159 research outputs found

    Compressible primitive equation: formal derivation and stability of weak solutions

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    We present a formal derivation of a simplified version of Compressible Primitive Equations (CPEs) for atmosphere modeling. They are obtained from 33-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations with an \emph{anisotropic viscous stress tensor} where viscosity depends on the density. We then study the stability of the weak solutions of this model by using an intermediate model, called model problem, which is more simple and practical, to achieve the main result

    Invariant Sets and Explicit Solutions to a Third-Order Model for the Shearless Stratified Turbulent Flow

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    We study dynamics of the shearless stratified turbulent flows. Using the method of differential constraints we find a class of explicit solutions to the problem under consideration and establish that the differential constraint obtained coincides with the well-known Zeman--Lumley model for stratified flows.Comment: arxiv version is already officia


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    Mini-invasive treatments, including radical laparoscopic retropubic prostatectomy, have recently enjoyed more increasing popularity. The precision performance of continuous cystourethral anastomosis under visual control is one of its indisputable advantages.В последние годы все большую популярность приобретают минимально инвазивные методы лечения, в том числе лапароскопическая позадилонная радикальная простатэктомия. Одним из неоспоримых ее преимуществ является возможность прецизионного выполнения непрерывного цистоуретроанастомоза под визуальным контролем


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    Objective: to reveal the benefits of adjuvant intravesical thermochemotherapy (TCT) and to evaluate its efficiency in the treatment of moderateand high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (BC).Subjects and methods. In the period 2009 to 2010, the Urology Clinic, Federal Medical Biophysical Center, treated 21 patients with nonmuscle invasive BC, by using a Thermotron RF-8 clinical hyperthermal system. Intravesical TCT with mitomycin C 40 mg for 60–80 min was performed at 42 ± 2 °С as one session weekly for 6 weeks. Control cystoscopy was carried out every 3 months.Results. Of the 21 patients, 19 were found to tolerate the procedure well. No complications were recorded in these patients during the sessions and throughout the course of intravesical TCT. A recurrence was histologically verified in 2 patients at 6-month follow-up. There was no evidence suggesting a recurrence in 12 (57.14 %) patients at one-year follow-up. The follow-up of the other patients is now less than 12 months.Conclusion. The proposed method of hyperthermia may be used as an alternative to the existing one of intracavitary hyperthermia to treat high- and moderate-risk BC and in case of inefficiency of other adjuvant therapy options for non-muscle invasive BC.Цель исследования — выявление преимуществ и оценка эффективности применения адъювантной внутрипузырной термохимиотерапии (ТХТ) при лечении мышечно-неинвазивного рака мочевого пузыря (РМП) средней и высокой степени риска.Материалы и методы. В период с 2009 по 2010 г. в клинике урологии ФМБЦ проведено лечение 21 больного мышечно-неинвазивным РМП с помощью клинической гипертермической системы Thermotron RF-8. Внутрипузырную ТХТ митомицином С в дозировке 40 мг с экспозицией 60–80 мин проводили при температуре 42 ± 2 °С по схеме 1 сеанс в неделю в течение 6 нед. Контрольную цистоскопию выполняли каждые 3 мес.Результаты. Из 21 пациента у 19 отмечена хорошая переносимость процедуры. Развития каких-либо осложнений в ходе осуществления сеансов, а также за время всего курса внутрипузырной ТХТ у этих больных не зарегистрировано. Через 6 мес наблюдения рецидив заболевания гистологически был подтвержден у 2 пациентов. Через год наблюдения у 12 (57,14 %) больных данных, подтверждающих наличие рецидива заболевания, не получено. Срок наблюдения за остальными пациентами в настоящее время составляет менее года.Выводы. Предложенный метод гипертермии может быть использован в качестве альтернативы уже существующему методу внутриполостной гипертермии для лечения больных РМП высокой и средней степени риска, а также в случае неэффективности других видов адъювантной терапии, применяющихся при мышечно-неинвазивном РМП

