196 research outputs found

    Correction of retinal angiopathy of hypertensive type by minoxidil, sildenafil in experiment

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    For the study of retinoprotective properties of pharmacological agents a model of retinal angiopathy of hypertensive type was created against the background of N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration in a dose 12.5 mg/kg rat body weight for 28 days. Detection of preconditioning properties of pharmacological agents may be a new approach in the correction and prevention of retinal angiopathy, which is the initial part of hypertensive retinopath

    Role of catestatin in development and decompensation of heart failure: a literature review

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    The current literature review covers the role of sympathetic nervous system activation (SNS) and the significance of a new biomarker catestatin (CST), which is a chromogranin A-derived peptide, for assessing prognosis of patients with heart failure (HF). This review details the works devoted to CST metabolism and its role in clinical conditions with excessive catecholamine production, including the ability to counterbalance the adverse effects of SNS on cardiovascular system. The paper also presents the central results of studies on HF patients and shows the correlation of the CST level with HF functional class and stage. In addition, particular attention is paid on the possibilities and potential benefits of assessing the CST in addition to conventional management of patients hospitalized due to acute decompensated heart failure

    Pharmacological correction of retinal ischemia/reperfusion by minoxidil

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    The objective of this paper was to increase the effectiveness of pharmacological correction of retinal ischemia-reperfusion by using minoxidil. Minoxidil at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg of rat mass protects the retina from ischemic-reperfusion injury. Protective effects of minoxidil are carried out by a preconditioning action, as evidenced by the lack of positive effects with the administration of glibenclamid

    The development of hypertensive neuroretinopathy model on wistar rats

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    A model of hypertensive neuroretinopathy was developed on Wistar line rats with administration of non-selective NO-synthase blocker N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in a dose 12.5 mg/kg within 28 days on the background of single increased intraocular pressure (IOP) to 110 mmHg. As a result of the interim evaluation of pathology simulation mode the most optimal was a model of hypertensive neuroretinopathy with 5-minute increased IOP at day 26 of the experiment on the background of L-NAME for further study of neuroretinoprotective properties of pharmacological agent

    Pharmacological preconditioning by recombinant erythropoietin as the possibility of increasing the stability of tissue of the retina to reperfusion ischemia in experiment

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    Ischemic injury was formed in laboratory rats by applying mechanical pressure (110 mm Hg) to the anterior eye chamber for 30 minutes. The experiment revealed that the recombinant erythropoietin (50 IU/kg) prevents the development of degenerative changes in retinal layers caused by ischemic injur

    Strategic and statistical analysis of regional socio-economic development in the conditions of the digital environment

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    Тhe creation and development of the digital economy in the regions of Russia is a new factor in their socio-economic development. This should be reflected in near future in the strategies of socio-economic development of regions. In the Russian Federation, at present, for developing and evaluating the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy of the region, a universal methodology has not been developed, and the standard approaches for implementing strategic planning have been adapted from the management of corporate structures.The purpose of the article is to test the methodology of statistical evaluation of the socio-economic development of the region in the digital environment. The methodological basis of the study are: the general statistical method of dynamic standards, index and coefficient analysis, the method of pairwise comparisons. The scientific novelty of the presented results are the author’s methodological developments: the system of indicators of the socio-economic development of the region in the digital environment and the regulatory assessment model. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of applying the author’s assessment methodology for monitoring regional development strategies.The creation of integral statistical measures (models) for monitoring traditional and new factors of the region’s development will provide solutions to their quantitative assessment, allow clarify both the planning and implementation stages of the region’s shortcomings and problems, ensure the implementation of the principle of integrated socioeconomic development of the region, contribute to enhancing the consistency of the objectives of regional development strategies, it will allow diagnostics of the development of the digital economy and develop new strategic orientations at the regional level, which in turn will make it possible to develop organizational mechanisms for involving people in the region in resolving issues of territorial strategic development

    Pharmacological correction of morphofunctional retinal injury using 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin in the experiment

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    The retinoprotective effect of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 on the models of hypertensive retinal angiopathy and hypertensive neuroretinopathy in Wistar rats was investigated in comparison with carbamylated darbepoetin and sulodexide. The study revealed angio- and neuroprotective activity of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 in correction of retinal injury formed on the background of hypertensio


