7 research outputs found

    CoViD-19, una sindemia ancor prima che una pandemia!

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    Si tratta di un Editoriale che prende in considerazione la prospettiva "sindemica" della CoViD-19, da preferirsi a quella "pandemica" in quanto capace di tradursi in una visione "olistica" di questa drammatica emergenza planetaria

    Are the school prevention programmes - aimed at de-normalizing smoking among youths - beneficial in the long term? An example from the Smoke Free Class Competition in Italy

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    Tobacco smoking by young people is of great concern because it usually leads to regular smoking, nicotine addiction and quitting difficulties. Young people "hooked" by tobacco maintain the profits of the tobacco industry by replacing smokers who quit or die. If new generations could be tobacco-free, as supported by tobacco endgame strategies, the tobacco epidemic could end within decades. Smoking prevention programmes for teens are offered by schools with the aim to prevent or delay smoking onset. Among these, the Smoke Free Class Competition (SFC) was widely implemented in Europe. Its effectiveness yielded conflicting results, but it was only evaluated at short/medium term (6 - 18 months). The aim of this study is to evaluate its effectiveness after a longer follow-up (3 to 5 years) in order to allow enough time for the maturing of the students and the internalization of the experience and its contents. Fifteen classes were randomly sampled from two Italian high schools of Bologna province that regularly offered the SFC to first year students; 382 students (174 participating in the SFC and 208 controls) were retrospectively followed-up and provided their "smoking histories". At the end of their last year of school (after 5 years from the SFC), the percentage of students who stated that they were regular smokers was lower among the SFC students than in controls: 13.5% vs 32.9% (p=0.03). From the students' "smoking histories", statistically significant protective ORs were observed for SFC students at the end of 1st and 5th year: 0.42 (95% CI 0.19-0.93) and 0.32 (95% CI 0.11-0.91) respectively. Absence of smokers in the family was also a strongly statistically significant factor associated with being a non-smoker student. These results suggest that SFC may have a positive impact on lowering the prevalence of smoking in the long term (5 years)

    Gli Pneumologi italiani e il trattamento del tabagismo: risultati di una indagine

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    Numerose evidenze scientifiche sottolineano l’importanza del trattamento del tabagismo per la prevenzione e la terapia delle malattie fumo correlate e per ridurre i decessi causati dal fumo. Secondo le raccomandazioni recentemente pubblicate dall’European Respiratory Society, il trattamento del tabagismo nei pazienti affetti da patologie respiratorie riveste una priorità elevata e deve rientrare fra le attività routinarie dello pneumologo come parte integrante della terapia prescritta. Dall’analisi di 221 questionari compilati da pneumologi italiani nel dicembre 2007 in occasione del XXXIX Congresso Nazionale AIPO – VIII Congresso UIP, è emerso che il trattamento del tabagismo sembra ancora poco sviluppato nell’attività di routine degli pneumologi italiani; in particolare il trattamento intensivo (counselling della durata superiore a 10 minuti e trattamento farmacologico), quale quello indicato dalle linee guida, è poco diffuso. La diagnosi di tabagismo frequentemente non si avvale di alcuni strumenti di facile utilizzo, quali il Test di Fagerström e la misurazione del monossido di carbonio espirato, e non è evidenziata nella Scheda di Dimissione Ospedaliera. I Centri Antifumo pneumologici sono ancora poco diffusi, ma il 41% di coloro che ancora non hanno un Centro Antifumo presso la propria struttura ritiene utile e fattibile attivarlo con adeguato supporto

    [Characteristics and effectiveness of smoking cessation programs in Italy. Results of a multicentric longitudinal study]

