120 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Kelompok Tani Sion merupakan salah satu kelompok yang membudidayakan empat jenis tanam jeruk yaitu jeruk keprok SoE (JKS), jeruk hikson, jeruk siam, dan jeruk nipis. Berbagai jenis OPT yang memengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jeruk diantaranya Phtytopthora sp., Diplodia sp, virus triteza, Scirtotfrips citri, Diaprina citri, lalat buah. Masalah lain yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah tidak memberikan pupuk bagi tanaman. PKM ini bertujuan untuk membimbing, membina, dan memberdayakan petani mengelola hama penyakit jeruk ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan pupuk hayati dan biopestisida. Menjawab permasalahan petani metode yang digunakan adalah yaitu penyuluhan dan pelatihan, adobsi dan introduksi teknologi (demplot dan percobaan terapan teknologi yang murah dan ekonomis serta ramah lingkungan); dan pemberdayaan anggota kelompok tani melalui pendampingan dan evaluasi oleh tim pelaksana. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 40% anggota kelompok tani mengenal jenis hama dan penyakit pada jeruk, 70% anggota kelompok dapat membuat pupuk hayati tricokompos, pupuk organik cair, dan pestisida nabati. Sebanyak 60% petani mengaplikasikan tricokompos pada tanaman jeruk dan beberapa jenis tanaman lainnya seperti cabai.   Abstract The Sion Farmers Group is one of the groups that cultivate four species of citrus, namely Soe Mandarin, hikson oranges, Siamese oranges, and limes.  Various species of pests and dieases that affect the growth and development of citrus include Phytopthora sp., Diplodia sp., Triteza virus, Scirtotfrips citri, Diaporina citri and fruit flies.  Another problem faced by parteners is not providing fertilizer for plants. This community partnership program aims to guide, foster, and empower farmers to manage environmentally friendly citrus pests using biological fertilizers and biopesticides. Answering farmers’ problems, the methods used are counseling and training, adoption and introduction of technology (demonstrations and experiments on the applications of cheap and economical technology as well as environmentally friendly); and emprowerment of farmer group members through mentoring and evaluation by the implementing team. The results of the implementation showed that as many as 40% of farmer group members knew the species of pests and diaseases in citrus, 70% of group members could make tricocompost biofertilizer, liquid organic fertilizer, and botanical pesticides. As many as 60% of farmers apply tricocompost on citrus plants and several other species of plants such as chili

    Inventory of Pests on Local Potato Plants from Soe in South Central East District, Province of East Nusa Tenggara

