47 research outputs found

    Preparation and optical characterization of Cu2ZnGeSe4 thin films

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    Cu2ZnGeSe4 (CZGSe) films have been fabricated by ion beam sputtering onto glass substrates at a substrate temperature of 300 and 420 K. CZGSe films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and by the method of normal incidence transmittance and reflectance. XRD studies reveal an improved crystallinity of the polycrystalline CZGSe films with tetragonal structure when the substrate temperature was increased. The refraction index and extinction coefficient were extracted from the optical measurements. Spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient and the energy band gaps values of CZGSe films were also determinedFinancial supports from IRSES PVICOKEST 269167, MICINN projects (KEST-PV; ENE2010- 21541-C03-01/-02/-03) and FRCFB 13.820.05.11/BF projects are acknowledged. RC also acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521

    Psychological Aspects of Management and Economics of Higher Education

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    This paper considers the idea that the creative productivity of and psychological basis for achieving high results is expressed in general abilities, creativity, optimism, belief in success and motivation in all social spheres. Management education is crucial for the formation of future professionals in all areas of public life. The article contains analysis of development of new progressive models of management education which should combine the basic types of controls: administrative (command) and motivational management, project management and process management. To control dynamics, which was considered more “progressive”, there are two problems. The first is the problem of the relation of design (innovation) and process (recurring) activities, the other activities of education authorities, particularly at the municipal level, a significant proportion of time and energy which is the current routine functions - the payment of salaries to employees of educational institutions, etc. In the modernization models of management education need to move from the traditional use of two control mechanisms - planning (many “activities”), and pervasive control for the full set (cycle) mechanisms, such as: analysis of current state controlled educational system, the forecast of development of the education system, goal setting, scheduling development tasks, providing resources, monitoring the development of the educational system, which is the essence of operational management. Keywords: higher education, psychology, management of education, modernization of education, economic education JEL Classifications: A20, A29, I21, I2


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    Influence of fractional pressure of monosilane and argon intermixture and substrate temperature on optical performances of thin-film coatings from the silicon dioxide, received by direct deposition from ion beams on substrates from a glass and silicon with use of the end Hall accelerator as a ion source is investigated. It is positioned, that the magnification of fractional pressure of monosilane and argon intermixture of results in to growth of deposition rate and a refractivity and decrease in an optical transmission of coatings. Rise in substrate temperature promoted improvement of optical performances of silicon dioxide layers that explains magnification of adatoms mobility and chemical interaction boost between silicon and oxygen.Исследовано влияние парциального давления смеси моносилана и аргона и температуры подложки на оптические характеристики тонкопленочных покрытий из диоксида кремния, полученных прямым осаждением из ионных пучков на подложках из стекла и кремния с использованием торцевого холловского ускорителя в качестве источника ионов. Установлено, что увеличение парциального давления смеси моносилана и аргона приводит к росту скорости нанесения и коэффициента преломления и снижению оптического пропускания покрытий. Повышение температуры подложки способствовало улучшению оптических характеристик слоев диоксида кремния, что объясняется увеличением подвижности адатомов и стимулированием химического взаимодействия между кремнием и кислородом

    Экспериментальное обоснование эффективного режима воздействия инфракрасного излучения на организм человека при проведении инфракрасной терапии