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    Aim: to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of various smoking cessation programs offered by Italian treatment services operating within the National Health Service. Design: prospective longitudinal multicentre study involving 41 smoking cessation services in 16 Italian regions. Study population: the study population includes patients entering smoking cessation programs between April 2003 and June 2004. The "study population" includes 1226 patients (54.2% males and 45.4% females), mean age 47 years. Patients have a middle/high level of education and a long history of smoking; most are highly dependent on nicotine and report previous attempts to quit smoking. Methods: treatment effectiveness in smoking cessation is assessed six months after entering treatment service. Logistic Regression Model was used to determine the predictors of successfiul cessation, independent of treatment typology. The predictors were included as confounding variables in the logistic regression model that was used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. Besides the effect of treatment completion on smoking cessation was estimated. Results: predictors of successful smoking cessation are: being male, presence of a partner, strong motivation to quit, previous attempts to give up smoking, mild nicotine dependence, and not suffering from mood disturbances. All treatments are effective in helping people to stop smoking: cessation rate ranges between 25.00% for patients receiving a single session of motivational counselling and 65.3% for those receiving nicotine replacement therapy combined to group therapy. Compared to a single session of motivational counseling, nicotine replacement therapy combined to group therapy is the most effective therapeutic program (OR 5.4; 95%CI 12.5-12.0). Treatment completion is a strong determinant ofsuccess (OR 4.8; 95%CI 3.5-6.4). Conclusion: enrolling people in any type of therapeutic program, in particular nicotine replacement therapy combined with group therapy increases the probability of successfully quitting smoking; moreover, patients that begin a smoking cessation program should be encouraged to complete the therap

    Effects of inhaled tobacco smoke on the pulmonary tumor microenvironment.

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    Tobacco smoke is a multicomponent mixture of chemical, organic, and inorganic compounds, as well as additive substances and radioactive materials. Many studies have proved the carcinogenicity of various of these compounds through the induction of DNA adducts, mutational potential, epigenetic changes, gene fusions, and chromosomal events. The tumor microenvironment plays an important role in malignant tumor formation and progression through the regulation of expression of key molecules which mediate the recruitment of immune cells to the tumor site and subsequently regulate tumor growth and metastasis. In this chapter, we discuss the effects of inhaled tobacco smoke in the tumor microenvironment of the respiratory tract. The mechanisms underlying these effects as well as their link with tumor progression are analyzed

    L’attività dei Centri Antifumo italiani tra problematiche e aree da potenziare: i risultati di un’indagine svolta attraverso un questionario on-line

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    Introduzione. In Italia sono 295 i Servizi per la cessazione dal fumo di tabacco (Centri Antifumo - CA) afferenti al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) censiti nel 2011 dall’Osservatorio Fumo, Alcol e Droga (OssFAD) dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. La presente indagine, condotta dall’OssFAD in collaborazione con i CA, è stata volta a rilevare alcune delle problematiche con le quali il personale dei CA si confronta per portare avanti la propria attività e le iniziative ritenute utili per migliorarla. Materiali e metodi. L’indagine è stata condotta dal 7 al 21 maggio 2012, mediante un questionario compilabile on-line composto da 5 brevi sezioni di domande con un totale di 38 items da completare. Il link al questionario on-line è stato inviato per e-mail a 322 indirizzi dei CA censiti nel 2011 dall’OssFAD. I dati raccolti sono stati elaborati statisticamente con il programma SPSS 20. Risultati. All’indagine hanno risposto 146 operatori dei CA (45,3%). Sebbene ci siano aspetti ormai consolidati dell’attività dei CA, sono ancora molte le criticità che gli operatori riscontrano nella loro attività. Le principali problematiche che influiscono in modo fondamentale/rilevante per la buona attività del centro sono le “Scarse o nulle risorse economiche” per il 60,7% del personale, “la mancanza di personale dedicato” per il 52,4% del personale; il “riconoscimento/mandato istituzionale del CA” per il 40,9% del personale. Tra le azioni ritenute più efficaci per facilitare l’accesso ai CA sono risultate la sensibilizzazione del personale sanitario (91%), in particolare dei medici di famiglia e l’inserimento delle prestazioni antitabagiche nei LEA (76,8%). Conclusioni. È auspicabile che l’attività dei CA riceva una maggiore attenzione, attraverso la dotazione di strutture, personale e finanziamenti adeguati a svolgere un importante ruolo nella tutela e promozione della salute