121 research outputs found

    The sutures in dentistry

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    In oral surgery, the last phase of a surgical operation is represented by the tissues suture, that allows the wound lips edges approximation and their stabilization, to promote haemostasis, to avoid the alimentary residues accumulation on the incision line and allow the first intention healing. A good suture avoids that the displacing forces generated by the muscular insertions, functional movements and by the external agents destabilize or cause the surgical wound deiscence. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the suture threads characteristics, properties and biological interactions evaluating the different studies published in literature results and conclusions. In conclusion, the authors recommended the use of the different suture threads on the dependence of the oral surgery operation type that must be performed, of the patient compliance and of the various suture materials physical and biocompatibility characteristics

    The use of D-chiro-inositol in clinical practice

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    OBJECTIVE: D-chiro-Inositol has been widely used in clinical practice to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Only recent evidence established that this molecule acts through two different mechanisms, with potentially different outcomes. On the one hand, under a metabolic perspective, D-chiro-Inositol improves insulin signaling, thus restoring physiological insulin levels in resistant subjects. On the other hand, at a cellular level, it downregulates the expression of steroidogenic enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the conversion of androgens to estrogens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed current literature in different databases, searching for D-chiro-Inositol in relation with one of the following keywords: myo-inositol, PCOS, infertility, insulin resistance, aromatase, androgen and inositol, testosterone, estrogen and inositol, estradiol, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, fat tissue, estrogens and cancer, anovulation, uterine myoma, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia. RESULTS: D-Chiro-Inositol treatment may be helpful in restoring physiological hormonal levels in various clinical disorders. However, D-Chiro-Inositol intervention should be carefully designed to avoid possible undesired side effects stemming from its multiple mechanisms of action. CONCLUSIONS: We evaluated the optimal D Chiro-Inositol administration for different pathologies, defining dosages and timing. Even though further studies are required to validate our preliminary results, this paper is primarily intended to guide researchers through some of the pathways of D-Chiro-Inositol

    An update on the use of inositols in preventing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and neural tube defects (NTDs)

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    INTRODUCTION: Obstetric history and maternal body composition and lifestyle may be associated with serious complications both for the mother, such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and for the fetus, including congenital malformations such as neural tube defects (NTDs). AREAS COVERED: In view of the recent knowledge, changes of nutritional and physical activity habits ameliorate glycemic control during pregnancy and in turn improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Recently, a series of small clinical and experimental studies indicated that supplementation with inositols, a family of insulin sensitizers, was associated with beneficial impact for both GDM and NTDs. EXPERT OPINION: Herein, we discuss the most significant scientific evidence supporting myo-inositol administration as a prophylaxis for the above-mentioned conditions

    When one size does not fit all: Reconsidering PCOS etiology, diagnosis, clinical subgroups, and subgroup-specific treatments

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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder that affects a large proportion of women. Due to its heterogeneity, the best diagnostic strategy has been a matter of contention. Since 1990 scientific societies in the field of human reproduction have tried to define the pivotal criteria for the diagnosis of PCOS. The consensus Rotterdam diagnostic criteria included the presence of hyperandrogenism, oligo/anovulation, and polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM), and have now been updated to evidence based diagnostic criteria in the 2018 and 2023 International Guideline diagnostic criteria endorsed by 39 societies internationally. Within the Rotterdam Criteria, at least two out of three of the above-mentioned features are required to be present to diagnose PCOS, resulting in four phenotypes being identified: phenotype A, characterized by the presence of all the features, phenotype B, exhibiting hyperandrogenism and oligo-anovulation, phenotype C, presenting as hyperandrogenism and PCOM and finally the phenotype D that is characterized by oligo-anovulation and PCOM, lacking the hyperandrogenic component. However, it is the hypothesis of the EGOI group that the Rotterdam phenotypes A, B, and C have a different underlying causality to phenotype D. Recent studies have highlighted the strong correlation between insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism, and the pivotal role of these factors in driving ovarian alterations, such as oligo-anovulation and follicular functional cyst formation. This new understanding of PCOS pathogenesis has led the authors to hypothesis that phenotypes A, B, and C are endocrine-metabolic syndromes with a metabolic clinical onset. Conversely, the absence of hyperandrogenism and metabolic disturbances in phenotype D suggests a different origin of this condition, and point towards novel pathophysiological mechanisms; however, these are still not fully understood. Further questions have been raised regarding the suitability of the “phenotypes” described by the Rotterdam Criteria by the publication by recent GWAS studies, which demonstrated that these phenotypes should be considered clinical subtypes as they are not reflected in the genetic picture. Hence, by capturing the heterogeneity of this complex disorder, current diagnostic criteria may benefit from a reassessment and the evaluation of additional parameters such as insulin resistance and endometrial thickness, with the purpose of not only improving their diagnostic accuracy but also of assigning an appropriate and personalized treatment. In this framework, the present overview aims to analyze the diagnostic criteria currently recognized by the scientific community and assess the suitability of their application in clinical practice in light of the newly emerging evidence

