27 research outputs found

    Algebras with Operator and Campbell--Hausdorff Formula

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    We introduce some new classes of algebras and estabilish in these algebras Campbell--Hausdorff like formula. We describe the application of these constructions to the problem of the connectivity of the Feynman graphs corresponding to the Green functions in Quantum Fields Theory.Comment: 12 page

    Optimization of postoperative hypotension correction in thoracic surgery

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    Introduction. Arterial hypotension is the reasonable cause for intravenous injections of crystalloid solutions. However, as far as this statement is fair in the patients that underwent extensive scheduled thoracic operations at that moment is not defined.Aim. To reduce the number of complications in patients following thoracic operations by definition of optimum strategy for correction of postoperative hypotension.Methods. The retrospective analysis of 154 patients who were divided into 2 groups was conducted. In 58 patients, for correction of arterial blood pressure we used noradrenaline, in other cases (96 patients) noradrenaline in combination with infusion therapy was administered. The comparative analysis of the perioperative volemic status, levels of hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, a lactate, glucose, paO2 , paCO2 , ScvO2 , SaO2 , pvCO2 -paCO2 , duration of noradrenaline application and also a range of the postoperative complications was carried out.Results and conclusions. It is revealed that correction of hypotension with crystalloid solutions in thoracic patients results at and conclusions increased risk of pneumonia development. At the same time, infusion therapy in the early postoperative period in thoracic patients did not reduce the risk of intense kidney failure development. Severity of postoperative complications according to Clavien-Dindo classification was higher in patients who had infusion therapy. At the same time, duration of vasopressor support showed no change


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    Background. Assessment of life quality while carrying out a vitrectomy in children with detached retina. Material and Methods. Twenty three patients (23 eyes) aged from 10 up to 17 years from with detached retina were examined. Surgery included carrying out a standard three-port vitrectomy and laser endocoagulation of retina vessels. All patients have been divided by method of casual selection into 3 groups. In the I group (n = 8) during the surgery the balanced salt solutions (Balansed Salt Solution – BSS) without antioxidants were used and additional purpose of the antioxidant medicines per os was not carried out; in the II group (n = 8) at performing surgery BSS with antioxidants (glutathione) – BSS plus were used; in the III group (n = 7) in the postoperative period in addition per os antioxidant medicines were administered for 3 months. In all patients the research of life quality on the basis of the reduced Russified version of the questionnaire VFQ-25 was conducted. The control group consisted of 10 children of the corresponding age and sex, the welfare and national identity, without contraindications to surgery in the area of a vitrealny cavity. Statistical processing of the received findings has been executed by means of a package of application programs of the statistical analysis AnalystSoft, BioStat 2007. Results. In a week after surgery increase in visual acuity was not observed. Six months later reliable increase in visual acuity was noted. The highest final rates of a vasometry were observed in the II group, patients of the I group had minimum values. The minimal progressing of a cataract was observed in patients of the II group.Conclusion. Surgery for detached retina positively influenced rates of life quality in children in the early and long-term postoperative period


