136 research outputs found

    Procedure for Event Characterization in Pb-Pb Collisions at 40A GeV in the NA49 Experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The time evolution of the strongly interacting matter created in a heavy-ion collision depends on the initial geometry and the collision centrality. This makes important the experimental determination of the collision geometry. In this paper a procedure for event classification and estimation of the geometrical parameters in inelastic Pb-Pb collisions at the beam energy of 4

    Tensor analyzing power Ayy in deuteron inclusive breakup at large Pt and spin structure of deuteron at short internucleonic distances

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    The Ayy data for deuteron inclusive breakup off hydrogen and carbon at a deuteron momentum of 9.0 GeV/c and large Pt of emitted protons are presented. The large values of Ayy independent of the target mass reflect the sensitivity of the data to the deuteron spin structure. The data obtained at fixed xx and plotted versus Pt clearly demonstrate the dependence of the deuteron spin structure at short internucleonic distances on two variables. The data are compared with the calculations using Paris, CD-Bonn and Karmanov's deuteron wave functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the SPIN2004 Conf., 10-16 Oct. 2004, Triest, Ital


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    The study participants (N = 13) were presented with a set of 330 images in the form of black silhouettes on a gray background, of which: 156 images of living things (plants, animals, people), and 174 images of non-living things (transport, tools, etc.). It was found that a significant difference (p <. 01) in evoked potentials to such groups of stimuli was observed in the form of a characteristic positive P400 component in the parietal and temporal channels, which manifested itself as a negative component (Nc) in the frontal channels.Участникам исследования (N = 13) предъявлялся набор из 330 изображений в виде черных силуэтов на сером фоне, из них: 156 изображений живого (растения, животные, люди), и 174 — неживого (транспорт, инструменты, посуда и пр.). Обнаружено, что значимое различие (p < .01) в вызванных потенциалах на такие группы стимулов наблюдается в виде характерного позитивного компонента P400 в теменных и височных отведениях, который во фронтальных отведениях проявлялся как негативный компонент (Nc).Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РНФ, проект № 19-18-00474

    Особенности финансового состояния компаний с убывающими доходами

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    The recent rise in inflation in Europe, caused by the pandemic, the increase in prices for energy resources and the violation of the logistics of energy supplies, has led to a decrease in company income. This makes it relevant to study the financial condition of companies with falling revenues. The purpose of this study is the development of tools for quantifying the impact of falling company incomes is becoming essential for making adequate management decisions. Until recently, such tools in capital structure theory did not exist. Two main theories of the capital cost and capital structure — Brusov — Filatova — Orekhova (BFO) theory and Modigliani — Miller (MM) theory — described companies with constant revenue: the first — for arbitrary age company, the second — for perpetuity companies. Within last couple years both these theories have been generalized for the case of variable revenue. In this paper the peculiar properties of the financial state of companies with falling income are studied within the modern capital cost and capital structure theory — Brusov–Filatova– Orekhova (BFO) theory, generalized for the case of variable revenue. As part of the goal, the tasks are solved to study the behavior of the main financial indicators (the cost of raising capital, the discount rate, the company’s capitalization, the cost of equity, and others), their dependence on debt financing, the age of the company in the face of declining income, which will make it possible to make adequate management decisions and reduce risks for companies.  Недавний рост инфляции в Европе, вызванный пандемией, ростом цен на энергоресурсы и нарушением логистики энергопоставок, привел к снижению доходов компаний. Это делает актуальным изучение финансового состояния компаний с падающей выручкой. Целью настоящего исследования является разработка инструментов для количественной оценки влияния падения доходов компании на ее финансовые индикаторы, что необходимо для принятия адекватных управленческих решений. До недавнего времени таких инструментов в теории структуры капитала не существовало. Две основные теории стоимости капитала и структуры капитала — Брусова–Филатовой–Ореховой (БФО) и Модильяни–Миллера (ММ) — описывали компании с постоянным доходом: первая — для компаний произвольного возраста, вторая — для бессрочных компаний. За последние пару лет обе эти теории были обобщены на случай переменных доходов. В данной работе особенности финансового состояния компаний с падающими доходами исследуются в рамках современной теории стоимости и структуры капитала — теории Брусова–Филатовой–Ореховой (БФО), обобщенной на случай переменных доходов. В рамках поставленной цели решаются задачи по изучению поведения основных финансовых показателей (стоимости привлечения капитала, ставки дисконтирования, капитализации компании, стоимости собственного капитала и других), их зависимости от заемного финансирования, возраста компании в условиях снижения доходов, что позволит принять адекватные управленческие решения и снизить риски для компаний

    Tensor Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers in the H(d,d')X and ^{12}C(d,d')X reactons at initial deuteron momenta of 9 GeV/c in the region of baryonic resonances excitation

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    The angular dependence of the tensor Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers in the inelastic scattering of deuterons with a momentum of 9.0 GeV/c on hydrogen and carbon have been measured. The range of measurements corresponds to the baryonic resonance excitation with masses 2.2--2.6 GeV/c^2. The Ayy data being in good agreement with the previous results demonstrate an approximate tt scaling up to -1.5 (GeV/c)^2. The large values of A_y show a significant role of the spin-dependent part of the elementary amplitude of the NN->NN* reaction. The results of the experiment are compared with model predictions of the plane-wave impulse approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. submitted to Yad.Fi

    Dielectric and magnetic responses in nanocrystalline BaTiO3

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    This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Research Project No.18-52-00039 Bel_a)

    Results of a 7-year prospective follow-up in the Interepid study: factors influencing all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in rural residents of Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic

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    Aim. To assess the 7-year survival rate and the association of risk factors (RFs) with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among rural residents in Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as to analyze ethnic characteristics (according to the Interepid study).Material and methods. This study was carried out within the Interepid international project, which included a cross-sectional epidemiological study of the prevalence of major noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors in 2011- 2012, and a prospective stage among rural residents of two countries (Russia, the Kyrgyz Republic). In 2019, the vital status of respondents was reassessed (7 years after the initial examination), and endpoints were collected, including all-cause and cardiovascular deaths.Results. A significant similarity of rural residents of the analyzed regions in relation to the factors associated with mortality was revealed. Smoking in men, obesity in women, and hypertension in both sexes were associated with an increased death risk. Country differences were found only in relation to low physical activity and dietary habits. Ethnic developments in the population of the Kyrgyz Republic also concerned only the contribution of food habits.Conclusion. The results obtained are important for planning, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of public health promotion programs. It is also necessary to develop differentiated treatment and prevention measures in the Russian population and among the indigenous inhabitants of the Kyrgyz Republic, including taking into account the prevalence of CVD risk factors and their impact on life prognosis


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    The effect of heat treatment on the structure and the electrical properties of ZnO/SnO2 multilayer thin-film systems studied. It was found that the films have a layered structure that is stable up to 400°C. After annealing at 400°C and 600°C Mott variable range hopping con-duction mechanism observed.Работа выполнена при поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ в рамках государственного задания (проект № FZGM-2020-0007)


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    For the first time the results of social and psychological characteristics of the first-year students were obtained. We performed the estimation of adaptation potential of the first-year students during their studies at the university and depending of the fields of their study (humanitarian, scientific or physico-mathematical). The peculiarities of motivation of the goal achievement need in the first-year students of different fields of study were determined. It was found that most of first-year students (53 %) had an average needs-based motivation and were characterized by low adaptive capacity (66,6 %) and low-neuro mental stability (41,6 %). During the research we used multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptivity" of A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanin and test-questionnaire "Goal achievement need" of Y.M. Orlov