283 research outputs found

    How school influences future sports teachers’ conceptions on teacher profession: An invisible message

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    Purpose of the study: The object of this paper is to study the preconceptions first year initial teacher training program students have about their future profession. Based on the literature review, the article assumes that these reconstructions seriously affect the further nature of teacher professional activity. Methodology: To understand how these preconceptions are formed and how they are transformed in the process of obtaining professional pedagogical education, the authors conducted 34 in-depth interviews with pre-service first-year teachers. Based on semantic analysis of interview transcripts results, the main semantic blocks of preconceptions and their basic characteristics were determined. Results: The categories obtained during interviews were matched to certain modules of the teachers training program to make sure pedagogical theories experiences are applied properly, tackling individual cognitive patterns and school experience to avoid theoretical material misperception. Applications of this study: In the study, the authors proposed purposeful transformation of these preconceptions during the initial teacher training program implementation. Novelty/Originality of this study: The authors introduce the “invisible message” category as a body of values and attitudes that characterizes what it means to be a teacher. This invisible message is implicitly transmitted while future teachers were taught at school and it serves as a basis for preconceptions formation

    Право на город: повседневные практики молодежи и партисипация в производстве городского пространства

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    The study highlights realization of the right to the city based on the youth's assessments of a large industrial city through the prism of daily activities and participation in the production and reproduction of urban space. City as a "habitat" is a place for behavioral practices and interactions of young people; participation in the production of urban space makes young people themselves change: they start to take responsibility for their community and implementation of life plans. This is an empirical study (Yekaterinburg, 2019) using a multimethod strategy. A total of 750 young respondents aged 18-30 were surveyed (questionnaire survey, quota-based selection). To process the data SPSS software was used. To investigate the in-depth needs of young people 22 semi-structured interviews involving 15 female and 7 male participants were carried out. Ten experts (youth project specialists/ managers, scientific community) were surveyed. The results show that in a situation of stable existence with no pronounced intervention from public or regional bodies in the domains perceived by young people as strictly their personal or socially relevant, only 5% of respondents consider their participation in the urban management as an integral part of their life. Based on the qualitative analysis the authors draw three models of youth behavior whenever any discrepancies arise between the city administration and urban dwellers eager to use their right to the city: a non-intervention model, a model of sincere participation, and an escapism model. Emotive aspect of city's appropriation leads to a feeling of belonging to the city and inextricability of a person's fate and a city's fate. This manifests itself through language patterns; the city becomes more personalized; it is spoken of as a person. The findings of the study point to a transition from the consumption of space to its production through innovative and creative practices instead of habitual and stereotyped patterns. One of modern practices is DIY initiatives which appear to be interesting to more than half of respondents. © 2020 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved.The study is funded by RFBR and Sverdlovsk oblast as part of the project no. 20-411-660012 р_а “The Right to the City: Social Activity, Mobilization and Participation of Youth”; RFBR and the Expert Institute for Social Research (No. 19-011-31151)

    Reframing Bodies: New Coordinates of the Body Image

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    Received 25 January 2023. Accepted 1 June 2023. Published online 3 July 2023.The article analyzes the results of a sociological survey of urban residents’ perceptions of the beauty standards and their most desired body models. The survey was conducted in three cities of a large industrial Russian region (n = 1,077). The body as a bio-social construct is now undergoing significant transformations in public consciousness. As our survey shows, however, beauty standards in Russia are fairly stereotypical: the ideal female body is expected to be sexual, well-groomed, and slender (we refer to this body type as an aesthetic body model or body as an object) and the male body to be physically strong, resilient, and fit (the functional body model or body as a process). Describing their desired body model, male and female respondents of different age groups often choose the functional body model, that is, they prioritize what the body can do over what it looks like. The survey shows mixed results regarding the effects of the pandemic on people’s attitudes to their bodies and body care practices. Only a third of the respondents directly associate their individual bodily experience of disease with the change in their body care practices. Two-thirds of the respondents reported that during the lockdown they started taking better care of their bodies, paying more attention to personal hygiene, physical exercise, and sleep.The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 22-28-20365, https://rscf.ru/project/22-28-20365