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    The authors developed an infrared (IR) cabin with biotechnical feedback, which solves the problems of increasing the efficiency and safety of IR heating procedure. The target audience for the developed IR cabin includes two groups: 1) young people who embrace an active lifestyle (using the IR cabin for health purposes); 2) mature and elderly people, including those with cardiovascular diseases (using the IR cabin for therapeutic purposes). The research conducted determines the effective mode of infrared radiation exposure to a human body. To assess the effectiveness of exposure the authors propose a coefficient equal to the ratio of weight loss of the user to the maximum operating temperature in the infrared cabin at body level. It is established that a person experiences effective heating at the working temperature of air inside the IR cabin (at body level) in the range from 40 to 42 °C. This temperature regime already contributes to intense sweating, but does not yet lead to discomfort and undesirable load on the cardiovascular system. The beginning of the IR heating should be considered the moment when the IR cabin reaches the operating temperature of 40 °C. Based on the monitoring of indicators of the thermal conditions of the IR cabin, it is necessary to automatically maintain the temperature range from 40 to 42 °C during IR heating. Control of the user's physiological parameters during IR therapy and automatic correction of the power of IR radiators will make the IR heating procedure safe for users. The developed IR cabin can be used in health resort and healthcare institutions of the Republic of Belarus.Авторами разработана инфракрасная (ИК) кабина с биотехнической обратной связью, решающая задачи повышения эффективности и безопасности процедуры ИК прогревания. Целевая аудитория для разработанной ИК кабины включает два сегмента: 1) молодые люди, ведущие активный образ жизни (использование ИК кабины в целях оздоровления); 2) люди зрелого и пожилого возраста, в том числе люди с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями (использование ИК кабины с лечебной целью). Проведены исследования по определению эффективного режима воздействия ИК излучения на организм человека. Для оценки эффективности воздействия предложен коэффициент, равный отношению потери веса пользователя к максимальной рабочей температуре воздуха в ИК кабине на уровне тела человека. Установлено, что эффективное прогревание человека происходит при рабочих температурах воздуха внутри ИК кабины (на уровне тела человека) в интервале от 40 до 42 °С. Такой температурный режим уже способствует интенсивному потоотделению, но еще не приводит к дискомфортным ощущениям и нежелательной нагрузке на сердечно-сосудистую систему. Началом ИК прогревания следует считать момент выхода ИК кабины на рабочую температуру 40 °С. На основании мониторинга показателей теплового режима ИК кабины необходимо автоматически поддерживать внутри нее температурный режим от 40 до 42 °С во время периода ИК прогревания. Контроль состояния физиологических параметров пользователя при проведении ИК терапии и автоматическая корректировка мощности ИК излучателей позволят сделать процедуру ИК прогревания безопасной для пользователей. Разработанная ИК кабина может быть использована в санаторнокурортных организациях и учреждениях здравоохранения Республики Беларусь

    Transitions in bacterial communities along the 2000 km salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea

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    Salinity is a major factor controlling the distribution of biota in aquatic systems, and most aquatic multicellular organisms are either adapted to life in saltwater or freshwater conditions. Consequently, the saltwater–freshwater mixing zones in coastal or estuarine areas are characterized by limited faunal and floral diversity. Although changes in diversity and decline in species richness in brackish waters is well documented in aquatic ecology, it is unknown to what extent this applies to bacterial communities. Here, we report a first detailed bacterial inventory from vertical profiles of 60 sampling stations distributed along the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea, one of world's largest brackish water environments, generated using 454 pyrosequencing of partial (400 bp) 16S rRNA genes. Within the salinity gradient, bacterial community composition altered at broad and finer-scale phylogenetic levels. Analogous to faunal communities within brackish conditions, we identified a bacterial brackish water community comprising a diverse combination of freshwater and marine groups, along with populations unique to this environment. As water residence times in the Baltic Sea exceed 3 years, the observed bacterial community cannot be the result of mixing of fresh water and saltwater, but our study represents the first detailed description of an autochthonous brackish microbiome. In contrast to the decline in the diversity of multicellular organisms, reduced bacterial diversity at brackish conditions could not be established. It is possible that the rapid adaptation rate of bacteria has enabled a variety of lineages to fill what for higher organisms remains a challenging and relatively unoccupied ecological niche

    Small details of big importance: Carbon mass determination in the invasive cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov, 1891) by the high temperature combustion method

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    Carbon mass of the non-indigenous predatory fishhook water flea Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov, 1891) from the eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea, was for the first time measured using the high temperature combustion method. Prior to the analysis, individual dry weight of Cercopagis was determined; altogether ca. 500 organisms were examined. Mean individual dry weight of C. pengoi for July-September was estimated as 34.0 μg; carbon mass averaged 15.8 μg; carbon content, calculated as percent of dry weight, averaged 43.4%. Those values varied over months, mainly because of different population structure of C. pengoi and variation in their diet due to seasonal dynamics of the food objects. However, relations between carbon mass and dry weight for different months did not differ statistically (p<0.001). Therefore, the general polynomial regressions (k=2), describing carbon mass-to-dry weight and carbon content-to-dry weight relationships, were calculated for the entire dataset of individual measurements of C. pengoi body metrics. These data will contribute to adequate evaluation of food web structure and ecosystem alterations in various water bodies invaded by C. pengoi which has got a strong potential to pelagic food web transformations that may impact the overall energy balance and decrease the size of fish stocks

    Investigation of the process of reactive ion-beam sputtering of gallium arsenide using optical emission spectroscopy