    The importance of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol to support fertility and reproduction

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    This review details the physiologic roles of two insulin sensitizers, myo-inositol (MI) and D-chiro-inositol (DCI). In the human ovary, MI is a second messenger of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and DCI is an aromatase inhibitor. These activities allow a treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to be defined based on the combined administration of MI and DCI, where the best MI:DCI ratio is 40:1. In addition, MI plays a pivotal role in the physiology of reproduction, and has beneficial effects on the development of oocytes, spermatozoa, and embryos. By contrast, DCI has little effect on spermatozoa, but high concentrations in the ovary can negatively affect the quality of oocytes and the blastocyst. Overall, the evidence in the literature supports the beneficial effects of MI in both female and male reproduction, warranting clinical use of MI in assisted reproductive treatment (ART).Cette revue détaille les rôles physiologiques de deux sensibilisateurs à l'insuline, le myo-inositol (MI) et le D-chiro-inositol (DCI). Dans l'ovaire humain, le MI est un second messager de l'hormone folliculostimulante (FSH) et le DCI est un inhibiteur de l'aromatase. Ces activités permettent de définir un traitement du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) basé sur l'administration combinée de MI et de DCI, où le meilleur rapport MI:DCI est de 40:1. En outre, le MI joue un rôle essentiel dans la physiologie de la reproduction et a des effets bénéfiques sur le développement des ovocytes, des spermatozoïdes et des embryons. En revanche, le DCI a peu d'effet sur les spermatozoïdes, mais des concentrations élevées dans l'ovaire peuvent avoir un effet négatif sur la qualité des ovocytes et du blastocyste. Dans l'ensemble, les données de la littérature confirment les effets bénéfiques du MI dans la reproduction féminine et masculine, ce qui justifie l'utilisation clinique du MI dans l'assistance médicale à la procréation

    Endocrine disruptors and spontaneous premature labor: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Premature labor is a poorly understood condition. Estrogen is thought to play a key role and therefore the labor process may be affected by endocrine disruptors. We sought to determine whether or not an environmental toxicant, DDE, or dietary derived endocrine disruptors, daidzein and genistein, are associated with spontaneous preterm labor.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cases were defined as primiparous patients having a preterm delivery at or before 35 weeks following the spontaneous onset of labor. Controls were defined as primiparous women who delivered on the same day as the cases but at term gestation.</p> <p>Over approximately 1 year, 26 cases and 52 controls were recruited. Subjects agreed to have blood tests on day one postpartum for DDE and for the phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean concentration of DDE was similar in the case and control groups: 4.29 vs 4.32 ng/g lipid p = .85. In the case group, 13/26 had detectable levels of daidzein (range 0.20 – 1.56 ng/ml) compared to 25/52 controls (range 0.21 – 3.26 ng/ml). The mean concentration of daidzein was similar in cases compared to controls: 0.30 vs .34 ng/ml p = 0.91. Of the case group,14/26 had detectable levels of genistein (range 0.20 – 2.19 ng/ml) compared to 32/52 controls (range 0.21 – 2.55 ng/ml). The mean concentration of genistein was similar in cases compared to controls: 0.39 vs 0.31 ng/ml, p = 0.61.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The serum levels of DDE in this population were found to be low.</p> <p>There appears to be no relationship between serum concentrations of DDE, daidzein, and genistein and spontaneous preterm labor in our population. The inability to identify an effect may be related to the comparatively low concentrations of DDE in our population and the rapid and variable reduction of phytoestrogens from women in labor.</p

