85 research outputs found

    Optimal Control Problem Investigation for Linear Time-Invariant Systems of Fractional Order with Lumped Parameters Described by Equations with Riemann-Liouville Derivative

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    This paper studies two optimal control problems for linear time-invariant systems of fractional order with lumped parameters whose dynamics is described by equations which contain Riemann-Liouville derivative. The first problem is to find control with minimal norm and the second one is to find control with minimal control time at given restriction for control norm. The problem setting with nonlocal initial conditions is considered which differs from other known settings for integer-order systems and fractional-order systems described in terms of equations with Caputo derivative. Admissible controls are allowed to belong to the class of functions which are p-integrable on half segment. The basic investigation approach is the moment method. The correctness and solvability of moment problem are validated for considered problem setting for the system of arbitrary dimension. It is shown that corresponding conditions are analogous to those derived for systems which are described in terms of equations with Caputo derivative. For several particular cases of one- and two-dimensional systems the posed problems are solved explicitly. The dependencies of basic values from derivative index and control time are analyzed. The comparison is performed of obtained results with known results for analogous integer-order systems and fractional-order systems which are described by equations with Caputo derivative

    Effects of a moving X-line in a time-dependent reconnection model

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    In the frame of magnetized plasmas, reconnection appears as an essential process for the description of plasma acceleration and changing magnetic field topology. Under the variety of reconnection regions in our solar system, we focus our research onto the Earth's magnetotail. Under certain conditions a Near Earth Neutral Line (NENL) is free to evolve in the current sheet of the magnetotail. Reconnection in this region leads to the formation of Earth- and tailward propagating plasma bulges, which can be detected by the Cluster or Geotail spacecraft. Observations give rise to the assumption that the evolved reconnection line does not provide a steady state behavior, but is propagating towards the tail (e.g., Baker et al., 2002). Based on a time-dependent variant of the Petschek model of magnetic reconnection, we present a method that includes an X-line motion and discuss the effects of such a motion. We focus our main interest on the shock structure and the magnetic field behavior, both for the switch-on and the switch-off phase

    Extirpation of distal part of the pacreas in the severe erosive intraperitoneal bleeding caused by postoperative necrotic acute pancreatitis

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    Institutul de chirurgie „A.V. Vishnevskii”, Moscova, Rusia, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Pancreatita acută postoperatorie (PAP) reprezintă o complicație gravă ce apare după o intervenție chirurgicală pe pancreas (P). Incidența ei poate atinge 58,9%, în timp ce formele severe se întîlnesc în 24,2% cazuri (Kubyshkin V.A.). O trăsătură distinctivă este apariția pe fonul acesteia a dehiscenței anastomotice, fistulelor pancreatice (FP) și hemoragiilor erozive (HE). Scopul lucrării: De a aprecia eficacitatea rezecției bontului pancreatic în caz de HE postoperatorie. Material și metode: La 17 pacienți sursa de HE a fost vena lienală și mezenterică superioară, artera hepatică și mezenterică superioară. Toți pacienții au fost distribuiți în 2 grupuri. În primul grup (5 pacienți) intervenția chirurgicală s-a finisat cu suturarea și ligaturarea vaselor, în cel de-al doilea – extirparea bontului pancreatic. HE a apărut în 8-15 zile după operația inițială, în timp ce FP a fost obsevată în toate cazurile. Rezultate: Toți pacienții au suportat intervenție chirurgicală de urgență. Suturarea vasului sîngerînd s-a efectuat în 5 cazuri, dintre care în 3 au fost relevate hemoragii repetate (toți 5 pacienți au decedat). Extirparea bontului distal pancreatic a fost efectuată la 12 pacienți, dintre care 8 au supraviețuit, iar 4 au decedat. În toate cazurile de deces operația a fost efectuată în condiții de anemie posthemoragică severă. Concluzii: Suturarea și ligaturarea vasului sîngerînd în cazul PAP necrotice deseori este neefectivă și se soldează cu decesul pacientului. Profilaxia apariției și tratamentul adecvat al PAP permite prevenirea formării FP și reduce riscul apariției HE. Extirparea bontului distal pancreatic în cazul PAP severe, deși este o intervenție de disperare, poate fi recomandată cu scop curativ.Introduction: Postoperative acute pancreatitis (PAP) is a serious complication that occurs after surgery on the pancreas (P). The incidence can reach 58.9%, while severe forms are encountered in 24.2% cases (Kubyshkin VA). Its distinctive feature is the occurence of anastomotic dehiscence, pancreatic fistulas (PF) and erosive hemorrhage (EH). The aim: To assess the effectiveness of distal pancreatic resection in cases of postoperative EH. Material and methods: In 17 patients the source of EH was superior mesenteric and splenic vein, hepatic and superior mesenteric artery. All patients were divided into 2 groups. In the first group (5 patients) surgery ended with suturing and ligation of vessels in the second group – distal pancreatic resection was performed. EH appeared in 8-15 days after the initial surgery. PF was mentioned in all cases. Results: All patients have undergone emergency surgery. The suture of the bleeding vessel was performed in 5 cases, including 3 cases of repeated bleeding (all 5 patients died). Distal pancreatic resection was performed in 12 patients: 8 pat ients have survived, 4 – died. In all cases of death, the surgery was performed in patients with posthaemorrhagic severe anemia. Conclusions: Suturing and ligation of bleeding vessels in necrotic PAP is inefficient and often leads to death of the patient. The prevention of occurrence and adequate treatment of PAP allows to prevent the PF formation and reduces the risk of EH. Extirpation of distal part of the pancreas cause a severe PAP, though is an desperate operation, but may be recommended for therapeutic purposes