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    Sub-districts Kie and Fatumnasi are two sub-districts in mainland West Timor that cultivate local potatoes from Soe. This germplasm needs to be preserved and developed to diversify non-rice alternative food. One of the main obstacles in cultivating potatoes is the presence of pests, but so far there have been no reports of pests on local potato plants from Soe from the two sub-districts, so this research needs to be done. This study aimed at an inventory of important pests on local potato plants from Soe as a database for early detection to prevent the occurrence of explosive pests. This research was conducted on potato plantations in Fatuulan Village, Ayofanu Village, Nunleu Village, and Nenas Village. The method used is a purpose survey at a specified sample point. A sampling of insect pests is done by direct observation and insect nets. The pests found were put in a killing bottle or 70% alcohol, collected, and identified. Observation variables include the type of pest, symptoms of pest attack, and morphological characteristics of the stadia found. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that five species of pests damaged local potatoes from Soe. The five pests were Spodoptera litura, Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata, Liriomyza sp, Phthorimaea operculella, and Nezara viridula. The identification results showed that in Kie District there were three pest species, namely S. litura, H. vigintioctomaculata, and Liriomyza sp. Meanwhile, in Fatumnasi District, there were four types of pests, namely H. vigintioctomaculata, Liriomyza sp, P. operculella, and N. viridulaKecamatan Kie dan Fatumnasi merupakan dua kecamatan di daratan Timor Barat yang membudidayakan kentang lokal asal Soe. Plasma nutfah ini perlu dilestarikan dan dikembangkan sebagai upaya diversifikasi pangan alternatif non beras. Salah satu kendala utama dalam membudidayakan kentang adanya serangan hama, namun sampai saat ini belum ada laporan tentang hama pada tanaman kentang lokal asal Soe dari dua kecamtan tersebut sehingga penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginventarisasi hama penting pada tanaman kentang lokal asal Soe sebagai data base dalam rangka deteksi dini untuk mencegah terjadinya eksplosif hama. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pertanaman kentang di Desa Fatuulan, Desa Ayofanu, Desa Nunleu, dan Desa Nenas. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei purpose pada titik sampel yang ditentukan. Pengambilan sampel serangga hama dilakukan dengan pengamatan secara langsung dan jaring serangga. Stadia hama yang ditemukan dimasukkan ke dalam killing botol atau alcohol 70%, dikoleksi dan indentifikasi. Peubah Pengamatan meliputi jenis hama, gejala serangan hama, dan karakteristik morfologi stadia yang ditemukan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima species hama yang merusak kentang lokal asal Soe. Kelima jenis hama tersebut adalah Spodoptera litura, Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata, Liriomyza sp, Phthorimaea operculella, Nezara viridula. Hasil indentifikasi menunjukkan bahwa di Kecamatan Kie terdapat tiga spesies hama yaitu S. litura, H. vigintioctomaculata, dan Liriomyza sp. Sedangkan di Kecamatan Fatumnasi, terdapat empat jenis hama yaitu H. vigintioctomaculata, Liriomyza sp, P. operculella, dan N. viridula

    [Eksplorasi Jamur Endofit Asal Tanaman Cendana Santalum album L. di Sekitar Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur] : Review

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    Cendana merupakan tanaman endemik asal NTT dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi karena merupakan penghasil minyak atsiri dan merupakan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang potensial di NTT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi dan mengoleksi jamur endofit yang berada di dalam jaringan tanaman cendana di sekitaran Universitas Nusa Cendana. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan eksplorasi terhadap jamur endofit pada daun dan batang tanaman cendana. Sampel tanaman cendana diambil dari Universitas Nusa Cendana dan penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Nusa Cendana pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2021. Dipilih lima tanaman cendana sehat atau yang tidak bergejala penyakit dari lokasi tersebut untuk diambil daun dan batangnya. Penilitan ini dilakukan dengan mengisolasi sampel daun dan batang tanaman cendana sehat yang telah dipotong dan disterilkan pada media PDA. Apabila terdapat jamur yang tumbuh, dilakukan permurnian terhadap jamur yang terlihat berbeda secara makroskopis. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh delapan isolat jamur endofit, terdiri dari genus Aspergillus, Gliocladium, Phoma, dan Trichoderma

    [Eksplorasi Jamur Endofit Asal Tanaman Cendana Santalum album L. di Sekitar Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur] : Review

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    Cendana merupakan tanaman endemik asal NTT dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi karena merupakan penghasil minyak atsiri dan merupakan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang potensial di NTT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi dan mengoleksi jamur endofit yang berada di dalam jaringan tanaman cendana di sekitaran Universitas Nusa Cendana. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan eksplorasi terhadap jamur endofit pada daun dan batang tanaman cendana. Sampel tanaman cendana diambil dari Universitas Nusa Cendana dan penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Nusa Cendana pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2021. Dipilih lima tanaman cendana sehat atau yang tidak bergejala penyakit dari lokasi tersebut untuk diambil daun dan batangnya. Penilitan ini dilakukan dengan mengisolasi sampel daun dan batang tanaman cendana sehat yang telah dipotong dan disterilkan pada media PDA. Apabila terdapat jamur yang tumbuh, dilakukan permurnian terhadap jamur yang terlihat berbeda secara makroskopis. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh delapan isolat jamur endofit, terdiri dari genus Aspergillus, Gliocladium, Phoma, dan Trichoderma

