243 research outputs found

    The nature of compensatory and restorative processes in the livers of animals irradiated during hypokinesia

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    The nature of postirradiation repair in the livers of rats irradiated during hypokinesia is investigated. Hepatocyte population counts, mitotic activity, binuclear cell content, and karyometric studies were done to ascertain the effects of combined hypokinesia and radiation. Hypokinesia is shown to change the nature and rate of post-irradiation changes in the liver, the effect varying with the timing of irradiation relative to the length of hypokinesia. It is concluded that the changes in the compensatory and restorative processes are caused by stress developed in response to isolation and restricted mobility. By changing neuroendocrine system activity, the stress stimulates cell and tissue repair mechanisms at a certain stage essential to the body's reaction of subsequent irradiation

    Формування механізму реалізації державної фінансової політики в Україні

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    EN:Financial system was considered as an integration factor of aggregated elements of state economic system that provides accumulative property of financial resources and their mobility between subjects. This is possible, when the influence of financial policy of the state is taken out. As it defines the objective tendencies of growing share of the financial sector contribution to the gross domestic product, which drives the redistribution within the financial system funds involved in the form of foreign borrowing and foreign investment. It has been proved that an alternative model of development for implementation of financial policy of the state in the context of the financial system and the economic factors functioning provides optimal cost distribution of financial resources between businesses, households, industries, regions, and financial intermediaries. Designing the integrated approach to development for implementation of financial policy of the state’s distribution of budget transfers between entities of the financial system focused on corporate governing the financial resources, and is a common feature of the integrated aggregated elements of economic system. The mechanism of the financial system operation is considered as a set of tools for designing the strategic regulation, planning, financing and managing financial flows. This made ground for methodic support to the research and its meaningful component of financial support by the state and the impact of potential financial risks on the formation of alternative distribution and use of financial resources between entities on financial market. The elements of financial relations at the state level were segregated to create conditions for placing its own debt on the stock market, to attract resources to finance budget expenditures and debt management. It is suggested to consider fiscal policy as part of the implementation of financial policy of the state in the short term, aimed at the redistribution of the gross domestic product due to tax system, budget expenditure and social transfers. In the long run, fiscal policy should help boost economic development of the state through discretionary changes in economic stabilizers and regulators, thus providing a multiplier effect leveling the result of internal displacement lag and budget shortage. UK:Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню засад формування та реалізації державної фінансової політики в Україні. Розглянуто фінансову систему як фактор інтеграції сукупних елементів економічної системи держави, який забезпечує акумулятивну властивість фінансових ресурсів та їх мобільність між суб’єктами. Розкрито механізм функціонування фінансової системи та обґрунтовано методичну складову формування державної фінансової підтримки. Виокремлено елементи фінансових відносин на державному рівні для формування умов розміщення власних боргових зобов’язань на фондовому ринку, залучення ресурсів для фінансування видатків бюджету, а також управління державним боргом. Запропоновано розглядати бюджетно-податкову політику як складову реалізації державної фінансової політики в короткостроковому періоді, спрямовану на перерозподіл валового внутрішнього продукту за системою оподаткування, бюджетних витрат та соціальних трансфертів. В довгостроковому періоді бюджетно-податкова політика повинна сприяти зростанню економічного розвитку країни через дискреційні зміни економічних стабілізаторів та регуляторів, забезпечуючи таким чином ефект мультиплікатора, нівелюючи ефект витіснення внутрішнього лагу, дефіцит бюджету


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    Using the different computational approaches, we constructed the core region of amyloid fibrils from lysozyme, Aβ-protein and apolioprotein A-I, and studied the adsorption of fibrillar aggregates onto lipid bilayer surface. The structures of amyloids differing in their twisting angle were generated with CreateFibril software. The stability of the obtained assemblies was assessed by means of AQUASOL tool, and the twisting angle providing the most stable conformation was identified. The energetically favorable orientation of the fibrils within the lipid membranes was predicted based on PPM server. It was found that increasing amyloid periodicity bring about the rise in free energy of peptide transfer from aqueous to membrane phase