    Inositols: From established knowledge to novel approaches

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    Myo-inositol (myo-Ins) and D-chiro-inositol (D-chiro-Ins) are natural compounds involved in many biological pathways. Since the discovery of their involvement in endocrine signal transduction, myo-Ins and D-chiro-Ins supplementation has contributed to clinical approaches in ameliorating many gynecological and endocrinological diseases. Currently both myo-Ins and D-chiro-Ins are well-tolerated, effective alternative candidates to the classical insulin sensitizers, and are useful treatments in preventing and treating metabolic and reproductive disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and male fertility disturbances, like sperm abnormalities. Moreover, besides metabolic activity, myo-Ins and D-chiro-Ins deeply influence steroidogenesis, regulating the pools of androgens and estrogens, likely in opposite ways. Given the complexity of inositol-related mechanisms of action, many of their beneficial effects are still under scrutiny. Therefore, continuing research aims to discover new emerging roles and mechanisms that can allow clinicians to tailor inositol therapy and to use it in other medical areas, hitherto unexplored. The present paper outlines the established evidence on inositols and updates on recent research, namely concerning D-chiro-Ins involvement into steroidogenesis. In particular, D-chiro-Ins mediates insulin-induced testosterone biosynthesis from ovarian thecal cells and directly affects synthesis of estrogens by modulating the expression of the aromatase enzyme. Ovaries, as well as other organs and tissues, are characterized by a specific ratio of myo-Ins to D-chiro-Ins, which ensures their healthy state and proper functionality. Altered inositol ratios may account for pathological conditions, causing an imbalance in sex hormones. Such situations usually occur in association with medical conditions, such as PCOS, or as a consequence of some pharmacological treatments. Based on the physiological role of inositols and the pathological implications of altered myo-Ins to D-chiro-Ins ratios, inositol therapy may be designed with two different aims: (1) restoring the inositol physiological ratio; (2) altering the ratio in a controlled way to achieve specific effects

    Designing a HER2/neu promoter to drive α1,3galactosyltransferase expression for targeted anti-αGal antibody-mediated tumor cell killing

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    INTRODUCTION: Our goal was to specifically render tumor cells susceptible to natural cytolytic anti-αGal antibodies by using a murine α1,3galactosyltransferase (mαGalT) transgene driven by a designed form of HER2/neu promoter (pNeu), the transcription of which is frequently observed to be above basal in breast tumors. Indeed, the αGalT activity that promotes Galα1,3Galβ1,4GlcNAc-R (αGal) epitope expression has been mutationally disrupted during the course of evolution, starting from Old World primates, and this has led to the counter-production of large amounts of cytotoxic anti-αGal antibodies in recent primates, including man. METHOD: Expression of the endogenous c-erbB-2 gene was investigated in various cell lines by northern blotting. A mαGalT cDNA was constructed into pcDNA3 vector downstream of the original CMV promoter (pCMV/mαGalT) and various forms of pNeu were prepared by PCR amplification and inserted in the pCMV/mαGalT construct upstream of the mαGalT cDNA, in the place of the CMV promoter. These constructs were transferred into HEK-293 control and breast tumor cell lines. Stably transfected cells were analyzed by northern blotting for their expression of αGalT and c-erbB-2, and by flow cytometry for their binding with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated Griffonia simplicifolia/isolectin B4. RESULTS: We show that expression of the mαGalT was up- or down-modulated according to the level of endogenous pNeu activity and the particular form of constructed pNeu. Among several constructs, two particular forms of the promoter, pNeu250 containing the CCAAT box and the PEA3 motif adjacent to the TATAA box, and pNeu664, which has three additional PEA3 motifs upstream of the CCAAT box, were found to promote differential αGalT expression. CONCLUSION: Our results strengthen current concepts about the crucial role played by the proximal PEA3 motif of pNeu, and may represent a novel therapeutic approach for the development of targeted transgene expression
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