    Global Dimension of Polynomial Rings in Partially Commuting Variables

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    For any free partially commutative monoid M(E,I)M(E,I), we compute the global dimension of the category of M(E,I)M(E,I)-objects in an Abelian category with exact coproducts. As a corollary, we generalize Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem to polynomial rings in partially commuting variables.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Цифровой профиль: понятие, механизмы регулирования и проблемы реализации

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    The subject of the research is the legal nature of the digital profile of a citizen, as well as a set of legal norms regulating digital profiling relations in Russia.The comparative method, the method of system analysis, as well as the method of legal modeling are used in the article.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that legal regulation is not the only mechanism for regulating relations in the field of digital profiling.The main results, scope of application. The article studies the phenomenon of digital profile, the main approaches to the digital profiling as well as the circumstances that have caused the state's interest in digital profiling. The creation and operation of a digital profile should be aimed at achieving the goal set out in the legislation. The digital profile is a set of relevant, reliable information about individuals and legal entities formed in the unified identification and authentication system or other information systems of state and local government authorities. The formation of a digital profile is carried out in order to provide data to authorities, legal entities and persons who have requested access to this information through the digital profile infrastructure. The analysis of the Russian legal regulation of relations in the field of digital profiling is presented, the problems of enforcement practice are identified. The analysis revealed the main differences between the digital profile and related categories, including social scoring, the unified population register and others. The comparison of a digital profile with a digital avatar and a digital character was carried out. It is extremely important to pay close attention to the problems of digital profiling both at the level of fundamental and applied scientific research. At the state level, it is important to strategically determine what a digital profile is, as well as formulate the main directions of the digital profiling development, challenges and risks. The importance of the development of digital profiling for unified system of public authorities in the Russian Federation is outlined.Conclusions. The analysis of the emerging practice of digital profiling in contemporary society shows that legal regulation does not always allow us to keep up with the rapidly developing relations in this area. The possibility of using other mechanisms should be considered. The use of mechanisms of regulatory experiments can also be considered as special mechanisms for regulating relations in the field of digital profiling. The goal of the research has been achieved, the legal nature of the digital profile has been revealed, approaches to regulating this phenomenon in the conditions of digital transformation have been proposed.Cтавится цель исследовать основные подходы к пониманию и механизмам регулирования цифрового профиля, формируемые в условиях цифровой трансформации. Изучается феномен цифрового профиля, дается анализ состояния российского правового регулирования отношений в сфере цифрового профилирования. Выявляются основные отличия цифрового профиля от смежных категорий, в том числе социального скоринга, единого реестра населения и др. Проводится сравнение цифрового профиля с цифровым аватаром и цифровым персонажем. Делается вывод, что цифровой профиль – это совокупность актуальных достоверных данных и иных сведений о физических и юридических лицах, формируемых в единой системе идентификации и аутентификации или других информационных системах органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, а также подведомственных им организаций, взаимодействующих с ней посредством единой системы межведомственного электронного взаимодействия, в целях их предоставления с согласия соответствующих граждан или юридических лиц субъектам, запросившим доступ к этим сведениям посредством инфраструктуры цифрового профиля

    Both Ca2+ and Zn2+ are essential for S100A12 protein oligomerization and function

