179 research outputs found

    Interaction of acid exudates in chickpea with biological activity or cry toxins from Bacillus thuritgiensis berliner against Helicoverpa armigera (hubner)

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    The H armigera egg and larval numbers before and after sprays of B. rhuringiensis (Bt) formulation ~iole~w'e re low on the chickpea genotypes ICC 506 and ICCV 10 across BI concentrations as compared to those on L 550 and C 235 during vegetative and flowering stages. Leaf feeding and pod damage were lowest on ICC 506, followed by ICCV 10 across Bt concentrations as compared to that on L 550 and C 235. During the 2005-06 post-rainy season and first planting during the 2006-07 post-rainy season, highest grain yield was recorded in case of ICCV 10. In the second planting, the genotypes ICCV I0 and ICC 506 recorded the highest total grain yield. There were no significant d~fferences between the genotypes and Bt concentrations for grain yield. Significantly lower leaf damage was recorded on ICC 506 across Br concentrations in detached leaf assay under laboratory conditions. Larval survival and larval weights were lower in ICC 506, ICCV 10. and C 235 across Br concentrations as compared to that of L 550. Survival and development of H. armigera on ICC 506, ICCV 10, and C 235 sprayed with different concentrations of Bt differed significantly with that of the unsprayed plants of these genotypes. At higher concentrations of Br ( and 0.5%), there was no survival of the armigera larvae. At lower concentrations of Br (0.05%), the larval survival and larval and pupal weights were lower on the sprayed (0.05%) plants than those on the unsprayed plants of different chickpea genotypes. Larval and pupal periods were prolonged on plants sprayed with Bt. There was a significant reduction in fecundity of H armigera reared on chickpea plants sprayed with Br. At the vegetative and flowering stages, ICC 506 had the highest amounts of oxalic acid on dry weight and leaf area basis. At the podding stage, ICCV 10 had the highest amount of oxalic acid on dry weight basis. On dry weight basis, ICCV 10 had the highest amount of malic acid at the vegetative, flowering, and podding stages. On leaf area basis, ICCV 10 had the highest amount of malic acid at the vegetative stage, whereas C 235 had the highest amount of malic acid at the flowering and pcdding stages. Fumaric and citric acids were recorded at the podding stage only. The genotype C 235 had the highest amounts of fumaric and citric acids. There was no citric acid in ICC 506. The survival and development ofH armigera larvae reared on artificial diet with leaflpod powder of different chickpea genotypes and Br were significantly lower as compared to that on the standard artificial diet, and the diets without Br. Larval survival, larval and pupal weight, and pupation and adult emergence were lower on the resistant genotypes than on the susceptible ones, and the standard artificial diet. Oxalic and malic acids in the artificial diet increased the biological activity of Br toxins on the H armigera, and resulted in reduced larval weight, prolonged development, and reduced longevity and fecundity. The food, midgut, and faecal matter samples of larvae fed on diet with different amounts of organic acids and BI indicated the conversion of protoxin to toxin, and binding to the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) of midaut. Due to the conversion of p rot ox in to toxin and binding to the BBMV, the amount of Bl toxin in the midgut samples w& greater as comaared to that in the food sam~lesT. here were no significant differences in the amounts of Bt p;otein present in the midgutsamples of the larvae-fed on diet with different amounts of oxalic and malic acids and BI toxin, indicating that the organic acids did not influence the conversion of protoxin to toxin. The amounts of protein in the BBMV preparations ranged from 0.131 to 0.326 mg c&". The amount of protein estimated from the BBMV of larvae fed on diets with Bt was higher as compared to the amounts in the BBMV of the larvae fed on diet without Bt, indicating the binding of the BI protein to the BBMV, which resulted in increased protein content in the BBMV. The insecticidal activity of BI endotoxins depends on the amounts of food ingested by the target insects. The organic acids (oxalic and malic acids) also act as antifeedents, and therefore, may reduce the effect of B1 as less amounts of food will be consumed by the larvae. However, the amounts of oxalic and malic acids impregnated in to the diet did not effect th


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    A potential means to fix minimize power consumption is using asynchronous sensor architectures that sample and transmit data only if a celebration is detected. A celebration-driven sensor consumes minimal power unless of course a celebration is detected. This paper presents the style of asynchronous ECG monitoring and knowledge transmission that cuts down on the circuitry power use of the sensor node without using power gating and requiring neither exterior energy storage devices nor a very like a time reference. The offset calibration is really a typical foreground calibration that's enabled during system startup or manual resetting. The sensor node that is remotely operated by the hub is really a peripheral device from the network that transmits data towards the hub in the recognition of the event. The information processing and memory allocation will be performed through the hub. Therefore, the sensor node can operate from hardly any power. The Two-output items of the ADC are combined and transmitted concurrently, otherwise information could be lost. Employing pulse duration modulation (PDM), the two-bit data stream is combined to create pulses with various time duration for upward conversion and downward conversion. Which means that the transmitter creates a pulse when LT signifies a conversion and U/D defines the time period of this pulse? Within the circuit created for backscattering data transmission, the pulsed signal modulates the 402 MHz RF signal received within the LC network, applying ON-OFF-Keying modulation through transistor. The LC-ADC has both magnitude resolution and time resolution. As time resolution is incorporated within the measurement, the general SNDR is degraded when compared to standalone LNA SNDR

