55 research outputs found

    The influence of defects on magnetic properties of fcc-Pu

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    The influence of vacancies and interstitial atoms on magnetism in Pu has been considered in frames of the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The relaxation of crystal structure arising due to different types of defects was calculated using the molecular dynamic method with modified embedded atom model (MEAM). The LDA+U+SO (Local Density Approximation with explicit inclusion of Coulomb and spin-orbital interactions) method in matrix invariant form was applied to describe correlation effects in Pu with these types of defects. The calculations show that both vacancies and interstitials give rise to local moments in ff-shell of Pu in good agreement with experimental data for annealed Pu. Magnetism appears due to destroying of delicate balance between spin-orbital and exchange interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic structure and magnetic state of transuranium metals under pressure

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    Electronic structure of bcc Np, fcc Pu, Am, and Cm pure metals under pressure has been investigated employing the LDA+U method with spin-orbit coupling (LDA+U+SO). Magnetic state of the actinide ions was analyzed in both LS and jj coupling schemes to reveal the applicability of corresponding coupling bases. It was demonstrated that whereas Pu and Am are well described within the jj coupling scheme, Np and Cm can be described appropriately neither in {m-sigma}, nor in {jmj} basis, due to intermediate coupling scheme realizing in these metals that requires some finer treatment. The LDA+U+SO results for the considered transuranium metals reveal bands broadening and gradual 5f electron delocalization under pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Catalog of dessins d'enfants with \le 4 edges

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    In this work all the dessins d'enfant with no more than 4 edges are listed and their Belyi pairs are computed. In order to enumerate all dessins the technique of matrix model computations was used. The total number of dessins is 134; among them 77 are spherical, 53 of genus 1 and 4 of genus 2. The orders of automorphism groups of all the dessins are also found. Dessins are listed by the number of edges. Dessins with the same number of edges are ordered lexicographically by their lists of 0-valencies. The corresponding matrix model for any list of 0-valencies is given and computed. Complex matrix models for dessins with 1 -- 3 edges are used. For the dessins with 4 edges we use Hermitian matrix model, correlators for which are computed in [1].Comment: 64 pages, 134 figure

    Electronic Structure and Magnetic State of Transuranium Metals under Pressure

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    The electronic structures of bcc Np, fcc Pu, Am, and Cm pure metals under pressure have been investigated employing the LDA + U method with spin-orbit coupling (LDA + U + SO). The magnetic state of the actinide ions was analyzed in both LS and j j coupling schemes to reveal the applicability of corresponding coupling bases. It was demonstrated that whereas Pu and Am are well described within the j j coupling scheme, Np and Cm can be described appropriately neither in a {mσ}, nor in a { jm j } basis, due to intermediate coupling scheme realization in these metals that requires some finer treatment. The LDA + U + SO results for the considered transuranium metals reveal band broadening and gradual 5f electron delocalization under pressure. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects Nos 10-02-00046, 09-02-00431, 10-02-00546, and 10-02-96011-ural), the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovations (Program ‘Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Training of the Innovating Russia’ for 2009–2010 years), grant No. 02.740.11.0217, the scientific program ‘Development of scientific potential of universities’ No. 2.1.1/779

    Гепатопульмональный синдром у женщины с циррозом печени

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    Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) in a severe complication of advanced hepatic diseases. IHPS comprises the following triad of signs: 1) hepatic disease, 2) pulmonary vessels dilation, 3) hypoxemia without cardiorespiratory diseases. Clinical manifestations of HPS are cyanosis, finger clubbing, and platypnoea under the hepatic cyrrhosis. A clinical case of HPS in young woman with hepatic cyrrhosis is described in this article. HPS was resolved after the orthotopic liver transplantation.Гепатопульмональный синдром (ГПС) является тяжелым осложнением терминальных заболеваний печени. ГПС включает в себя триаду следующих признаков: заболевания печени; дилатация легочных сосудов; гипоксемия (при отсутствии кардиореспираторных заболеваний). Клиническим проявлением ГПС является цианоз, изменение концевых фаланг пальцев в виде барабанных палочек и платипноэ на фоне цирроза печени (ЦП). Представлено клиническое наблюдение ГПС у молодой женщины с ЦП, который разрешился после проведения ортотопической трансплантации печени.

    Unique interplay between superconducting and ferromagnetic orders in EuRbFe4As4

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    © 2018 American Physical Society. Transport, magnetic, and optical investigations on EuRbFe4As4 single crystals evidence that the ferromagnetic ordering of the Eu2+ magnetic moments at Tm=15 K, below the superconducting transition (Tc=36 K), affects superconductivity in a weak but intriguing way. Upon cooling below Tm, the zero resistance state is preserved and the diamagnetic response is only slightly affected by the emerging ferromagnetism; a perfect diamagnetism is recovered at low temperatures. The infrared conductivity is strongly suppressed in the far-infrared region below Tc, associated with the opening of a complete superconducting gap at 2Δ=10 meV. A gap smaller than the weak-coupling limit suggests strong orbital effects or, within a multiband superconductivity scenario, the existence of a larger yet unrevealed gap