84 research outputs found

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus and multiple chronic diseases

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    Background: Recently, there has been an increase in the number of patients with multiple chronic diseases (MCD), particularly due to obesity and ageing. The role of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the development of MCD, however, is still unclear. Aims: This study aimed to determine the incidence of T2DM in the structure of polymorbidity considering sex and age-related characteristics. Materials and methods: Patients with MCD (n = 2,254; 769 men/1,485 women; aged, 18–99 years) were examined. The incidence of type 2 diabetes among patients with MCD considering age and sex was determined. Results: Type 2 DM was detected in 407 patients with MCD (18.1%; male:female, 1:2.53). The polymorbidity index in male patients with type 2 diabetes was 1.5–2.0 times higher than that in male patients without diabetes. The rate of polymorbidity index increase was similar in both groups; however, its high initial value in patients with diabetes at a young age determined the burden of the comorbidity at a later age. In type 2 diabetes, hypertension was the predominant comorbidity at 18–59 years of age (p<0.05), whereas other cardiovascular diseases and liver and kidney diseases were predominant at 45–74 years of age (p<0.001) and hemiplegia at 45–89 years of age (p<0.05). Between 60 and 74 years, oncological diseases were found to be more common in patients without diabetes (p<0.001). Obesity, regardless of the presence of diabetes, was associated with a greater disease burden (p<0.05). Sex-related difference considering MCD in patients with type 2 DM was only observed for the higher incidence of myocardial infarction (p<0.001) and peptic ulcer disease in males (p<0.01). Females were more likely to have obesity, liver steatosis at a young age, or osteoarthritis than males in the general group (p<0.05); no differences were noted with respect to other diseases. Conclusions: In this study, type 2 diabetes was present in 18.1% of patients with MCD; moreover, a high initial polymorbidity index in patients with T2DM at young age was associated with a higher incidence of chronic diseases later in life than that in patients without diabetes. Based on these results, type 2 diabetes, along with ageing and obesity, can be considered as a risk factor in the development of MCD

    Toxic properties and allelopathic activity of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall.

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    Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., known as yellow sweetclover (Fabaceae), is widely used in medicine and agriculture. At the same time, yellow sweetclover is a weed and invasive plant in Siberia. In Russia, M. officinalis is cultivated as a valuable medicinal, fodder and honey plant. Its widespread use is due to its high ecological plasticity. In recent years, an interest in cultivation of M. officinalis as a low maintenance multipurpose crop has increased in biological agriculture. The herb M. officinalis contains a rich complex of biologically active compounds. However, along with positive properties, this species, though with a rich chemical composition and high physiological activity, is toxic towards different groups of living organisms. The toxic effect of M. officinalis extracts is primarily due to the presence of coumarin. A high allelopathic activity of M. officinalis was revealed. The phytotoxic effect of herb extracts on germination of crop and weed seeds was studied in detail. Data on the fungicidal and insecticidal activity of M. officinalis were obtained. Laboratory and in situ studies showed that the aboveground part of M. officinalis is a potential source of biopesticides with a broad-spectrum effect (bioherbicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal)

    Территории опережающего развития как инструмент поддержки предприятий в российских моногородах

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    This paper aims to estimate the effectiveness of the Priority Development Areas (PDA) program in Russian monotowns at the firm level. Using data from the SPARK-Interfax database on Russian companies in 2014–2018, the authors estimate the effect of the PDA residency on the firms’ revenue growth in monotowns in Russia. The authors test two hypotheses. First, the status of the PDA resident is obtained by firms that have been successful in previous periods. Second, the PDA resident status does not have a positive effect on firm growth. To measure the treatment effect, the authors use the nearest neighbor propensity score matching method, which allows drawing conclusions about causality, as opposed to the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. The regressions consider the firm size, industry, and geographic location of the city. According to the results of the study, both hypotheses are confirmed. Resident status is determined by the gains in the company’s revenue for the two previous periods (the coefficients are significant in all specifications at the 5% level). The influence of residency on the firm’s revenue growth is neglected (becomes insignificant) when comparing enterprises with the same pre-2015 trends. Thus, the authors conclude that the success of the PDA program in Russian monotowns in terms of business support is questionable. The findings of the study are valid for enterprises established before 2015.Целью исследования является оценка эффективности программы создания Территорий опережающего социальноэкономического развития (ТОР) в моногородах Российской Федерации на уровне предприятий. Используя данные из базы СПАРК-Интерфакс для российских предприятий за 2014–2018 гг., авторы дают оценку эффекта резидентства в ТОР на рост выручки фирм в моногородах России. На уровне предприятий проверяются две гипотезы. Вопервых, что статус резидента ТОР получают более эффективные в предыдущих периодах фирмы. Во-вторых, что статус резидента ТОР не оказывает положительного эффекта на рост фирмы. Авторы используют эконометрические методы оценки эффекта воздействия — сопоставление по мере склонности по методу ближайшего соседа, что позволяет делать выводы о причинно-следственных связях в отличие от обычного метода наименьших квадратов (МНК). В регрессиях учитывается размер и отраслевая принадлежность предприятия, а также географическое положение города. По результатам исследования обе гипотезы подтверждены. Статус резидента определен приростами выручки фирмы двух предыдущих периодов (коэффициенты значимы во всех спецификациях на 5%-ном уровне). Влияние резидентства на прирост выручки фирмы исчезает (становится незначимым) при сравнении предприятий с одинаковыми изначальными трендами (pre-trends) до 2015 г. Таким образом, авторы делают вывод, что успешность программы создания ТОР в моногородах с точки зрения поддержки бизнеса вызывает сомнения. Выводы исследования справедливы для предприятий, созданных до 2015