    Performance of black pepper in coconut based high density multi-species cropping system under different nutrient managements

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    Coconut based high density multi-species cropping system (HDMSCS) is recommended to obtain maximum income and better utilization of resources. The crops grown under HDMSCS include fruits, vegetables, spices etc. Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), an important spice crop, is generally a component  under coconut based cropping systems. In the present study, the performance of black pepper under coconut based HDMSCS involving banana, nutmeg, cinnamon, and other annuals viz., turmeric, ginger and elephant foot yam as intercrops, was evaluated, in terms of yield and quality of black pepper. The observations, recorded for four years (2009-10 to 2012-13) under three different nutrient management practices, indicated no significant difference in yield and quality parameters of black pepper. The pooled data of four years indicated a mean pepper yield of 2.4 kg vine-1, and quality parameters viz., per cent of oil, oleoresin, piperine and bulk density (g L-1) were 2.3, 9.8, 3.1 and 500.7, respectively. Under different nutrient management practices, the yield of both black pepper and coconut increased by 166 and 9 per cent, respectively, compared to the pre-treatment period (2005-07). The present study indicated that there was no reduction in yield of coconut when black pepper was grown in the basin and depending upon the availability of resources, farmers can follow the nutrient management practices

    Growth Response of Amaranthus gangeticus to Azotobacter chroococcum Isolated from Different Agroclimatic Zones of Karnataka

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    In the present study Azotobacter chroococcum was isolated from various agro climatic zones of Karnataka. The effect of A. chroococcum isolates on seed germination of Amaranthus.gangeticus was studied and also the effect of A.chroococcum isolates on growth, biomass and nutrient content of Amaranthus gangeticus was studied under green house conditions. In seed germination studies the length of plumule and radicle was higher with inoculation of A. chroococcum isolates than uninoculated control plants. Treatments of A.chroococcum isolates from ten different zones of Karnataka were given to seedlings of Amaranthus gangeticus to study plant growth parameters such as plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, root length, shoot and root fresh and dry weight and nutrient uptake. Plants inoculated with Azotobacter isolates performed well when compared to uninoculated control plants. In Biochemical analysis chlorophyll content, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium content was higher when compared to uninoculated control plants. The results of these experiments concluded that plants inoculated with Azotobacter isolates showed better growth response, biomass yield and nutrient content when compared with uninoculated control plants. Hence plants inoculated with A.chroococcum isolates were found to enhance the plant growth, biomass and nutrient content

    Bilateral Serous Retinal Detachment as a Complication of Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Low Platelets Syndrome

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    Preeclampsia is an obstetric disease of unknown cause that affects approximately 5% of pregnant women. The visual system may be affected with variable intensity. Bilateral, serous, nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a rare complication of toxaemia of pregnancy, and its pathogenesis is related to the choroidal ischemia secondary to an intense arteriolar vasospasm. In the vast majority of the cases, the detachment occurs concomitantly with hypertensive retinopathy. The majority of patients have a complete recovery of vision with clinical management and surgery is unnecessary. This is a case report of a 23‑year‑old patient who developed the severe form of preeclampsia and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome in her third pregnancy. She had progressive blurred vision, until she could see fingers up to 3 meter. Ophthalmic examination diagnosed bilateral retinal detachment. With blood pressure control at postpartum, the patient had her retina reattached, and recovery of vision.Keywords: Eclampsia, exudative retinal detachment, preeclampsi

    Interaction between host plant resistance and biological activity of Bacillus thuringiensis in managing the pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in chickpea