    Виртуализация сетевой инфраструктуры учреждений образования

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    The article discusses current issues of virtualization of the network infrastructure of educational institutions. The analysis of the literature on this issue. A new approach to creating a cloud virtualization environment for the educational institution’s network infrastructure is proposed, which is based on the joint use of virtualization technologies and software-defined networks. This approach allows you to unify the process of creating a network infrastructure, scale the resources provided on demand with minimal organizational and technical costs. The data processing center of the Belarusian State University has implemented a model that includes virtual network segments. Using virtualization technologies and software-defined networks allows you to unify the process of creating network infrastructure, scale the resources provided on demand with minimal organizational and technical costs, adapt the virtual infrastructure to the requirements of a particular educational institution.В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы виртуализации сетевой инфраструктуры учреждений образования. Проведен анализ литературы по данному вопросу. Предложен новый подход к созданию облачной среды виртуализации сетевой инфраструктуры учреждения образования, который основан на совместном использовании технологий виртуализации и программно-определяемых сетей. В центре обработки данных Белорусского государственного университета реализована модель, включающая виртуальные сегменты сети. Использование технологий виртуализации и программно-определяемых сетей позволяет унифицировать процесс создания сетевой инфраструктуры, масштабировать предоставляемые ресурсы по требованию с минимальными организационными и техническими затратами, адаптировать виртуальную инфраструктуру к требованиям конкретного учреждения образования

    Диагностические возможности магнитно-резонансной томографии с использованием катушки для тела в определении стадии рака предстательной железы

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    Purpose: to define diagnostic possibilities of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with body coil in the determining of the stage and local extent of prostate cancer.Materials and methods: Analysis of MRI studies of 49 patients aged from 48 to 78 (65±6) with confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy in 2007 was carried out.Conclusions: sensitivity of MRI in terms of primary diagnosis was 84% and in detection of prostate gland capsule invasion — 62%, specificity was 92%. Sensitivity of the method in terms of determining the invasion of seminal vesicles was 75% and specificity — 97%. At last, sensitivity of the method in the diagnosis of regional lymph node involvement was 40% and specificity — 98%.Conclusion: application of MRI with surface coil allows defining the local extent of the tumor, its size and invasion of prostate gland capsule.

    The Antigen ASB4 on Cancer Stem Cells Serves as a Target for CTL Immunotherapy of Colorectal Cancer

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    網羅的なHLAリガンドーム解析により,がん幹細胞(cancer stem cell,CSC)に特異的なASB4由来のペプチドIV9を同定し,CSCを特異的に傷害可能なCTL免疫療法となることを示した.更にCSCを標的としたCTL免疫療法が再発予防として有用であることを明らかにした

    Information use and plasticity in the reproductive decisions of malaria parasites

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    BACKGROUND: Investment in the production of transmissible stages (gametocytes) and their sex ratio are malaria parasite traits that underpin mosquito infectivity and are therefore central to epidemiology. Malaria parasites adjust their levels of investment into gametocytes and sex ratio in response to changes in the in-host environment (including red blood cell resource availability, host immune responses, competition from con-specific genotypes in mixed infections, and drug treatment). This plasticity appears to be adaptive (strategic) because parasites prioritize investment (in sexual versus asexual stages and male versus female stages) in manners predicted to maximize fitness. However, the information, or ‘cues’ that parasites use to detect environmental changes and make appropriate decisions about investment into gametocytes and their sex ratio are unknown. METHODS: Single genotype Plasmodium chabaudi infections were exposed to ‘cue’ treatments consisting of intact or lysed uninfected red blood cells, lysed parasitized RBCs of the same clone or an unrelated clone, and an unmanipulated control. Infection dynamics (proportion of reticulocytes, red blood cell and asexual stage parasite densities) were monitored, and changes in gametocyte investment and sex ratio in response to cue treatments, applied either pre- or post-peak of infection were examined. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A significant reduction in gametocyte density was observed in response to the presence of lysed parasite material and a borderline significant increase in sex ratio (proportion of male gametocytes) upon exposure to lysed red blood cells (both uninfected and infected) was observed. Furthermore, the changes in gametocyte density and sex ratio in response to these cues depend on the age of infection. Demonstrating that variation in gametocyte investment and sex ratio observed during infections are a result of parasite strategies (rather than the footprint of host physiology), provides a foundation to investigate the fitness consequences of plasticity and explore whether drugs could be developed to trick parasites into making suboptimal decisions

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