    Исследование взаимосвязи бизнес-моделей банков и стабильности экономического развития

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    Depending on the chosen business model, banks can act as both shock absorbers and crisis catalysts. In this regard, the analysis of the relationship between banks’ business models and financial cycles becomes a useful tool for diagnosing and predicting crisis phenomena. The purpose of the research is to identify the relationship between the volume of debt of the banking and the debt burden of the economy. The research uses econometric methods. The key result of the research is two new econometric models, which were calibrated for the Russian economy. The models differ from each other by the types of bank liabilities used in the calculation of independent variables. The models also differ from the existing models by the calculation algorithm of independent variables. The source of information is the official statistics of the Bank of Russia for the period 2008–2019. The tests of the models confirmed the presence of a statistically significant cointegration relationship between the debt burden of the banking sector and the debt burden of the economy. Coupling coefficients in the models are identified as debt multipliers of the banking sector and characterize the multiplier effect of changes in the debt burden of banks. For the model containing banks’ balance sheet liabilities, the debt multiplier for the Russian economy was 6.7; and for the model using banks’ total liabilities was 3.1. The developed models are easy-to-use for forecasting financial cycles.В зависимости от выбранной бизнес-модели банки могут быть как амортизаторами, так и катализаторами кризиса. В связи с этим анализ взаимосвязи бизнес-моделей банков и финансовых циклов становится полезным инструментом диагностики и прогнозирования кризисных явлений. Цель исследования — выявление связи между объемом задолженности банковского сектора и долговой нагрузкой экономики. В исследовании используются эконометрические методы. Результатом исследования являются две новые эконометрические модели, которые были откалиброваны применительно к российской экономике. Модели отличаются друг от друга видами банковских обязательств, используемых при расчете независимых переменных, а от существующих моделей — алгоритмом вычисления независимых переменных. Источником информации является официальная статистика Банка России за период 2008–2019 гг. Тесты моделей подтвердили наличие статистически значимой коинтеграционной связи между долговыми нагрузками банковского сектора и экономики. Коэффициенты связи в моделях идентифицируются как мультипликаторы долга банковского сектора и характеризуют мультипликативный эффект изменения долговой нагрузки банков. Для модели, содержащей балансовые обязательства банков, мультипликатор долга для экономики России составил 6,7; а для модели с использованием показателя совокупных обязательств банков — 3,1. Разработанные модели удобны в использовании для прогнозирования финансовых циклов

    Identification and quantification of anthocyanins in honeysuckle under the conditions of Tomsk Province

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    Background. Honeysuckle is a promising berry crop for food and medical uses, which has recently become increasingly popular. Searching for sources with high content of bioactive substances to obtain new fruit cultivars with improved chemical composition continues to be relevant. Anthocyanin content and composition in honeysuckle cultivars depend on many factors, including plant reproduction conditions (temperature and humidity). Studying chemical composition of Siberian honeysuckle cultivars grown under the conditions of Western Siberia will make it possible to identify sources of high BAS content for various uses.Materials and methods. The target materials of the study were fruits of 21 honeysuckle cultivars grown in Western Siberia before and after freezing. The qualitative and quantitative composition of anthocyanins was assessed in ethanol extracts of honeysuckle fruits using HPLC technique.Results. The content of anthocyanins was higher in the fruits of honeysuckle grown in Western Siberia compared with the published data for the same cultivars reproduced in Belgorod Province (Central Black Earth Region). After freezing, the anthocyanin level in honeysuckle fruits remained the same and in some cases even increased.Conclusions. The obtained data helped to ascertain that honeysuckle fruits reproduced in Western Siberia are valuable sources of such bioactive compounds as anthocyanins

    Distribution of microbial population as a cause and consequence of the anti-bacterial therapy failure of ventilator-associated pneumonia