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    The legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) has developed high levels of resistance to conventional insecticides, and therefore, efforts are being made to develop transgenic chickpea expressing toxin genes from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for controlling this pest. However, there is an apprehension that acid exudates in chickpea might interfere with biological activity of Bt. Therefore, we studied the biological activity of Bt (BiolepR) on four chickpea genotypes with different levels of resistance to H. armigera under field conditions, and by incorporating lyophilized lead and pod tissue into the artificial diet with and without Bt. The pH of the acid exudates varied from 2.1 to 2.90, and malic and oxalic acid were the major components of the acid exudates in different chickpea genotypes. There was no survival of H. armigera larvae in chickpea plants spayed with 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5% of Bt. There was a significant reduction in larval survival, larval and pupal weights and fecundity, and prolongation of larval and pupal periods in chickpea plots sprayed with Bt (0.05%) as compared to the unsprayed plants. Biological activity of Bt was lower on artificial diets with leaf or pod powder of chickpea genotypes, which might be because of a low intake of Bt toxins due to antifeedant effects of acid exudates in the chickpea or reduction in biological activity of Bt due to the interaction of biochemical constituents in chickpea with the Bt toxins. Larval survival, larval and pupal weights, pupation and adult emergence were significantly lower on diets with leaf or pod powder of the H. armigera-resistant genotypes than on the susceptible check. Chickpea genotypes with resistance to H. armigera acted in concert with Bt to cause adverse effects on the survival and development of this insect. The results suggested that development of transgenic chickpeas expressing toxin genes form Bt will be quite effective for controlling of the pod borer, H. armigera

    Traditional method or online teaching; which method students prefer: an observational study

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    Background: An unexpected global pandemic broke out in initial months of 2020 i.e., COVID-19 which drastically brought a difference in the progress of education in various institutions, especially the medical field where we study about life was also made online. This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of students ‘opinion regarding which is the better, traditional teaching or online live teaching.Methods: Survey was conducted among two group of students, 2019 (both online and offline teaching) and 2020 (online teaching with offline practical) batches of Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. A questionnaire was circulated to students regarding the class experience, interest of attending the class, learning effect and clarity of the lecture. Results: Students expressed their views that overall teaching experience and learning effect of offline methodology is superior to online approach, so the traditional offline style or the blend of online and offline modes are apt for teaching.Conclusions: The study is focused on the way in which the teaching and learning approach is delivered which is favoured by the medical practitioners, the qualitative data suggesting required modifications for further improvement in the delivering method to produce qualified medical practitioners to meet the current and imminent situations. This study suggests that a intermingled learning approach is an effective method for anatomy learning, and this approach mainly inculcates self-directed study through online learning


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    In recent times, the number of vehicles on road has exponentially risen due to which traffic congestion and violations are a menace on roads. Automatic License Plate Recognition system can be used to automate the process of traffic management thereby easing out the flow of traffic and strengthening the access control systems. In this paper, we compare the efficiency achieved by morphological processing and edge processing algorithms. A detailed analysis and optimization of neural network parameters such as regularization parameter, number of hidden layer units and number of iterations is done. Here, a scheme is designed for implementation in real time and controlled using a graphical user interface suitable for the application of parking security in offices, institutions, malls, etc. The system utilizes image processing techniques and machine learning algorithms running on matlab and Raspberry Pi 2B to obtain the results with an efficiency of 97%

    Primary Ovarian Insufficiency: Current Understanding and Diagnostic Approaches

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    Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a medical condition where ovarian function stops prematurely, typically before the age of 40. This condition leads to infertility and produces symptoms similar to those experienced during menopause. Although the origins of POIs are diverse, genetic elements substantially influence their emergence. This assessment delves into the genetic facets of POI, covering genetic triggers, detection, and genetic consultation. We scrutinize the genes linked to POI and their function in ovarian activity, as well as the genetic deviations and mutations that foster POI onset. We also examine the challenges and limitations of genetic testing and counseling for POI and suggest ways to address these challenges. This review offers a thorough examination of the existing understanding of the genetic factors linked to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) emphasizing the critical need for further investigation in this field

    Immunobiology of a synthetic luteinizing hormone receptor peptide 21-41

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    Immunization of adult male rabbits with a synthetic luteinizing hormone-receptor peptide (LH-RP; representing amino-acids 21-41 of the extracellular domain of the rat LH receptor) resulted in production of high-titer antibodies capable of interacting with particulate and cell-based LH receptors. The antibody produced was able to inhibit binding of 125I-labeled human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to a particulate sheep luteal LH receptor preparation by 40%-50%. Maximal inhibitory activity was correlated with high antibody titer. Immunocytometry revealed that the antibody could directly bind to cells having LH receptors, such as rat granulosa and Leydig cells. The antibodies recognized a 77-kilodalton membrane protein in Western blots of mouse testicular extracts. Interaction of endogenous Leydig cell LH receptor with the LH-RP antibody resulted in both hormone agonist and antagonistic activities. The hormone-mimicking activity (increase in serum testosterone over control) was confined only to the early phase of immunization when the antibody titer was low. Blockade of LH receptor during the later part of immunization resulted in a significant reduction in serum testosterone over controls and inhibition of spermatogenesis. DNA flow cytometry showed that a specific and significant inhibition of meiosis (transformation of primary spermatocytes to round and elongated spermatids P < .01) and spermiogenesis (transformation of round spermatids to elongated spermatids P < .0001) occurred following blockade of LH function
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