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    We examined 95 children aged from 5 months till 3 years (middle age 1,7 ±1,1), who were admitted in children's infectious department of theClinicalInfectionsHospital№1 by diagnosis acute respiratory virus infection in the height of disease. Anti-genes of sharp respiratory viruses by the IF method, markers of HHV-6 type, and also a cytomegalovirus of the person (CMV) and Epstein-Barre's virus the ELISA methods and PTsR-rv are studied. Respiratory viruses are found among the hospitalized children in 46,3% of cases, from them paraflu (32,6%) in comparison with flu (9,5%) and a respiratornosintsitialny virus (4,2%), р < 0,05 statistically significantly is more often revealed. Markers of HHV are revealed at 73,7% of children. During the mixed infection HHV-6 markers are found in the vast majority of children (79,4%) in combination with this or that representative of Herpesviridae, is statistically significantly more often with CMV(16,8%), р < 0,05. DNA of HHV-6 is statistically significantly more often (41%) and with more viral load (53 400 copies/ml ) is revealed in a saliva in comparison with blood and urine. DNA of HHV-6 ina saliva statistically significantly is defined among the children visiting child care centers more often, than at unorganized children (72% against 40,4%, р = 0,0001) that testifies about a horizontal transmission of infection. It is observed that markers of HHV-6 are defined statistically significantly more often among children aged from 7 till 12 months (50%) and among children older by 1 year (49,2%) in comparison with children aged from 0 till 6 months (10%), р < 0,05. It is shown that among children of an early age the exanthema at HHV-6-of an infection is associated with presence of DNA of HHV-6 with high concentration (more than 120 000 copies/ml) in blood.Обследовано 95 детей в возрасте от 5 месяцев до 3-х лет (средний возраст 1,7 ± 1,1 года), поступавших в детское инфекционное отделение КИБ № 1 с диагнозом ОРВИ в разгаре заболевания. Изучены антигены острых респираторных вирусов методом нИФ, маркеры ВГЧ-6 типа, а также цитомегаловируса человека (ЦМВ) и вируса Эпштейна-Барр (ВЭБ) методами ИФА и ПЦР-рв. У госпитализированных детей в 46,3% случаев обнаружены респираторные вирусы, из них статистически значимо чаще выявлен парагрипп (32,6%) по сравнению с гриппом (9,5%) и респираторно-синцитиальным вирусом (4,2%), р < 0,05. Маркеры ГВИ выявлены у 73,7% детей. При смешанной инфекции у подавляющего большинства детей (79,4%) обнаружены маркеры ВГЧ-6 в сочетании с тем или иным представителем Herpesviridae, чаще — с ЦМВ (16,8%), р < 0,05. ДНК ВГЧ-6 статистически значимо чаще (41%) и с большей вирусной нагрузкой (53 400 копий/мл) выявлена в слюне по сравнению с кровью и мочой. ДНК ВГЧ-6 в слюне чаще определяется у детей, посещающих детские учреждения, чем у неорганизованных детей (72% против 40,4%, р = 0,0001), что свидетельствует о горизонтальной передачи инфекции. Установлено, что маркеры ВГЧ-6 выявляются чаще у детей в возрасте от 7 до 12 месяцев (50%) и у детей старше 1 года (49,2%) по сравнению с детьми в возрасте от 0 до 6 месяцев (10%), р < 0,05. Показано, что у детей раннего возраста экзантема при ВГЧ-6-инфекции ассоциирована с присутствием ДНК ВГЧ-6 с высокой концентрацией (более 1000 копий/106) в крови.


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    This article describes a clinical case, representing the diagnostic difficulties. The baby of 4 months with bright neurological symptoms that appeared after vaccination, and coming with a diagnosis of "post-vaccination complications" in the survey diagnosed active cytomegalovirus infection and spinal muscular atrophy type 1. The role of the infective matter within the underlying disease was analyzed. В статье описан клинический случай, представлявший диагностические трудности. У ребенка 4-х месяцев с яркой неврологической симптоматикой, появившейся после проведения вакцинации, и поступавшего с диагнозом «поствакцинальное осложнение», в процессе обследования диагностирована активная цитомегаловирусная инфекция и спинальная амиотрофия 1 типа. Проанализирована роль инфекционного агента в течении основного заболевания.

    Geroprotectors in plants

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    The article considers substances contained in plants that can have a potential geroprotective effect. The search for new geroprotectors is a dynamic direction. Today, this group includes more than 200 drugs, each of which slows down aging. Despite such an impressive rate of discovery, not one of these drugs has yet entered the pharmaceutical market as a drug that can have a geroprotective effect.В статье рассмотрены вещества, содержащиеся в растениях, способные оказывать потенциальный геропротекторный эффект. Поиск новых геропротекторов является динамичным направлением. Сегодня к этой группе относится более 200 препаратов, каждый из которых замедляет старение. Несмотря на столь впечатляющие темпы открытия не один из этих препаратов до сих пор не вышел на фармацевтический рынок в качестве лекарственного средства, способного оказывать геропротекторный эффект

    Surgical repositioning of chronic macular hole margins

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    Modernisation of Boiler Unit Automation System at Acting Power Station

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    The article deals with the modernization process of automated control system of operating process of boiler unit at South Kuzbas hydro electric power station. The boiler unit has been modernized through the installation of automated control system and control on hierarchical arrangement consisting of the levels where the tasks of input and ouput control signals are distributed. Controllers produced by Ram Company and sensors produced by Elemer company were used for modernization of boiler unit. Automatic and process control was made on the base of MicroSCADA software. It has been currently estimated that the use of automation system will result in decrease in fuel consumption by 1 % and reduce nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emission by 3 %. System payback time would be no more than two years