    Wet-chemistry processing of powdery raw material for high-tech ceramics

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    The purpose of this study was to develop wet-chemistry approaches for the synthesis of ultradispersed and mesoporous metal oxide powders and powdery composites intended for usage in the production of ceramic materials with desired properties. The focus is on the development of template synthesis of mesoporous metal silicates as well as obtaining nano- and subnanopowders by a modified sol-gel technique and template methods. Families of mesoporous (2 to 300 nm) metal silicates and nano-oxides and subnanopowders (4 to 300 nm) were synthesized by the template method and modified sol-gel technique, respectively. Texture and morphology of the obtained objects have been studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis, and N2 adsorption-desorption. It was found that morphological parameters of the metal oxide obtained by the modified sol-gel technique depend nonlinearly on the initial molar ratio value of the sol stabilizer and metal in the reaction medium as well as the nature of the stabilizer. It has been shown that the nature of structure-directing components determines the morphology of the silicate obtained by the template method: dispersion and shape of its particles. The developed laboratory technology corresponds to the conception of soft chemistry and may be adapted to the manufacture of ultradispersed materials for catalysis, solar cells, fuel cells, semiconductors, sensors, low-sized electronic devices of new generation, etc

    Fiscal Policy in a Decentralized Space of the Financial System of Ukraine

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    The article deals with fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of Ukraine. The methodology of complex, systematic assessment of fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is grounded. It is proved that effective methodological approach to assessing fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is a vector auto regression (VAR), which provides dynamic correlation of time series with simultaneous determination of each exogenous and endogenous variable in the system, in case of fiscal impulses (shocks) in economy. The production-institutional function is used which, when adapting to the relationship between GDP and tax burden with specific statistics, changes the type of trend of tax revenue. A method for evaluating the effectiveness of financing targeted programs for decentralized territory has been developed. The dynamics of direct and indirect taxes to the state and local budgets are analyzed and the fiscal significance of VAT in GDP, the state budget and tax revenues of Ukraine is determined. The amount of tax debt and the state budget deficit has been estimated and the structure of tax benefits in terms of taxes and fees in Ukraine is presented. The projected values of real tax revenues per capita are substantiated and the forecast parameters of the level of subsidization of local budgets of decentralized territories are given

    Генетические типы песчаников красноцветной терригенной формации как основа для оценки их инженерно-геологических свойств

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    The mineral composition, structure and physical, and mechanical properties of sandstones of the Redstone Terrigenous Formation at the Eastern margin of the Russian Platform are analyzed taking into account their facial conditions. Specific features of the composition and structure of various genetic types are determined. The results of study make it possible to use the genetic typification of sandstones as a basis for their engineeringgeological classification and an explanation of nature of their strength.Проведен анализ минералогического состава, строения и физико-механических свойств песчаников красноцветной терригенной формации восточной окраины Русской платформы с учетом фациальных условий их образования. Определены особенности состава и строения пород различных генетических типов. Результаты выводов позволяют использовать генетическую типизацию песчаников как основу для их инженерно-геологической классификации и объяснения природы их прочности

    Ensuring security the movement of foreign direct investment: Ukraine and the EU economic relations

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    It is well known that an important positive result of attracting foreign direct investment for the country's economy can be the receipt and subsequent distribution of more advanced production and management technologies. That is why the injection of foreign capital is necessary not only for direct financing but also for the general development of the invested country. The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of ensuring the level of security of investment attractiveness of the world's economies in the polystructural space of foreign direct investment and to highlight the aggregated factors of the investment attractiveness index that characterize the investment climate, investment activity and the state of economic development of the country. To determine the synergistic impact of foreign direct investment on the indicator of the country's investment attractiveness the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and mental modelling were used. As a result, it was found that the EU countries are one of the largest investors (the share 65-90% of all investments) in the polystructural space of international investment. It was concluded that in the context of deepening cooperation and realizing the unique capabilities of the states in shaping the global investment climate, it is necessary to ensure a high level of employment of the population by creating new jobs, updating the transfer and introducing the latest technologies, solving social problems at the general level; to carry out an investment modernization of the economy to increase the fixed assets of enterprises; to implement a more effective investment policy