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    Background Human S100A12 is a member of the S100 family of EF-hand calcium-modulated proteins that are associated with many diseases including cancer, chronic inflammation and neurological disorders. S100A12 is an important factor in host/parasite defenses and in the inflammatory response. Like several other S100 proteins, it binds zinc and copper in addition to calcium. Mechanisms of zinc regulation have been proposed for a number of S100 proteins e.g. S100B, S100A2, S100A7, S100A8/9. The interaction of S100 proteins with their targets is strongly dependent on cellular microenvironment. Results The aim of the study was to explore the factors that influence S100A12 oligomerization and target interaction. A comprehensive series of biochemical and biophysical experiments indicated that changes in the concentration of calcium and zinc led to changes in the oligomeric state of S100A12. Surface plasmon resonance confirmed that the presence of both calcium and zinc is essential for the interaction of S100A12 with one of its extracellular targets, RAGE – the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products. By using a single-molecule approach we have shown that the presence of zinc in tissue culture medium favors both the oligomerization of exogenous S100A12 protein and its interaction with targets on the cell surface. Conclusion We have shown that oligomerization and target recognition by S100A12 is regulated by both zinc and calcium. Our present work highlighted the potential role of calcium-binding S100 proteins in zinc metabolism and, in particular, the role of S100A12 in the cross talk between zinc and calcium in cell signaling

    Clinical significance of collchicine in pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular pathology in patients with hyperuricemia in rheumatic diseases

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    For a long time, there has been scientific debate about the appropriateness of prescribing drugs to lower the level of uric acid in patients without clinical manifestations of gout. Long-term hyperuricemia is known to be the cause of gout and gouty arthritis. However, an increased level of uric acid is often found in a number of other diseases (metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, psoriasis). Clinical evidence suggests that uric acid-lowering therapy slows the progression of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. And, if in rheumatological practice this issue still remains a subject of discussion, then the cardiological community by 2019 has clearly defined the indications for starting urate-lowering therapy. The Consensus on the Management of Patients with Hyperuricemia and High Cardiovascular Risk strongly recommends that the practitioner prescribe drugs to control hyperuricemia in hypertensive patients. The need to control the level of uric acid is reflected in the relevant sections of the Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Arterial Hypertension, 2020. This article provides a review of the literature on the etiology, pathophysiology, pharmacotherapy of hyperuricemia in patients with cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases. A separate section is devoted to scientific studies of the effects of colchicine in advanced therapy for CVD and RD. A clinical case of observation of a patient with newly diagnosed psoriatic arthritis, hyperuricemia, high cardiovascular risk is presented. The peculiarity of this clinical case is the onset of the disease after orthopedic surgery on the knee joints, high comorbidity and poor tolerance of standard basic therapy. The use of colchicine stabilized the patient’s condition. Thus, in clinical practice, it is necessary to take into account the role of hyperuricemia in the pathogenesis of inflammation in cardiovascular pathology. Colchicine may be the drug of choice for patients with hyperuricemia at high cardiovascular risk

    Modern facilities of pharmacological correction of hyperuricemia in rheumatic diseases: management of difficult clinical cases

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    The article presents clinical cases of management of patients with low compliance with treatment, suffering from rheumatic diseases and disorders of purine metabolism.Cases report 1. The first patient with advanced gout, after taking 100 mg of allopurinol, developed undesirable effects: sore throat, change in voice, cough, and therefore treatment was discontinued. After six months without therapy, the condition worsened and, in self-medication, the patient resumed taking allopurinol at a dose of 300 mg per day, which, as expected, resulted in a resumption of the allergic reaction and a serious exacerbation of gouty arthritis. In order to stop continuous relapses of arthritis, it became necessary to prescribe glucocorticoids. After stabilization of the state, constant administration of febucostat with positive clinical and laboratory dynamics was recommended.Cases report 2. The second patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) developed analgesic nephropathy, secondary hyperuricemia, and typical gouty attacks in the background of high activity of the underlying disease, existing kidney pathology and inappropriate use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Frequent exacerbations of arthritis prompted the patient to finally see a rheumatologist. The adjusted therapy made it possible to reduce RA activity, reach the recommended level of uric acid, and reduce the drug load on the kidneys with almost complete withdrawal of NSAIDs. Thus, in modern conditions, rheumatologists have in reserve all the necessary means for the pharmacological correction of hyperuricemia, even in difficult clinical cases. Febucostat is the drug of choice for correcting uric acid levels in case of intolerance to allopurinol, as well as in the development of secondary gout against the background of renal failure. In addition, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the treatment of rheumatic diseases largely depends on the patient’s compliance. To increase adherence to therapy, regular patient schools are recommended