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    Используя метод дополнительных искомых функций и метод дополнительных граничных условий теплового баланса получено приближенное аналитическое решение нестационарной задачи теплопроводности для бесконечной пластины при симметричных граничных условиях третьего рода. Отмечается, что точность получаемого решения зависит от числа выполненных приближений и определяется степенью аппроксимирующего полинома. Решение позволяет выполнять параметрический анализ исследуемой системы – определение числовых параметров математической модели, при которых решение задачи соответствовало бы экспериментальным данным.Using the method of additional sought-for functions and the method of additional boundary conditions of heat balance, an approximate analytical solution of the unsteady heat conduction problem for an infinite plate is obtained under symmetric boundary conditions of the third kind. It is noted that the accuracy of the obtained solution depends on the number of performed approximations and is determined by the degree of the approximating polynomial. The solution allows you to perform a parametric analysis of the system under study – determining the numerical parameters of the mathematical model for which the solution of the problem would correspond to experimental data.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РНФ в рамках научного проекта № 18–79–00171 и Совета по грантам Президента РФ в рамках научного проекта МК–2614.2019.8


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    Рассмотрено совместное использование интегрального метода теплового баланса и дополнительных граничных условий, получено аналитическое приближенное решение задачи теплопроводности при граничных условиях первого рода с переменными во времени внутренними тепловыми источниками для бесконечно-протяженной пластины. Установлена взаимосвязь температуры, мощности и времени воздействия источника. Приведены результаты разработки приближенного аналитического метода, позволяющего получать простые по форме аналитические решения краевых задач теплопереноса с достаточной для инженерных расчетов точностью.Using of the integral method of heat balance and additional boundary conditions, an analytical approximate solution of the heat conduction problem with sources of time-variable internal sources for an infinitely extended plate is obtained. The relationship between temperature and power and exposure time of the source is established.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РНФ в рамках научного проекта № 18–79–00171 и Совета по грантам Президента РФ в рамках научного проекта МК–2614.2019.8

    Энтропия собственности в западной и российской правовой доктрине и практике

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    The subject of the study is a phenomenon of an “entropy” of property, its interpretation, socio-economic conditionality, genesis of its development in European and Russian doctrine, reflection of a construct of “separated” property in the legislation. “Entropy” of property is a situation when both entities are owners, but in different areas of relations: the first person is the owner in relation to third parties, and the second-in relation to the first The goal of this scientific research is to find out reasons of the existence of phenomenon of “entropy of property” in European and Russian legal doctrines, to identify common and specific features of this phenomenon. Methodology. The authors use the general scientific method, including dialectics, comparative analysis, formal logic, historical method. A number of specific methods pertaining to the legal science were used as well: the formal dogmatic method was applied for analysis of ownership within the institute of property rights; the logical legal method was applied to study general tendencies of development of the institute of property rights; the legal comparative method was used to study European and Russian legislation on ownership and other property rights. The main scientific results. The Western legal doctrine of “entropy of property” has quite a long history of development, unlike the Russian. Specific features of the Russian doctrine are result of its historical, political and cultural characteristics. The phenomenon of “entropy of property” has both positive and negative consequences, which requires pluralistic approach to its assessment. “Reunification” of ownership rights on the land plot and other objects located on it, is a result of socio-economic and legal factors and deserves positive assessment. Property rights as elements of titular possession are not based only on law, but may be created by contract as well. Conclusions. The European and Russian legal doctrines on the “entropy of property” have both common and specific features. The common features are: existence of “absolute” ownership, limited property rights, trends of reunification of “separated” property etc. The specific features are: absence of “trust” in the Russian legal system; excessive fragmentation of right of ownership as a large “bundle” of rights; absence of situations when one person may simultaneously hold statuses of owner and holder of a limited property right in the Russian legislation.Рассматриваются концептуальное содержание категории «энтропия собственности», ее генезис от «функциональной» собственности к собственности «абсолютной» в западной и российской доктрине, влияние на формирование современной конструкции права собственности и других вещных прав, их типизацию. Анализируются теоретические тенденции к выработке подходов к обеспечению защиты вещных прав; попытки рецепции в российском правопорядке англосаксонской модели «траста»; проблемы «воссоединения» «расщепленной» собственности в правопорядках европейских стран, а также России – в контексте современного реформирования института вещных прав