    Optimization of a diagnostic algorithm for benign breast nodules

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    The results of examinations were studied in 76 reproductive-aged patients with benign breast nodules (BBNs). The determination of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 in the trephine biopsy specimens, as well as proteinase activity in the solid tumor homogenates and in the cyst puncture samples in the preoperative stage or the postpuncture period can identify groups of patients with BBNs in relation to a tissue inflammatory response. BBNs with a tissue inflammatory response showed increases in the level of nonspecific proteinases and in the expression of the leukocyte common antigen CD45, which was accompanied enhanced proliferative activity (Ki-67) and elevated levels of apoptosis proteins (p53 and Bcl-2), and estrogen and prolactin receptors

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of surfactant-associated protein in fibrosis-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Background. Despite the progress and development of scientific directions in various fields of medicine, the problem of tuberculosis and its morphological manifestations remains relevant and is not fully disclosed due to complex pathogenesis, the presence of various clinical forms, therapeutic pathomorphosis, torpid to therapy, the presence of relapses. It is known that a surfactant system occupies a special place in the system of local lung protection.Aim. To study the condition of surfactant-assotiated protein A in the foci of specific destruction and in the surrounding intact lung tissue to assess its functional status, degree of respiratory failure and possible dissemination of tuberculous inflammation.Material and Metods. An analysis of 163 lung fragments of the dead or operated on for cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis with active bacterial excretion of 89 fragments and with clinical abacilation – 74 was carried out. Results. A morphological study revealed stereotypical dynamic depression of surfactant-associated protein A in all the samples studied, both in the areas of cavernous destruction and pericavernouse zone, and in intact lung tissue. The maximum intensivity of the immunohistochemical expression of this surfactant protein was recorded in the alveolar macrophages, which indicated intensive recycling and utilization of the components of the surfactant.Conclusion. Minimizing the production of surfactant components and its active utilization in intact lung tissue leads to a collapse of the alveoli with subsequent progression of respiratory failure


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    In our research we have investigated the effect of intraperitoneal introduction of silver nanoparticles solution (linear particle size of 10–20 nm) into intact animals and in the simulation of experimental peritonitis. We have evaluated the indices of nonspecific proteinases and their inhibitors in blood serum and peritoneum lavage. The intraperitoneal introduction of silver nanoparticles solution to intact animals leads to the minimal reaction of proteinase-inhibitor systems components in blood serum and peritoneum lavage. When modeling inflammatory process in peritoneum cavity by intraperitoneal injection of 10% filtered fecal suspension of rats, application of silver nanoparticles solution is accompanied by decrease in extent of activation of proteinases and preservation of inhibitory potential, both at systemic and local level, which can indicate antiinflammatory effects of nanosilver.Изучены эффекты раствора наночастиц серебра (линейный размер частиц 10–20 нм) при интраперитонеальном введении интактным животным и моделировании экспериментального перитонита. В качестве маркеров оценки эффектов раствора наночастиц серебра использовали реакции компонентов протеиназ-ингибиторных систем в сыворотке крови и перитонеальном секрете. Установлено, что интраперитонеальное введение раствора наночастиц серебра интактным крысам-самцам линии Wistar приводит к минимальной активизации компонентов протеиназ-ингибиторной системы в сыворотке крови и перитонеальном секрете. Моделирование воспалительного процесса в брюшной полости внутрибрюшинным введением 10%-й фильтрованной каловой взвеси крыс на фоне введения раствора наночастиц серебра сопровождается снижением степени активации протеиназ и сохранением ингибиторного потенциала как на системном, так и на локальном уровне, что может свидетельствовать о наличии противовоспалительных эффектов наносеребра