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    Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are some of the most widely spread diseases worldwide that are of 80% of economic cost of infectious diseases. It is known that specific prophylaxis (vaccination) and, in some clinical cases, direct-acting antiviral prophylaxis are key strategies for the prevention of influenza as one of the most dangerous ARVI viruses. However, there are a number of reasons why specific prophylaxis of influenza does not entirely address the issue of prophylaxis of ARVI that are caused by more than 200 different viruses, such as formation of immune response only to vaccine influenza strains and absence of immune response to other respiratory infections, induction in the case of short-term protection, especially, in the aged and others. Prevention of influenza with antiviral drugs is limited by risks of development of resistant influenza strains aa well as contraindications and limitations of use. Therefore, the use of nonspecific drugs such as broad-spectrum antiviral drugs of interferon type (IFN) and their inducers (II), as well as sanitary and hygienic measures is recommended for prevention. For the purpose of prevention, the use of inducers of endogenic interferons is relevant in unvaccinated persons during pre-epidemic and epidemic ARVI periods; in high-risk group (students, medical professions, transport workers, elderly, patients with comorbid pathologies, people in structured organizations, for example, military personnel), in immunocompromised people. One of the most extensively studied interferon inducers widely used in clinical practice since 2003 for prevention and treatment of influenza and diseases caused by Herpesviruses is an antiviral drug Kagocel®. The paper presents real-time data of the preventive efficacy of Kagocel® in the therapy of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza caused by different viral strains including pandemic ones.Острые респираторные вирусные инфекции (ОРВИ) являются одними из самых распространенных заболеваний в мире, которые ежегодно приносят более 80% экономических потерь, наносимых инфекционными болезнями. Известно, что эффективными способами профилактики гриппа, одного из наиболее опасных вирусов, вызывающих ОРВИ, являются специфическая профилактика (вакцинация) и, в ряде клинических ситуаций, химиопрофилактика противовирусными препаратами прямого действия. Однако специфическая профилактика гриппа не решает в полной мере проблему профилактики ОРВИ, возбудителями которых насчитывают более 200 видов вирусов, по ряду таких причин, как, например, формирование иммунного ответа только к вакцинным штаммам вируса гриппа и его отсутствие ко всем остальным респираторным вирусам, индукция относительно краткосрочной защиты, особенно у лиц преклонного возраста и др. Профилактика химиопрепаратами ограничена риском развития резистентных штаммов вирусов гриппа и наличием противопоказаний и ограничений к применению. В связи с этим рекомендовано применение средств неспецифической профилактики: лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) широкого спектра действия из группы интерферонов (ИФН) и их индукторов (ИИ), проведение санитарно-гигиенических мероприятий. С профилактической целью применение индукторов эндогенных интерферонов наиболее актуально у невакцинированных лиц в предэпидемический и эпидемический периоды подъема заболеваемости ОРВИ; у лиц из групп риска (студенты, медицинские работники, работники транспорта, пожилые лица, пациенты с коморбидными патологиями, лица из организованных коллективов, например, военнослужащие), у людей с ослабленным иммунитетом. Одним из наиболее изученных индукторов интерферона, который широко применяется в клинической практике с 2003 г. для профилактики и лечения гриппа, ОРВИ и заболеваний, вызываемых герпесвирусами, является ЛП Кагоцел®. В статье приведены актуальные данные профилактической эффективности препарата Кагоцел® в отношении острых респираторных вирусных инфекций и гриппа, вызванного различными штаммами вируса, включая пандемические.</p


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    We examined 95 children aged from 5 months till 3 years (middle age 1,7 ±1,1), who were admitted in children's infectious department of theClinicalInfectionsHospital№1 by diagnosis acute respiratory virus infection in the height of disease. Anti-genes of sharp respiratory viruses by the IF method, markers of HHV-6 type, and also a cytomegalovirus of the person (CMV) and Epstein-Barre's virus the ELISA methods and PTsR-rv are studied. Respiratory viruses are found among the hospitalized children in 46,3% of cases, from them paraflu (32,6%) in comparison with flu (9,5%) and a respiratornosintsitialny virus (4,2%), р &lt; 0,05 statistically significantly is more often revealed. Markers of HHV are revealed at 73,7% of children. During the mixed infection HHV-6 markers are found in the vast majority of children (79,4%) in combination with this or that representative of Herpesviridae, is statistically significantly more often with CMV(16,8%), р &lt; 0,05. DNA of HHV-6 is statistically significantly more often (41%) and with more viral load (53 400 copies/ml ) is revealed in a saliva in comparison with blood and urine. DNA of HHV-6 ina saliva statistically significantly is defined among the children visiting child care centers more often, than at unorganized children (72% against 40,4%, р = 0,0001) that testifies about a horizontal transmission of infection. It is observed that markers of HHV-6 are defined statistically significantly more often among children aged from 7 till 12 months (50%) and among children older by 1 year (49,2%) in comparison with children aged from 0 till 6 months (10%), р &lt; 0,05. It is shown that among children of an early age the exanthema at HHV-6-of an infection is associated with presence of DNA of HHV-6 with high concentration (more than 120 000 copies/ml) in blood