    Electrochemical Characterization and Electroanalytical Aplications of RGO_AuNPs Hybrids

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    A novel synthetic route for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) modified graphene electrodes has been developed: Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) sheets are functionalized with pyrene linkers acting as growing sites for gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) of different dimensions (approximatively 5, 10 and 20 nm). The Au surface is functionalized with oleylamine or 3,4-dimethylbenzenethiol as capping agents. The hybrid material is deposited onto Carbon Screen Printed Electrodes (C-SPEs) for a deep physico-chemical and electrochemical characterization, using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The role played by every single hybrid counterpart has been investigated, showing a synergistic effect, which is responsible of the enhancement of the system properties. The charge transfer from gold nanoparticles to graphene, assisted and stimulated by the pyrene linker, seems to be the key point to understand the peculiarities of this innovative material. The as prepared RGO-AuNPs hybrids have been used in the electroanalytical detection of both inorganic and organic species (arsenic, H2O2, dopamine), showing promising results in terms of sensitivities and detection limits. In particular, regarding the detection of the neurotransmitter dopamine by means of Differential Pulse Voltammetry in Phosphate Buffer Solution, a LOD of (3.3 \ub1 0.2) ppb has been reached, comparable with other electroanalytical results in the literature and in accordance with the benchmark for this molecule [1]. For arsenic detection, the hybrid devices show increased performances in comparison with bare gold or gold NPs, also allowing speciation between arsenic (III) and (V), appropriately adjusting the experimental conditions. In the case of H2O2, the hybrid devices display high electrocatalytic activity and fast electron-transfer kinetics, representing an ideal platform for developing oxidoreductase-based electrochemical biosensors as well as for detecting H2O2 in real samples. [1] J.A. Ribeiro, P.M.V. Fernandes, C.M. Pereira, F. Silva, Talanta 160 (2016) 653-679

    TiO2 Nanocrystals Decorated CVD Graphene for Electroanalytical Sensing

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    In this work, the manufacturing and characterization of an optically transparent and UV-light photoactive anode, formed of monolayer graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and decorated with a close packed multilayered nanostructured layout of colloidal TiO2 nanocrystals (NCs), are reported. The hybrid material has been prepared by a facile solution-based procedure, which relays on soaking the CVD graphene in a solution of 1-pyrene butyric acid (PBA) surface coated TiO2 NCs, achieved upon implementation of a capping exchange process for displacing the pristine organic ligand deriving from the colloidal synthesis. Pyrene undergoes \u3c0-\u3c0 stacking interactions, anchoring the NCs to the platform with retention of the NC geometry and composition. The NCs immobilize onto the graphene platform with preservation of its aromatic structure and the resulting hybrid has been found optically transparent in the visible spectral range. (Photo)electrochemical investigation shows that the composite material has a promising sensitivity for selectively detecting dopamine and norepinephrine and, concomitantly, exhibits a (photo)electric activity higher than that of bare graphene. Thus, the achieved hybrid material results interesting for the manufacturing of photo-active components to integrate in photo-renewable sensor elements along with photodetectors and solar cells

    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalized gold nanoparticles (GNPs) for plasmonic photothermal ablation of cancer. A review

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    The meeting and merging between innovative nanotechnological systems, such as nanoparticles, and the persistent need to outperform diagnostic-therapeutic approaches to fighting cancer are revolutionizing the medical research scenario, leading us into the world of nanomedicine. Photothermal therapy (PTT) is a non-invasive thermo-ablative treatment in which cellular hyperthermia is generated through the interaction of near-infrared light with light-to-heat converter entities, such as gold nanoparticles (GNPs). GNPs have great potential to improve recovery time, cure complexity, and time spent on the treatment of specific types of cancer. The development of gold nanostructures for photothermal efficacy and target selectivity ensures effective and deep tissue-penetrating PTT with fewer worries about adverse effects from nonspecific distributions. Regardless of the thriving research recorded in the last decade regarding the multiple biomedical applications of nanoparticles and, in particular, their conjugation with drugs, few works have been completed regarding the possibility of combining GNPs with the cancer-targeted pharmaceutical fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). This review aims to provide an actual scenario on the application of functionalized GNP-mediated PTT for cancer ablation purposes, regarding the opportunity given by the 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalization

    Functional Hybrids of Multilayer CVD Graphene and Colloidal Anatase Nanocrystals

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    UV-light photoactive hybrids based on CVD graphene (from 1 to 5 layers) decorated with TiO2 nanocrystals (NC) surface functionalized with 1-pyrene butyric acid (PBA), were prepared by a simple solution-based procedure. PBA functionalization was obtained by a capping exchange procedure onto pre-synthesized organic-capped NCs [1]. An in-depth physico-chemical characterization demonstrated the successful immobilization of the colloidal NCs on the graphene multilayers, which preserves or even enhances the graphene intrinsic structural properties: the electrical conductivity is higher than that measured for bare graphene, due to a p-doping effect, related to a hole transfer from the nano-objects to graphene, mediated by the short aromatic ligand acting as a charge channel. The hybrids properties are strongly dependent on the number of layers of CVD graphene. The use of two redox probes [inner-sphere, surface sensitive (K4Fe(CN)6) and outer-sphere, surface insensitive (Ru(NH3)6Cl3)], in a CV and EIS study, allowed to understand these features, showing a strong difference between the mono-, the bi- and the other multi-layers, in terms of different diffusional mechanism and redox active sites [2]. Moreover, the stacked layers of the pyrene-coated TiO2 NCs are found to increase the electroactivity, the capacitive behavior, as well as the photo-electrical response of graphene, concomitantly maintaining its high charge mobility. The photoelectrical conversion of the hybrid is enhanced of 50% with respect to the bare graphene, with a long recombination lifetime of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs. For all the above reasons, the photoactive composite has a great potential as an optically transparent component for manufacturing photoanodes to be integrated in solar cells or photodetectors and in FETs or (photo)electrochemical sensors, also exploiting the possibility of photorenovating the sensor surface [3]. [1] C. Ingrosso et al., ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 7 (2015) 4151-4159. [2] D.A. Brownson, D.K. Kampouris, C.E. Banks, Chem. Soc. Rev. 41 (2012) 6944-6976. [3] V. Pifferi et al., Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 408(26) (2016), 7339-7349

    Demographically adjusted Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test norms in a Swedish and Norwegian cohort aged 49-77?years and comparison with North American norms

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    Introduction: The Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCFT) is one of the most commonly used neuropsychological tests in Sweden and Norway. However, no publications provide normative data for this population. The objective of this study was to present demographically adjusted norms for a Swedish and Norwegian population and to evaluate these in an independent comparison group. Methods: The RCFT was administrated to 344 healthy controls recruited from the Swedish Gothenburg MCI study, the Norwegian Dementia Disease Initiation study, and the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study. Age ranged from 49 to 77 years (mean = 62.4 years, SD = 5.0 years), and education ranged from 6 to 24 years (mean = 13.3 years, SD = 3.0 years). Using a regression-based procedure, we investigated the effects of age, sex, and years of education on test performance. We compared and evaluated our Swedish and Norwegian norms with North American norms in an independent comparison group of 145 individuals. Results: In healthy controls, age and education were associated with performance on the RCFT. When comparing normative RCFT performance in an independent comparison group, North American norms generally overestimated immediate and delayed recall performance. In contrast, our Swedish and Norwegian norms appear to better take into account factors of age and education. Conclusions: We presented demographically adjusted norms for the RCFT in a Swedish and Norwegian sample. This is the first normative study of the RCFT that presents normative data for this population. In addition, we showed that North American norms might produce inaccurate normative estimations in an independent comparison group