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    Squaraines represent a class of organic dyes operating in red and near-infrared regions. Due to their unique optical characteristics, such as high extinction coefficients, reduced background fluorescence and light scattering, photostability, these fluorophores attract ever-growing attention as prospective bioimaging agents. The present contribution overviews the spectral properties and some biological applications of the novel squaraine dye SQ-1. This probe was found to possess very high lipid-associating ability manifesting itself in a sharp increase of its emission. Binding of SQ-1 to the lipid bilayers containing zwitterionic and anionic lipids was found to be controlled mainly by hydrophobic interactions. Analysis of SQ-1 spectral behavior in the model membrane systems containing heme proteins revealed the dye sensitivity to the reactive oxygen species. This effect was supposed to originate from the reaction between lipid radicals and SQ-1 occuring at the squaric moiety or in its vicinity. Resonance energy transfer studies highlight the applicability of SQ-1 to structural characterization of amyloid fibrils

    Arabidopsis thaliana phytaspase: identification and peculiar properties

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    Phytaspases are plant cell death-related proteases of the subtilisin-like protease family that possess an unusual aspartate cleavage specificity. Although phytaspase activity is widespread in plants, phytaspase of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has escaped detection and identification thus far. Here, we show that a single gene (At4 g10540) out of 56 A. thaliana subtilisin-like protease genes encodes a phytaspase. The recombinant phytaspase was overproduced in Nicotiana benthamiana Domin leaves, isolated, and its substrate specificity and properties were characterised. At pH 5.5, at physiological mildly acidic reaction conditions, the Arabidopsis phytaspase was shown to be strictly Asp-specific. The strongly preferred cleavage motifs of the enzyme out of a panel of synthetic peptide substrates were YVAD and IETD, while the VEID-based substrate preferred by the tobacco and rice phytaspases was almost completely resistant to hydrolysis. At neutral pH, however, the Arabidopsis phytaspase could hydrolyse peptide substrates after two additional amino acid residues, His and Phe, in addition to Asp. This observation may indicate that the repertoire of Arabidopsis phytaspase targets could possibly be regulated by the conditions of the cellular environment. Similar to tobacco and rice phytaspases, the Arabidopsis enzyme was shown to accumulate in the apoplast of epidermal leaf cells. However, in stomatal cells Arabidopsis phytaspase was observed inside the cells, possibly co-localising with vacuole. Our study thus demonstrates that the Arabidopsis phytaspase possesses both important similarities with and distinctions from the already known phytaspases, and is likely to be the most divergent member of the phytaspase family

    Insurance Protection of Agricultural Producers of Ukraine: A Review of Insurance Companies and Products

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    The article is aimed at analyzing the work of insurance companies in the agricultural insurance market, evaluating their services for insurance protection of agricultural producers and studying the State’s efforts in supporting farmers in the sphere of agricultural insurance. In the course of the study, it is defined that the current system of agricultural insurance is unsatisfactory, and every year regressive processes are observed in the agricultural insurance market. The low demand for agricultural insurance in Ukraine is associated with the high cost of the service, limited choice of counter-parties, complexity of the insurance mechanism. The carried out analysis of the work of insurers in the agricultural insurance market indicates their partial participation in this type of insurance: for example, out of 64 insurers licensed for agricultural insurance, only less than a third provide services in this direction. As a result of the study of the line of insurance products for agricultural insurance, it is determined that complex and index insurance and insurance of animals and poultry are in great demand. It is found out that the extanrt system of agricultural insurance with the State support, even under the conditions of its functioning, would not have gained much popularity. The main reasons are a complex insurance mechanism, a one-time payment of 100% insurance premiums and the insecurity of the agricultural producer in obtaining the entire amount of subsidies belonging to him further on. In the future, in order to improve the situation in this industry, it is necessary to make certain amendments to the current legislation, which will revitalize the domestic sphere of agricultural insurance while providing confidence to agricultural producers in the continuity and reproduction of their output