284 research outputs found

    New Records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean

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    This article deals with the report of two suctorian ciliates species viz. Thecacineta cothurnioides Collin, 1909 and Trematosoma rotunda (Allgén, 1952 ) as epibionts on Tricoma sp. and Pseudochromadora sp. (Nematoda) respectively from Ratnagiri, west coast of India, Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Redescription of two species with distribution and nomenclatural notes are given. Both species are recorded here first time from Indian coast and the Indian Ocean. Genus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 is also recorded here first time as a host of Th. cothurnioides

    An overview of Suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of halacarid mites (Acari, Halacaridae)

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    Scant information is available regarding the prevalence and distribution of suctorian ciliates on halacarid mites. However, using this limited information and data from our laboratory on the systematics, biology, ecology and distribution of suctorian ciliates that are epibionts of halacarid mites, we redescribed four suctorian species: Limnoricus ceter (Jankowski), Praethecacineta halacari (Schulz), Thecacineta calix (Schroder) and Acineta sulcata Dons. We also recognized Lissacineta allgeni Jankowski and Thecacineta allgeni (Jankowski) as synonyms of Praethecacineta halacari (Schluz), and Thecacineta laophontis Jankowski and Paracineta moebiusi Kahl as synonyms of Thecacineta calix (Schroder). Many suctorians have been reported, but not properly identified in the halacarid literature. So, we have attempted to identify those suctorians to species level. Lastly, the interactions between the suctorians and their hosts are also discussed and Praethecacineta halacari is also reported for the first time from the Indian coast

    Report of epibiont Thecacineta calix (Ciliophora: Suctorea) on deep sea Desmodora (Nematoda) from the Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean

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    Suctorian epibionts Thecacineta calix attached on the cuticle of nematodes Desmodora sphaerica and D. pontica are reported here from the deep sea hexactinellid sponge Pheronema sp. from the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean). The epibiont T. calix is reported here for first time from the Andaman Sea

    Influence of Microclimate in a Barn on Dairy Cows’ Welfare and Production

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    Microclimate in a barn has a major influence on cows’ health and welfare, as well as on milk production of dairy cows. Extreme values of air temperature and humidity can negatively influence barn conditions, having thus negative effect on cows kept in barns. The research aimed to investigate influence of basic microclimate parameters on a modern dairy farm located in Eastern Croatia. Research period referred to summer season, from 01 June – 31 August 2013. Measurements were carried out in three time intervals (00:00-08:00; 08:00-16:00; 16:00-00:00) for the following parameters: temperature (T), humidity (H) and temperature-humidity index (THI). The results showed that the values of T and THI were higher than optimal values recommended by the scientific literature. Differences between the daily interval for T, H and THI were statistically highly significant (p<0.0001). Furthermore, significant difference (p<0.0001; p<0.05) was determined for all investigated parameters between June and July, and June and August. However, between July and August there was no significant difference. Although measurements were performed on a modern dairy farm equipped with additional cooling by fans, it was not sufficient to create an optimal microclimate environment for dairy cows. Because of that, additional measures need to be undertaken during summer months (for example, installation of water sprinklers) to reduce the air temperature and temperature-humidity index, all with the purpose to increase comfort of dairy cows and to prevent decrease in milk production


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    The article is devoted to defining  theoretical principles, tools, and mechanisms of fiscal policy; compliance of Ukrainian fiscal policy with existing theoretical principles and practice in this area of government  regulation in developed countries.The main stages in the evolution of Keynesian strategies of macro regulation are highlighted.We analyzed current phase, which is defined as a phase of fiscal consolidation that started at the theoretical level with discussions on what is more effective: a policy based on stringent rules and laws or policy based on circumstances. It is emphasized that practical importance of theoretical discussions was increased with side effects, that have arisen during the economic policies to overcome the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. Overview of the basic measures stimulating fiscal policy pursued by developed countries to overcome the financial crisis of 2008-2009 is provided. It is determined that the leading countries adhere to common tactic of stimulating fiscal policy and concluded that despite some modifications, fiscal policy is based on the basic postulates of Keynesian theory of macroeconomic regulation and experience of anti-crisis policy of recent years proves its efficiency in modern conditions of information and network economy. The content of Ukrainian fiscal policy in modern terms is revealed. Factors that are crucial for fiscal policy are systematized. It was found that in recent years a contractionary policy was implemented, due to the need for fiscal consolidation, and despite the economic downturn, rising unemployment, reduced total expenditures.The following features of fiscal policy are determined: reaction is not systematic, but rather pointed; discretionary fiscal policy mechanism prevails; there is a discrepancy between the versions of the fiscal policy and the phases of the economic cycle, due to both objective factors such as the existence of military conflict and the lack of necessary funds and government implementation of quasi-fiscal operations, and focus on the action of purely economic factors to improve economic situation in the country.Статья посвящена определению теоретических основ, инструментов, механизмов бюджетно-налоговой политики и соответствия мер бюджетно-налоговой политики Украины существующим теоретическим положениям и практике проведения данного направления государственного регулирования экономики в развитых странах. Выделено основные этапы эволюции кейнсианской стратегии макрорегулирования. Обобщенно основные меры стимулирующей бюджетно-налоговой политики, которую проводили развитые страны для преодоления последствий финансово-экономического кризиса 2008-2009 гг. Раскрыто содержание бюджетно-налоговой политики Украины в современных условиях, систематизировано факторы, которые являются определяющими для её проведения.Стаття присвячена визначенню теоретичних засад, інструментів, механізмів бюджетно-податкової політики та відповідності  заходів бюджетно-податкової політики України існуючим теоретичним положенням і практиці проведення даного напряму державного регулювання економіки у розвинутих країнах. Виділено основні етапи еволюції кейнсіанської стратегії макрорегулювання. Узагальнено основні заходи стимулюючої бюджетно-податкової політики, яку проводили розвинуті країни для подолання наслідків фінансово-економічної кризи  2008-2009 рр. Розкрито зміст бюджетно-податкової політики України в сучасних умовах, систематизовано фактори, що є визначальними для проведення бюджетно-податкової політики

