77 research outputs found

    Comparative characteristics of the images of Russia and Belarus in the minds of students of both countries

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    The article presents the results of an ethnopsychological study of the perception of their national characteristics by Belarusian and Russian students and the formation in their minds of the image of both countries. The modern relations of the two Slavic countries of Russia and the Republic of Belarus are at a new stage of development, which consists in creating a single union state. The level of mutual understanding between the two independent states largely depends on how young generations adequately represent each other's national character, value priorities and worldview positions of their peers living in a neighboring country. The problems of establishing mutual understanding of young people are complicated by the fact that both countries are the heirs to a unified Soviet past, but experience certain difficulties in the process of its modernization. On the other hand, representatives of the “z” generation, born at the turn of the millennium, form their own values ​​and development guidelines, which also affects the search for mutual understanding between the two countries

    Development of personnel technologies in the customs system of the Russian Federation

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    In the paper, the authors study the main reasons for introducing economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and how to counteract them. At the same time, the current situation requires intensified development of the international business to modernize the Russian economy. For this, it has become imperative to understand the role and place of the customs of the Russian Federation in this process and to further improve the approaches to staffing a federal executive body – the Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia) in terms of selecting highly skilled personnel. In the end, a unified methodology for evaluating candidates taking civil service postsin the customs bodies is propose

    Features of the magnetic properties of Co/Si/Co thin-film systems

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    The magnetic properties of Co/Si/Co thin-film structures grown by magnetron sputtering have been studied using magnetooptical techniques. It is established that the saturation field (H S) of trilayers exhibits oscillations as a function of the thickness of the semiconductor (silicon) interlayer. This behavior is explained by structural features of the Co/Si/Co system and the presence of antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between magnetic layers via the silicon interlayer. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions

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    In this article, the analysis of dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions is discussed. The survey has been employed in this paper and the data analyzed by SPSS software. Results revealed that the resulting risks are regularly encountered in a modern Russian higher educational institution: inability to provide necessary financial support for educational activities; inability to provide required modern material and technical basis; challenges and failures in collaboration with enterprises for organizing practical training for students and the absence of practical training programs at the university. It is also indicated that the risk event might lead to different results: negative, positive, or nul

    Transformation approach to implementation of transparency of the Russian supreme audit institution activity

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    A financial system is generally considered a "circulatory system" of the state, which is essential for its existence. A key role in this system belongs to public funds. That is why issues of improving efficient state audit are becoming extremely important nowaday


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    The study of the effect volumetric electrical resistance of organosilicon polymer compo-sites has been carried out.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Минобрнауки России на выполнение коллективом научной лаборатории «Интеллектуальные материалы и структуры» проекта «Разработка многофункциональных интеллектуальных материалов и структур на основе модифицированных полимерных композиционных материалов способных функционировать в экстремальных условиях» (Номер темы FEFE-2020-0015). Автор выражает благодарность Красноярскому краевому фонду поддержки научной и научно-технической деятельности за поддержку в представлении данной работы на VIII Международной молодежной научной конференции Физика. Технологии. Инновации ФТИ-2021"