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    Целью данной работы являлось исследование процесса -реактивного ионно-лучевого распыления арсенида галлия с использованием оптического эмиссионного анализа плазмы в области мишени для определения оптимальных условий формирования собственных оксидов GaAs. Источником ионов являлся плазмотрон на базе ускорителя с анодным слоем, который генерировал поток ускоренных ионов аргона и кислорода с энергией 400–1200 эВ. Мишень была изготовлена из арсенида галлия, легированного теллуром. При распылении GaAs ионами Ar+ в спектре обнаружены интенсивные линии GaI (2874,2 Å, 2943,6 Å, 4033,0 Å и 4172,1 Å), атомарного аргона ArI, ионов аргона, а также линии FeI. Появление линий железа может быть объяснено распылением полюсных наконечников магнитной системы ионного источника. Увеличение ускоряющего напряжения с 1 до 3 кВ приводит к росту интенсивности пиков атомарного галлия GaI (4172,1 Å) в 2,38 раза, линии GaI (4033,0 Å) – в 3,25 раза, линии GaI (2943,6 Å) – в 3,4 раза, линии GaI (2874,2 Å) – в 5 раз. Установлено, что увеличение парциального давления кислорода приводит к резкому уменьшению пиков GaI (4033,0 Å) и GaI (4172,1 Å) из-за химического взаимодействия галлия и кислорода. Распыление в чистом кислороде снижает интенсивность этих пиков в 8 и 5 раз соответственно. Интенсивность пиков атомарного галлия GaI (2874,2 Å) и GaI (2943,6 Å) снизилась в 2 и 1,78 раза соответственно. При наличии положительного потенциала на мишени интенсивность всех линий атомарного галлия монотонно снижается с увеличением потенциала. В эмиссионном спектре были обнаружены линии атомарного кислорода ОI (7774,2 Å) и молекулярных положительных ионов O+2 (6418,7 Å, 6026,4 Å, 5631,9 Å и 5295,7 Å). При наличии положительного потенциала на мишени наблюдалось монотонное снижение интенсивности вышеуказанных линий кислорода. Это свидетельствует об интенсификации процессов химического взаимодействия кислорода с элементами мишени и, соответственно, о снижении свободных активных частиц кислорода.The aim of this work was to study the process of reactive ion-beam sputtering of gallium arsenide using optical emission analysis of plasma in the target region to determine the optimal conditions for the formation of intrinsic GaAs oxides. The ion source was a plasmatron based on an anode layer accelerator (UAS), which generated a stream of accelerated argon and oxygen ions with an energy of 400–1200 eV. The target was made from tellurium doped gallium arsenide. Intense GaI lines (2874.2 Å, 2943.6 Å, 4033.0 Å and 4172.1 Å), atomic argon ArI, argon ions, and also FeI lines were detected in the spectrum upon sputtering of GaAs by Ar+ ions. The appearance of iron lines can be explained by the sputtering of the pole tips of the magnetic system of the ion source. An increase in the accelerating voltage from 1 to 3 kV leads to an increase in the intensity of the peaks of atomic gallium GaI (4172.1 Å) by 2.38 times, the GaI line (4033.0 Å) by 3.25 times, the GaI line (2943.6 Å) 3.4 times, GaI lines (2874.2 Å) 5 times. It was found that an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen leads to a sharp decrease in the peaks of GaI (4033.0 Å) and GaI (4172.1 Å) due to the chemical interaction of gallium and oxygen. Sputtering in pure oxygen reduces the intensity of these peaks by 8 and 5 times, respectively. The intensities of the peaks of atomic gallium GaI (2874.2 Å) and GaI (2943.6 Å) decreased in 2 and 1.78 times, respectively. In the presence of a positive potential on the target, the intensity of all lines of atomic gallium monotonically decreases with increasing potential. In the emission spectrum, lines of atomic oxygen OI (7774.2 Å) and molecular positive ions O+2 (6418.7 Å, 6026.4 Å, 5631.9 Å and 5295.7 Å) were detected. In the presence of a positive potential on the target, a monotonic decrease in the intensity of the above oxygen lines was observed. This indicates an intensification of chemical interaction of oxygen with target elements and, accordingly, a decrease in the free active oxygen particles

    Design of an all-terrain spherical jumping robot with high-dynamic motion

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    In this paper, we propose a design of a new spherical mobile robot with high-dynamic and all-terrain motion. The robot has two single-axis gyroscopes on a revolvable platform for this purpose. It incorporates a jumping mechanism, as well. The structural design of the robot is ready; the movement process on a plane is modelled with and without activated gyroscopes


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    The technical capabilities of the transfer of mechanical energy between the different nodes are often limited. There are different mechanisms in which the working body is movable but the drive for constructional reasons must be stationary (e.g. hand devices, robotic joints, etc.). Alternative way to transfer of mechanical energy from the remote drive to the working body is the using of flexible shafts, cables, pneumatic and hydraulic machines, etc. This article describes a pilot version of an electrohydraulic linear drive with a flexible transmission