4 research outputs found


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    Research conducted at the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection found that when using the peripheral and internal cloves of garlic for planting in comparison with the use of them of different locations without calibrating them by mass, during the growth between the variants differences in the area of the leaf surface of plants were observed. Indicator of the foliage also depends on of the location of the garlic cloves in the bulb. The location of garlic cloves, peripheral and internal, as a planting material, also affects the growth of vegetative mass formation and bulb weight. In the bulb structure the peripheral cloves of garlic have some increase in their quality over internals (the ratio is in the range of 60:40%). Analysis of the obtained productivity data makes it possible to note that in the formation of high yields of non-clotting garlic, the location of the clove of garlic in the bulb is of the leading importance. Differences in gross and commodity yields, between variants (B3) and (B2) are not so great, but the advantage of the first one is everywhere traced. Studies have also found that the use of all garlic cloves for planting at different locations without calibrating them by weight, leads to differently bulbs maturing time, which makes the harvesting process more difficult and leads to additional labor costs, in which case when harvesting - 24% of it consist of small noncommodity bulbs. The use of the same mass garlic cloves of different locations for planting ensures the simultaneous of ripening, a greater proportion of standard bulbs and a high quality of planting material.Исследованиями, проведенными в Институте Генетики, Физиологии и Защиты Растений Республики Молдова, установлено, что при использовании на посадку периферийного и внутреннего зубка в сравнении с использованием зубков разного местоположения без калибровки их по массе, в процессе роста между вариантами обнаружились различия по площади листовой поверхности растений. От места расположения зубков в луковице зависит и показатель их облиственности. Местоположение зубков, периферийные и внутренние, как посадочный материал влияет также на рост образования вегетативной массы и массы луковицы. В структуре луковицы периферийные зубки обладают некоторым повышением их качества над внутренними (соотношение находится в пределах 60:40%.) Анализ полученных данных продуктивности позволяет отметить, что в формирование высоких урожаев нестрелкующегося чеснока местоположение зубка в луковице имеет ведущее значение. Различия в валовом и товарном урожае между вариантами (B3) и (B2) не столь велики, однако всюду прослеживается преимущество первого. Исследованиями также установлено, что использование на посадку всех зубков разного местоположения без калибровки их по массе, приводит к разновременности созревания луковиц, что затрудняет процесс уборки и приводит к дополнительным затратам труда, и в таком случае при уборке урожая 24% его приходится на мелкие нетоварные луковицы. Использование на посадку одинаковых по массе зубков разного местоположения обеспечивает дружность созревания, большую долю стандартных луковиц и высокое качество посадочного материала

    Breeding progress and preparedness for mass‐scale deployment of perennial lignocellulosic biomass crops switchgrass, miscanthus, willow and poplar

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    UK: The UK‐led miscanthus research and breeding was mainly supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the BBSRC CSP strategic funding grant BB/CSP1730/1, Innovate UK/BBSRC “MUST” BB/N016149/1, CERES Inc. and Terravesta Ltd. through the GIANT‐LINK project (LK0863). Genomic selection and genomewide association study activities were supported by BBSRC grant BB/K01711X/1, the BBSRC strategic programme grant on Energy Grasses & Bio‐refining BBS/E/W/10963A01. The UK‐led willow R&D work reported here was supported by BBSRC (BBS/E/C/00005199, BBS/E/C/00005201, BB/G016216/1, BB/E006833/1, BB/G00580X/1 and BBS/E/C/000I0410), Defra (NF0424) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (B/W6/00599/00/00). IT: The Brain Gain Program (Rientro dei cervelli) of the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research supports Antoine Harfouche. US: Contributions by Gerald Tuskan to this manuscript were supported by the Center for Bioenergy Innovation, a US Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Center supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research in the DOE Office of Science, under contract number DE‐AC05‐00OR22725. Willow breeding efforts at Cornell University have been supported by grants from the US Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Contributions by the University of Illinois were supported primarily by the DOE Office of Science; Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER); grant nos. DE‐SC0006634, DE‐SC0012379 and DE‐SC0018420 (Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation); and the Energy Biosciences Institute. EU: We would like to further acknowledge contributions from the EU projects “OPTIMISC” FP7‐289159 on miscanthus and “WATBIO” FP7‐311929 on poplar and miscanthus as well as “GRACE” H2020‐EU.3.2.6. Bio‐based Industries Joint Technology Initiative (BBI‐JTI) Project ID 745012 on miscanthus.Peer reviewedPostprintPublisher PD


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    Research conducted at the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection found that when using the peripheral and internal cloves of garlic for planting in comparison with the use of them of different locations without calibrating them by mass, during the growth between the variants differences in the area of the leaf surface of plants were observed. Indicator of the foliage also depends on of the location of the garlic cloves in the bulb. The location of garlic cloves, peripheral and internal, as a planting material, also affects the growth of vegetative mass formation and bulb weight. In the bulb structure the peripheral cloves of garlic have some increase in their quality over internals (the ratio is in the range of 60:40%). Analysis of the obtained productivity data makes it possible to note that in the formation of high yields of non-clotting garlic, the location of the clove of garlic in the bulb is of the leading importance. Differences in gross and commodity yields, between variants (B3) and (B2) are not so great, but the advantage of the first one is everywhere traced. Studies have also found that the use of all garlic cloves for planting at different locations without calibrating them by weight, leads to differently bulbs maturing time, which makes the harvesting process more difficult and leads to additional labor costs, in which case when harvesting - 24% of it consist of small noncommodity bulbs. The use of the same mass garlic cloves of different locations for planting ensures the simultaneous of ripening, a greater proportion of standard bulbs and a high quality of planting material