209 research outputs found

    A time-delay determination from VLA light curves of the CLASS gravitational lens B1600+434

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    We present Very Large Array (VLA) 8.5-GHz light curves of the two lens images of the Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey (CLASS) gravitational lens B1600+434. We find a nearly linear decrease of 18-19% in the flux densities of both lens images over a period of eight months (February-October) in 1998. Additionally, the brightest image A shows modulations up to 11% peak-to-peak on scales of days to weeks over a large part of the observing period. Image B varies significantly less on this time scale. We conclude that most of the short-term variability in image A is not intrinsic source variability, but is most likely caused by microlensing in the lens galaxy. The alternative, scintillation by the ionized Galactic ISM, is shown to be implausible based on its strong opposite frequency dependent behavior compared with results from multi-frequency WSRT monitoring observations (Koopmans & de Bruyn 1999). From these VLA light curves we determine a median time delay between the lens images of 47^{+5}_{-6} d (68%) or 47^{+12}_{-9} d (95%). We use two different methods to derive the time delay; both give the same result within the errors. We estimate an additional systematic error between -8 and +7 d. If the mass distribution of lens galaxy can be described by an isothermal model (Koopmans, de Bruyn & Jackson 1998), this time delay would give a value for the Hubble parameter, H_0=57^{+14}_{-11} (95% statistical) ^{+26}_{-15} (systematic) km/s/Mpc (Omega_m=1 and Omega_Lambda=0). Similarly, the Modified-Hubble-Profile mass model would give H_0=74^{+18}_{-15} (95% statistical) ^{+22}_{-22} (systematic) km/s/Mpc. For Omega_m=0.3 and Omega_Lambda=0.7, these values increase by 5.4%. ... (ABRIDGED)Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Figs 1 and 3 with degraded resolution

    VLA 8.4-GHz monitoring observations of the CLASS gravitational lens B1933+503

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    The complex ten-component gravitational lens system B1933+503 has been monitored with the VLA during the period February to June 1998 with a view to measuring the time delay between the four compact components and hence to determine the Hubble parameter. Here we present the results of an `A' configuration 8.4-GHz monitoring campaign which consists of 37 epochs with an average spacing of 2.8 days. The data have yielded light curves for the four flat-spectrum radio components (components 1, 3, 4 and 6). We observe only small flux density changes in the four flat-spectrum components which we do not believe are predominantly intrinsic to the source. Therefore the variations do not allow us to determine the independent time delays in this system. However, the data do allow us to accurately determine the flux density ratios between the four flat-spectrum components. These will prove important as modelling constraints and could prove crucial in future monitoring observations should these data show only a monotonic increase or decrease in the flux densities of the flat-spectrum components.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 5 pages, 2 included PostScript figure

    Comparative analysis of time-frequency methods estimating the time-varying microstructure of sleep EEG spindles

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    Proceedings of the Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, Ioannina - Epirus, Greece, October 26-28, 2006Parameter estimation for an assumed sleep EEG spindle model (AM-FM signal) is performed by using four time-frequency analysis methods. Results from simulated as well as from real data are presented. In simulated data, the Hilbert Transform-based method has the lowest average percentage error but produces considerable signal distortion. The Complex Demodulation and the Matching Pursuit-based methods have error rates below 10%, but the Matching Pursuit-based method produces considerable signal distortion as well. The Wavelet Transform-based method has the poorest performance. In real data, all methods produce reasonable parameter values. However, the Hilbert Transform and the Matching Pursuitbased methods may not be applicable for sleep spindles shorter than about 0.8 sec. Matching Pursuit-based curve fitting is utilized as part of the parameter estimation process

    Matching of analytical and numerical solutions for neutron stars of arbitrary rotation

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    We demonstrate the results of an attempt to match the two-soliton analytical solution with the numerically produced solutions of the Einstein field equations, that describe the spacetime exterior of rotating neutron stars, for arbitrary rotation. The matching procedure is performed by equating the first four multipole moments of the analytical solution to the multipole moments of the numerical one. We then argue that in order to check the effectiveness of the matching of the analytical with the numerical solution we should compare the metric components, the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (RISCOR_{ISCO}), the rotation frequency Ωdϕdt\Omega\equiv\frac{d\phi}{dt} and the epicyclic frequencies Ωρ,  Ωz\Omega_{\rho},\;\Omega_z. Finally we present some results of the comparison.Comment: Contribution at the 13th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity (NEB XIII), corrected typo in M4M_4 of eq. 5 of the published versio

    Dipole Perturbations of the Reissner-Nordstrom Solution: The Polar Case

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    The formalism developed by Chandrasekhar for the linear polar perturbations of the Reissner-Nordstrom solution is generalized to include the case of dipole (l=1) perturbations. Then, the perturbed metric coefficients and components of the Maxwell tensor are computed.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Submitted for publication in Physical Review

    Chaos in black holes surrounded by gravitational waves

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    The occurrence of chaos for test particles moving around Schwarzschild black holes perturbed by a special class of gravitational waves is studied in the context of the Melnikov method. The explicit integration of the equations of motion for the homoclinic orbit is used to reduce the application of this method to the study of simple graphics.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex

    Conformally dressed black hole in 2+1 dimensions

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    A three dimensional black hole solution of Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant coupled to a conformal scalar field is given. The solution is static, circularly symmetric, asymptotically anti-de Sitter and nonperturbative in the conformal field. The curvature tensor is singular at the origin while the scalar field is regular everywhere. The condition that the Euclidean geometry be regular at the horizon fixes the temperature to be T=9r+16πl2T=\frac{9\, r_+}{16\pi l^2}. Using the Hamiltonian formulation including boundary terms of the Euclidean action, the entropy is found to be 23\frac{2}{3} of the standard value (14A\frac{1}{4} A), and in agreement with the first law of thermodynamics.Comment: LaTeX ,RevTeX, 13pages, no figure