    Динамика показателей неспецифических протеиназ и их ингибиторов при лечении больных острым гнойным риносинуситом мукоактивными препаратами

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    Objective of the study is to determine the influence of mucoactive drugs of various groups on the activity of non-specific proteases and their inhibitors in the blood serum and sinonasal discharge during treatment of patients with acute purulent rhinosinusitis.Materials and methods. 48 patients with acute purulent rhinosinusitis were treated; they were randomly assigned to four groups: N-acetylcysteine was used in Group 1 (n = 11), S-carboxymethylcysteine – in Group 2 (n = 14), phytoneering herbal drug (BNO-101) Sinupret – in Group 3 (n = 13). The control group consisted of patients (n = 10) who did not receive mucoactive agents during the treatment. Normal values were determined in 12 healthy volunteers. The material for the study included blood serum and sinonasal discharge of the patients. We studied elastase-like activity, trypsin-like activity, antitryptic activity and acid-stable inhibitors.Results. Conducted treatment course resulted in improved clinical symptoms and decreased proteolytic activity in the blood serum and sinonasal discharge of the patients with acute purulent rhinosinusitis as compared to the patients’ parameters before treatment. Against this background, the state of proteinase inhibitors did not significantly change. This is primarily caused by the fact that antitryptic activity in acute purulent rhinosinusitis remained practically unchanged as compared to the parameter at the beginning of treatment. However, there is a tendency towards an increase in the inhibitory potential during treatment with mucoactive drugs. The highest level of this increase was observed when patients were taking BNO-101. On Day 10 of the study it resulted in the significant increase in antitryptic activity(ATA) as compared to the group prior to the treatment. The level of acid-stable inhibitors (ASI) in patients with purulent rhinosinusitis significantly decreased in the settings of acute purulent inflammation, and the activity of ASI increased during the treatment.Conclusion. The study of non-specific proteases and antiprotease potential of sinonasal discharge demonstrates that the decrease in protease activity and normalization of their inhibitors level depends on the mucoactive agent chosen. The most effective treatment option reduces the aggressive effect of non-specific proteases on mucosa and connective tissue structures. The mucoactive drugs’ effect of improved drainage increases antiprotease potential by restoring the structure and functional activity of the mucosa. Restoration of mucosa increases synthesis and secretion of acid-stable protease inhibitors which are the key component of local antiprotease protection. Цель работы. Определить влияние мукоактивных препаратов разных групп на активность неспецифических протеиназ и их ингибиторов в сыворотке крови и синоназальном секрете при лечении больных острым гнойным риносинуситом.Материал и методы. Было пролечено 48 больных острым гнойным риносинуситом, Методом рандомизации пациенты были разделены на 4 группы. В 1-й группе (n = 11) в качестве мукоактивного препарата в лечебном комплексе использовали N-ацетилцистеин (АЦЦ), во 2-й группе (n = 14) – S-карбоксиметилцистеин (КЦТ), в 3-й группе (n = 13) применяли растительный фитониринговый препарат (BNO-101) «Синупрет». Контрольную группу составили больные (n = 10), которые в комплексе лечения мукоактивные препараты не получали. Показатели нормы определяли у 12 здоровых волонтеров. Материалом для исследования являлась сыворотка крови и синоназальный секрет больных. Изучали: эластазоподобную активность, трипсиноподобную активность, антитриптическую активность и кислотостабильные ингибиторы.Результаты. Проведенные исследования показали двух-трехкратный рост трипсиноподобной и эластазоподобной активности синоназального секрета на фоне отсутствия реакции со стороны ингибиторов протеиназ у больных острым гнойным риносинуситом. Курс лечения оказал положительный эффект на динамику клинических симптомов, что привело к увеличению ингибиторного потенциала и снижению протеолитической активности в сыворотке крови и синоназальном секрете. Наибольший уровень ингибиторного потенциала зафиксирован при приеме BNO-101: на 10-й день исследования наблюдали статистически значимое повышение антитриптической активности и уровня кислотостабильных ингибиторов.Заключение. Исследование показало, что снижение активности протеиназ и нормализация уровня их ингибиторов зависит от характера применяемого мукоактивного агента. При наиболее эффективном варианте терапии снижается агрессивное воздействие неспецифических протеиназ на слизистые и соединительнотканные структуры. Использование мукоактивных препаратов способствует восстановлению структуры и функциональной активности слизистой оболочки, что приводит к увеличению синтеза и секреции кислотостабильных ингибиторов протеиназ, являющихся одним из ключевых компонентов местной антипротеиназной защиты.

