'on the ground' facilitators of Directive 2010/63/EU. They are also invaluable for the widespread dissemination of information and for promoting implementation of the Three Rs in general