    Enhanced penetration of pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic micellar nanoprobe in 3D multicellular spheroids for chemophototherapy

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    Chi-Hwa Wang is supported by National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster @ National University of Singapore. Nitish V. Thakor is supported by Singapore National Research Foundation, Award No.: NRF-CRP15- 201 5-04. Vishnu Sunil greatly appreciates the National University of Singapore Research Scholarship for the funding of his Ph.D. studies in the National University of Singapore.Peer reviewedPostprin

    In-situ vaccination using dual responsive organelle targeted nanoreactors

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    This project is supported by the Economic Development Board Singapore and National University of Singapore under the grant N279-000-030-001. The project received partial support in the following grants: NAMIC Singapore and funded by the National Research Foundation Singapore under its Innovation Cluster Programme under the project number, 2018239 and grant number, R-279-000- 577-592. Singapore National Research Foundation, Grant No.: R-719-000-018-281. The authors would like to thank Mr. Lim You Kang for all his technical assistance in this project. Vishnu Sunil and Jia Heng Teoh greatly appreciate the National University of Singapore Research Scholarship for the funding of their Ph.D. studies at the National University of Singapore.Peer reviewe

    First evidence of maternally inherited mosaicism in TGFBR1 and subtle primary myocardial changes in Loeys-Dietz syndrome: a case report

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    Background: Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) is a rare multisystemic disorder characterized by vascular and skeletal abnormalities, with considerable intra- and interfamilial variability. Case presentation: We report the case of an 8-year-old male with clinical features of two distinct genetic disorders, namely LDS, manifesting in the first months by progressive aortic root dilatation, arterial tortuosity, bifid uvula, and inguinal hernias and oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) manifesting by white hair and skin that does not tan, nystagmus, reduced iris pigment with iris translucency, and reduced retinal pigment). We identified previously reported, homozygous mutations of TYR, c.1A &gt; G (p.Met1Val) and heterozygous, missense mutation of TGFBR1, c.1460G &gt; A (p.Arg487Gln). Family history revealed that his mother underwent multiple surgical repairs for recurrent hemorrhage originating from the buccal artery. Molecular studies confirmed a maternally inherited low grade TGFBR1 mutation somatic mosaicism (18% in peripheral blood leukocytes, 18% in buccal cells and 10% in hair root cells). Maternal cardiac investigations revealed peculiar cardiovascular features: mild tortuosity at the aortic arch, dilatation of the proximal abdominal aorta, multiple deep left ventricular myocardial crypts, and dysplastic mitral valve. TGFBR2 germline mosaicism has been described in three fathers of children carrying TGFBR2 mutations but, to the best of our knowledge, no case of maternally inherited TGFBR1 mutation mosaicism has been reported so far. Conclusions: This case report suggests that individuals with somatic mosaicism might be at risk for mild and unusual forms of LDS but germline mosaicism can lead to full blown picture of the disease in offspring

    Synthesis of Fluorine-18 Functionalized Nanoparticles for use as in vivo Molecular Imaging Agents

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    Nanoparticles containing fluorine-18 were prepared from block copolymers made by ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). Using the fast initiating ruthenium metathesis catalyst (H_2IMes)(pyr)_2(Cl)_2Ru=CHPh, low polydispersity amphiphilic block copolymers were prepared from a cinnamoyl-containing hydrophobic norbornene monomer and a mesyl-terminated PEG-containing hydrophilic norbornene monomer. Self-assembly into micelles and subsequent cross-linking of the micelle cores by light-activated dimerization of the cinnamoyl groups yielded stable nanoparticles. Incorporation of fluorine-18 was achieved by nucleophilic displacement of the mesylates by the radioactive fluoride ion with 31% incorporation of radioactivity. The resulting positron-emitting nanoparticles are to be used as in vivo molecular imaging agents for use in tumor imaging