2,426 research outputs found

    The influence of the gas-distributing grid diameter on the transition velocity and hydrodynamics of the bottom layer in circulating fluidized bed installations

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    The dependences of dimensionless fluidization velocities separating bubble, transition, and fast fluidization regimes on the properties of dispersed material for particles belonging to groups B and D (according to D. Geldart's classification) are presented. Correspondence between the considered dependences and experimental data obtained by different researchers and their correlation with critical fluidization velocities and particle terminal velocities are shown. The hydrodynamic mechanisms governing the saturation of fluidized bed with bubbles on reaching the transition fluidization velocity in installations having different sizes are considered. Factors due to which a bottom bubble layer disappears in narrow installations and is retained on large-diameter grids in an intense channel forming mode are explained. Experimental data are presented from which it is seen that the bubble layer hydrodynamics depends on the gas-distributing grid diameter and that this diameter has an insignificant influence on the fluidization velocity during the transition from a bubble to fast fluidization regime. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Synthetic prions generated in vitro are similar to a newly identified subpopulation of PrPSc from sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    In recent studies, the amyloid form of recombinant prion protein (PrP) encompassing residues 89–230 (rPrP 89-230) produced in vitro induced transmissible prion disease in mice. These studies showed that unlike “classical” PrPSc produced in vivo, the amyloid fibrils generated in vitro were more proteinase-K sensitive. Here we demonstrate that the amyloid form contains a proteinase K-resistant core composed only of residues 152/153–230 and 162–230. The PK-resistant fragments of the amyloid form are similar to those observed upon PK digestion of a minor subpopulation of PrPSc recently identified in patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Remarkably, this core is sufficient for self-propagating activity in vitro and preserves a β-sheet-rich fibrillar structure. Full-length recombinant PrP 23-230, however, generates two subpopulations of amyloid in vitro: One is similar to the minor subpopulation of PrPSc, and the other to classical PrPSc. Since no cellular factors or templates were used for generation of the amyloid fibrils in vitro, we speculate that formation of the subpopulation of PrPSc with a short PK-resistant C-terminal region reflects an intrinsic property of PrP rather than the influence of cellular environments and/or cofactors. Our work significantly increases our understanding of the biochemical nature of prion infectious agents and provides a fundamental insight into the mechanisms of prions biogenesis

    Light-Dependent Electrogenic Activity of Cyanobacteria

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    Cyanobacteria account for 20-30% of Earth's primary photosynthetic productivity and convert solar energy into biomass-stored chemical energy at the rate of approximately 450 TW [1]. These single-cell microorganisms are resilient predecessors of all higher oxygenic phototrophs and can be found in self-sustaining, nitrogen-fixing communities the world over, from Antarctic glaciers to the Sahara desert [2].Here we show that diverse genera of cyanobacteria including biofilm-forming and pelagic strains have a conserved light-dependent electrogenic activity, i.e. the ability to transfer electrons to their surroundings in response to illumination. Naturally-growing biofilm-forming photosynthetic consortia also displayed light-dependent electrogenic activity, demonstrating that this phenomenon is not limited to individual cultures. Treatment with site-specific inhibitors revealed the electrons originate at the photosynthetic electron transfer chain (P-ETC). Moreover, electrogenic activity was observed upon illumination only with blue or red but not green light confirming that P-ETC is the source of electrons. The yield of electrons harvested by extracellular electron acceptor to photons available for photosynthesis ranged from 0.05% to 0.3%, although the efficiency of electron harvesting likely varies depending on terminal electron acceptor.The current study illustrates that cyanobacterial electrogenic activity is an important microbiological conduit of solar energy into the biosphere. The mechanism responsible for electrogenic activity in cyanobacteria appears to be fundamentally different from the one exploited in previously discovered electrogenic bacteria, such as Geobacter, where electrons are derived from oxidation of organic compounds and transported via a respiratory electron transfer chain (R-ETC) [3], [4]. The electrogenic pathway of cyanobacteria might be exploited to develop light-sensitive devices or future technologies that convert solar energy into limited amounts of electricity in a self-sustainable, CO(2)-free manner

    Transients in a circulating fluidized bed boiler

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    Transients in a circulating fluidized bed boiler firing biomass are considered. An attempt is made to describe transients with the use of concepts applied in the automatic control theory. The parameters calculated from an analysis of unsteady heat balance equations are compared with the experimental data obtained in the 12-MW boiler of the Chalmers University of Technology. It is demonstrated that these equations describe the transient modes of operation with good accuracy. Dependences for calculating the time constants of unsteady processes are obtained. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    The Experimental WSN Network for Underground Monitoring H2 Abundance in the Mine Atmosphere Karnasurt Mine Lovozero Layered Alkaline Intrusion

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    We have developed specialized equipment based on mini-MDM hydrogen sensors and the WSN telecommunication technology for long-term monitoring of hydrogen content in the environment. Unlike existing methods, the developed equipment makes it possible to carry out measurements directly in the explosion zone with high discreteness in time. This equipment was tested at a large rare-earth deposit of the Lovozero Alkaline Pluton Karnasurt in the underground mining tunnel. We observed a short time very high concentration of hydrogen in the atmosphere (more than 3 orders of normal atmosphere concentration). This discovery is very important because at the time of the explosion one can create abnormally high concentrations of explosive mixtures of hydrocarbon gases that can lead to accidents. The high resolving power of the measurement equipment makes it possible to determine the shape of the anomaly hydrogen of such a concentration and to calculate the volumes of hydrogen released from the rocks, at first time in the practice. The shape of the anomaly usually consists of 2-3 additional peaks of the shape - "dragon-head-like peak". We make an first attempt is made to explain this form of anomaly in the article. The aim of the work in the estimation hydrogen emission in mining ore deposit rare earth elements

    Generation and reduction of nitrogen oxides in firing different kinds of fuel in a circulating fluidized bed

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    The processes through which nitrogen oxides are generated and reduced in the course of firing different kinds of fuel in a circulating fluidized bed are addressed. All experimental studies were carried by the authors on their own laboratory installations. To construct a model simulating the generation of nitrogen oxides, the fuel combustion process in a fluidized bed was subdivided into two stages: combustion of volatiles and combustion of coke residue. The processes through which nitrogen oxides are generated and reduced under the conditions of firing fuel with shortage of oxygen (which is one of efficient methods for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions in firing fuel in a fluidized bed) are considered. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    On the Rational Type 0f Moment Angle Complexes

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    In this note it is shown that the moment angle complexes Z(K;(D^2,,S^1)) which are rationally elliptic are a product of odd spheres and a diskComment: This version avoids the use of an incorrect result from the literature in the proof of Theorem 1.3. There is some text overlap with arXiv:1410.645