    Изменение показателей свертывающей системы крови и неспецифических плазменных протеиназ при развитии синдрома ишемии-реперфузии

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    The aim of this study was to determine the general patterns of pathogenetic changes in the blood coagulation system and in non-specific proteinases and their inhibitors during the development of experimental  ischemiareperfusion injury.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 48 male Wistar rats (180–200 g). We used a model of ischemia-reperfusion injury achieved by applying rubber tourniquets to both hind limbs at the inguinal fold level for 6 hours. Revascularization was performed for 6, 12, or 24 hours following the application of tourniquets, after which we examined the state of the internal and external blood coagulation pathways and the activity of nonspecific proteinases and their inhibitors.Results. Indicators of blood coagulation system change show the development of blood hypocoagulation changes as the reperfusion time increases. By the 6th hour of reperfusion, the prothrombin time (PT) was lengthened by 112.0% (p = 0.0142) and the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) by 170.0% (p = 0.0147) compared with values in the control group. By the 12th reperfusion hour, the PT was lengthened by 174.2% (p = 0.0389), and the APTT increased 4.9-fold (p = 0.0002). When the reperfusion period was increased to 24 hours, it was characterized by lengthened PT and APTT, accompanied by an increase in antithrombin III by 11.5% (p = 0.0371) and a decrease in protein C by 71.4% (p = 0.0071). Changes in the non-specific proteinases and their inhibitors were characterized by a 2.8-fold increase in the trypsin-like proteinase activity (p < 0.001) relative to the control, as well as a 2.2-fold decrease in antitrypsin activity and acid-stable inhibitors (p < 0.001), which reached a maximum after 24 hours of reperfusion. A direct correlation was found between indicators characterizing the deficiency of coagulation system factors and a decrease in antiproteinase potential.Conclusion. Hemostatic system disorders are characterized by the development of hypocoagulation during ischemia-reperfusion injury as the result of an increase in the trypsin-like proteinase activity and a decrease in the levels of inhibitors. The established changes may be associated with the deficiency of coagulation factors and proteinase inhibitors and share common pathogenic mechanisms. Цель. Определить общие закономерности патогенетических изменений в свертывающей системе крови, неспецифических протеиназ и их ингибиторов при развитии  экспериментального синдрома ишемии-реперфузии.Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на 48 половозрелых самцах крыс линии Вистар массой 180–200 г. Модель синдрома ишемии-реперфузии создавали наложением резиновых жгутов на обе задние конечности на уровне паховой складки сроком на 6 ч. Реваскуляризацию производили через 6, 12 и 24 ч после наложения жгутов. Оценивали состояние внутреннего и внешнего путей свертывания крови, активность  неспецифических протеиназ и их ингибиторов.Результаты. Показатели свертывающей системы крови свидетельствуют о развитии гипокоагуляционных изменений по мере удлинения времени реперфузии. Выявлено повышение значения протромбинового времени (ПВ) на 112,0% (р = 0,0142) и  увеличение активированного частичного тромбопластинового времени (АЧТВ) на 170,0% (р = 0,0147) к 6-му ч реперфузии по сравнению с группой контроля. К 12-м ч  реперфузии протромбиновое время возрастало до 174,2% (р = 0,0389), АЧТВ – в 4,95 раза (p = 0,0002), а растворимых фибрин-мономерных комплексов (РФМК) – на 121,3% (p = 0,0300). Длительность реперфузионного периода до 24 ч характеризовалась  сохранением высоких значений ПВ и АЧТВ, РФМК с повышением содержания  антитромбина III – на 11,4% (р = 0,0371) и снижением протеина С на 71,4% (р =  0,0071). Изменение показателей неспецифических протеиназ и их ингибиторов характеризовалось ростом активности трипсиноподобных протеназ в 2,8 раза (р < 0,001) по отношению к контролю, а также снижением антитриптической активности и уровня  кислотостабильных ингибиторов в 2,2 раза (р < 0,001) с максимумом через 24 ч реперфузии. Выявлена прямая корреляционная связь между показателями,  характеризующими дефицит факторов системы свертывания, и снижением  антипротеиназного потенциала. Заключение. На основании результатов исследования показателей системы  свертывания крови и неспецифических протеиназ при развитии синдрома ишемии- реперфузии установлено, что нарушения в системе гемостаза характеризуются развитием гипокоагуляции на фоне роста активности трипсиноподобных протеиназ и снижения уровня их ингибиторов. Установленные изменения могут быть связаны с развитием дефицита факторов свертывания и ингибиторов протеиназ и иметь общие механизмы развития