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    Goal of the study: to study the specific distribution of microbial population in the lungs in the patients being on artificial pulmonary ventilation for a continuous period of time basing on the results of bacteriological culture of the specimens collected from various parts of the lungs and tracheobronchial system through intravital broncoscopy or post mortem.Materials and methods. Pilot study including intravital and post mortem identification of microbial population in various parts of the lungs and tracheobronchial system in 18 patients with signs of ventilator-associated pneumonia developed after cardiac-vascular and neurosurgical interventions. Intravital microbiological tests of the aspirate collected from all lobar bronchi of both lungs obtained through fiber-optic bronchoscopy were performed in 9 patients. Post mortem collection of pulmonary tissue for culture from all lobes of both lungs, lingulars of the left lung and relevant bronchi (totally 12 specimens from the lungs and bronchi) during 24 hours after death was performed in 9 patients.Results of the study. As per the data of microbiological tests the pulmonary infection was found in all patients from both groups. Intravital tests detected inter-lobar differences of microbial profile in 5 cases, and in 4 cases the differences were detected between the lungs. Post mortem microbiological tests detected differences between lobes and within lobes in 6 cases, of them in 5 cases there were also differences between the lungs. In all cases of nonuniform distribution detected post mortem, differences between lobes were accompanied by the differences within lobes (between tissue of the lungs and draining bronchus). Data analysis of intravital and post mortem microbiological diagnostics detected the similarity in the microbial population distribution in the tracheobronchial system in case of ventilator-associated pneumonia despite the different techniques of specimen collection. The diagnostic test capable to reflect regional distribution of the microbial population has been offered: aspirate culture from 5 lobar bronchi which could be used when managing patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia

    Introduction of a new model for time-continuous and non-contact investigations of in-vitro thrombolysis under physiological flow conditions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thrombolysis is a dynamic and time-dependent process influenced by the haemodynamic conditions. Currently there is no model that allows for time-continuous, non-contact measurements under physiological flow conditions. The aim of this work was to introduce such a model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The model is based on a computer-controlled pump providing variable constant or pulsatile flows in a tube system filled with blood substitute. Clots can be fixed in a custom-built clot carrier within the tube system. The pressure decline at the clot carrier is measured as a novel way to measure lysis of the clot. With different experiments the hydrodynamic properties and reliability of the model were analyzed. Finally, the lysis rate of clots generated from human platelet rich plasma (PRP) was measured during a one hour combined application of diagnostic ultrasound (2 MHz, 0.179 W/cm<sup>2</sup>) and a thrombolytic agent (rt-PA) as it is commonly used for clinical sonothrombolysis treatments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All hydrodynamic parameters can be adjusted and measured with high accuracy. First experiments with sonothrombolysis demonstrated the feasibility of the model despite low lysis rates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The model allows to adjust accurately all hydrodynamic parameters affecting thrombolysis under physiological flow conditions and for non-contact, time-continuous measurements. Low lysis rates of first sonothrombolysis experiments are primarily attributable to the high stability of the used PRP-clots.</p

    Ultrasound Enhanced Thrombolysis: Applications in Acute Cerebral Ischemia

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    Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) improves patient chances to recover from stroke by inducing mostly partial recanalization of large intracranial thrombi. TPA activity can be enhanced with ultrasound including 2 MHz transcranial Doppler (TCD). TCD identifies residual blood flow signals around thrombi, and, by delivering mechanical pressure waves, exposes more thrombus surface to circulating TPA. The international multi-center CLOTBUST trial showed that ultrasound enhances thrombolytic activity of a drug in humans thereby confirming multi-disciplinary experimental research conducted worldwide for the past 30 years

    Translocation t(1;11)(p32;q23) with MLL-EPS15 fusion gene formation in acute leukemias: a review and 6 new case reports. Approaches to minimal residual disease monitoring

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    We performed clinical and laboratory characterization of patients with rare translocation t(1;11)(p32;q23) leading to MLL-EPS15 fusion gene formation. Study cohort consisted of 33 primary acute leukemia (AL) cases including 6 newly diagnosed and 27 patients previously described in literature. Among study group patients t(1;11)(p32;q23) was found most frequently in infant AL cases (median age 8 months). In acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) male/female ratio was 1:3, in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) it was 1:1. Additional cytogenetic aberrations in 38 % of patients were revealed. The most frequent breakpoint position in EPS15 gene was intron 1. Four different types of MLLEPS15 fusion gene transcripts were detected. Primers-probe-plasmid combination for MLL-EPS15 fusion gene transcript monitoring by realtime quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) was developed and successfully applied. In 3 patients RQ-PCR was done on genomic DNA for absolute quantification of MLL-EPS15 fusion gene. High qualitative concordance rate (92 %) was noted between minimal residual disease data obtained in cDNA and genomic DNA for MLL-EPS15 fusion detection.</p